Metacognitive Reading Report
Metacognitive Reading Report
Metacognitive Reading Report
1. Difficult Concepts
2. Learning Insights
a) Before reading the article/ understanding the lesson, I know already that the
environment that we are now living is not how it used to be way back then. As day pass by,
many structures are being implemented here on Earth that has danger on it. I did not expect
that the things that we are benefiting from have risks on the planet that we live.
However, reading the article/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that every
single thing that we do affect our own mother earth. Even though we think that it is not, the
reality is no matter how techy the invention is, it still dangers the planet Earth.
b) Before reading the article/ understanding the lesson, I thought that nano is just a very
small, minute particle that exists.
However, reading the article/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that using
nano, a lot of things can be invented that could help us in our daily lives. Nanoscience is the
study of nano while Nanotechnology is the product of it which helps to improve and
revolutionize many industry sectors that is working on the whole planet.
c) Before reading the article/ understanding the lesson, I have a little knowledge regarding
engineered nanomaterials. I only thought that it is the product of nanoscience which improves
different aspects in our life.
However, reading the article/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that in the
field of technology, there is really no limit. The usage of engineered nanomaterials can improve
the food production and energy generation. But it generates concerns because of the
undesirable effects that it caused to the air, soil, and water.
3. Discussion Questions
a) How to effectively use engineered nanomaterials to improve the food production and
energy generation?
b) How can we improve the nanotechnology in our country, Philippines?
c) Do nanotechnology brings danger and destroy our Mother Earth? In what way?
Instructions: Examine the picture below. It was taken during the aftermath of Ondoy, the
devastating tropical storm that hit the Philippines in 2009. Discuss how climate change is
connected to environmental destruction. You may share your memories of typhoon Ondoy
in order to enrich your discussion. Alternatively, you may share your own experiences or
observations about the impacts of climate change on the environment.