The Magus - v0.9
The Magus - v0.9
The Magus - v0.9
It is time.
You gaze around. Across your workshop lay curious , these
patient witnesses to a life colored by deep yearning.
Gods, were you strong. Wielding fantastic spells to uncover stranger truths,
or perhaps — to exert control on an increasingly alienating world.
All this — for what? For connections that would barely quench
your longing to belong?
Yo u a r e r e a d y t o d e p a r t .
And as you close this chapter of your life, you reflect on your storied
— all your and . .
C 7
o 9
n —
t —
e 17
n 21
t 25
s 28
n the magus you use dice and pen to write the hen arrives, the story is completed.
unique history of their quest for arcane mastery You will Whether willingly or due to forces beyond their
navigate strange encounters and confront complex
control, the magus permanently departs their tower and
opportunities for learning – or cultivating leaves their former life behind, in an ending determined
by your decisions.
you have time for only erhaps the magus rides a one-way ship to the
Enigmatic North. Or they may give up their life of magic
before for rural days of peace. Or if your actions permit,
they may turn to darkness
and plunder innocent lives for
infinite p o w e r.
As the premise lays out, this is a game that can If, at any point during play, you feel your
deal with complex and difficult scenarios. breath quicken, your heart constrained, your
Primarily: isolation, ambition, and even mind unable to think – if, in other words,
catastrophe, should fortune frown upon your your emotional state becomes difficult to
journey. manage – then feel free to step away. Feel free
to skip prompts and rolls. Or retire the
These can be heavy topics and may cause character early, and write a fitting ending to a
discomfort or anxiety. A “perfect”, kind- journey that is ultimately the best for them
hearted playthrough is incredibly difficult to and yourself.
do – perhaps even impossible, though
playtests haven’t ruled it out completely. The Ultimately, you control the pace of your
main character may end up hurting those that journey. The dice and the prompts set a
they love. Or perhaps spurn their own framework and structure, but you are always
humanity, finding their heart hardening in at freedom to change this universe as you see
their quest for power. fit. Please be safe and look out for yourself.
the magus is a storymaking game, and it is up to you how elaborate the story becomes.
The Journal
is the keeper of memory, your
chronicler of h i s t o r y . Every time
you decide to resolve an , you
must write its details on its pages.
the magus
At the beginning of the game, you will have the chance of developing he magus’ origin.
Where are they from, and why do they pursue magic?
is inner strength.
is potential
is a number representing the magus’
made manifest.
ability to prevail through adversity
Together, they help
with sheer willpower.
is the manifestation of talent and total the magus overcome
You gain whenever : arcane supremacy. For so many, it is the challenges and narrowly
ultimate craving, the final seduction. escape catastrophic failure.
• you overcome challenges
with distinction, or
the magus starts at but can
• you choose to enrich an achieve a maximum of .
existing human connection
during an . • : Gifted with the spark of u
arcane power. Rare and remarkable.
• : Supreme archmages,
adept experts of magic.
• : Omnipotent. Invincible.
Master of all.
Traits, continued
characterizes a combination of
restraint, stability, and wholeness of self.
• and from to
retire — end their journey — to heal
and recover their self.
Is it
okay The moment
slips below calamity
to a
, you must roll
with every
new challenge.
i r r e vo c a b le
Calamity’s full
lose d8
c a t a s t r o ph e
triggers an
will be
revealed in
due time, at a
later page.
Traits, continued
Hounded by fae .
n contrast to traits,
u Porcelain MASK
ofthe hOLLowseraPhim
are not personal characteristics but
rather acquisitions from .
Spells shaped
Spell name .
by die roll
bound to the mortal realm. .
Spell description .
They are the sole conduits of power. shaped by your
Without , the magus is useless.
time you wish to pursue human connection.
Lady Kataris
Each bond can be intertwined. Perhaps a
up to two casual friend becomes a
times. When this confidante; an enemy
happens, the becomes a lover; a
relationship becomes mentor becomes an arch
more i n t e n s e , more nemesis.
Spell events
give you a random list of names. Create one. Then, write what it means.
Dice pool per
Afterwards, roll a pool of dice, determined by the magus’ current level. The
dice are all rolled
If you have risk dice, you must also roll at the same time.
it – a risk roll of 1 is a even if the rest of your roll has a success.
7 7 11 is 8 3 4 is
4 10 9 is 5 5 4 is :
the magus overcomes the the magus overcomes the
challenge with d i s t i n c t i o n . challenge but receives a during the ordeal.
The day is safe, but long-term effects may
Choose: gain +1 , or resolve an existing instead.
A mIsFortuNe occurs.
The worst outcome takes
place, and someone is
damaged in the process.
is it you?
Degrade the magus’ by .
If you
R fle
After the 2nd, 4th, and 6th event, you’ll have the
After the 2nd, 4th, and 6th event, you’ll have the
opportunity to look back and see how your actions opportunity to look back and see how your actions
have affected others, the world, and the magus. have affected others, the world, and the magus.
Reflecting won’t count against your seven-event limit.Reflecting won’t count against your seven-event limit.
It’s your space to pause and imagine the possibilities.It’s your space to pause and imagine the possibilities.
Create the magus’ origin, then start at the very first At any point, betray a or spend to
prompt. Choose: resolve this , or do the one advance your .
right next after it instead. If you reject this prompt,
write why. To move to the next prompt, roll and , and get
the absolute difference. For example, if you roll a
If your selected is a Bond, choose whether to and a , you move forward two places. If you get a
gain a new , or nurture an existing one. If you zero, go to the next prompt.
choose the latter, gain in the process.
Then choose again whether to accept this event or
resolve the next one instead.
If it’s a Spell instead, roll for the name and write its
description in the journal. Afterwards, roll a pool of
Continue play until: You can also choose to
die based on the magus’ .
u all seven occur, retire at any time.
ua happens, Perhaps the best way to
Count as a success every roll that’s equal or higher escape the cycle of power
than the . u the magus is forced to lose even more
is to refuse to play
despite already being . altogether.
• At success, you can choose to gain or
remove an existing .
• At success, you gain a .
• At successes, you must choose whether to the magus’
degrade your or sacrifice an existing
Forge Chain
Scarlet Laugh of
Elia Windsworn
What is your name?
Who are you in life?
Magic can be an infinitely rare power in your Whether or not it took you by surprise, your
universe, or perhaps it is as common as sunlight. powers manifested one day. Where did it come
Write three keyphrases to describe it, or roll a d12 from? Describe what happened, or roll a d6.
three times and refer to the table below.
1. Magic is incredibly taxing on the soul of the caster. 1. You stumbled upon a dying sorceress, and with her
2. Anyone can cast magic, provided they have access final breath she bequeathed her magic to you.
to learning. 2. Touching a strange and terrifying artifact sparked
3. Arcana is deeply forbidden by the state. arcana within you.
4. High sorcerers act as kings and keep a close eye on 3. A vagabond wizard, whom you have befriended,
who uses magic. patiently taught you how to cast magic.
5. Magic is granted by strange gods. 4. You stole a forbidden book and spent tireless
6. Magic corrupts anyone who uses it. nights trying to learn its secrets.
7. The study of spells can be incredibly academic; 5. One of your parents is an accomplished magician,
heavy tomes of research exist in many libraries. and their natural talent flows in your blood.
8. Fae and other enchanted creatures freely use 6. You do not know.
9. Magic is incredibly rare; anyone capable of casting
spells is feared and revered.
10. Deep magic exists; strange effects can happen with
the utterance of the right name with the right
11. There are many established wizarding families,
with lineages dating centuries. How did you react? Did others see? Did you keep it
12. Demons grant access to magic, but often by secret? Why?
claiming the caster’s soul.
4. Magic is endlessly interesting. There are so 5. You cannot take the weight of their judging
many secrets to unlock! What is the universe eyes.
like? How can words create reality? You
must know. 6. You require a skilled mentor, and no one in
your hometown can take on this role.
This is
where you
The magus begins with Power 1, Focus 0,
and Perfect Control (no risk die).
Gain a new bond
You encounter someone who makes a deep impression on you. They
are… (choose or roll against each list)
What makes them interesting – and how do you feel about them?
1. Twilight You cast a new spell for the first time, excited to
2. Verdure test your skill. What could go wrong?
3. Censure
4. Whispers
5. Language Gain the “
6. Sleep
Gain 1
: : :
Gain 1
: : :
Gain a new bond Nurture an existing bond
You encounter someone who makes a deep impression on you. They You gain a stronger relationship with an
are… (choose or roll against each list) existing connection. Write why and how, or
roll d4.
Why should
you CAre —
: : :
R fle
1. Titans
2. Fireball
3. Inversion Gain 1
4. Failures
5. Brokenness
6. Demons
: : :
Gain a new bond Nurture an existing bond
You encounter someone who makes a deep impression on you. They You gain a stronger relationship with an
are… (choose or roll against each list) existing connection. Write why and how, or
roll d4.
1. Angels
2. Silence
3. Unlife
4. Mathematics : : :
5. Death d8
6. Curses d4
Spell Name Complication.
1. Delusional A young waif from an impoverished village visits you
2. Chaotic every day and begs you to forget this spell – that its
3. Nether
existence and usage will result in darkness, despair. In
4. Unstable
5. Hallowing what way is she right? And in what way did you try to
6. Porcelain ignore or silence her protestations?
1. Eclipse
2. Resurrection
3. Vengeance Gain the “
4. Barrier
5. Judgment
6. Mask
of Gain 1
1. Mirrors
2. Warforged
3. Dragons
4. Madness : : :
5. Prophecy d8
6. Time d4
Gain a new bond Nurture an existing bond
You encounter someone who makes a deep impression on you. They You gain a stronger relationship with an
are… (choose or roll against each list) existing connection. Write why and how, or
roll d4.
What makes them interesting – and how do you feel about them?
Complication. 44
Spell Name
This spell attracts the baleful attention of a
1. Non-eucledian 4. Distant
2. Midnight 5. Impossible
supernatural, sinister force whose power
3. Imperfect 6. Cosmic outclasses yours. Who are they, and how are
+ they linked to the spell? What do they want
1. Portal 4. Visions with you? Do you attempt to flee, stand
2. Ocean 5. Haunting
3. Dreams 6. Pain
your ground, or perhaps…an allegiance?
1. Deathly 4. The faithless
2. The waking 5. Altered
3. Decadent 6. Apocalyptic Gain the “
1. Nightmares 4. Sorrow
2. Elements 5. Banishment
3. Supernovae 6. Future Gain 1
: : :
R fle
Ask yourself:
You cast your long shadow on
u How do your bonds connect and
humanize you? How do your connections provide you the world. The marks of your
the only way to feel tethered to humanity? How deep
is your fear that you will eventually lose them all? magic burn with indelible flame.
u Something has replaced your Go back to the origins of this world, your three
pathos. Or buried it deep, beneath the soil of your keyphrases on magic. At least one of these have
ambition. How did it happen? Where did your heart
changed, forever. What is it?
Complication. 46
Spell Name
You craft this spell. You walk; look in the
1. Alternate 4. Feeble
2. Vile 5. Blackest
mirror; you barely recognize yourself. In
3. Raw 6. Evil what seems like slow motion, you trace a
+ finger down your face, blinking and
1. Crown 4. Denial attempting to remember who you truly are.
2. Abjuration 5. Narsus’
3. Corruption 6. Art
What do you recall, what memories save
your sanity?
1. Meteoric 4. Prismatic
2. Eldritch 5. Power Gain the “
3. True 6. Evoke
1. Reality 4. Creation Gain 1
2. Swarm 5. Kill
3. Simulacrum 6. Disintegration
: : :
What makes them interesting – and how do you feel about them?
How do you feel? Gain +1
Wish You cast the spell, knowing that it can alter reality
– undoing any regret, reviving any death, creating
any world – and only at the cost of your soul.
Gain the “
: : :
This is
where it
It is time.
Your hands are steady. Perhaps you have spent the whole night trying to calm
yourself as you take this heavy decision. Perhaps it comes with ease.
If you have at least one nurtured bond If you achieve Power 3, you become If you are broken you leave this
remaining, you go with peace in your keenly aware that you can use your place to find calm and healing.
heart and acceptance in your spirit. How magic to do anything – even undo Shadows torment you. Yet you
do they accept your farewell, and how the past. The choice is yours. find a way to overcome. How?
did their final embrace feel?
This is a game created for Session Zero Thank you to everyone who visited the con,
Online, held on 30 January 2021. and thank you for supporting this game.
The Magus was written and laid out on I have only two final asks: please share your
PowerPoint, partially to prove that it was experience at the project page
possible. ( and
please explore games created by #RPGSEA.
The Magus relies on art generated by Artificial
Intelligence (from and from Thank you once more. May you successfully
the Rijks Museum (from face down the loneliness that rages in our
These are all public domain images. hearts.