Lakeview Integrated School: DAILY LESSON LOG S.Y. 2019-2020

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Division of Muntinlupa City


Teacher REA R. QUEZADA Learning Area Science
Teaching Dates and December 2-6, 2019 Quarter THIRD

I. OBJECTIVES Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Dec. 2,2019 Dec. 3,2019 Dec. 4,2019 Dec. 5,2019
Apitong - 6:45-7:45 Apitong – 6:45-7:45 Mahogany - 7:45-8:45 Apitong – 7:45-8:45
Molave – 9:00-10:00 Mahogany – 7:45- 8:45 Apitong – 10:00-11:00
Mahogany – 11:00- 12:00 Molave – 9:00-10:00 Molave – 11:00- 12:00 Dec. 6, 2019
Mahogany- 7:45-8:45
Dec. 3,2019 Dec. 4,2019 Dec. 5, 2019 Molave- 9:00-10:00
Yakal – 5:45-6:45 Yakal- 5:45- 6:45 Yakal- 5:45- 6:45 Acacia- 10:00-11:00
Acacia – 10:00-11:00 Acacia – 9:00-10:00 Acacia – 9:00-10:00 Yakal – 11:00-12:00

A. Content Standard The Learners demonstrate an understanding of waves as a carrier of energy.

B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk reduction.
C. Learning The learners should be able to create and The learners should be able to create and The learners should be able to infer that waves The learners should be able to infer that
Competencies/ interpret visual representation of the interpret visual representation of the carry energy; S7FE-IIIc-4 waves carry energy; S7FE-IIIc-4
motion of objects such as tape charts and motion of objects such as tape charts and  Describe waves; S7FE-IIIc-4.1
Objectives (Write the motion graphs; S7FE-IIIb-3 motion graphs; S7FE-IIIb-3  Demonstrate that the a wave carries  Identify and describe the
LC Code for each) energy using a rope or slinky; S7FE- different parts of a wave;
 The learner should be able to IIIc-4.2 S7FE-IIIc-4.5
answer the assessment test.  Describe what happens to the particles  Differentiate transverse and
of a medium as waves are propagated longitudinal waves.
through the medium; S7FE-IIIc-4.3  Identify parts of transverse and
 Explain how wave motion transfers longitudinal waves.
energy; S7FE-IIIc-4.4

Learning Plan 2019-2020

1 CONTENT Graphing Motion SUMMATIVE TEST Nature of Waves
 Parts of the waves 
Distance- Time graph - is a line graph Wave – is a periodic disturbance that
that denotes the distance versus time. moves away from a source and carries
- is a plot that represents the
distance covered in the given
energy with it.
time interval Vibration causes wave motion.
Velocity-time graph Periodic wave – series of pulses
- Straight lines imply uniform
acceleration. Types of Waves
- Curved lines imply non- Mechanical Waves – the movement or the
uniform acceleration. vibration is perpendicular to the direction in
- An object undergoing which the wave travels.
constant acceleration traces Types:
a straight line.
Transverse Waves – the medium has
 The slope of a position-time (x vs. Crest = Highest point of the
t) graph is the velocity whereas particles that vibrate in a direction
the slope of a velocity-time (v- vs. perpendicular to the direction of the wave
t) graph is acceleration. propagation of wave. Trough = Lowest point of the
Example: vibration of strings
Longitudinal Waves – the movement of
vibration is towards the direction of the Wavelength = Distance from one
wave, some parts of the wave moves crest/trough to the next (m)
alternatively compressed and extended.
Wave Height = Height from
Example: sound waves, tsunami waves,
earthquake, P-waves, ultra-sounds, trough to crest (m)
vibration in gas, and oscillations in spring,
internal water waves, and waves in sink.
Circular – waves on bodies of water is a
combination of transverse and longitudinal.

Electromagnetic Waves – are the

disturbance, which does not require any
material medium and can travel even
through a vacuum. They are caused due to
varying electric and magnetic fields.
Examples: radio waves, light waves,
thermal radiation, X-ray, infrared, UV rays,
gamma rays
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
Learning Plan 2019-2020
2. Learners Materials 190-193
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Resources Tarpapel, Pictures, PPT, Tarpapel, Pictures, PPT, Video, , Tarpapel, Pictures, PPT, Video, Tarpapel, Pictures, PPT, Video, ,
Video,Activity/Worksheet Sheet Activity/Worksheet Sheet Activity/Worksheet Sheet Activity/Worksheet Sheet
Science for the 21st Century Learner https://www.physicsclassroom.c ss/waves/u10l1c.cfm om/Class/waves/u10l1c.cfm
A. Reviewing previous  True or False Review how to describe motion. Describe and identify the picture. Describe wave
lesson or presenting 1.An object with changing velocity is
the new lesson
2. The displacement of an object is
NOT the same as the distance it
3. Speed does NOT tell anything about
the direction of motion.
4. Scalar quantities are completely
described by magnitude only.
5. Acceleration happens when an
object change in speed and direction.
B. Establishing a purpose  Recall the standard in taking the test. What are waves? How an object does
for the lesson  Let the student wave to their accelerate?
seatmate and observe the motion Give different examples of
of the hands? objects shows
 Think of a still lake. How would
you generate water waves on the

Learning Plan 2019-2020

C. Presenting examples/  Present the different type of graphs. Explain the instruction.  A train moves from rest to a
instances of the new  Present x and y axes in graph. speed of 25 m/s in 30.0 seconds.
 Present distance-time graph and What is its acceleration?
velocity-time graph examples.  A skater increases her velocity
from 2.0 m/s to 10.0 m/s in 3.0
seconds. What is the skater’s

D. Discussing new Let the student plot and interpret the Perform activity 1 “Let’s Make Waves!”  As a car comes to stop, it slows
concepts and graphs. on pp. 190-194 LM from 25 m/s in 2.8 s. Find the
Group activity: Guide Questions: acceleration of the car.
practicing new skills #1
1. What is a wave?
2. How does wave carry energy from one  How long will it take a driver to
place to another? bring a jeepney travelling at 50.0
3. How do you describe m/s to a complete stop if its
a. transverse waves acceleration is -0.500m/s?
b. longitudinal waves
c. mechanical waves  A car accelerates from rest to
d. electromagnetic waves 85 kph in 6.2 s. What is its average
acceleration in m/s?
*See attachment worksheet.
E. Discussing new Presentation and process of outputs. Guide Questions:
concepts and 1. What is a wave?
2. How does wave carry from one place to
practicing new skills #2
3. How do you describe
a. transverse waves
b. longitudinal waves
c. mechanical waves
d. electromagnetic waves
F. Developing Mastery How would you describe the slope of  What will be produce when you  A car travels at 90.0 km/h. What
(Leads to formative each graph? What does it imply? dip all your fingers in a pan of is its acceleration in 3.00 hours if it
water? started from rest.
assessment 3)
 How does wave carry energy
from one place to another?
G. Finding practical What is the relationship among  Let the students watch a video  How many different
application of concepts direction, time, position, and clip about a tsunami that hit devices in a car help to
velocity? Explain. Japan in 2011. accelerate the vehicle?
and skills in daily living
 How does the energy of tsunami What are they?
waves affect the people?  What is the relevance of

Learning Plan 2019-2020

motion when a typhoon
will hit your place or
 What are the safety
precautions before, during,
and after the typhoon?

H. Making Generalization How do you describe motion in distance-  What is wave?

time graph? Velocity-time graph?  How does wave carry energy from
and abstraction about
one place to another?
the lesson
 How does the medium causes

I. Evaluating Learner Choose the letter of the correct SUMMATIVE TEST Choose the letter of the correct answer.
answer. *see attachment
1. Which of the following graphs 1. What is a disturbance involving energy
describes uniform speed? transfer from place to another?
2. What is the material that a wave travels
3. What is a repeated back-and-forth or
up-and -down motion?
4. What do you call for series of pulses?
5. What causes wave motion?

B. wave
c. periodic wave
D. medium

A.I and II C. I and III

B. II and IV D. I,II and V
2. Which of the following graphs shows
constant acceleration?

Learning Plan 2019-2020


car is running along a highway that has

heavy vehicular traffic. What is the
possible graph for this scenario?

4.Which of the following graphs shows

that the object’s motion is

Learning Plan 2019-2020

5.What does the slope of speed vs.
time graph represent?
A. acceleration C. force
B. distance

J. Additional activities for Review for summative test. Bring the ff. materials: *Worksheet about speed,
application or Rope, ribbon, slinky, paper boat/foil velocity and acceleration.
remediation barge, basin, adhesive tape
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners
who have caught up

Learning Plan 2019-2020

with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching _____Experimentation _____Experimentation _____Experimentation _____Experimentation
_____hands-on demonstration _____hands-on demonstration _____hands-on demonstration _____hands-on demonstration
strategies worked _____Role Playing _____Role Playing _____Role Playing
_____Role Playing
well? Why did these _____authentic activities _____authentic activities _____authentic activities _____authentic activities
work? _____collaborative learning _____collaborative learning _____collaborative learning _____collaborative learning
_____debates _____debates _____debates _____debates
_____lecture _____lecture _____lecture _____lecture
_____independent learning _____independent learning _____independent learning
_____independent learning
_____problem-based learning _____problem-based learning _____problem-based learning
_____problem-based learning
Others:_______________________________ Others:_______________________________ Others:_________________________
Others:________________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______________________________
_______________________ Why did they work? Why did they work? Why did they work?
Why did they work? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________
______________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _________

F. What difficulties did I ____bullying ____bullying ____ventilation ____bullying ____ventilation ____bullying

____ventilation issues issues issues ____ventilation issues
encounter which my ____learners’ behaviour ____learners’ behaviour ____learners’ behaviour ____learners’ behaviour
principal or supervisor ____insufficient IMs/ICT tools ____insufficient IMs/ICT tools ____insufficient IMs/ICT tools ____insufficient IMs/ICT tools
____distractions during class hours ____distractions during class hours ____distractions during class hours ____distractions during class hours
can help me solve?
Others:_____________________________________ Others:________________________________________ Others:________________________________________ Others:_________________________________
_________________ ______________ ______________ _____________________
G. What innovation or ___localized videos ___musical ___localized videos ___musical ___localized videos ___musical ___localized videos ___musical
compositions compositions compositions compositions
localized materials did I ___big books ___big books ___big books ___big books
use/ discover which I ___localized/contextualize LPs ___localized/contextualize LPs ___localized/contextualize LPs ___localized/contextualize LPs
___recycled materials ___use of ___recycled materials ___use of community ___recycled materials ___use of community ___recycled materials ___use of
wish to share with community as laboratory as laboratory as laboratory community as laboratory
other teachers?
Others:_____________________________________ Others:________________________________________ Others:________________________________________ Others:_________________________________
____________________ _________________ _________________ __________________________

Learning Plan 2019-2020

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