ED 3604 - Evaluation of Student Learning Unit Assessment Plan

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Subject Area Math

Grade Level 8
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning
Topic Shape and Space
Unit Assessment Plan Length of Unit 15

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Outcomes (in full):
 Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems.
Understandings: Essential Questions:
 Understanding how we arrive at formulas  How can we know that the math we are doing is true?
for determining the length of the hypotenuse
of a right angle triangle as well as surface  Why do we want to know the area and volume of
areas and volumes of right rectangular shapes?
prisms, right triangular prisms and right
cylinders  How can understanding the net of a 3-D object help
 Be able to do the calculations to compute us determine its surface area?
the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle as
well as surface areas and volumes of right
rectangular prisms, right triangular prisms
and right cylinders
 Understand how right rectangular prisms,
right triangular prisms and right cylinders
are made up of sides of 2-D shapes
 Realize how these calculations can be
applied in meaningful contexts

Specific Outcomes (in full): Prior understandings…

Students will be able to…  How to determine the area of rectangles, triangles
and circles
Develop and apply the Pythagorean Theorem to  How to multiply, divide, add and subtract numbers
solve problems.
 How to find the square of a number
 How to find the square root of a number
Draw and construct nets for 3-D objects.
 How to use algebra to solve an equation for an
Determine the surface area of: unknown variable
 Right rectangular prisms  Understand the definition of right angle triangle, right
rectangular prism, right triangular prism and right
 Right triangular prisms
 Right cylinders
to solve problems.
Where does this lead?
Develop and apply formulas for determining the
Grade 9
volume of right rectangular prisms, right
Determine the surface area of composite 3-D objects to
triangular prisms and right cylinders.
solve problems.

Grade 10
Develop and apply the primary trigonometric ratios (sine,
cosine, tangent) to solve problems that involve right
EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template
Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Subject Area Math
Grade Level 8
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning
Topic Shape and Space
Unit Assessment Plan Length of Unit 15

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Stage 2: Assessments
Pythagorea City
Pre- n Theorem Practice Quizzes Building
Title Whiteboard Exit Slips Unit Test
Learning Assessment Proof Problems (3) Performanc
Project e Task
Outcomes Formative Summativ Summativ
Type (Formative/Summative) Formative Formative Summative Formative Summative
e e
N/A 30% (10%
Weighting N/A N/A 15% N/A 25% 30%

Develop and apply the Pythagorean

X X X X Quiz 1 X
Theorem to solve problems.

Draw and construct nets for 3-D

X X X Quiz 2 X X

Determine the surface area of:

 Right rectangular prisms
 Right triangular prisms X X X Quiz 2 X X
 Right cylinders
to solve problems.
Develop and apply formulas for
determining the volume of right
X X X Quiz 3 X X
rectangular prisms, right triangular
prisms and right cylinders.
Assessment FOR Assessment OF
Assessment Tool Brief Description Learning Learning

Pre-Assessment X

Throughout the unit when we are starting out on a

new concept we will make heavy use of personal
whiteboards for students to practice problems that
we do as a class. I will present a problem at the
Whiteboards front of class and students will have opportunities X
to use their whiteboards to show their answers.
This will be used to give me a general sense of
where the class is at with the new concept rather
than specific individuals
This will be a project tasked to the students where
they must do some research on the Pythagorean
Theorem and learn about one of the various
proofs. It will then be their task to create a
Pythagorean presentation in a format of their choosing to
Theorem Proof present their proof to the class. Students will be X
Project able to work individually or in pairs of their
choosing. This will give me an understanding if
students understand the underlying reasons why
the Pythagorean Theorem is true, which I believe
holds great importance.
These will mainly be used on days where there
hasn’t been much time for students to work
individually. I want to get at least a small sense of
Exit Slips where each student is after every lesson so this X
gives me an opportunity to ask a quick question to
check for understanding when we don’t have time
for practice problems.
Once students have been given the opportunity to
work as a larger group on a new concept, they will
Practice Problems
then be given time to do some practice problems
individually. These will be done entirely in class
and not as homework. At the end of the class, each
student will submit what they have finished for me
to review to see how well students are individually
grasping the concepts.
These quizzes will be given roughly after each
outcome (surface area and nets will be covered
together) and will be a chance to do a summative
assessment for each student on what they have
Quizzes (3) X
learned. Each quiz is only worth 10% to take
pressure off of the students. I want to have these
more frequent summative assessments to increase
their reliability.
This is a performance task that students will do
after having covered all the specific topics. It
incorporates the three outcomes not included in
the Pythagorean Theorem Proof Project, so that I
City Building can have a non-test summative assessment for
Performance Task
each outcome. Students will use their knowledge
of nets, surface area and volume to design a new
neighborhood in Lethbridge and determine the
amount of building materials and paint needed to
construct it.
This will occur on the final day of the unit where
the class will have the entire lesson to write the
Unit Test unit test. This will test on all of the outcomes and X
give a final summative grade of where each
student ended up.

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