Barrio Perfecto para Cada Persona: Prácticos
Barrio Perfecto para Cada Persona: Prácticos
Barrio Perfecto para Cada Persona: Prácticos
a. Lisa and David are talking about Lisa’s new apartment. Complete the
conversation using the words from the box. There are more words than
options: / Lisa y David están hablando sobre el nuevo apartamento de Lisa.
Complete la conversación usando las palabras del recuadro. Hay más
palabras que opciones para completar:
Appropriate Example: Oak is appropriate
neighborhood for Luis because there is a
Laura: I need a Lakeview is a really nice Lakeview is appropriate for
place where I can place. There are many Laura because there are many
practice sports parks and natural places parks and natural places to
to enjoy. The place is far enjoy, laura could practice
and ride my bike. I
from the central city, so sports and ride my bike.
also like nature. I there isn’t any noise.
love walking in the Houses are big and Also it is perfect because she
forest. I do not like traditional. The only loves nature and she loves
noisy places. negative aspect is that walking in the forest.
there aren’t many stores
nearby. She does not like noisy places
and in the neighborhood
Lakeview there isn´t any
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:
Criterios de evaluación
Describe su entorno respecto a lugar de residencia, estudio y/o trabajo
usando la estructura y vocabulario requeridos.
Describe la existencia y ubicación de algo singular y plural con la
estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.
Usa las preposiciones de lugar con la estructura y el vocabulario