Plate No. 3 (Operating Budget) Japlos 42721

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 MASONRY WORKS - 3.50 %
 LUMBER WORKS - 6.28 %
 FORM WORKS - 39.95 %
 TILEWORKS - 3.24 %
 Painting Materials - 7.69 %
 Auxiliaries - 7.70 %
 Electrical Works - 2.47 %
 Plumbing Works - 2.94 %
100 %

Item No. Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Total Cost
1.01 Fill cu.m.

2.00 CONCRETING WORKS 132,177.50

2.01 Footing and Wall Footing

2.1.1 Portland Cement 67 bags 245.00 16,415.00

2.1.2 Sand 5 cu.m. 156.25 781.25

2.1.3 Gravel 9 cu.m. 437.50 3,937.50

2.02 Column

2.2.1 Portland Cement 52 bags 245.00 12,740.00

2.2.2 Sand 3 cu.m. 156.25 468.75

2.2.3 Gravel 6 cu.m. 437.50 2,625.00

2.03 Beam

2.3.1 Portland Cement 83 bags 245.00 20,335.00

2.3.2 Sand 5 cu.m. 156.25 781.25

2.3.3 Gravel 9 cu.m. 437.50 3,937.50

2.04 Slab

2.4.1 Portland Cement 118 bags 245.00 28,910.00

2.4.2 Sand 8 cu.m. 156.25 1,250.00

2.4.3 Gravel 16 cu.m. 437.50 7,000.00

2.05 Stair and Landing

2.5.1 Portland Cement 11 bags 245.00 2,695.00

2.5.2 Sand 2 cu.m. 156.25 312.50

2.5.3 Gravel 2 cu.m. 437.50 875.00

2.1 Firewall

2.6.1 Portland Cement 96 bags 245.00 23,520.00

2.6.2 Sand 5 cu.m. 156.25 781.25

2.6.3 Gravel 11 cu.m. 437.50 4,812.50

3.00 MASONRY WORKS 44,261.50

3.01 Concrete Hollow Blocks
3.1.1 CHB 10X20X40 1203 pcs. 8 9624.00
3.1.2 Portland Cement 77 bags 245 18865.00
3.1.3 Sand 5 cu.m. 156.25 781.25
Cement Mortar for
3.02 Plastering
3.2.1 Portland Cement 58 bags 245 14210.00
3.2.2 Sand 5 cu.m 156.25 781.25
Item No. Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Total Cost


4.01 CHB Reinforcement
4.1.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 188 pcs. 125.00 23500.00
4.1.2 Tie Wire (#16) 8.4 kg 70.00 588.00
4.02 Footing Reinforcement
4.2.1 16mm. Diameter x 6.0m 39 pcs. 315.00 12285.00
4.2.2 Tie Wire (#16) 3.3 kg 70.00 231.00
Wall Footing
4.03 Reinforcement
4.3.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 21 pcs. 125.00 2625.00
4.3.2 Tie Wire (#16) 3 kg 70.00 210.00
Post and Column
4.04 Reinforcement
4.4.1 16mm. Diameter x 6.0m 72 pcs. 315.00 22680.00
4.05 Lateral Ties
4.5.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 41 pcs. 125.00 5125.00
4.5.2 Tie Wire (#16) 9 kg 70.00 630.00
Beam and Girder
4.06 Reinforcement
4.6.1 16mm. Diameter x 6.0m 69 pcs. 315.00 21735.00
4.6.2 12mm. Diameter x 6.0m 3 pcs. 175.00 525.00
4.07 Stirrups
4.7.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 62 pcs. 125.00 7750.00
4.7.2 Tie Wire (#16) 14 kg 70.00 980.00
Concrete Slab
4.08 Reinforcement
4.8.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 228 pcs. 125.00 28500.00
4.8.2 Tie Wire (#16) 24 kg 70.00 1680.00
4.09 Stair and Landing
4.9.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 15.7 pcs. 125.00 1958.34
4.9.2 16mm. Diameter x 6.0m 20 pcs. 315.00 6300.00
4.9.3 G.I. Tie Wire (#16) 6 kg 70.00 420.00
4.10 Septic Tank
4.10.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 64 pcs. 125.00 8000.00
4.10.2 G.I. Tie Wire (#16) 3 kg 70.00 210.00
4.1 Downspout
4.11.1 10mm. Diameter x 6.0m 20 pcs. 125.00 2500.00
4.11.2 G.I. Tie Wire (#16) 0.5 kg 70.00 35.00

5.00 LUMBER WORKS 79,313.00

5.01 Ceiling
5.1.1 Joist (Coco lumber 2x2) 819 bd.ft. 67.00 54873.00
5.2.2 60x120 Plywood 47 pcs. 520.00 24440.00

6.00 FORM WORKS 504,239.08

6.01 Column
6.1.1 1/4"x4'x8' Marine Plywood 58 pcs. 300.00 17400.00
Scaffold(2"x3"X12' Coco
6.1.2 Lumber) 658 bd.ft. 96.00 63168.00
Scaffold(2"x2"X12' Coco
6.1.3 Lumber) 3074 bd.ft. 67.00 205944.60
6.02 Beam
6.2.1 1/4"x4'x8' Marine Plywood 50 pcs. 300.00 15000.00
Scaffold(2"x3"X12' Coco
6.2.2 Lumber) 799 bd.ft. 96.00 76723.20
Scaffold(2"x2"X12' Coco
6.2.3 Lumber) 626 bd.ft. 67.00 41944.68
6.03 Slab
6.3.1 1/4"x4'x8' Marine Plywood 30 pcs. 300.00 9000.00
6.3.2 Lumber) 782 bd.ft. 96.00 75103.39
Item No. Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Total Cost

7.00 TINSMITHRY 50,509.71

7.01 Roofing Materials
Corrugated G.I. Sheet
7.1.1 (10') 74 pcs. 264.00 19536.00
7.1.2 G.I. Rivets 7 box 280.00 2016.00
7.1.3 G.I. Washers 21 kgs. 180.00 3805.74
7.1.4 Lead Washers 18 kgs. 200.00 3552.00
7.1.5 C-Purlins (2"x4"x1.5mm) 39 kgs. 500.00 19500.00
7.1.6 Plain G.I. Washers 7 pcs. 300.00 2100.00
8.00 TILEWORKS 40,888.50
8.01 Ceramic Tiles
Glazed Tiles fo Floor
8.1.1 (40x40) 409 pcs. 10.50 4294.50
Unglazed Tiles for
8.1.2 T&B(20x20) 553 pcs. 13.00 7189.00
8.02 Others
8.2.1 Cement Mortar 89 bags 245.00 21805.00
8.2.2 White Cement 152 kgs. 50.00 7600.00

9.00 Hardware -
Including Nails, Bolts,
9.01 etc. L.S. (15% of Material Cost)

10.00 Painting Materials 97,055.00

10.01 Concrete
10.1.1 Masonry Putty 38 gal. 280.00 10640.00
10.1.2 Acrylic Latex Paint 38 gal. 480.00 18240.00
10.1.3 Acrylic Semi-Gloss 57 gal. 565.00 32205.00
10.02 Wood
10.2.1 Quick Drying Enamel 13 gal. 580.00 7540.00
Interior Semi-Gloss
10.2.2 Enamel 13 gal. 540.00 7020.00
10.2.3 Flat Wall Enamel 13 gal. 530.00 6890.00
10.2.4 Glass Putty 13 gal. 550.00 7150.00
10.03 Others
10.3.1 Thinner 13 lit. 230.00 2990.00
10.3.2 Neutralizer 73 lit. 60.00 4380.00

11.00 Auxiliaries 97,235.00

11.01 Doors
11.1.1 Flush Door 0.9 x 2.1 1 pcs. ###### 6800.00
11.1.2 Flush Door 0.8 x 2.1 7 pcs. ###### 16800.00
11.1.3 PVC Door 0.6 x 2.1 3 pcs. ###### 3750.00
11.1.4 Sliding Door 1.25 x 2.1 1 pcs. 13500 13500.00
11.02 Windows
11.2.1 Sliding Window 1.2 x 0.6 1 pcs. ###### 4485.00
11.2.2 Sliding Window 1.2 x 1.2 7 pcs. ###### 25200
11.2.3 Sliding Window 0.9 x 1.2 1 pcs. ###### 3600.00
11.2.4 Sliding Window 0.6 x 0.6 1 pcs. ###### 2700.00
11.2.5 Fixed Glass on Metal 3 pcs. ###### 20400
Item No. Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Total Cost

12.00 Electrical Works 31,144.00

12.1.1 Electrical Wire/ 2.0 3 /150m. 2450 4900.00
12.1.2 Electrical Wire/ 3.5 2 /150m. 3450 6900.00
12.1.3 Utility Box 24 pcs. 26.00 624.00
12.1.4 Junction Box 30 pcs. 22.00 2200.00
12.1.5 PVC Mold Flex 46 ft. 168.00 7728.00
12.1.6 Electrical Tape 20 pcs. 21.00 420.00
12.1.7 1- Gang Switch 12 pcs. 145.00 1740.00
12.1.8 LED Bulb / 10 Watts 28 pcs. 109.00 3052.00
12.1.9 LED Bulb / 3 Watts 4 pcs. 48.50 194.00
12.1.10 Breaker /15 AT 4 pcs. 299.50 1198.00
12.1.11 Breaker /20 AT 4 pcs. 299.50 1198.00
12.1.12 Breaker /60 At 1 pcs. 325.00 325.00
12.1.13 Panel Board 1 pcs. 665.00 665.00

13.00 Plumbing Works 37,032.40

13.1.1 Water Meter 1 pcs. 400.00 400.00
13.1.2 Water Pipeline #1 3 m. 130.00 390.00
13.1.3 Sewer Pipeline #1 9 m. 153.60 1382.40
13.1.4 Sewer Pipeline #2 13 m. 383.00 4979.00
13.1.5 Faucet 6 pcs. 495.00 2970.00
13.1.6 Shower 3 pcs. 2199.8 6599.25
13.1.7 Tees 25 pcs. 36.65 916.25
13.1.8 Elbow 30 pcs. 50.10 1503.00
13.1.9 Teflon Tape 10 pcs. 12.75 127.50
13.1.10 Floor Drain 5 pcs. 195.00 975.00
13.1.11 Lavatory 4 pcs. 830 3320.00
13.1.12 Water Closet 3 pcs. 4090 12270.00
13.1.13 Downspout 8 pcs. 150 1200.00

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