Cell Theory Historical Timeline Activity
Cell Theory Historical Timeline Activity
Cell Theory Historical Timeline Activity
Robert Hooke Hans Zacharias Anton Van Friedrich Rudolph Robert Remak
Freshwater Lippershey Janssen Leeuwenhoek Theodor Virchow •n 1852 he
•1665, he •He is recognized •1590 known as •In 1684 he Schwann •1855 he published in the
discovered that as the creator of the creator of discovered that •1839, he corrected and Müller Archives
living beings are the designs for the compound blood was also concluded that expanded the his doctrine on
made up of the first practical microscope made up of cells all animals are cell theory of cell division, he
elementary telescope. It is and also made up of cells Schwann and pointed out that
microscopic also quite discovered the Schleiden, cells multiply by
structures that he possible that he existence of establishing that excision of their
called cells invented the microorganisms cells are the nucleus, not by
microscope long that he called fundamental unit generatio
before Zacharias "animáculos", of life and that aequivoca from
Janssen. made up of a cells are formed the original
single cell, which only from other protoplasm. It
today we know cells ("omnis thus contributed
as bacteria and cellula ex to the
protozoa. cellula") culmination of
the cell theory