Updated - MAT 101 OBE Based Course Outline

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1 School School of Science and Engineering (SSE)

2 Department CSE
3 Programme B.Sc in CSE
4 Name of Differential and Integral Calculus
5 Course Code MAT 101
6 Trimester Summer, 2020
7 Pre-requisites Nil
8 Status Basic Science Course
9 Credit Hours 3
10 Section DB
11 Class Hours Section Class Day Class Hours Venue
DB Tuesday 10:00-11:30 am Room N0: 411
Thursday 10:00-11:30 am Room N0: 411
12 Class Location City Campus
13 Course https://bdren.zoom.us/j/61271217633
website Pass: 123456
14 Instructor Md. Robiul Islam
15 Contact robiul@cse.green.edu.bd
16 Office Room No: B1002
17 Counselling Day Counseling Hours Venue
Hours DB Wed 11:30am-1:00pm Request in the mail
Thu 11:30am-1:00pm robiul@cse.green.edu.bd for zoom
link instantly.
18 Text Book 1. “Calculus” By: H. Anton, IRL Vibens, S. Davis, 10th Edition.
2. “Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus”,By: William Anthony,
Revised Edition.
19 Reference 1. “Calculus”, By: James Stewart, Sixth Edition.
2. “Differential and Integral Calculus with Example and Applications”, By:
George A. Osborne, Revised Edition.
3. “A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics”, R. Penday.
4. “Differential and Integral Calculus”, By: R. Courant, E. J. McShane, 2nd
20 Equipment & Bring your own materials(pen, paper etc.) to participate effectively in classroom
Aids activities. You are not allowed to borrow from others inside the classroom
during class activities.

21 Course The major focus of the course is differentiating sums, product and quotients of
Rationale composite polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
MAT 101 Course Syllabus Summer 2019

Discuss the conceptual relations between derivatives, rates of change, and tangent
lines in the context of an applied example. During the semester students will learn to
recognize and express the mathematical ideas graphically, numerically,
symbolically, and in writing.  They will become self-regulated learners and help
other students become cooperative learners.
This course is a basic science course for CSE students.

22 Course Differential Calculus: Functions; Limit; Continuity and differentiability;

Description Successive differentiations of various functions and Leibnitz’s theorem; Rolle’s
theorem; Mean value theorem; Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem in finite and
infinite forms; Indeterminate form; Partial differentiation; Euler’s theorem; Maxima
and minima; Concavity; Tangent and normal; Asymptotes; Application of

Integral Calculus: Indefinite integral; Method of substitution; Integration by parts;

Integration of rational fraction; Integration of special trigonometric function;
Definite integral; General properties of definite integral; Gamma and Beta function;
Multiple Integrals; Application of integration.

23 Course After completing this course students will be able to

Outcomes CO1: Discuss basic concepts, laws, conceptual relation, different type of theorems
(CO) and methods of differential and integral calculus.
CO2: Interpret different types of solving technique.
CO3: Appraise the different methods of calculus in real situation.

24 Maximum topics will be covered from the textbook. For the rest of the topics,
reference books will be followed. Some class notes will be uploaded on the web.
White board will be used for most of the time. For some cases, multimedia projector
will be used for the convenience of the students. Students must participate in
classroom discussions for case studies, problems solving.

25 Topic Outline
All topics and problems are from the main text if not specified otherwise.
Lecture Selected Topics Article Suggested Outcome
(Text) Problems.

(1-2) Introduction and Function 0.1 7,8,9,10; CO1
0.3 27-29,31-33;
0.4 17-20,27,28.
Limit, Continuity 1.2 9-23,37,38; CO1
1.3 25-36,47,55-61; CO2
1.4 21,22,29,30.

(3-6) Differentiability: The Derivative 2.2 15-22,47-49. CO1

Differentiation of Various Types of Function 2.4 5-15,23,24; CO2
2.5 7-18,34-38;
2.7 7-12,22,42,56,57.
Higher Order Derivatives and Successive 2.3 41-42,43-44,46,70; CO2
Differentiation 2.6 7-18,34-38;
MAT 101 Course Syllabus Summer 2019

Rolle’s Theorem and Mean Value Theorem 4.8 1-4,7,8,11,16, CO1


(7-12) Taylor Series and Mclaurine Series 9.8 7-15, 17-20,39,30;

9.8.1 5,6,11,13,14,18,53. CO2
Evaluation of Indeterminate forms by L’ 3.6 3,5,6,11,12,27,47. CO1
Hospitals Rule
Partial Differentiation: Euler’s Theorem 13.3 3-10,25-30,33,40- CO1,
42, 45,46; CO2
13.5 7-10,25-2841-44.
Tangent and Normal Planes 13.7 1,2,7-11,16,17, CO2

(13-16) Maxima and Minima: Critical Point, 2nd 4.4 7-10,21-26,35,36; CO2
Derivative Test
Application of Differential Calculus: 4.5 3,6,7,9-11,16,17, CO3
Curvature, Radius, Circle, Centre and Chord of 12.5 3,4,5-12,14-16,25-
Curvature. 28,35,36,41-44.
Introduction to Integration and Standard 22.1 17-20,24-27,39-50, CO1
Integrals 52,55,57,60;
22.2 12-18,21,22;
22.3 2-9,15-22,26,33-
22.4 37;
22.6 2-12,14,15,16(b,d);
Physical Significance of Integration 23.1 2(a,d,e,g,h),4,7,8. CO3
Integration by the Method of Substitution 26.1 1-10, 14,15,17,22; CO1
26.2 1,5,7,9,10;
26.3 5-10,13,14,15;
26.5 6-10;13-18.

(17-18) Integration by Parts 27.1 5-9,16- CO1

Successive Reduction 27.2 5-13,19,22,25,26; CO1
27.3 5,6,9,12,13,15,18;
27.4 2,5,7,8,11.

(19-20) Definite Integral: Techniques of Integration 24.1 5-8,9,12,13,14,17, CO2

Improper Integral 24.3 1-10. CO2

(21-24) Multiple Integral 29.1 1-5,9,11,12; CO2

29.2 5-9,14-18,21,24;
29.3 2,4,5(a,c,d,e,h,j);
29.6 3,4,6,7.
Area Under a Plane Curve 24.2 1-5,8,9,11,12. CO3
Area of a Region Enclosed by Two Curves 24.2 14(a,b,e,g,h),17,18. CO3
Introduction to Factorial, Beta and Gamma 11 1,2,4,5,7,10,11. CO1,
Functions CO2
MAT 101 Course Syllabus Summer 2019

Application and Some Properties of Beta and 11 12,13,14,15.16. CO3

Gamma Function.

26 Assessment Students will be assessed on the basis of their overall performance in all the exams,
and Marks quizzes, and class participation. Final numeric reward will be the compilation of
Distribution: (tentative):
 Class Tests (15%)
 Assignment (5%)
 Individual Presentation (5%)
 Attendance (5%)
 One Mid-Term Exam (30%)
 A cumulative Final Exam (40%)

Assessment methods of COs are given below:

27 Assessment Assessment
Methods of COs CT1 CT2 CT3 CT4 MT FE Assignment Project
COs CO1 √ √ √
CO2 √ √ √
CO3 √ √ √ √

28 Mapping of Mapping of COs with program learning outcomes (PLOs)are given below:
COs with PLOs
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

CO √
CO √
CO √

29 Grading The following chart will be followed for grading. This has been customized from the
Policy guideline provided by the School of Engineering and Computer Science.

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C D F
80 and
75-<80 70-<75 65-<70 60-<65 55-<60 50-<55 45-<50 40-<45 <40
29 Additional Assignment There will be four assignments. Average marks of the assignments will be
Course s counted. No late homework will be accepted.
Policies Any kind of copy in assignment will carry zero mark.
Two or more copied assignments will carry zero mark in all assignments. Zero
tolerance will be shown in this regard. Solutions to assignment problems will be
provided through web and on hand.
Class Test There will be at least three CTs, best of two will be counted. A CT can be taken
with a announcement in prior or without any announcement.
Exams Mid-term and final exam will be closed book, closed notes. Mobile is strictly
prohibited in exam hall. Please bring your own watch and synchronize time
during exam hours.
MAT 101 Course Syllabus Summer 2019

Test Policy: If you are absent from a test, and you have not spoken to the teacher personally
beforehand, your grade for the test will be zero. No make-up for class test will be
taken because it has alternative (three out of four).No make-up for mid will be
entertained without presence and recommendation of guardian and written
permission of the department. Make-up test of mid will be much harder than the
regular test.
30 Additional a. Academic Calendar Summer 2020: http://www.green.edu.bd/academics/academic-calendar.
Information b. Academic Information and Policies: http://www.green.edu.bd/academics/academic-rules-a-
c. Grading and Performance Evaluation: http://www.green.edu.bd/academics/academic-rules-a-
d. Proctorial Rules: http://www.green.edu.bd/administrator/proctors-office .

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