P-Q Diagram Photovoltaic Po Construction For Multi Ower Plant Connected T I-Inverter o MV Grid
P-Q Diagram Photovoltaic Po Construction For Multi Ower Plant Connected T I-Inverter o MV Grid
P-Q Diagram Photovoltaic Po Construction For Multi Ower Plant Connected T I-Inverter o MV Grid
May 7-9, 2015
Bucharest, Romania
Abstract– Article describes the constructionn of operation chart medium voltage grid [3] is shoown on Figure 1. The part of
for typical photovoltaic plants connected to medium voltage network feeder to which power plant is connected is shown
grid. Such distributed source is comprised of multiple grid
inverter units which connect photovoltaic panel field to low symbolically.
voltage AC grid which is, through LV V/MV power plant Power plant is usually conn nected to one of the existing
transformer substation and MV cable, con nnected to network medium voltage feeders from trransformer substation HV/MV,
operator transformer substation, which is po oint of connection to on which there is already conneccted certain number of MV/LV
grid. When looking on such power plant ass on one generating transformer substations with its consumers. The connection is
unit connected at point of connection, such h "operation chart"
shows all possible operation points in P-Q diaagram. made through two plants: poweer plant transformer substation
and distribution network operatoor (DNO) interface transformer
Keywords: P-Q diagram, multi inverter, photoovoltaic power substation [4]. The point of connnection of the power plant to
I. INTRODUCTION grid is at interface substation, inn outgoing bay towards power
plant transformer substation. Feeeder to which it is connected is
For numerous research reasons (e.g. for island possibility
powered radially in operation, looking from the side of the
assessment) there is a need for development of substitute
"main grid", i.e. from feeding transformer substation, and in
model of photovoltaic multi-inverter type power plants at
general has the option of being g powered from the other side,
point of connection to grid, with parametters defining active
usually from the other section of the MV switchgear in the
and reactive power for such substitute sourcce model.
same feeding substation or from some other HV/MV
Opposite of the common assumption of (pre)defined power
transformer substation. Switchinng in the local grid, depending
factor for this type of power plants (phhotovoltaic inverter
on operation needs, is done by ddistribution network operator.
plant), all elements that make this plant have influence on
operation point of substitute source model. B. Substitute model
In accordance with stated in introduction above, it is
TWORK possible to create substitute moddel for a power plant shown on
Figure 1, in a way that this model encompasses the complete
Due to incentive scheme, there are many connection inner power plant grid with all the inverters, LV cables,
requirements for connection of distributeed sources having transformer and MV cable to intterface substation.
nominal power rating of more than 500 kVA, mostly solar
photovoltaic power plants, to grid operrated by Croatian C. Operation chart
distribution network operator (HEP-ODS) [1]. According to Considering that power plantt point of connection to grid is
regulatory standards [2], these plants have to be connected to in DNO interface transformerr substation, in outgoing bay
medium voltage network. feeding the power plant trannsformer substation [4], and
considering substitute model from previous chapter, such
A. Principal diagram model of distributed source in the
t point of connection can be
Generally, with this type of powerr plants, although used to define "operation chartt" of the power plant, i.e. P-Q
connection is on MV grid (10 or 20 kV), the generation source diagram showing area of possiblle operation points.
itself is connected on LV side, and thhen through "unit" Inverters have adjustable powwer factor, but in practice they
transformer connected to MV grid. There are a two main types, are set to deliver only active po
ower, i.e. power factor is set to
one with centralised inverter of large poweer rating, and other 1. On operation point of the co omplete power plant, regarding
with multiple grid inverter units of smaller power ratings. The the reactive power, the other ellements have major influence,
practical experience shows that almost all a requests are for and that is power transformer on inductance, and cables on
power plants with multiple smaller invertter units which are capacitance. Special case wouldd be solar power plants which
standardised products and economically more m preferred by have panels connected to inverters
i that do not have
investors [1]. galvanically isolated DC and AC A side (which often is case)
Principal diagram of (solar photovolltaic) power plant and parasitic impedances of pho otovoltaic panels are transferred
comprised of multiple grid inverter units and connected to to AC side [5]. Depending on size
s of the panels field and the
element which influences the reactive power at point of -300
one would add up/deduct all listed element reactive powers: Fig. 2. Daily curve of solar power plant power production (at point
of connection)
Qtot = −Qcap _ inv ± QcabLV + Qind _ tr − Qcap _ bat ± QcabMV (7) power plant, and are derived from 10-minute measurements of
average power from measuring equipment connected to point
Looking the previously listed equations for reactive power of power plant connection to grid. Active and apparent power
of individual elements it can be seen that total reactive power have opposite signs, this in only to represents power flow
of the power plant at point of connection to grid will change direction of active power.
with the change of the following variables: current power plant From measurements shown on Figure 2, trajectory of daily
generation power (inductive part) and current grid voltage movement of operation points (P and Q) is derived, at
(capacitive part). measuring point at interface substation (shown on Figure 3).
V. OPERATION CHART IN P-Q DIAGRAM B. Calculation assessment and analysis of power plant
reactive power
Putting equations (3) to (6) into (7), while keeping fixed In accordance with equations given in chapter III. for
certain values that are characteristics of the equipment and not contributions of individual elements to total reactive power of
hard to define in each specific case, with assumed possible the power plant these contributions and their actual relevance
(allowed) grid voltage range of 0,9 Un to 1,1 Un, and by are assessed. Calculated values are given bellow.
varying the generation power from 0 to maximal power plant The contribution of parasitic capacitances of DC side of the
power, one can construct the area of possible operation points inverter is calculated according to equation (3) and its value is
of the power plant in P-Q diagram. Such P-Q diagram shows Qcap_inv = 5,74 VAr and can practically be neglected.
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 100
-100 kW kVAr
P-Q kW 0
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 3. Trajectory of daily movement of power plant operation
point (at point of connection) in P-Q diagram, derived from daily Fig. 4. Constructed power plant operation chart in P-Q diagram
power production curve from Figure 2. based on calculations.
Capacitance of output filter at rated frequency is not known, measurements. Also, data gathered by measurement were 10-
and for the purpose of constructing the operation chart it will minute average power values, and not current values.
be assumed it has a value of 2% of rated power, which It must be noted that possible operation situations of
matches the measurements. disconnection of part of power plant (at one of the switching
The contribution of low voltage cables, calculated according devices which can be seen on principal diagram on Figure 1)
to equation (4), has a value of QcabLV = 0,35 kVAcap when there were not considered. In such case there would be a change in
is no generation from power plant and value of QcabLV = 12,4 predicted reactive powers and there will be sure deviation
kVAind for maximum generating power of power plant. from operation chart developed by described procedure.
The contribution of transformer is calculated from equation VII. CONCLUSION
(5) and is Qind_tr = 1,5 kVAr when there is no generation from
power plant and Qind_tr = 51,4 kVAr for maximum power. If we look at particular type of distributed source, solar
The contribution from compensation units calculated from photovoltaic power plant comprised of multiple inverter units
(6) has a value of Qcap_bat = 59,8 kVAr. and connected to medium voltage grid, as at one „generator“
The contribution of medium voltage cables, calculated connected to grid at point of connection, „operation chart“
according to equation (4), has a value of QcabMV = 23,6 kVAcap shows all possible operation points in P-Q diagram.
when there is no generation from power plant and value of With certain neglections (loss of active power on power
QcabMV = 23,4 kVAcap for maximum generating power. plant elements, own consumption of power plant and
Considering the fact that total reactive power is capacitive, possibility of partial disconnection internally are not
when this plant was commissioned, it was decided to considered), which all can be taken to similar more developed
permanently disconnect compensation batteries for model, procedure is suggested for construction of operation
transformer inductive losses compensation. Taking this into chart of such plant and is verified on real case study plant.
account, according to calculation assessment of reactive power REFERENCES
(at rated voltage), it is changing from circa 40 kVAr
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