Article Annotated Bibliography

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Article Annotated Bibliography

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Article Annotated Bibliography

a) Brown, S. L., & Salmon, P. (2019). Reconciling the theory and reality of shared

decision‐making: A “matching” approach to practitioner leadership. Health

Expectations, 22(3), 275–283.

In this article Brown and Salmon (2019) examines what they deem as being the

major reason for the change of the shared decision making. They have noted as being the

need to end the strain experienced between the patient’s privileges when it comes to

making the health care judgments and the health worker’s duty and call to ensure that the

desires of the patients are well protected.1

b) Stritch, Justin M., and Mogens Jin Pedersen. "The Apparent Locus of Managerial

Decision Making and Perceptions of Fairness in Public Personnel

Management."  Public Personnel Management 48, no. 3 (2019): 392-412.

Brown, Stephen L., and Peter Salmon. "Reconciling the theory and reality of

shared decision‐making: A “matching” approach to practitioner

leadership." Health Expectations 22, no. 3 (2019): 275-283.


Stritch and Pedersen (2019) has addressed the topic of “public Personnel

Management” as being one of the many topics of discussion in this industry that have

hardly been looked at conclusively by the researchers. Intuitively on the basis and manner

in which the policy regarding the individual decisions are likely to impact the perception

of the employee when it comes to decision making in an organization. They have placed

a more considerations on how the fairness in a decision making is likely affected by the

position of an employee perception.2

c) Susca, Peter T. "Balanced organizational decision-making." Professional Safety 64,

no. 4 (2019): 16-19.

In this article, Susca (2019) while addressing the issue to do with “Professional

Safety”, numerous literatures have been brought together to form a basis through which

a user can get a viable move in regards to the transitions safety as well as the

Stritch, Justin M., and Mogens Jin Pedersen. "The Apparent Locus of Managerial

Decision Making and Perceptions of Fairness in Public Personnel

Management." Public Personnel Management 48, no. 3 (2019): 392-412.


professionalism making it more inclined towards the objective of the organization. Its aid

that the challenges in relation to the safety as put by the foundation philosophical

statements. Any professional is guaranteed of being able operate from within the

organization only if they can possibly get to master the art of the business values.3


Brown, Stephen L., and Peter Salmon. "Reconciling the theory and reality of shared

decision‐making: A “matching” approach to practitioner leadership." Health

Expectations 22, no. 3 (2019): 275-283.

Susca, Peter T. "Balanced organizational decision-making." Professional Safety 64, no. 4
(2019): 16-19

Stritch, Justin M., and Mogens Jin Pedersen. "The Apparent Locus of Managerial

Decision Making and Perceptions of Fairness in Public Personnel

Management." Public Personnel Management 48, no. 3 (2019): 392-412.

Susca, Peter T. "Balanced organizational decision-making." Professional Safety 64, no. 4

(2019): 16-19.

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