1 s2.0 S0143974X22002036 Main
1 s2.0 S0143974X22002036 Main
1 s2.0 S0143974X22002036 Main
Keywords: Steel-concrete composite beams with concrete slab cast on profiled steel decking are widely used in bridges and
Steel-concrete composite beams building construction. Prestressed tendons can be added to the beams to increase their structural performance in
Trapezoidal decking new structures or in retrofitting. However, no experimental data was found in the literature that investigated
External prestressing
prestressing associated with profiled steel decking in composite beams. This paper presents an experimental
Experimental study
study that investigates the behavior of simply supported prestressed steel-concrete composite beams with pro
Numerical model
filed steel decking under positive bending moment. Tests were carried out both on a beam with straight tendon
profile placed at the beam’s full length and on a conventional non-prestressed composite beam, and deflections
and strains were measured. The beams were mounted in a four-point bending test configuration and then loaded.
The tests terminated due to excessive deformations of the models and safety concerns, and no particular failure
mode was observed. Then, a numerical model to simulate the behavior of the composite beams was developed
and validated with the test data. The numerical models indicated that the failure mechanism in both beams
consisted in yielding of the tensioned steel beam. It was found that adding prestressing can increase the ultimate
moment by up to 19% and significantly reduce deflections under service loads.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: marcelamra@hotmail.com (M.M.R. Almeida).
Received 28 March 2022; Received in revised form 9 May 2022; Accepted 10 May 2022
Available online 20 May 2022
0143-974X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331
are developed in the tendons at the ultimate states of the beams. conventional steel-concrete composite beams with trapezoidal decking
Uy and Craine [4] performed experiments on both conventional and with different levels of shear connection. The authors intended to
prestressed steel-concrete composite beams under positive moment. The investigate the strength and ductility of the shear connectors and pro
results showed that post-tensioning the composite beam increased the vide benchmark data for the calibration of theoretical models. The re
ultimate resistance in about 20%. They also developed a numerical sults showed that, regardless the degree of shear connection, the beams
model that was calibrated with the test data and a parametric study to behaved very ductile, and the ultimate moments predicted by the
investigate the influence of several parameters such as effect of slab Eurocode 4 were conservative when compared to the experimental re
dimensions, initial force and eccentricity in tendons, area of reinforce sults. Nie et al. [11] experimentally investigated the behavior of 13 steel-
ment and concrete strength. The parametric study showed that: concrete composite beams, most of them with partial shear connection.
increasing the slab width and depth resulted in an increased beam’s The beams were divided into 3 groups. The first were simply supported
strength; increasing in the initial tendon forces resulted in a higher beams subjected to positive bending moment, the second to negative
carrying capacity but with reduction in ductility; increasing the tendon bending moment and the third consisted in continuous beams. The au
eccentricity has the effect to increase both the stiffness and strength of thors reported that the experimental results properly agreed with the
the beam; the increase in reinforcement area in the slab slightly in theoretical approaches of the designs codes, and that partial shear
creases the stiffness and strength; and increasing the concrete strength connections can be used in the different beam’s configurations that were
slightly influenced the elevation of the yield and ultimate loads. investigated.
Six experimental tests on steel-concrete composite beams under As mentioned, although several experimental studies have been
positive moment were performed by Lorenc and Kubica [5]. One beam developed on prestressed steel-concrete beams with concrete slab, there
was conventional, with no tendons, three were arranged with draped are no experiments with trapezoidal decking, which is a widely practical
tendons and two were arranged with straight tendons. Furthermore, the solution adopted in composite sections. Therefore, the purpose of this
concrete strength varied between the specimens. The conclusions research is to investigate the behavior of simply supported prestressed
pointed out that: external prestressing increases the ultimate load ca steel-concrete composite beams with steel trapezoidal decking under
pacity in about 25% when compared to the conventional composite positive moment, by the development of an experimental study. More
beam; there were no significant differences between draped and straight over, a numerical model is proposed and validated with the tests data.
tendons at the same tendon eccentricity; the failure mechanism con
sisted in yielding of the steel beam followed by compressive crushing at 2. Experimental program
the concrete slab. Additionally, the authors reported a local failure at the
beam’s ends with no effect of the beams capacity. The experimental program developed is composed by two simply
Almeida et al. [6] discussed an analytical model to predict the ulti supported steel-concrete composite beams under positive moment. The
mate strength in steel-concrete composite beams prestressed with first beam was prestressed with two straight tendons placed along the
external tendons and proposed a numerical model to simulate the entire length of the beam on the steel section (PCB) and the second is a
behavior of this configuration of beams. Moreover, the authors devel conventional steel-concrete composite beam, without any prestressed
oped a parametric study to investigate the influence of several variables tendons (CCB).
such as position and shape of tendons, initial prestressing force, tendon
length and span length. 2.1. Specimens
Regarding composite prestressed steel-concrete composite beams
with trapezoidal decking, no experimental data were found and conse The two beams had identical transversal sections consisting of a
quently no numerical models were validated. Some authors [7–9] pro concrete slab with a steel trapezoidal deck, connected to a steel beam by
posed finite element numerical models to predict the behavior of headed studs. The composite slab was 1200 mm wide, and its height
composite steel-concrete composite beams with trapezoidal decking, but varied from 110 mm (from the top of the concrete cover to the bottom of
with no prestressing. Ranzi et al. [10] performed tests on two the trapezoidal deck) to 60 mm (at the crests of the steel trapezoidal
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331
deck ribs). This width adopted is greater that the effective width of L/8 displacement transducers is shown in Fig. 3a.
on each side of the steel web as recommended by [12] for conventional Strain gauges were mounted in pairs at the midspan section with
steel-concrete composite beams, which according to [13] is also suitable half-bridge configuration. There were eight measurement points of
for prestressed steel-concrete composite beams. The steel deck used in strain: two at the top of the slab (S1 and S2); two on the top flange of the
the specimens was the MF-50, with a 0.8 mm thickness, whose geometry steel beam (S3 and S4); two on the sides of the beam’s web (S5 and S6);
is shown in Fig. 1. The ribs of the decking were placed orthogonally to two on the bottom flange of the steel beam (S7 and S8). For the PCB
the longitudinal axis of the steel beams. The concrete slab was reinforced beam, there were two more measurement points at the midspan section,
with a double welded steel mesh only to prevent the concrete from one in each tendon (S9 and S10). The location of the strain gauges is
cracking. Each steel mesh was 4.2 mm in diameter with 150 mm spacing shown in Fig. 3b.
in the two orthogonal directions.
The steel beam type VS 250 × 24 had its bottom and top flanges with 2.4. Test procedure
120 × 8 mm in dimensions, and the web was 250 × 4.75 mm. In the steel
beam, 12.5 mm thick stiffeners plates were placed at the loading points, Firstly, the PCB was prestressed with post-tensioning technique, after
and at the supports and extremity 22 mm thick plates were placed at the the concrete acquired full strength. The tendons were simultaneously
beam ends to anchor the tendons. The total length of the beams was tensioned with two hydraulic jacks, one placed in each tendon, to avoid
4744 mm, simply supported on a 4500 mm long span. The slab was horizontal displacements. The nominal initial prestressing force in each
connected to the steel beam by headed stud shear connectors. Pairs of tendon was 110 kN. However, a force 5% higher was applied to
19 mm diameter by 90 mm long studs were welded to the top flange of compensate the losses that can occur during the prestressing process.
the steel beam, with 305 mm longitudinal spacing and 76 mm trans The elongation of the tendons was measured and checked with the
versal spacing, symmetrical to the centerline of the cross section. The theoretical estimates. One LVDT, on the midspan, and the tendon’s
beams were designed to attain full shear connection. strain gauges (S9 and S10) were recording the amounts during
The only difference between the beams is that PCB has prestressed prestressing.
tendons and CCB had a conventional composite section. Fig. 2 shows the The loading step was the same for both beams. They were tested by
geometry of PCB, which was designed with two seven-wire strands, each applying the loads by a four-point bending test configuration. Initially, a
with a nominal diameter of 12.7 mm. The strands were fixed to anchor load of 20 kN was applied to accommodate the beams, and the beams
plates at the ends of the beam. The stiffeners have holes to allow the were unloaded. Then, the beams were incrementally loaded until the
passage of tendons. A summary of the details of the specimens is pre development of excessive deformations of the models and the tests were
sented in Table 1. terminated due to safety concerns, as happened with [10]. After that, the
maximum load was maintained for a moment, and then the beams were
2.2. Materials gradually unloaded. Fig. 4 presents the arrangement of the beams at the
testing frame. Fig. 5 shows the prestressing of PCB at one of the beam’s
In order to determinate the mechanical properties of the steel beam, ends.
specimens were cut from the same steel sheet lot that the steel profiles
were made. The tensile properties values, determined from the tensile 3. Numerical model
tests performed according to [14], were 312.9 MPa and 313.7 MPa in
yield stress and 480.2 MPa and 474.8 MPa in ultimate stress, and the In order to simulate the behavior of the beams at the experiments, a
average values were adopted. The average Young’s modulus was 204 finite element model was developed on Abaqus Software [15]. The
GPa for the specimens. The nominal tensile properties of the low- models were assembled considering one plane of symmetry at the z axis,
relaxation tendons were 1710 MPa in yield stress and 1900 MPa in ul to simplify and reduce the processing cost.
timate strength. The decking was made with type ASTM A 653 Grade 40
galvanized steel, with nominal tensile properties of 280 MPa in yield 3.1. Element types and mesh
stress and 380 MPa in ultimate strength.
The axial compressive strength was measured at 28 days after the The concrete part of the slab was modeled using eight-node linear
concrete casting. Six specimens of 200 mm height and 100 mm diameter hexahedral solid elements with reduced integration (C3D8R). At the
were made during each slab casting. The measured mean compressive steel beam and steel deck, quadrilateral shell element with reduced
strength at 28 days was about 28 MPa for both specimens. A summary of integration (S4R) was adopted. The shear studs were modeled using
the mechanical properties of the specimens is presented in Table 2. two-node beam elements (B31). For the tendons, two-node linear three-
dimensional truss elements (T3D2) were employed. The elements that
2.3. Instrumentation are part of the numerical model are shown in Fig. 6.
A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the suitable mesh
PCB was assembled with five displacement transducers (LVDT). Two size of the elements. The mesh of the steel beam and shear studs were
LVDT’s were located at the midspan, one in each half of the bottom discretized in 10 mm elements, as used by [6,16]. In the concrete slab
flange (L1 and L2), to measure the beam’s vertical displacement. Two and steel deck meshes, 20 mm side elements were adopted. The tendons
were mounted at one end of the beam, to measure the relative slip be were discretized in single elements between each of the stiffeners, to
tween the steel beam and the slab (L2 and L3). The fifth LVDT was assure that each patch behaves continuously. Mesh discretization is
positioned at one of the supports (L5). On the other hand, CCB was displayed in Fig. 7.
assembled with only the LVDT’s L1 and L2. The location of the
3.2. Contact properties and boundary conditions
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331
Table 1
Details of the specimens.
Model L (mm) Lt (mm) Li (mm) Tendon profile Bc (mm) he (mm) hc (mm) d (mm) bf (mm) tf (mm) tw (mm)
PCB 4500 4744 1500 Straight 1200 50 110 250 120 8 4.75
CCB 4500 4744 1500 – 1200 – 110 250 120 8 4.75
between the concrete slab and the top surface of the steel deck a similar
Table 2
procedure was adopted, considering a hard property in the normal di
Summary of mechanical properties of the specimens.
rection to the plane, and a penalty property in the tangential direction
Steel beam Steel decking Concrete High strength with a friction coefficient of 0.5. The headed shear studs were defined as
slab strands
embedded within the concrete slab, where the nodes of the studs are
fy fu fy fu fcm (MPa) fy fu constrained in the concrete slab, which is the host element. This
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
approach was also adopted by [6].
313.3 477.5 280 380 28 1710 1900 To simulate the rollers that supports the beam, a boundary condition
restricting the vertical translation of the supports was used. A boundary
condition representing the symmetry plane on the Z axis was also
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331
curve, as presented by Han et al. [17]. For the headed shear connectors
an elastoplastic model with positive linear hardening was adopted.
Finally, the model used for the steel trapezoidal deck was the perfect
3.4.2. Concrete
To simulate the behavior of the concrete slab, the concrete damage
plasticity (CDP) presented by Eurocode 2 [18] was adopted. The stress-
strain relationship of concrete under compression is given by Eqs. (1–2).
Ecm |εc1 |
k = 1.05 (2)
f cm
To model the tensile behavior of concrete, a stress-displacement
relationship was adopted instead of a stress-strain relationship. This
relationship is based on the fracture energy (Gf), derived from Hillerborg
[19], as given in Eqs. (3–4). The fracture energy is a material property,
with typical values in the range from 40 N/m, for typical construction
concrete, to 120 N/m, for high strength concrete. The value of 40 N/m
was adopted in the analysis. Tensile strength is determined as presented
in Eurocode 2 [18] (Eq. 5). This approach to model the tensile behavior
of concrete was also used by [6].
( )
Gf ft
wc = 0.8 for 0 < f t ≤ (3)
ft 3
( )
Gf ft
wc = 3.6 for f t > (4)
ft 3
[6]. On the other hand, the conventional beam, without prestressing, 4. Results and discussion
had only one step in which the loading was applied.
For PCB, the nominal initial prestressing force was 110 kN in each
tendon. After prestressing, with the hydraulic jacks still in place, the
3.4. Material modeling maximum measured force was about 115 kN. When the jacks were
removed and the tendons were anchored at the extremity plates, there
3.4.1. Steel was an accommodation of the tendons, and the prestressing force on
For the steel beam, an idealized trilinear stress-strain relationship each of the tendons dropped to about 95 kN. The stress loss during
was adopted, in which the hardening path is constituted by a trilinear prestressing was approximately 13% when compared to the design force
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331
Concrete slab
stud (B31)
Steel deck
L2 250
250 Numerical
M (kN.m)
M (kN.m)
50 S10
50 Numerical
0 0 10 20 30 40 50
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ΔT (kN)
δ (mm)
Fig. 9. Moment vs incremental tendon forces for numerical and test results
Fig. 8. Moment vs deflection curves for numerical and test results for PCB. for PCB.
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331
300 Fig. 13 shows the deformed beams after the unloading process. It can
be seen the permanent deflection that occurred in both PCB and CCB.
L2 The horizontal displacement in the concrete slab and steel beam,
Numerical measured by the transducers L3 and L4, respectively, are shown in
Fig. 14, where a detail of the maximum horizontal displacements
200 measured is illustrated. The results indicate that the behavior of the
beam was highly ductile with large values of slip recorded at the beam
M (kN.m)
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331
M (kN.m)
-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
δ (mm)
(b) CCB
Fig. 13. Post-test deformed beams.
• Prestressing losses represented 21% of the initial prestressing force (a) End 1 (b) End 2
that was applied, which was already 5% higher than the designed
Fig. 15. Damage to PCB ends.
initial prestressing force. To achieve the desired increase in the
strength of the composite beams, higher losses should be considered
when applying prestressing; no rib with only the slab cover, or suitable reinforcement should be
• The slab failed locally at the beam’s end where there was a located placed to avoid localized damage;
rib, but no significant effects on the ultimate resistance of the beams • During the experiments, no particular failure mechanism was iden
were identified. The slab should end with the portion where there is tified in both beams, but the numerical models indicates that the
failure mechanism consisted in yielding of the tensioned steel beam.
M.M.R. Almeida et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 194 (2022) 107331