Objectives Content/Outline Time Allotment Teaching Learning Activities/ Strategies Resources/Material S Evaluation Method

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Facilitators: ______________________

Site of Visit: (name of hospital)

Area: __________

Objectives Content/Outline Time Allotment Teaching Learning Resources/Material Evaluation Method

Activities/ s
After the lesson, the Rabies Awareness 50 minutes
students will be able to: a. Definition and “PASS THE BALL”
a. Definition and a. 10 minutes explanation of Rabies
a. Define and explain explanation of Rabies b. 10 minutes Prizes, Treasures (for the The teaching group
rabies, (including the most c. 10 minutes The teaching group treasure hunting), shall provide a ball and
comprehensively. affected areas and age d. 12 minutes shall have a story telling PowerPoint Presentation, a music. The ball shall
bracket) e. 8 minutes through a video Still Pictures, Diagram, be passed around the
b. demonstrate the b. Virus transmission presentation (should fit Audio Visual presentation class while the music is
correct first aid c. Signs and symptoms the age bracket of their being played. When the
treatment for usual of being infected by the students) that will music stops, the
mode of transmission virus speak about rabies e.g. student holding the ball
for rabies e.g. dog bites; d. First aid care and dog bite incidents in shall stand up and
required medical kids. answer a particular
c. value the importance treatment question about the
of being knowledgeable e. Rabies virus After the video the lesson. Prizes shall be
in terms of the prevention teaching group shall ask given.
prevention, control and the following questions:
management of rabies.
1. What do you think
happened to Anna?
2. Is dog bite
3. What did her parents
do to her dog bite?
4. Will Anna be saved
by the treatment given
to her?
5. Have you
experienced what
happened to Anna?
What did your parents

After the guide

questions the teaching
group shall now define
and further explain

b. Virus Transmission

The teaching group

shall present a diagram
which will clearly show
how the virus is

c. Signs and symptoms

of being infected by
the virus

Role playing. The

teaching group shall
divide the class into five
(5) groups. Each group
shall be given a sign and
symptom wherein they
will interpret and act it
out In front of the class.

d. First aid care and

required medical

The teaching shall

demonstrate the
appropriate first aid
treatment for rabies.
Afterwards, the
students shall be given
a chance to execute it
again for better
The teaching group
shall also emphasize
the proper medical care
for rabies after the first
aid treatment.

e. Rabies virus

Treasure hunting. The

teaching group shall
place the treasures
around the classroom.
These treasures are the
ways on how to prevent
the virus. The students
who shall successfully
find the treasures shall
stay in front of the
class, read the phrase
he got and explain or
act it out briefly and
shall receive a prize.

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