AGCO Parts Books Distributor Guide
AGCO Parts Books Distributor Guide
AGCO Parts Books Distributor Guide
Getting Started
There are 3 simple items to address before you can begin using the website for your Customers.
3. Select and designate an employee as your Parts Contact. This will be the person that will
monitor the Customer Shopping Baskets received from the website at the E-Mail address setup
in Step 2.
To operate in the website successfully, you will need to ensure that any Pop-Up Blockers that you have
installed are configured to allow You may opt to temporarily disable your
pop-up blocker while using this website, or to configure as an exception that
should always be allowed.
The Adobe SVG Viewer is a required element for the display of parts illustrations in the website. A
message and link to the SVG Viewer installation is provided from the Website Login page or directly
from an illustration page if the program is not detected. Please see page 13 of this User Guide for
detailed instruction for the Adobe SVG Viewer installation.
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Login to AGCO Net in the normal way and you should find a link under administration to customer web
access. If this does not appear then you will need to get the principal user to give you access. If you
are the principal user (user id ends in a 0), then please contact Dealer Communications by email giving your XD user id requesting access to AGCO parts books.
Before you can continue, it is necessary to set up some contact details. These details are used to
receive customer emails of orders and to receive any phone calls from customers.
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Clicking on the edit button allows you to enter the support phone number and email address:
Clicking on the add button (if there are no details already) or the update button will allow you to
proceed with the customer setup.
The following assumes you are familiar with the setting up of customers on AGCO Net. This process is
used within the warranty registrations module and service calculator. If you are not familiar a brief
outline is shown below. Before you continue, you should ensure that you have your trusted sites are
setup correctly. (See appendix A)
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The vast majority of your customers are almost certainly already setup in the system and all you will
have to do is search for them and continue by giving them a user id. If the customer is not already
setup this is a relatively straightforward procedure.
2. Search for a customer by entering the customer’s name and clicking on Search. Eg Joe Bloggs
3. If there are no customers found, click on Add Customer on the right hand side, otherwise
continue from stage 8.
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4. Add customer details into the form that appears on the screen.
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6. Click on Save at the top of the form when the address details of the customer have been
entered and you will be returned to the customer details screen where you can now enter the
remaining details. The mandatory details remaining are the phone number and the email
7. Clicking on Save at the top of the form will save the details and take you back to the search for
customer screen.
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8. Move the mouse over the customer name and the line will turn green. Click on the green line to
select the customer or click modify to go back and change some details.
9. The screen now continues to the setup the customer user id. The customer user id is generated
by yourself, must be a minimum of 6 letters and must comprise of numbers and letters only.
There is no need to think of a password as that is generated automatically by the system. If
the user id already exists a message will appear “User-Id already exists”. Enter the user-id and
then press Save.
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10. You should now select the brand(s) you would like the customer to have access to and then
press the green Active Account and email customer button.
11. Once activated, an email is automatically sent to the customer which informs them of the user
id and password and the link to get on the website.
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12. Should the customer require their password resetting at any time in the future, you should find
them in the “Dealer: Customer Setup” section and then there will be an option to reset the
password and email customer. There is also the option to delete the user id should this be
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Customer Orders
When a customer orders parts on the website, two emails are automatically sent. One goes to the
customer and the other to the dealer to the email address that was entered in the setup options. The
email sent to the Customer recommends that if he is not contacted within three business days to
contact the dealership. It is therefore important to monitor the dealership email inbox frequently. An
example email is shown below:
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If you wish to use the AGCO Parts books website yourself, access has been automatically granted and
available to you from your parts drop-down menu within AGCO Net. There are two options, ‘Parts
Books’ and ‘Parts Books (Admin)’.
Both options allow you to see and browse the parts books, however the admin option also includes a
usage report option so that you can keep track of the numbers of logins and number of baskets that
they have created.
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Scroll down to
locate Downloads
Once SVGView.EXE has been installed successfully, close Internet Explorer and re-launch
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AGCO Corporation is committed to making this website work for your Customers and you!
If you have any further training or support questions regarding the administration of this website,
please contact AGCO Dealer Communications.
+44 (0)24 7685 1287
Monday – Thursday
8:30am – 17:00pm (UK time)
8:30am – 15:15pm (UK time)
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+44 24 7685 1287
In order to get the best experience from AGCO NET you need to set up your internet explorer session correctly as
outlined below. is the AGCO NET website address and this is what you should save as all shortcuts and
The create shortcut wizard then starts, type in into the box that appears:
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And click Next, type in AGCO NET and then click on Finish:
This should give you a new shortcut on your desktop like this:
Setting up Favourites
Click on the newly created shortcut to bring up the login screen for AGCO NET. Now click on the Bookmark
shortcut to create a new entry in your favourites.
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This will bring up a add favourites dialogue box. Click add to finish the procedure:
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AGCO NET works with all current versions of Internet Explorer. Whilst it may be possible to use AGCO NET on
other browsers it is not supported.
To ensure that all the data displayed on the AGCO NET screens is current and not from a previously stored
session we need to make the following changes:
Click on tools, internet options. On some operating systems this may be shown as an icon.
This should bring up the following page if you are using internet explorer version 7:
This will produce the following window of which the top option “Every visit to the webpage” must be selected:
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Click OK to continue and you be returned to the previous window which is where we need to be in order to setup
“Trusted Sites”
Trusted Sites setup
Returning to the internet options window, click on the security tab at the top of the window, the trusted sites icon
and then finally the Sites button:
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This will open the following Trusted Sites window (internet explorer 6 version is shown on the left and internet
explore version 7 on the right).
(Note: you may have existing entries in the Web sites: box.)
If the tick box Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone is ticked, firstly un-tick it. Then type
the following in the box titled Add this Web site to the zone:
Click on the Add button. Your Trusted Sites window should now look like one of these:
(Note: you may have other entries in the Web sites: box.)
Click OK or Close and you will return to the Internet Options window
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Click on the Custom Level button. This will open the Security Settings window.
Under Reset custom settings, check the security level showing in the drop-down list. If this is not set to “Low”,
click on the drop-down arrow and select “Low” from the list. Then click on Reset. You will get this warning
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Click Yes. (Note: you are only changing the security level setting for your trusted sites.)
Scroll down the list of Settings until you find the Downloads section and Automatic prompting for file
Scroll down the list of Settings until you find the Miscellaneous section and Access data sources across
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Scroll down the list of Settings until you find the Scripting section and Active scripting
(Note: not all versions of Internet Explorer have the above settings.)
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Click OK in the Security Settings window. (Do not click on Reset again.) If you have changed any settings you
will get this warning message.
Click Yes. (Note: you are only changing the security level setting for your trusted sites.)
Click the OK button. This completes the required changes to the set up.
Pop-up blockers
Some transactions in AGCO NET cause a new window to be opened. If you have switched on pop-up blocking in
your Internet Explorer settings, these new windows may not open in which case you will not be able to use
these transactions. If you have a Google, Yahoo or similar tool bar, these also have a pop-up blocker function
which has the same effect.
The changes described above which we have asked you to make to your Internet Explorer settings to add
AGCO NET as a “trusted site”, should ensure that pop-up windows launched from within AGCO NET are not
If however, you experience difficulties, please try switching off all pop-up blockers first to see if this fixes the
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Screen Resolution
AGCO NET requires that the computer screen resolution is set to a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768. If your
screen size is smaller than this you will get a warning message displayed on your screen:
In order to change your screen size to the recommended settings, Click on Start Æ Settings Æ Control Panel Æ
This will bring up a window similar to this:
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Now click and drag the slider bar under screen resolution to the right until you have reached 1024 by 768.
Depending on the computer it may be possible to go to a higher resolution but your icons will look smaller on the
screen. Click ok to confirm your choices and the screen will re-size. Click on yes to accept the change. If you do
nothing then your screen will revert to its previous state.
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