Questionnaire On Comparitive Study of Hero Motocorp V/S Bajaj Bikes

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Dear Respondent,
I approach to your esteem good self in relation to my
dissertation on the topic A Comparative study of Bajaj v/s Hero
Motocorp under the guidance of Dr. Saloni P Diwan, Assistant
Professor, University School of Management, Kurukshetra University
(Kurukshetra). I would extremely thankful, if you could spare few minutes
for filling all the questions in this questionnaire.
The questionnaire is addressed to you comprise of
questions relating to a comparative study of Bajaj v/s Hero Motocorp.
Please be fair and frank while responding the statements in the
questionnaire, as the information supplied by you will be strictly treated as
confidential and will be used for academic purpose only. No part of the
information gathered will be reproduced anywhere without your prior

Romi Malik,

MBA- Marketing, Final year Student

University School of Management,



AGE:- 15-20 20-25

25.30 Above 30

OCCUPATION:- Businessman Employee

Student Other ___________

In which Family Income do you Fall?
100000-200000 200000-300000

300000-400000 Above 400000

Q1) Which Bike do you have?

Hero Motocorp Bajaj Any Other ___________

Q2) Which Model do you have?

Hero Motocorp: - Splendor+ Passion

CD 100 Other ___________

Bajaj: - Platina Discover

Pulsar Other ___________

Q3) For how long do you own a Bike?

0-1 year 1-2 year

2-3 year above 3 years

Q4) Do you have full knowledge about Bikes before buying?

Yes No

Q5) How do you come to know about this Motor Bike?

Newspaper Television

Magazines Friends/Relatives

Q6) For what purpose do you use your Motor Bike?

Office Purpose Personal Purpose

Joy Purpose Status symbol

Other ___________

Q7) Does Word of mouth Influence your decision in choosing a Motor Bike?

Yes No Cant say

Q8) Are you satisfied with the performance of your bike?

Yes No Cant say

Q9) Which factor below influences the most your purchase decision?
Price Mileage Style/looks

Resale Value Status Symbol Pick up

Maintenance Brand Image Fuel Efficiency

Comfort Service Quality Financing option

Location of service points

Q10) How would you rank the following factors of your bike? (Please Rank from 1-13)

Price Mileage Style/looks

Resale Value Status Symbol Pick up

Maintenance Brand Image Fuel Efficiency

Comfort Service Quality Financing option

Location of service points

Q11) If new bike with good features comes in, then would you like to change your bike?

Yes No Cant say

Q12) Features you want to prefer in your bike?

Tyre (a) Broad (b) Narrow

Ignition - (a) Kick start (b) Self start

Breaks - (a) Disk break (b) Normal

Q13) How often you take your bike for servicing?

Once in 3 months Once in 6 months Once in year


Q14) Rate the servicing of your bike?

Excellent Very Good Good

Q15) Do you get full value of money for the bike you purchased?

Yes No

Q16) How was your experience after using the bike?

Excellent Very Good Good

Q17) Any Suggestions for Company

Date: (Signature)


Thank you for your valuable time

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