A Multidimensional Examination of Performances of HSR (High-Speed Rail) Systems
A Multidimensional Examination of Performances of HSR (High-Speed Rail) Systems
A Multidimensional Examination of Performances of HSR (High-Speed Rail) Systems
(2016) 24(1):1–21
DOI 10.1007/s40534-015-0094-y
Received: 13 October 2015 / Revised: 19 December 2015 / Accepted: 22 December 2015 / Published online: 5 February 2016
The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
2 M. Janic
the topographical relief or the town-planning con- Sect. 8 environmental performances. The last section
straints (Category III). Therefore, the Category I summarizes some conclusions.
lines are exclusively considered as the real HSR
– Rolling stock The HS trains are designed to 2 A concept of performances of HSR systems
guarantee safe and uninterrupted travel at the speed
of at least 250 and 300 km/h under the appropriate The performances of transport systems can be defined as
circumstances on the Category I lines, about their ability to fulfill the needs and expectations of par-
200 km/h on the specially upgraded Category II ticular actors/stakeholders involved, which are usually
lines, and at the highest possible speed on the other users/passengers, rail operators, and the third parties. For
Category III lines. the HSR systems, these performances can generally be
– Compatibility of the infrastructure and rolling stock classified as infrastructural, technical/technological, oper-
The HS trains are designed to be fully compatible ational, economic, social, and environmental [6].
with the characteristics of infrastructure, and vice
• Infrastructural and technical/technological perfor-
versa, which influences the performances in terms
mances imply the system’s physical, constructive,
of safety, quality, and cost of services.
technological, and technical characteristics of infras-
• China According to Order No. 34, 2013 from China’s tructure, vehicles, i.e., HS trains, and supporting
Ministry of Railways, the HSR system refers to the facilities and equipment, i.e., the power supply, signal-
newly built passenger-dedicated lines with (actual or ing, and traffic control/management system(s);
reserved) speed equal and/or greater than 250 km/h. Its • Operational performances reflect the system’s capabil-
specific acronym is China railway high-speed (CRH). ities to serve the specified volumes of user/passenger
In addition, a number of new 200 km/h express demand under given conditions;
passenger and 200 km/h mixed (passenger and freight) • Economic performances express the costs and rev-
lines have been building as the components of the enues, the latter based on the charges (prices) to
country’s entire HSR network [3]. users/passengers, and their relationship(s); and
• USA (United States of America) The HSR system is • Social and environmental performances reflect the
defined as that providing the frequent express services scale of the system’s effects and impacts on the society
between the major population centers on the distances and environment, the later usually expressed in the
from 200 to 600 mile (mi) with a few intermediate monetary terms as the external costs, i.e., externalities,
stops, at the speeds of at least 150 mph (mi/h) on the if internalized by the related policies.
completely grade-separated, dedicated rights-of way
The above-mentioned performances of the HSR systems
lines (1 mi = 1.609 km). It is also considered as the
are frequently considered individually although being
system providing regional, relatively frequent services
inherently dependent and influential on each other as
operated at the speeds from 110 to 150 mph between
shown in Fig. 1.
the major and moderate population centers on the
As can be seen, according to the ‘top-down’ approach,
distances between 100 and 500 miles with some
the infrastructural performances directly influence the
intermediate stops, grade separated with some dedi-
technical/technological performances, thus causing their
cated and shared tracks using the positive train control
mutual influence as well as the influence between them and
technology [4, 5]. In both cases, the HSR system has
all other performances. According to the ‘bottom-up’
been expected to relieve congestion at the highways
approach, the social/policy performances can directly
and airports, in the latter case particularly by competing
influence the infrastructural and technical/technological
with the short- to medium-haul airline flights.
performances, thus creating the mutual influence of these
This paper deals with a multidimensional examination and all other performances.
of the infrastructural, technical/technological, operational,
economic, social, and environmental performances of the
above-mentioned HSR systems by providing their over- 3 Infrastructural performances of HSR systems
view, analysis, and limited (analytical) modeling. In addi-
tion to the introductory section, this paper consists of eight The infrastructure of HSR systems consists of lines with
other sections. Section 2 introduces the concept of per- the rail tracks connecting the stations/stops along them and
formances of the HSR system(s). Section 3 analyzes the the end stations/terminuses, both considered exclusively as
systems’ infrastructural, Sect. 4 technical/technological, the above-mentioned Category I of the HSR lines. The
Sect. 5 operational, Sect. 6 economic, Sect. 7 social, and lines and stations constitute the HSR network spreading
lines with long segments of tunnels and/or bridges such as
technological those in Japan.1 In addition, they have been expected to
increase the capacity of HSR lines, operating speed, reduce
the maintenance costs through reducing the frequency of
maintenance operations, and consequently increase the
level of safety.
3.2 Stations
The HSR stations mainly characterized by location and
design enable facilitation of the HSR system with its
Environmental users/passengers. The main aspect of location as the nodes
of corresponding HSR network is their number along
particular lines. Then, it is their micro-location in urban
Bottom-up Top-down areas/cities and often at airports, which should enable safe,
Fig. 1 A potential relationship of the performances of HSR systems efficient, and effective accessibility by individual (car) and
[6] mass urban public transit systems (bus, tram, light rail,
metro, and regional rail).2 Furthermore, it is their func-
tional design, which includes (i) the track and platform
over a given region, country, and/or a continent. Table 1
technical aspects (number, arrangement, dimension, safety,
provides an illustration of the progress so far in developing
and electrical, signaling, and communication systems); (ii)
the HSR networks at particular continents.
the user/passenger service and comfort aspects (accessi-
As can be seen, the longest HSR network currently
bility, inter-modal transfer, security, ticketing and travel
operating and being under construction is in Asia, mainly
information, station facilities, etc.); and (iii) the environ-
thanks to the fast developments in China, followed by that
mental aspects (choice of building/construction materials
in Europe. The last are those in both Americas and Africa.
and protection of the local environment from noise) [11,
3.1 Lines
In particular, an additional important aspect of design of
the HSR stations is the arrangement of tracks and platforms
The lines as links connecting particular stations as the
for users/passengers. In general, two main concepts have
nodes of HSR network are mainly characterized by their
been used: the side platforms facing the track(s) by one
three-dimensional layout and geometry of tracks. The most
side and the island platforms facing the tracks by both
relevant parameters of geometry of tracks are the distance
sides, as shown in Fig. 2a, b, respectively [11].
between their centers, gauge, the maximum axle load,
The safety aspect of design of the HSR stations is
gradient, the minimum horizontal and vertical radius of
important for users–passengers and accompanies standing
curvature, the maximum cant and the maximum cant gra-
on the platforms in cases when the non-stopping trains are
dient, and the length of transition curves corresponding to
passing by at relatively high speeds. These people could be
the minimum curve radius. For example, in Europe, except
affected (sucked toward a passing train if standing too
track gauge (1,435 mm), all other parameters are depen-
close to the platform edge) by air streams generated by the
dent on the maximum design speed. In addition, the HSR
HS trains. For example, some research indicated that the
tracks can be broadly ballasted and ballast less [7, 8]. The
people standing on the platforms at the distance of 2 m
former are present at the most already built HSR lines,
from the HS train passing by at the speed of 240 km/h
while the latter have been considered particularly for the
could be under a real risk [13].
Platform lengths are much shorter and vary, for example, from
Stop track
280 km between Berlin and Hamburg (Germany) to
770 km between Paris and Marseille (France) [14]. How-
Barriers Passing tracks ever, the experience so far has shown that the average
travel distances on some of these long Chinese lines have
Stop track been about 560–620 km, which appears comparable to
Platform some of their (long) European counterparts [15].
Track 20
Table 2 Some characteristics of the main grid of China rail high-speed (CRH) network [10, 15] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed_rail_
Relation Orientation Length of line (km) Design speed (km/h)
least two different electric power supply systems. The the installed (and required) traction. This indicates that the
traction power varies from 5,500 to 13,200 kW/train set. HS trains with higher seating capacity do not need to have
The length of a train set is predominantly about 200 m, and the proportionally stronger traction.
the corresponding weight is between 350 and 450 tons. As well, Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the max-
Typical configuration of an HS train set is 1 power car ? 8 imum designed and operating speed of the HS trains [16].
trailers ? 1 power car. The performance metrics vary As can be seen, the speeds ranging from 200 to
across the considered set of HS trains from 12 to 23 kW/ 320 km/h coincide with each other for many HS trains.
seat. Nevertheless, generally, with the increase of the maximum
In addition, Fig. 3 shows the relationship between the design speed, the positive difference between this and the
performance metrics and the seat capacity of the selected maximum operating speed tends to increase. This particu-
HS trains. larly happens for the speeds ranging between 270 and
As can be seen, the performance metrics expressed by 380 km/h. Consequently, at particularly high maximum
the installed traction per seat (kW/seat) decreases more design speeds (above 300 km/h), it is likely to expect the
than proportionally with the increase of the number of lower maximum operating speeds for about 10 %–20 %, as
seats, thus indicating economies of the train size in terms of shown in this case.
systems [17].
350 V 0=V d
R 2=1
The type of signaling system influences the length of a
block of the track, which can be occupied exclusively by a
single HS train. The number of such successive empty
blocks determining the (breaking) distance between any
V 0=-0.0036V 2d+2.709V d-205.16 pair of HS trains moving in the same direction depends of
R 2=0.789
200 their maximum operating cruising speed and the breaking/
deceleration rate(s).
200 250 300 350 400
Maximum design speed (km/h)
4.2.3 Traffic control/management system
Fig. 4 Relationship between the maximum design and maximum
operating speed of the selected HS trains (http://en.wikipedia.org/ In general, at the HSR rail lines/networks the rail traffic
control/management systems is fully computer supported
and can include the following main components: TOC—
train operation controller; PC—power controller; STC—
4.2 Supportive facilities and equipment signal and telecommunication controller; CCC—crew and
car utilization controller; PSC—passenger service con-
The main supportive facilities and equipment of the HSR troller; and TSMC—track and structure maintenance con-
system in the given context are power supply, signaling, troller. These components are usually accommodated in the
and traffic control/management system. same room with the corresponding staff [18].
300 52
Eruope (HSR)
modes on the competitive routes such as individual car, and the other above-mentioned demand-stimulating fac-
conventional railways, and air passenger transport (APT). tors. Figure 7 shows the relationship between GDP and the
In general, the self-generated demand for HSR services satisfied HSR passenger demand in Japan during the
has been stimulated by expansion of the HSR network and observed period [19].
increase of the welfare in terms of the national gross As can be seen, the served passenger demand has
domestic product (GDP). Figure 5 shows the relationship increased more than proportionally with rising of GDP,
between the served passenger demand and the length of thus indicating that GDP has generally been, is, and will
HSR network in Europe and China. continue to be a strong generator of demand in the given
In both regions, the served passenger demand has grown context.
linearly with the increase of the length of HSR networks. In The attracted and satisfied HSR passenger demand from
terms of absolute values, the served passenger demand in other transport modes on the competitive routes has
China has exceeded that in Europe during the relatively resulted from their competition. Figure 8 shows the pas-
short period of time (7 years), which has indicated the very senger market share of HSR compared to that of APT
strong user/passenger preference to the new CRH speed dependence on the line travel time.
system as shown in Fig. 6. As can be seen, the relative market share of HSR (that of
In Europe, the served passenger demand has continu- APT is complement to 100 %) has decreased linearly
ously been growing during the specified period of time. In (Europe, Japan) and more than linearly (China) with the
China, since the start of implementing the CRH speed increase of the line/route travel time within the given
network, the corresponding passenger demand has been range.
growing tremendously and very quickly exceeded that in
Europe. In both cases, this has been possible primarily 5.2 Capacity
thanks to expanding the HSR network as shown in Fig. 6
The capacity of HSR systems can generally be calculated
for their components of infrastructure—stations, lines/
Estimate routes, and rolling stock. In general, for the infrastructure
150 Europe (HSR)
Demand (×10 9p-km/year)
Europe (9 routes); Japan (1 route)
MSHSR(τ ) = -20.213τ +122.55
20 R2 =0.817
1,990 1,995 2,000 2,005 2,010 2,015
Time (years) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Line/route travel time (h)
Fig. 6 Development of the satisfied passenger demand in the
European HSR and Chinese CRH speed network (period Fig. 8 Relationship between the market shares of HSR and APT, and
1990–2014) [50, 52] the line/route travel time [40, 53–55]
components, the ‘ultimate’ and ‘practical’ capacity can be The maximum operating speeds of HS trains are usu-
considered. Both are dependent on the operational rules ally about 250–350 km/h. The deceleration3 rate a-
and procedures providing a safe separation of trains while varies, i.e., it generally increases with the decrease of
operating along the lines and at the stations in the same speed during the breaking phase of trip. The buffer
and/or different directions. These rules specify the mini- zone (typically of the length of Sb/j = 100 m) is the
mum time separation between occupying the same section distance added to the braking distance of trailing HS
of the line(s) and/or of the station(s), which mainly influ- train to allow a margin for its safe separation from the
ences their corresponding capacities. In addition, the leading train (i) [22, 23]. The train length is typically
transport work and productivity can be considered as the L = 200 or 400 m. The latter is the length of Eurostar
measures integrating in some way the capacity of infras- and 2-unit German-designed Velaro train operating in
tructure components and that of operations of the rolling China (Table 3).
stock. • Station along the line/route If the leading train (i) is to
stop and the trailing train (j) is to pass through a station
5.2.1 Infrastructure components along the line, the ‘reference location’ for counting
trains, i.e., calculating the capacity, can be the exit ‘Ultimate’ capacity signal of the station. The ‘ultimate’ capacity of the
station in this case can be estimated as follows [6, 20]:
• Line The ‘ultimate’ capacity of a given HSR line/route
is defined by the maximum number of trains, which can
pass safely through the selected ‘reference location’ on ls=l ðTÞ ¼ ; ð1cÞ
the line where it is counted under given conditions, i.e.,
usually constant demand for service. This capacity can where tij/s/min is the minimum time interval at which the
be estimated as follows [20, 21]: successive trains (i) and (j) pass in the same direction
T through the station (min).
ll ðTÞ ¼ ; ð1aÞ The minimum time (tij/s/min) in Eq. 1c can be estimated
as follows: the leading train (i) after being dispatched
from the station should be at least at the minimum
where i, j are the leading and trailing trains in the breaking distance of the trailing train (j) at the moment
sequence of two successive trains (ij) passing through when this arrives at the exit signal of the station, which
the ‘reference location’ for their counting, respectively, in this case will allow it to proceed. In such case, the
which can be any location along the open line/route; time (ti j/min) in Eq. 1b can generally be extended by the
tij/min the minimum time interval at which the dwell time of the train (i) at the station as follows:
successive trains (i) and (j) moving in the same
direction pass through this ‘reference location’ (min); " #1=2
and T is the period of time for calculating the ultimate Sb=j þ Li Vj
tij=s=min ¼ si þ þ ; ð1dÞ
capacity of particular infrastructure component (h). 2aj ðVj Þ a
j ðVj Þ
This minimum time interval (tij/min) in Eq. 1a is mainly
influenced by the HS train’s maximum operating speed, where si is the dwell time of the leading train (i) at the
acceleration and deceleration/braking performances, station (min).
length, the way of its control, and also the spacing The other symbols are analogous to those in the pre-
and design of the stations/terminuses, gradients along the vious equations.
line/route, and type of traffic control (signaling) system. At most HSR systems, the dwell time is typically
In general, this time can be estimated as follows [22]: s = 2–3 min at the stations located along the lines/
routes and s = 5 min for those located at airports, the
Vj Sb=j þ Li
tij=min ¼ þ ; ð1bÞ latter mainly due to enabling users/passengers to handle
aj ðVj Þ Vj
Capacity (trains/h)
• End terminus/station The ‘ultimate’ capacity in this
case can be estimated as follows [6, 20]: 16
T 12
ls=arr ðTÞ ¼ ; ð1eÞ
tij=min=arr 10
where tij/min/arr is the minimum time interval at which 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
Maximum operating speed (km/h)
the successive trains (i) and (j) arrive at the entry signal
of the given end station/terminus (min) as the ‘reference Fig. 9 Relationships between the ultimate capacity of the HSR line/
location’ for their counting. route, begin/end station/terminus, and the maximum train operating
The time (tij/min/arr) in Eq. 1e can be estimated as fol-
The other symbols are analogous to those in the
previous equations.
" #1=2
Vj Sb=j þ Li Equation 1h indicates that the minimum time between
tij=min=arr ¼ þ þsij þ sb ; ð1fÞ departures of the successive trains (i) and (j) from the
aj ðVj Þ 2aj ðVj Þ
begin station/terminus should be set up as the maximum
where sij is the time for changing the route of trains of two time periods: the time the leading train (i) needs
(i) and (j) arriving at the end station/terminus of the to reach the minimum breaking distance from the
given line/route (typically 10 s); and sb is the time of trailing train (j) and the time for setting up a safe
blocking the entrance of the end station/terminus by departure path for this trailing train (j).
other trains(s) (typically 25 s). Figure 9 shows examples of the above-mentioned ‘ul-
The other symbols are analogous to those in the pre- timate’ capacities of the HSR line/route and begin/end
vious equations. station/terminus dependent on the train’s maximum oper-
• Begin terminus/station The ‘ultimate’ capacity in this ating speed calculated by Eq. 1.
case can be estimated as follows [6, 20]: As can be seen, the line/route capacity decreases with
the increase of speed if the same average deceleration/
T acceleration rate is applied (a = 0.5 m/s2 for the speeds of
ls=dep ðTÞ ¼ ; ð1gÞ
tij=min=dep V = 250–350 km/h). However, if this rate increases with
the increase of speed (a = 0.5 m/s2 for the speed of
where tij/min/dep is the minimum time interval at which
V = 250 km/h, a = 0.3 m/s2 for the speed of V =
the successive trains (i) and (j) pass the exit signal of
270 km/h, a = 0.4 m/s2 for the speed of V = 300 km/h,
the given station/terminus as the ‘reference location’ for
and a = 0.5 m/s2 for the speeds of V = 320 and 350 km/
their counting (min).
h), the capacity generally tends to increase. In the latest
The time (tij/min/dep) in Eq. (1g) can be estimated as
case, the capacity again decreases due to applying the same
deceleration/acceleration rate to the increasing speed.
( 1=2 Similar happens with the arrival and departure capacities of
Sb=i þ Li Vi begin/end station/terminus, respectively. In all cases, the
tij=min=dep ¼ max þ ; sj=r
2aþi ðVi Þ
ai ðVi Þ ð1hÞ train length is assumed to be L = 400 m and the buffer
distance Sb = 100 m [22]. Consequently, the line/route
þsj=gl þ sj=cf þ sj=d ;
capacity can be estimated as the minimum of the above-
where sj/r is the time for setting the exit path for the mentioned four ‘ultimate’ capacities. In practice, the ‘ul-
trailing train (j) in a given departing sequence (ij) timate’ capacity of the HSR lines/routes and stations is
(usually 10 s); sj/gl is the time for setting the green light typically l = 13–15 trains/h.4 In addition, the required
for trailing train (j) in a given departing sequence (ij) number of tracks at the end/begin station/terminuses can be
(usually 25 s); sj/cf is the time of blocking exit of the determined as the product of the above-mentioned
station/terminus for departing trailing train (j) by other
incoming and outgoing trains (usually 60–75 s); and sj/d
is the dispatching time of the trailing train (j) in a given 4
The number of the Shinkansen ‘‘Nozomi’’ services has been
departing sequence (ij) (usually 30 s). scheduled to be 10 dep/h during the peak hours [19].
‘ultimate’ capacities and the HS train’s dwell time at the and s is the seat capacity of a train operating on a given line
stations—stop time at the line and the turnaround time5 at (seats/train).
the begin/end station(s). The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous
equations. ‘Practical’ capacity The ‘practical’ capacity of a The train’s turnaround time (s) increases with the
given HSR line/route is defined as the maximum number of increase of the operating time along the line/route (the ratio
HS trains, which can be accommodated during the speci- between the length of line/route and the operating speed),
fied period of time under conditions when each of them is the number and duration of intermediate stops, all in both
imposed an average delay [25]. However, in this case, the directions, including those at the beginning and end station/
mutual interferences between the HSR services of equal terminus, and vice versa. The train’s seat capacity is usu-
priority operating on the above-mentioned Category I lines ally constant per service frequency indicating the above-
causing their delays are prevented by the stability of mentioned homogeneous HS train fleet on a given line/
timetable. This implies that the maximum permissible route. For example, if the given line/route operates at the
delay of leading train in the sequence of two trains is service frequency of f(T) = 15 trains/h, and if the average
defined in a way not to cause an additional delay of the turnaround time per train is sl = 4 h, the required number
following train. As such, this delay indicates some kind of of trains will be mrs(T) = 15 9 4 = 60. In addition, if the
the system’s margin allowing delays of the HS trains average train’s seat capacity is s = 485 (TGV Atlantique,
anyway. The longer delays causing disruption of the see Table 3), the total number of required seats will be
timetable occur generally due to other causes. ms(T) = 29,100.
The capacity of HSR rolling stock reflects its size expressed The transport work and productivity of a given HSR line/
by the number of trains of a given seating capacity required route can be calculated for the supply and demand sides.
to operate under the conditions specified in the timetable. On the supply side, it counts the total offered number of
These conditions are usually characterized by the service seats during a given period of time. On the demand side, it
frequency during the given period of time (h, day) and the counts the total number of used seats under the same
train’s turnaround time along the given line/route. Conse- conditions.
quently, the required number of rolling stocks/trains to Based on Eq. 2, the transport work on a given line for
carry out at the specified service frequency on a given line, the supply (s-km) (seat-kilometers) and demand (p-km)
mrs [T; f(T)], can be estimated as follows [6, 26]: sides, respectively, can be calculated as follows [26]:
mrs ½T; f ðTÞ ¼ f ðTÞs; ð2aÞ TWSðTÞ ¼ f ðTÞ s d and
TWDðTÞ ¼ f ðTÞ s qðTÞ d:
where f(T) is the train service frequency on a given line
during time (T) (trains/h; trains/day) and s is the average Similarly, the productivity of both supply and demand
turnaround time of a train along a given line (h). sides of a given line expressed as the volumes of seat-km/h
The service frequency f(T) in Eq. 2a can be either and pax-km/h, respectively, can be calculated as follows:
considered to be equal to the line/route ‘ultimate’ capacity
TPSðTÞ ¼ f ðTÞ s v and
determined by Eq. 1 or set up to satisfy the expected ð3bÞ
TPDðTÞ ¼ f ðTÞ s qðTÞ V;
demand as follows [26]:
where d is the length of a given line (km) and V is the
f ðTÞ ¼ min ll ðTÞ; ls=l ðTÞ; ls=arr ðTÞ; ls=dep ðTÞ; ; operating speed of HS trains on a given line (km/h).
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous
where D(T) is the expected user/passenger demand on a As can be seen, the transport work increases with the
given HSR line during time (T)(pax); q(T) is the average increase of the length of line, service frequency, seat
load factor on a given line during time (T) (q(T) B 1.0); capacity per frequency, and load factor. The productivity
increases with the increase of the service frequency, seat
This time is used for disembarking the incoming passengers and capacity, load factor per frequency, and the average train
their baggage, cleaning the interior of the train, replenishing water, operating speed, and vice versa. For example, for the HS
restock, king victuals, changing the crew, and embarking the outgoing trains, each with the seat capacity of s = 485 seats and the
passengers and their baggage. It is typically about 20 min at most
HSR systems. In Japanese HSR system (Shinkansen), it is about average load factor q = 0.80, operating on the line of
12 min [24]. length of d = 500 km at the operating speed of
Punctuality (%)
5.4.1 Schedule delay
The schedule delay is defined as the difference between the 92
desired and the available time of boarding a chosen HSR
service. Under an assumption that the users/passengers 90
5.4.3 Accessibility
Table 4 Some attributes of the comfort on board of the HS trains and Table 5 The average infrastructure cost of the HSR lines worldwide
commercial passenger aircraft [30] [3, 35, 42]
Attribute System/mode Country Cost (million €/km)
HS train Aircraft Built (in service) lines Under construction lines
t=0 t1=(L+2)/V
L/2 L/2
(0) (t1)
Observer-noise receiver
Fig. 16 Scheme for determining the noise exposure of an observer by passing by HS train [58]
R 2=0.680
‘competing’ to use the same segment of given lines/routes
92 Le=0.1169V+54.494 at the same time. However, the substantive delays due to
R 2=0.841
90 some other reasons can propagate (if impossible to absorb
88 and neutralize them) through the affected HS trains itin-
86 eraries as well as along the dense lines/routes also affecting
the other otherwise non-affected services. Under such
240 260 280 300 320 340 360 conditions, the severely affected services are usually can-
Train speed (km/h)
celed in order to prevent further increase and propagation
Fig. 17 Relationship between the noise and the maximum operating of their delays. On the one hand, this contributes to
speed of the passing-by HS train(s) measured at the right angle maintaining the punctuality but on the other, it compro-
distance of 25 m (Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Italy) [59] mises the reliability of the overall services (as mentioned
above). Nevertheless, the already mentioned figures indi-
the frequent HSR services are carried out along the par- cate that both reliability and punctuality of the HSR system
ticular lines/routes, their noise becomes persistent over services worldwide have been very and in some cases
time and can be estimated from Eq. 5c. As well, the time of extremely high (The latter is the example of Japanese HSR
exposure of an observer to noise by a passing by HS train system).
can be estimated from Eq. 5a. If b = 0 m, L = 200 m, and
v = 250 km/h, this exposure time to the maximum noise 7.1.3 Safety, i.e., traffic incidents/accidents
will be about t1 = 3 s; if V = 350 km/h, this time will be
about t1 = 2 s. Experience so far has indicated that the HSR and APT
Last but not least, while considering the actual exposure system have been the safest transport systems/modes in
of the population located close to the HSR lines to noise by which traffic incidents/accidents have rarely occurred,
the passing-by HS trains, it is necessary to take into account usually due to the previously unknown reasons. This means
the noise-mitigating barriers protecting the particular land that the number of traffic incidents/accidents and related
use activities, i.e., a quiet land with intended outdoor use, a person injuries, deaths, and the scale and cost of damaged
land with the residence buildings objects, and a land with the properties both of the systems and the third parties per, for
daytime activities (businesses, schools, libraries, etc.), all by example, 109 s-km and/or p-km carried out over a given
absorbing the maximum noise levels for about period of time, have been extremely low. In particular, high
20 dB(A) (single barrier) and 25 dB(A) (double barrier). safety of the HSR systems has been provided also a prior
by designing completely the grade-separated lines and the
7.1.2 Congestion other supportive built-in safety features at both infrastruc-
ture and rolling stock. This implies that the safety has been
Thanks to applying the above-mentioned separation rules achieved on the account of increased investments and
in addition to designing timetable(s) on particular lines/ maintenance cost. As well, the HSR operators and
infrastructure managers have continuously practiced a risk ambiguous and often politically challenging task. Never-
management and training approach aiming at maintaining a theless, some estimates of these externalities for the HSR
high level of safety and particularly with increasing of the systems and other transport modes in Europe have been
maximum speeds. Nevertheless, the HSR systems in dif- carried out. They have indicated that the total social
ferent countries have not been completely free from traffic externalities of HSR systems have amounted 22.9 €/103
incidents/accidents. For example, some relevant statistics p-km. In this total, the noise and traffic incidents/accidents
for the TGV system in France indicate that there have not externalities have shared about 22 % and 2 %, respec-
been accidents with the fatalities (deaths) and severe tively. Since the HSR systems are free of congestion, the
injuries of the users/passengers, staff, and/or third parties corresponding externality has not been considered. On the
since starting the HSR services started in the year 1981 other hand, for comparison, the total externalities of APT
despite the trains have been carrying out annually about have estimated to be 52.5€/103 p-km, of which the noise
10 9 106 p-km. In addition, some incidents happened on and traffic incidents/accidents externalities shared about
the HSR lines/routes such as broken windows, opening of 4 % and 3 %, respectively [39, 40].
the passenger doors during operating at the cruising speed,
couple of fires on board, collision with animals and con- 7.2 Effects
crete block on the tracks, and the terrorist attempts to bomb
the tracks. The incidents and accidents of TGV trains The effects of HSR systems have consisted of contribution
operated on the conventional tracks have been more fre- to the direct and indirect employment and consequently the
quent with fatalities, injuries, and damages of properties economic-social development and welfare, both at a glo-
but all at the relatively low scale. In these cases, the HS bal-country and the local–regional scale.
trains have been exposed to the external risk similarly to
their conventional counterparts (http://www.railfaneurope. 7.2.1 Direct employment
net/tgv/wrecks.html). Similarly, since started in 1960s, the
Japan’s Tokaido Shinkansen HS services7 have also been The direct employment relates to manufacturing, building,
free of accidents causing the user/passenger and staff and maintaining the infrastructure and manufacturing,
fatalities and injuries due to the derailments and collisions operating, and maintaining the rolling stock and supporting
of trains. This has been achieved despite the services have facilities and equipment, i.e., the main system’s compo-
been exposed to the permanent threat of the relatively nents, of the HSR systems. For example, the number of
frequent (and sometimes strong) earthquakes. employees operating the HSR services in particular coun-
Nevertheless, the fatal accidents with deaths and injuries tries is strongly dependent on the length of HSR networks
of the users/passengers and staff happened at the HSR as shown on Fig. 18.
systems in Germany, Spain, and China (one in each A can be seen, in the considered countries, the number
country). Table 6 gives the main characteristics of these of employees increases linearly with increasing of the
three accidents. length of HSR network with an average of 7.3 employees/
7.1.4 Cost of the social impacts—externalities
7.2.2 Indirect employment
Quantifying the social impacts of HSR systems in the
monetary terms as externalities has usually represented an The indirect employment relates to the non-rail staff sup-
plying the HSR system(s) with different kinds of daily
The Tokaido Shinkansen line/route of the length of 552.6 km consuming material and energy on the one hand and that
connects Tokyo and Shin Osaka station is free of the level crossings. generated just thanks to existing of the system on the other.
The trains operate at the maximum speed of 270 km/h covering the These latter are the non-rail related economic activities
line/route in 2 h and 25 min. The route/line capacity is: ll = 13
trains/h/direction. The number of passengers carried is about 386 around and at the HSR stations such as: business services
thousand/day and 141 million/year (2011) [31]. (banking, insurance, and advertising), information and
250 bypassed where this growth has been for about 1 %. This
growth has taken place primarily in the cities with the
Numver of employees (×10 3)
200 Ne=7.287L N-1250.9
R =0.994
information industry and higher education [44].
of operating/cruising speed. The rolling mechanical resis- For some comparison, the emission rate of an average
tance increases linearly with the increase of this speed and passenger car is around EMR = 140 gCO2/km. This is
weight of the HS train. Some experiments carried out for likely to decrease to about EMR = 130 gCO2/km by the
Shinkansen Series 100 HS trains estimated the total resis- year 2020. However, the new cars to be launched in the
tance depending on the cruising/operating speed as follows: meantime are expected to have the emission rate of about
R(V) = 8.202 ? 0.10656 V ? 0.00116232 V2 (R(V) in kN EMR = 120 gCO2/km, which is just according to the EU
and v in m/s) [40, 48]. The above-mentioned relationship proposals. In addition, this could be reduced to about
emphasizes the importance of reducing both the weight of EMR = 80 gCO2/km mainly thanks to more massive
train and its aerodynamic resistance in order to achieve introduction of hybrid cars by the year 2030, and to about
savings in the energy consumption during the longest phase EMR = 57 gCO2/km during the period between the years
of trip—cruising at high speed. 2040 and 2055 when the electric or fuel-cell cars are
Estimates of the energy consumption by different types supposed to only really contribute to the more significant
of HS trains including acceleration/deceleration/cruising reduction of the above-mentioned emission rates. Similarly
phase of a trip have differed and changed over time, just to the HS trains, this will be carried out in parallel to the
thanks to the above-mentioned permanent improvements of changing the structure of the primary sources for producing
their both characteristics (aerodynamic, weight) and oper- electric energy. In addition, the fuel efficiency and related
ations. Table 7 provides some recent estimates of this emissions of CO2 and other GHG by APT competing with
energy efficiency for different types of the HS trains. the HSR on the short- to medium-haul lines/routes will also
As can be seen, the Japanese Shinkansen is the most and be improved in the forthcoming decades. For example, the
the Eurostar the least energy efficient trains. One of the emission rate of CO2 is expected to decrease from today’s
reasons is the relatively large difference in the seat capacity average of EMR = 97–62 gCO2/s-km by the year 2025 to
between them. As an indication, at present, the average EMR = 47 and 41 gCO2/s-km by the years 2040 and 2055,
energy efficiency of an HS train is assumed to be about respectively (the emission conversion factor is 1 g of Jet A
EC = 0.033 kWh/s-km. Considering this and taking into fuel = 3.18 gCO2/s-km; the aircraft types considered are
account the emission rates of the primary sources for pro- similar to today’s A319 and B737-800 models). The
ducing electricity in Japan, the average rate of emissions of mentioned improvements are expected to be achieved by
GHG by Shinkansen trains is EMR = 42 gCO2/s-km [19]. improving the aircraft airframe and engine efficiency.
Under the analogous conditions, in Europe, this average rate Beyond the year 2050, further improvements may be
is EMR = 21 gCO2/s-km with an ambition to be reduced to expected means by introducing the alternative fuels such
EMR = 5.9 gCO2/s-km by the year 2025, 1.5 gCO2/s-km by as, for example, liquid hydrogen [6, 49]. Nevertheless, the
the year 2040, and 0.9 gCO2/s-km by the year 2055. This above-mentioned figures indicate that the HSR systems
reduction is expected to be achieved through further will remain superior in terms of energy efficiency and
improvement of the energy efficiency of HS trains and their related emissions of GHG (CO2) as compared to its com-
operations on one side and by changing type and composition petitors—passenger cars and the short- to medium-haul
of the primary sources for producing electric energy on the commercial aircraft.
other. In the latter case, the aim is to produce as much as
possible electric energy from the renewable decarbonized 8.2 Land use
primary sources [30, 47].
The HSR infrastructure directly occupies much smaller
area of land than its road–highway counterpart. For
example, if the width of an HSR line is (w) and the length
Table 7 Energy efficiency of different types of HS trains [49, 51] (d), the total occupied land can be estimated as follows:
Train type Operating Seat capacity EC (energy A ¼ wd: ð6bÞ
speed (km/h) (seats) efficiency)
(kWh/s-km) For example, if w = 25 and d = 1 km line, the total area
Shinkansen Series 700 300 1,323 0.029 of directly taken land will be A = 2.5 ha (ha—hectare) (the
AVG 300 650 0.033 average gross area of taken land is 3.2 ha). For a highway
TGV Reseau 300 377 0.031
with three lanes in both directions whose width is w = 75 m
TGV Duplex 300 545 0.032
and length d = 1 km, the directly taken land is A = 7.5 ha
Pendolino Class 300 300 439 0.033
(the average gross area of the taken land is about 9.3 ha, i.e.,
three times greater than that of the HSR line). In addition,
Eurostar Class 323 300 750 0.041
utilization of the taken land by both modes is quite different.
Velaro D 320 601 0.030
The capacity of HSR line/route in both directions is two
times of 12–14 trains/h, i.e., 24–28 trains/h. If each train The particular performances have been elaborated in
carries about 600 passengers, the intensity of land use will be both descriptive and analytical ways dependent on the most
24–28 9 600/2.5 = 5,760–6,720 pax/h/ha. In case of the influential factors. In the latter case, some analytical
above-mentioned highway with the capacity of 4,500 veh/h models of particular performances have been presented. In
and the occupancy rate of 1.7 pax/car, the intensity of land addition, where considered appropriate, a comparison of
use will be 1,020 pax/h/ha, which is for about 6–7 times the performances of HSR systems with those of the com-
lower than that of HSR [40]. peting systems operated by other transport modes has been
carried out.
8.3 Externalities Finally, the HSR systems have been shown to be the
mass high-speed inter-urban transport systems serving the
The energy consumption and related emissions of GHG user/passenger demand generally efficiently, effectively,
and land use by the HSR systems have also been consid- and safely through competition and/or cooperation with its
ered as externalities. Similarly to the case of social exter- conventional rail counterpart, car, and APT, where and if
nalities, the HSR systems have been shown to be rather appropriate.
superior compared to the other competing transport modes
such as road passenger cars and APT. Some estimates have Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
indicated that the air pollution associated with the climate creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted
change shares about 26 % and the land use about 30 % in use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
the total HSR system externalities of 0.00229€/103 p-km. appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
After including the above-mentioned share of the social link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
externalities, the rest to 100 % is the share of up- and
downstream, and urban externalities. The corresponding
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