List of QnA of Virtual TPD
List of QnA of Virtual TPD
List of QnA of Virtual TPD
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Anda Roofi' K /S892008001 How can the teacher overcome the limited access to According to what we have explained previously, the limitation access is one
1 technologies in implementing OTPD? of the obstacle in implementing OTPD. Some teacher may have limited
internet access as they stay in the remote area. However, because of the
pandemic, teaching through online is a must as the offline classroom
temporary closed. Further, to meet the maximum output of teaching process,
the teacher or the government should prepare the internet facilities in all the
In your slide about the benefits of well-prepared Teacher with plenty experiences and prepared materials for the students are
teacher for online class, the teacher encourage capable to share relevant materials. So that, the materials of teaching process
students to be critical and reflective. In your are in line with the course goal. This is also can encourage the students to
opinion, how can we as teacher do that? learn more about the material. However, teacher with limited knowledge or
access of knowledge will hard to make the students engage with the teaching
and learning process.
Could you explain with an example about content- Content-focused means that the topic or material explained by the teacher is
focused as part of features elements of effective focus based on the topic content. For example: the topic material that will
OTPD? explain by the teacher about the descriptive text. So that the teacher give the
explanation and the example related to its topic.
Could you give me an example of a network of Teacher network related to the Connections and Sharing Among Teachers
2 Mimi Hamidah / K89200810 teachers formed specifically for the professional Core teachers typically shared instructional strategies and resources within
development of teachers? their schools through established professional development structures and
existing peer relationships. For example: Teacher training, workshop and
national or international conference.
How did you co considered a teacher have a high High quality teachers have strong communication with the students, listen
quality? (Your ppt, pg.19) well, and focus on collaboration, adaptable, engaging the students during the
teaching process, and focus on best practice class.
How do you overcome the obstacle of OTPD which Build the teacher awareness about the important of online teaching and online
related to teachers' belief? teacher professional development. Then, guide them to join several online
activities such as online teacher training in pandemic era, online workshop
and conference. Through those several understanding, the teacher belief of
online teaching and learning will change from ineffective to become more
effective ways.
Encourage the students to be critical and reflective Analytical thinking is a crucial step that comes before critical thinking. To
3 Rahmadilla K / S892008012 are important. Can you elaborate how stimulate think critically about something, students need to analyze it and break it
critical and reflective learning in 21st learning down. Analytical thinking can involve:
century to the students?
- Determining the key points in a text
- Breaking down complex problems into small steps
- Identifying cause and effect
- Processing information logically
Your students need to be comfortable with those steps before they can assess
reliability and interpret information. Hence, to foster critical thinking skills in
your students, encourage questions like: “What do you think about this?”;
“Why do you think that?”; “What is your knowledge based upon?”; “What does
it imply or presuppose?”; “What explains it, connects to it, leads from it?”;
“How are you viewing the information?”; “Should the information be viewed
differently?”. Further, for reflection learning, teachers can give self-reflection
activities to their students. For instance, recording a self-reflection video and
writing daily self-reflection via online application (e.g., Nearpod, Kahoot, etc.)
What is the effect of teachers' believe on their Many scholars revealed that teacher's beliefs play a key role in teachers’
teacher professional development? classroom practices and their professional development. For instance, Harste
and Burke (1977) and Kuzborska (2011) found that teachers make decisions
about their classroom teaching regarding beliefs they have about language
teaching and learning. They emphasized that teachers’ beliefs have a great
impact on their aims, procedures, their roles, and their learners. Moreover,
Richards and Rodgers (2001) asserted that teachers have beliefs about
language learning and it helped them to get a special approach to language
What are the impact and output of teachers who A minimum competency testing can affect several sub skills. According to Asu
learn minimum competency testing? (2004, as cited in Rahman, et al., 2011), there are several outcome areas that
are potentially affected by teacher training program. These include (1) teacher
knowledge, (2) teacher attitudes and beliefs, (3) teaching practice, (4) school-
level practice, and (5) student achievement.
Please, give suggestions or tips for the teachers The facilitators can record the meeting so that the teachers who have
4 Dwi Puji Hastuti / with limited access to technology to minimize the difficulties towards their internet connection can re-watch the OTPD session
S892008004 challenges they face in joining the virtual TPD? anytime, everywhere they got the stable internet connection.
How to keep students interested and motivated to Teacher can use several interactive online learning activities to engage
engage actively in online classroom? students' interest such as Kahoot, Nearpod, ClassDojo, Seesaw, EdPuzzle, etc.
To what extent feedback and reflection is important A feedback is important during OTPD program to maximize the two-ways
for OTPD? interaction between mentor-mentees. In similar vein, the self-reflection of the
teachers in OTPD plays an important role to explore their understanding and
obstacles of each meeting, their relational turning-point events (RTPEs) with
their classmates and supervisor, and to know what needs to improve in OTPD
program held by committee.
How can we improve student participation during There are some strategies to improve student participant in the virtual
5 Eric Dheva Tachta / virtual class? classroom, they are: spider web discussion, using chat to check for
S892008005 understanding, flip your classroom to stimulate deeper discussion, adapting
think-pair-share to zoom, a new twist on show and tell. Online forum create
back -and-fort dialogue, seeing and critiquing peer work through virtual
gallery walks, moving station brainstorming online.
MOOC has been popular lately, what is your opinion Massive Open Online Courses are free online courses available for anyone
about MOOC? In term of increasing student or enroll. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills,
teacher capability, it is possible for MOOC to replace advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale.
formal school? While MOOCs provide access to education to the masses, it is certainly not the
only solution and will assuredly not be replacing formal school anytime soon.
What kind of teacher training would you Many teacher trainings can improve teacher competences. To improve teacher
recommend in order to improve teacher abilities in blended learning, we recommend program Guru Belajar and the
competence for blended learning? teacher also can join VEA (Virtual Education Academy).
How to evaluate a virtual learning during COVID-19 - Formative assessment: Assessment conducted throughout the educational
6 Laras Hayu Satiti / pandemic? process with a view to enhancing student learning. It implies: eliciting
evidence about learning to close the gap between current and desired
S892008009 performance (so that action can be taken to close the gap); providing feedback
to students; and involving students in the assessment and learning process.
(Source: CCSSO 2008)
1. Have a good passion for the role they are applied to.
4. Teamwork ability