Khilafat Movement - Wikipedia
Khilafat Movement - Wikipedia
Khilafat Movement - Wikipedia
Although political activities and popular
outcry on behalf of the caliphate emerged
across the Muslim world, the most
prominent activities took place in India. A
prominent Oxford educated Muslim
journalist, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
had spent four years in prison for
advocating resistance to the colonial
government and support for the caliphate.
At the onset of the Turkish War of
Independence, Muslim religious leaders
feared for the caliphate, which the
European powers were reluctant to
protect. To some of the Muslims of India,
the prospect of being conscripted to fight
against fellow Muslims in Turkey was
anathema.[9] To its founders and followers,
the Khilafat was not a religious movement
but rather a show of solidarity with their
fellow Muslims in Turkey.[10]
Although holding talks with the colonial
government and continuing their activities,
the Khilafat movement weakened as