Video Lesson

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Video Tools

Lesson Idea Name: How do I play?

Content Area: Physical Education
Grade Level(s): 9th-12th
Content Standard Addressed: Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts,
principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Technology Standard Addressed: Standard 3-Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital
tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others.

Selected Technology Tool:

☒ Video (list application):
☐ Other: (list)
URL( to support the lesson (e.g., Adobe Spark, if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): For students who are visual, they can write out their script and draw
what they will do for their recording. For students who are auditory, they can record a few seconds at a time
and play it back before continuing. These students can also record themselves without talking and do a voice
over once they finish recording. For students who are hands on, they can jump right in and walk through the
rules, how to play, etc.

Lesson idea implementation: Students will get in groups of four. This project will be introduced at the end of
a capture the flag unit to show their knowledge of the game. This project will be in place of a written test.
Students will have to film themselves explaining the rules, how to play, list two offensive tactics, and two
defensive tactics. Student learning will be assessed by watching the student-created video to see that they
know how to play the game and understand the rules.
Students will have one week to create this project. I will give them two days worth of class time for filming
Students will receive written feedback after I watch their video. There will be a rubric that I will follow making
sure students met each of the guidelines. I can conclude the lesson by having students present their video to
the class. I can extend student learning to a higher level by having students do peer assessments on each
other’s videos.

Importance of technology: A video recording tool is critical to have for this project because without it,
students wouldn’t be able to record themselves teaching of the game. Since this project requires you to
record yourself teaching about capture the flag, it could not be done without a video recording tool. The only
other thing you could do is have students teach about it live during class, which makes them more nervous
and they could forget something. So, without it, students may not be given the chance to show their full
potential. No other technology will be used for this lesson.
ITEC 3300
Video Tools

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Some internet safety issues that might come up with this project is
student’s copywriting and third party use of student information. Third party use can be prevented because
teachers can set the privacy setting to a closed network to where only students can view and use it. Students
will only use the school approved video recording tool. I can prevent copyrighting by telling students what it is
and how they need to cite pictures or anything they get from somewhere else. I can alleviate fears had by
parents and administration by first checking the common-sense website to see if I should the video recording
tool, then I will also get approval from administration to use tool.

Reflective Practice: This lesson could impact student learning because it gives them a fun, engaging way to
test their knowledge instead handing them a piece of paper with questions on it. This lesson was designed to
be at the end of a unit. To further enhance this project, I could have students peer assess each other’s video
by following a rubric given. To promote higher ordered thinking, I could have students use the sandwich
effect- say one thing they liked, one thing they could improve on, and end with another thing they liked about
the video.

ITEC 3300

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