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IO HL Rubric (Shared On ConnectED)

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English B Interactive Oral: productive and Interactive skills (HL) IBScore ______/30

IB Level descriptor ​Criterion A: Language How successfully does the candidate command spoken language?
​• To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied?
• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?
• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?
• To what extent do pronunciation and intonation affect communication?

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1-3 Command of the language is limited.

● Vocabulary is ​sometimes​ appropriate to the task.
● Some ​basic​ grammatical structures are used.
● Language contains ​errors​ in ​basic​ and more c​ omplex​ structures. Errors ​interfere​ with communication.
● Pronunciation and intonation are ​generally​ ​clear​ but ​sometimes​ ​interfere​ with communication.

4-6 Command of the language is partially effective.

● Vocabulary is ​generally appropriate​ to the task, and varied.
● A variety of basic and some more complex grammatical structures is used.
● Language is ​mostly​ ​accurate​ for basic structures, but​ errors occur​ in more complex structures. Errors ​at times interfere​ with communication.
● Pronunciation and intonation are ​generally clear​.

7-9 Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate.

● Vocabulary is ​appropriate​ to the task, and ​varied, including the use of idiomatic expressions.
● A ​variety​ of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used effectively.
● Language is ​mostly accurate.​ Occasional errors in basic and in complex grammatical structures ​do not interfere ​with communication.
● Pronunciation and intonation are ​mostly clea​r and do not interfere with communication.

10-12 Command of the language is mostly accurate and very effective.

● Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and nuanced and varied, in a manner that enhances the message, including the purposeful use of
idiomatic expressions.
● A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used selectively in order to enhance communication.
● Language is​ mostly accurate.​ Minor errors in more complex grammatical structures ​do not interfere​ with communication.
● Pronunciation and intonation are ​very clear​ and ​enhance​ communication.
IB Level descriptor ​Criterion B1: Message - Literary extract
How relevant are the ideas to the literary extract?
• How well does the candidate engage with the literary extract in the presentation?

0 ● The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1-2 The presentation is mostly irrelevant to the literary extract.

● The candidate makes ​superficial​ use of the extract.
● Observations and opinions are ​generalized​, ​simplistic​ and ​mostly​ ​unsupported​.

3-4 The presentation is mostly relevant to the literary extract.

● The candidate makes ​competent​ use of the literary extract.
● Some observations and opinions are ​developed​ and ​supported​ with ​reference to the extract.

5-6 The presentation is consistently relevant to the literary extract and is convincing.
● The candidate makes ​effective​ use of the extract.
● Observations and opinions are ​effectively developed ​and​ supported ​with​ reference to the extract​.

IB Level descriptor ​Criterion B2: Message - Conversation

How relevant are the ideas in the conversation?
• How appropriately and thoroughly does the candidate respond to the questions in the conversation?
• To what depth are the questions answered?

0 ● The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1-2 The candidate consistently struggles to address the questions.

● Some ​responses are appropriate and are​ rarely developed.
● Responses are ​limited ​in scope and depth.

3-4 The candidate’s responses are mostly relevant to the questions.

● Most​ responses are appropriate and ​some​ are developed.
● Responses are ​mostly broad​ in scope and depth.

5-6 The candidate’s responses are consistently relevant to the questions and show some development.
● Responses are​ consistently appropriate and developed.
● Responses are ​broad ​in scope and depth​, including personal interpretations ​and/or attempts to engage the interlocutor.
IB Level descriptor ​Criterion C: Interactive skills—communication
To what extent does the candidate understand and interact?
• How well can the candidate express ideas?
• How well can the candidate maintain a conversation?

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1-2 Comprehension and interaction are limited.

● The candidate provides ​limited​ responses in the t​ arget language​.
● Participation is ​limited​. M
​ ost​ questions must be repeated and/or rephrased.

3-4 Comprehension and interaction are mostly sustained.

● The candidate provides responses in the target language and ​mostly​ demonstrates comprehension.
● Participation is ​mostly sustained​.

5-6 Comprehension and interaction are consistently sustained.

● The candidate provides responses in the target language and ​demonstrates​ comprehension.
● Participation is ​sustained​ with some ​independent​ contributions.

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