Video Online Learning Lesson Idea Template
Video Online Learning Lesson Idea Template
Video Online Learning Lesson Idea Template
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Students will be able to watch a video of an example of all three power-
lifts. Students will be able to perform and create their own videos of them performing each exercise. In these
videos I can record my voice over these videos and provide a closed caption.
Lesson idea implementation: When Teaching an online Physical education class, technology like Flipgrid and
Seesaw are essential to teachers. In this weight training unit for high schoolers. Students will learn the basics
of the three main power lifts. Those are the barbell back squat, barbell bench press, and the deadlift.
Students online will view the QR codes present of me performing a bench press, squat and deadlift. Prior to
this lesson, students will have the knowledge and proper form of all three lifts. Once the students have viewed
all three videos, the students will then have to record themselves doing all three lifts. The students will need to
turn their work in on Flipgrid. On flipgrid there will be a rubric provided and the QR codes of my videos
Importance of technology: Since this would be a fully online class, technology is highly important. If this was
not an online class, the project could not be completed without technology. Students can use flipgrid, I-movie
or Seesaw when turning in their work.
Inspiration (optional):
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: When using flip grid, I will need to keep the link private. If not, students
will be able to see each others work. If the link is public, then others outside the class can view each other’s
ITEC 3300
Video and Online Learning
Reflective Practice: This would impact student learning in a positive way by allowing students to record
themselves on their own time. They can use the footage they use as a version of “film Study” of their own
form. They will be able to see if they are using correct/incorrect form. They can use this at the start of the unit
to see where they started, and at the end when they record themselves again, they will see their progression
in weight on all three lifts. To extend this lesson, the students can record themselves teaching the class on how
to perform each lift.
ITEC 3300