Iot Based Waste Management For Smart City

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Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 1 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering



Literature review..................................................................................................................4

Internet of Things............................................................................................................5

Motivation and Background............................................................................................5

Problem specification..........................................................................................................6

Existing System...............................................................................................................6


Proposed system..............................................................................................................7


System Specifications..........................................................................................................7

Hardware Specifications..................................................................................................7

Software Specifications...................................................................................................8

System Implementation.......................................................................................................8

Arduino Uno....................................................................................................................8

System design....................................................................................................................12

Circuit diagram..............................................................................................................12

Interfacing of Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino.............................................................12

How to Interface GSM Module to Arduino?.................................................................13

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 2 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


Connecting GSM Module to Arduino...............................................................................15

Interfacing Arduino Uno with Nodemcu...........................................................................16


Testing Strategies...........................................................................................................17

Test Strategy and Approach...............................................................................................18

Test Objectives..............................................................................................................18

Features to be tested.......................................................................................................18

Integration Testing.........................................................................................................18

Test Results................................................................................................................19

Acceptance Testing........................................................................................................19

Test Results................................................................................................................19

Functional Testing.........................................................................................................19


User view of Dustbin initially........................................................................................20

Level of the waste in the bin..........................................................................................21


Future scope.......................................................................................................................21

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 3 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering



Embedded devices that can sometimes control these devices from the Internet are

frequently mentioned as the “Internet of Things”. In the current system, it is easier to connect the

smart car to the internet for providing real-time information. Overflowing bins have become

another problem for people in developing countries. As the population increases, the purity of

waste treatment decreases significantly. In the case of a common disease, open glass turned out

to be a breeding ground for bacteria. It is a tradition for municipalities to organise weekly

rubbish of rubbish and reusable products on certain days, whether the containers are full or not.

Therefore, an appropriate waste management system must be in place to prevent the spread of

some deadly diseases. It is noted that to manage the smart business, monitor the health of their

smart business and make the right decisions. Many rubbish bins are placed in educational

institutions, companies, hospitals are scattered around the city or on campus. It is analysed that

these types of dustbins are connected to a processor system with an ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonic

sensor detects dust in the trash and sends data to this Arduino. Then it can connect the Arduino

to the Internet through a modem or Wi-Fi via a LAN cable to send received data to the cloud. It

is the desired place where all data and information can be received and analysed accordingly.

Moreover, it is easier to process in the cloud and by the help of this, the data indicates the level

of debris of the GUI browser and send an email to the appropriate authorities if the amount of

debris can exceed the limit and location of the debris. Therefore, the relevant services

immediately resorted to emptying the rubbish.

Literature review

It is noted that building a smart container is not the first idea. After the Internet of Things

came into people’s lives, the idea has been around for years. Initially, however, it was planned to

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 4 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


develop a report for transferring data to a smart dustbin with a pressure sensor, infrared sensor

and Wi-Fi module. The latest look at IoT technology provides an overview of IoT and more

information about IoT. Therefore, they are more suitable for smart environments and various


Internet of Things

There are several aspects related to Internet of Things such as online sensory

management, mobile projects and the latest solutions. It gives researchers detailed information

about mobile phone analysis and sensory information management, which helps to isolate data

from different fields. On the other hand, it is easier to minimise the powerful synchronisation

based on Top-k request used for garbage collection in a small IoT farm. This gives us the idea of

the powerful programming needed to empty the trash and Top-k queries allow us to empty the

trash as a priority. Moreover, municipal waste collection with RF (Zigbee) and GSM technology.

It also describes in detail the modules needed to send data to the recipient, as well as the main

channels of the project. Initially, the project used GSM technology, but then researcher decided

to use the Wi-Fi module to maximize data transfer. Moreover, “Smart Garbage Management

System” provides other detailed information and information needed to transport and treat waste

in the waste management process. An ingenious waste management system that is entirely based

on the “Internet of Things” can successfully control food waste. It is noted that it provides an

overview of how smart trash and IoT-based energy management work.

Motivation and Background

Local authorities are already addressing food waste through food containers and hiring

various recycling companies to collect the food waste. However, the current approach to food

waste management is based on fixed prices, which creates problems for the environment and

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 5 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


increases waste disposal, as there is no limit to the amount of food waste, manufacturers, and

without incentives. It is noted that it is more suitable for lighter manufacturers as they can create

more opportunities for food waste producers. In this way, they do not produce the direct cost of

waste production, it is effective to reduce this amount of waste. It is because municipalities

employ several waste management companies and each collection company uses different

measurement methods, the reliability of food waste statistics is low, which makes it difficult to

adjust and control emissions.

Problem specification

Existing System

According to the existing system, it is difficult for an authorised person to check whether

the bin has been filled or not as there is no technology available. Therefore, level of garbage in

manual detected by an authorised person. On the other hand, open containers are dangerous for

human health as they are breeding place for several severe viruses and germs which can be

harmful for human lives.


It is noted that authorities are concerned regarding the overflowing dustbins in their

vicinity. It is because, it has been creating problems for people living in the developing and

developed countries.

Another drawback is that municipalities are operating on weekly basis. They have to pick

the trash from overall the city. However, it does not matter whether there is waste in the dustbin

or not they have to pick it up.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 6 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


Proposed system

The current proposed system helps authorities in an effective manner. It provides a

detection device which contains Ultrasonic sensor which can indicate the level of garbage

present in the dustbin. In this way, authorised person can control it while sitting in the control

room. Therefore, Arduino Uno and GSM module are considered as the most suitable sensor


On the other hand, GUI is used to provide desired amount of data and information about

the level of garbage present in several locations in the city. In this way, municipalities can visit

the right place to collect the garbage and it can save fuel, time and cost. Moreover, it can also

make a call to the concern authorities about the level of garbage, debris and dust present in

dustbin if it crosses the threshold level.


It is used to maintain good hygienic surroundings all over the city. In this way, authorities

can automatically detect the level of garbage, debris and dust with the help of effective sensor

systems. Moreover, when the level of the dust in dustbin crosses the threshold level, it makes a

call to the concern authorities.

System Specifications

Hardware Specifications

 Arduino Uno

 Ultrasonic sensor

 GSM Module


Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 7 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


Software Specifications



 C#

 Java

 Arduino IDE

System Implementation

Arduino Uno

Arduino can set UNO without working too hard to fix bad conditions. In the worst case,

they can spend a few bucks replacing chips and starting over. "Uno" means Italian word and was

chosen for Arduino software release (IDE) 1.0. Arduino Unified Software Development Board

and Version 1.0 The Arduino software (IDE) is the reference version and is currently being

developed for the new version. This is the first in the Arduino USB alphabet and reference model

for the Arduino platform; For a complete list of current, obsolete, or obsolete tablets, check out

the latest Arduino release list. Arduino Boards and Arduino Platform Reference Models A

detailed list of current, old, or obsolete boards can be found in the Arduino Board Index. Arduino

is a manufacturer of hardware and software, a project community and users. It develops and

manufactures sets of microcontrollers for the following purposes: to create digital devices and

interactive objects that can perceive and control substances in the world.

The Arduino table uses a wide range of processors and controllers. These cards contain

groups of digital (analogue (I / O)) inputs / outputs that can be connected to various expansion

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 8 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


cards (shields) and other circuits. These drives have serial ports, including some common types

of serial ports (USB). which can also be used to download applications from a computer.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 9 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


The Arduino project began in 2005 as a student at the Ivrea Ivrea Interactive Design

Institute in Italy. Its aim is to provide beginners and professionals with an easy and cost-effective

way to create devices that use sensors and activators to communicate with the environment. ...

Common examples of such beginner devices are simple robots, thermostats and motion sensors.

The name Arduino comes from the Italian bar Ivrea, where some of the project's founders met.

The card is named after Arduino Ivrea, and the latter is the Count of Ivrea and King of Italy from

1002 to March 1014. Arduino is an open mechanism. Samples of the hardware are released

under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5 license and can be found on the Arduino

website. Design and production files are also included in some hardware versions. The IDE

source code is released under the GNU General Public License. However, Arduino staff never

send an official file to an Arduino board. The Arduino name must be the correct name of the

official product and cannot be obtained without permission. The official policy on the use of the

Arduino name states that the project will enable others to hide work in the official product. Many

Arduino compatible products on the market use different nicknames to avoid project names.

The Arduino board contains 8, 16 or 32 bit AVR Atmel microcontrollers (ATmega8,

ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, ATmega2560), but since 2015 they use

microcontrollers from other manufacturers. For convenience, these panels use a single line of

needles or female connectors. Connection for programming and connection to other channels.

They can be linked to additional elements called shields. Multiple shading layers and possibly a

separate stack can be solved with the I²C sequence. Most PCBs include a 5 V line driver and a 16

MHz crystal oscillator or ceramic commentator. Due to some size limitations, some models

(such as Lily Pad) operate at 8 MHz, eliminating the need for built-in voltage regulators.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 10 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


The Arduino microcontroller is pre-programmed with the boot loader, which makes it

easy to load the program into the flash memory of the chip. The default charger for the Arduino

UNO is the starter. The program code is downloaded to the disk with a serial connection to

another computer. Some Arduino serial computers have a hierarchical circuit that allows them to

switch between RS232 logic signals and transistor logic (TTL) signals. Modern Arduino cards

are programmed via a universal bus (USB) and used with a USB serial port IC (such as FTDI

FT232). Some modules (e.g. newer Uno card) replace the FTDI IC for a special AVR IC that

contains USB power equipment and can be reprogrammed via the ICSP header. Other options,

such as the unofficial Arduino Mini and Boarduino, use an adapter board instead of the Arduino

IDE (standard in AVR (FAI) system applications) when used with traditional microcontrollers.

USB in serial or disconnect able cable, Bluetooth or other. methods are used.

The Arduino board opens the I / O pins of most microcontrollers so that they can be used

in other circuits. Diecimila, Duemilanove and Current Uno offer 14 digital I / O, of which six can

carry PWM signals and six analogue inputs, which can also be used as six digital I / O. These

pins are located on the motherboard through 0, 1 inch (2.54 mm) female connector. There are

also several spare screens available in the market. The Arduino Nano development board and

Arduino compatible Bare Bone development board can have a header at the bottom of the

development board and these heads can be connected to the board for soldering. There are many

Arduino derivative tablets that are Arduino compatible. Some of them are equivalent to Arduino

and can be used with each other. Many people improve the fundamentals of the Arduino by

adding production controls (commonly used in school education) to facilitate the construction of

trolleys and small robots.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 11 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


System design

Circuit diagram

Interfacing of Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino

Now that researchers have seen how an ultrasonic transducer works, they have an idea of

what needs to be done to benefit from it. They must first create a 10 microsecond signal and then

send it to the ignition. After sending the bullet, they have to read the echo arrow and wait for it to


Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 12 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


How to Interface GSM Module to Arduino?

A GSM unit is essentially considered as a GSM modem which can be connected to a

board that has several types of board output. The development board also has a pin or device for

connecting a microphone and a speaker for creating + 5V or other electrical connections. These

types of rules vary by unit:

Researchers are using the GS900 SIM900 unit, which means that the unit assist

communication in the 900MHz frequency band. On the other hand, it is important to check the

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 13 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


power requirement of the GSM unit as the GSM unit is from another company. They all have

different input properties. They must check the power requirement of the GSM unit again. In this

study, GSM unit needs 12V input. That's why they use a 12V, 1A DC power supply. Moreover,

the method of making a GSM unit is to connect a specific GSM modem to a PCB and then

provide RS232 output, TTL output, microphone and speaker connector settings, etc. The most

common modem is the GSM SIM 900 modem that SIMCom offers. The TTL output of the unit

is active, data can be entered directly from the GSM unit in the Arduino. Otherwise they must

use MAX232 IC to convert RS232 data to TTL and transfer to Arduino. Most mobile devices on

the market have TTL output contacts and make sure the purchase is correct.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 14 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


Connecting GSM Module to Arduino

It is noted that double methods are used to connect mobile device to Arduino. In all cases,

the message should be sequential between Arduino and GSM units. It is important to use the

Arduino sequencer “Rx and Tx”. For using this method, it is important to connect with Tx pin

which is presented in the GSM unit. On the other hand, the Rx pin of the Arduino and connect

the Rx pin of the GSM unit to the Tx pin of the Arduino. It is important to connect the ground on

the Arduino to the pin of the GSM unit.

There are several problems with the current connection which are associated with

programming. Firstly, the Arduino practices the serial port to download the application as of the

provided Arduino IDE. It is noted that these program does not load on the Arduino as many pins

are currently used in the serial. Therefore, it is important for researcher to disconnect Rx and Tx

cables each time whenever they are writing a database on Arduino. After downloading the

application, they were able to reconnect this pin and restart the system normally. To avoid these

difficulties, researcher used another method where two digital Arduino pins are used for a daisy

chain. For this method they have to choice two PWM active pins in the Arduino. Therefore, in

the current study, researcher has selected two chosen pins 9 and 10 (including PWM compatible

pins). Arduino Library Module enables this method. The software suite is an Arduino library that

can transfer data in sequence Arduino digital pins.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 15 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


Interfacing Arduino Uno with Nodemcu

Nodemcu is good for connecting to the cloud and Arduino is good for communicating

with various sensors. nodemcu has one analogous needle. Arduino takes a temperature

measurement and sends it to the host via a serial connection. Nodemcu sends mqtt a message for

every reading he receives. If it only need one sensor, them can use the analogue input directly in

the nodemcu. On the Arduino side, it regularly tries to send JSON messages to retailers in the

head. Note that Arduino Uno is suitable for 5v and nodemcu is for 3v3 points. So it needs to

connect the nodemcu urate connector to the rotary switch connector to connect the serial port of

the Arduino software. From Nodemcu, it need to get the message that Arduino sends through

serial numbers. Arduino sends messages in JSON format. It does not process nodemcu and it can

process the message before sending it to the cloud. For example, it can be compare the current

reading with a previously published message and send the message only if the reading is

different and it must have a valid MQTT server account.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 16 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering



Testing Strategies

The software development process can be considered as a spiral. Systems science

originally defined the role of software and led to the analysis of software requirements, which

resulted in standards for software knowledge, functionality, behaviour, performance, constraints,

and management. When it goes forward on the spiral, it starts designing and eventually code. For

computer software development, it can implement the cord and reduce the extraction level with

each movement.

The software testing policy can also be viewed in a growing context. Unit tests begin at

the top of the spiral and focus on all programming elements implemented in the source code. The

progress of the exam will be by the completion of the integration exam. Integration testing

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 17 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


focuses on software architecture and development. Finally, it perform system tests to test the

software and other aspects of the system as a whole.

Test Strategy and Approach

It is noted that field testing need to be performed in manual manner, however, it is vital to

present written details of the functional testing.

Test Objectives

It is essential for all field to work in an effective manner. On the other hand, all pages

should activate from the provided links.

Features to be tested

It is important to verify that all the provided entries are presented in accurate manner.

However, there should be no duplicate entries allowed in the current project. On the other hand,

all links present in the project should be selected from recommended pages in an accurate


Integration Testing

Integration tests is important and therefore they are planned for the assessment of built-in

software modules. It helps to provide information about controlling work. The test is based on an

event and focuses more on the main screen or the results of the course. Integration tests show

that despite successful unit tests, all components are satisfactory but the component composition

is accurate and stable. Integration tests are specifically designed to identify problems caused by

component assembly.

A software adaptation test is an integrated test of more than two software mechanisms

that are integrated on the same stage to cause interface failures. The purpose of integration

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 18 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


testing is to test components or software programs, such as system software components, or to

update enterprise software programs to ensure error-free communication.

Test Results

There has been no defect found while conducting a test and therefore all the test which

are mentioned above has passed successfully.

Acceptance Testing

It is analysed that acceptance testing is considered as one of the most critical part of any

study and project. It is because, it needs huge amount of participants which is necessary in order

to meet all functional needs and requirements.

Test Results

There has been no defect found while conducting a test and therefore all the test which

are mentioned above has passed successfully.

Functional Testing

Functional tests demonstrate the system by demonstrating that the function can be used in

accordance for both commercial and practical purposes, system data instructions and operating


The functional tests focus on the following modules:

Valid entry: The specified valid category must be accepted.

Invalid entry: The recognised incorrect entry category must be rejected.

Functions: It is important to exercise only identified functions and roles.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 19 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


Production: The specified production category of the application must be exercised.

System/process: A system or process should be applied in an effective manner.

When planning and preparing practical exams, the focus is on requirements, basic

functions or special exams. In addition, the scope of the business process definition system must

be considered; data areas, predefined processes and continuous testing processes. Before

completing the impact test, additional tests should be defined and the root mean square value of

the current test should be determined.


User view of Dustbin initially

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 20 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering


Level of the waste in the bin


It is concluded that the real-time system is required for controlling and managing the

waste all over the city. Therefore, it should have smart containers in order to check garbage level

and dust present in dustbins. In this system, the monitor has access to all the information in the

smart car at any time and can make decisions based on it. With the implementation of this

system, smart containers can be used efficiently and e-mails will be sent to the appropriate staff

until the amount of waste in the containers reaches the threshold.

Future scope

In this system, the monitor has access to all the information in the smart car at any time

and can make decisions based on it. When the bin is full or exceeds their limits, it can call and

notify the authorised staff member sitting in the control room.

Sir C.R.REDDY College of Engineering 21 Dept. Of Computer Science Engineering

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