IO HL Rubric (Shared On ConnectED)
IO HL Rubric (Shared On ConnectED)
IO HL Rubric (Shared On ConnectED)
IB Level descriptor Criterion A: Language How successfully does the candidate command spoken language?
• To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied?
• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?
• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?
• To what extent do pronunciation and intonation affect communication?
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
0 ● The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
5-6 The presentation is consistently relevant to the literary extract and is convincing.
● The candidate makes effective use of the extract.
● Observations and opinions are effectively developed and supported with reference to the extract.
0 ● The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
5-6 The candidate’s responses are consistently relevant to the questions and show some development.
● Responses are consistently appropriate and developed.
● Responses are broad in scope and depth, including personal interpretations and/or attempts to engage the interlocutor.
IB Level descriptor Criterion C: Interactive skills—communication
To what extent does the candidate understand and interact?
• How well can the candidate express ideas?
• How well can the candidate maintain a conversation?
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.