User S Manual: Kibes Runtime Version
User S Manual: Kibes Runtime Version
User S Manual: Kibes Runtime Version
Dept. Product Marketing
Heinrich-Herz-Straße 45
D-78006 Villingen-Schwenningen
1..........PRODUCT/SYSTEM OVERVIEW......................................................5
1,1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................5
1,2 DESCRIPTION of the MAIN COMPONENTS.................................................................................................6
3.........OPERATOR PROMPTS.......................................................................14
4,1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................17
4,2 LINKING the PST and the ZIP FILE...............................................................................................................17
4.3 UPLOAD OF PLC PROGRAMS FROM CENTRAL PROCESSOR..............................................................18
4.3.1 PERFORMING AN UPLOAD......................................................................................................................19
5,1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................20
5,2 CONFIGURATION MENU.............................................................................................................................21
5,3 ASSIGNMENT MENU (Adressing)................................................................................................................24
5,3,1 EXPLANATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT MENU.....................................................................................25
5,4 PARAMETER MENU......................................................................................................................................31
5,5 COMMUNICATION........................................................................................................................................35
5,5,1 LOADING A PLC PROGRAM in the CENTRAL PROCESSOR...............................................................35
5,5,2 COMMUNICATION INFORMATION PAGE.............................................................................................36
6..........ON-LINE TEST.....................................................................................37
6,1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................37
6,2 FUNKTION KEY.............................................................................................................................................39
6,3 ON-LINE TEST MENU...................................................................................................................................41
Contents, sheet number, sheet name, page up and pagedown.......................................................................41
6,4 SETTINGS........................................................................................................................................................45
6,4,1 DEFINITION INPUT,MODULE, VALUE,CONFIGURATION.................................................................45
6,5 PROGRAM SEQUENCE.................................................................................................................................51
6,5,1 CYCLE STEPS, RUN,DEF & RUN..............................................................................................................51
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6,6 DYNAMIC DISPLAY WINDOWS (DDWs)..................................................................................................54
8.........LOG BOOK............................................................................................63
9.........PROJECT TOOLS.................................................................................64
9,1 DELETE COMPLETE PROJECT....................................................................................................................65
9,2 COPY COMPLETE PROJECT........................................................................................................................66
9,3 DELETE POST PROCESSOR.........................................................................................................................67
9,4 SAVING PLC PROGRAM...............................................................................................................................68
9,5 RESTORE PLC PROGRAMS..........................................................................................................................69
9,6 ON-LINE TEST (SAVE ONLINE TEST DATA OLT)..................................................................................70
9,7 ON-LINE TEST (RESTORE ONLINE TEST DATA OLT)...........................................................................71
9,8 IMPORT EAM..................................................................................................................................................72
1.1 Introduction
KIBES software is used to create a PLC program by means of a function
diagram and transmit this program to the central processor. The KIBES basic
package is used for creating the function diagram. The post processor
converts the function diagram into a program which can be uploaded to the
central processor.
Using the KIBES Runtime version finished programs can be transmitted to the
central processor. The KIBES runtime version does not allow corrections to the
PLC program (function diagram). However, it is possible to check the program
in the central processor with an "online test" and receive information about the
PLC program in the central processor.
Please read this manual throughly before using the KIBES Runtime version for
the first time.
Í Graphics board:
Í Parallel interface
After booting your computer, use the task bar to start the Windows Explorer.
1.) Place the CD-ROM or floppy disk containing the KIBES Runtime version
in the corresponding drive.
2.) Open the Rt_03_FF directory which is located on the CD-ROM or on disk
1 of the KIBES Runtime version.
The INSTALL file which starts the installation is located in the Rt_03_FF
directory. In order to install the KIBES Runtime version under Win95/98, you
have to disable "Windows regognition through MS-DOS Prompt" in the context
menu (Properties).
1.) Use the right mouse button to click on the INSTALL file
2.) Select the Properties command in the context menu and then the
Program tab.
4.) Deactivate the control small box MS-DOS mode suggest and activated the
control small box No Windows recognition through DOS based programs.
5.) Close the dialogue box window extended program settings with one click on
OK, and leave also with a further click on OK the dialogue window.
... Or boot the computer in MS-DOS mode and enter the command Install. Make
sure that you first open the directory containing the Install file.
After starting the installation with the Install command, some specifications are
still required in the installation menus.
1.) Use the arrow keys to select the preferred (hard disk partition) in this
menu. Confirm your selection with Return.
Caution !!!
The KIBES Runtime version needs 4MB min. of free space on your hard disk.
2.) Enter the (working directory) where the KIBES Runtime version will be
saved. Confirm your selection with Return.
2.) Use the arrow keys to select the interface which later will handle the
communication to the central processor.
Please bear in mind that usually one of the two interfaces is used as mouse
Starting the Kibes Runtime version under Win 95/98 and Windows NT
• Double click on the KS.bat file in the Windows Explorer. This file is
located in the working directory specified during the installation
Í It is also possible to link the KS.bat file with the Windows desktop and
run KIBES from the desktop.
This line is connected between the RS232 COM interface of the PC and the C
connector (PIN C 3) of the central processor (siehe figure 1).
• The data line is connected between PIN 3 of RS232 and C connector PIN
13 of the central processor.
• The power supply is connected between PIN 1 (+24V) and PIN 5 (GND)
Summary of pin
PC interface RS232 Computer
Plug C Pin 13
3 Operator prompts
Menu bar
The left mouse click is the most important operator function in all program
parts. Nearly all the functions during the program run are enabled by this
The right mouse click corresponds, most generally spoken, always to a cancel
operation in several functions or program points.
To select menu functions move the highlight bar which moves along with the
mouse to the desired program function. The desired box is displayed inverted.
Click the left mouse button to select the function.
-> For a detailed description of the function key configuration in online test
see chapter 7.2.
When you compile the created program using the full version of KIBES, among
other files a PRG and a ZIP file are created.
• The PRG file is required in order to transfer the program to the central
Í In the full version both files are located in the PST directory.
2.) Then open the PST directory of the KIBES full version.
3.) Copy all files in the directory to the PST directory of the KIBES Runtime
The PST directory with the two files PRG and ZIP
4.) Exit the Windows Explorer and start the KIBES Runtime version
5.) Select "Post Processor" in the main menu, then select "Project Tools" in
the following menu.
Í When you select "OLT Daten Rest" the ZIP file is "extracted" making it
possible to perform an online test.
From KIBES Runtime version 7.31 upwards an upload from the central
processor to the KIBES Runtime version is possible.
This means, if the ZIP file is loaded to the central processor, you can transfer
the program from the central processor to the KIBES Runtime version by
means of this upload and then create a ZIP file of the corresponding program.
5.1 Introduction
The post processor menu handles the communication with the target system
(central processor). The program parts which are created on the logical level
(PLC program) are first adapted to the hardware of the target system and then
transferred to the target system.
• Addressing of the logical inputs and outputs to the inputs and outputs of
the device
(address menu)
(parameter menu)
Caution !!!
You cannot edit these menus in the KIBES Runtime version. You can only use
them to retrieve information.
3.) In the following menu enter the file name of the program you want to
Í Press the space bar and then Return to view a list of the existing
Configuration menu
The menu is divided into main and sub devices. The sub devices are connected
to the central processor via each main device.
The sub devices use a main device to transmit input and output signals to the
central processor.
-> It is not possible to connect more sub devices "directly" to this unit.
The driver’s working place is connected via I-CAN to the central processor. It is
not possible to declare sub devices, because it has its own defined inputs and
The I-CAN (instrument CAN) is a special CAN bus connected to the instrument
• Combination Module
The multiplex system is connected to these 2 CAN bus lines. The following
devices can be selected.
• multiplex node N
• multiplex node M
• multiplex node B
3.) In the following menu enter the file name of the program you want to view.
Í Press the space bar and then Return to view a list of the existing
Address menu
• Name
Name of the logical inputs and outputs specified in the PLC program. These
are connected to the physical inputs and outputs in the Address column.
• IO (input/output)
• TY (type)
This column indicates whether the input or output is a binary (B) or Word (W)
• Device
• Address
This is the name of the physical input or output which is present at one of the
connected devices.
By means of these limit values and the digitizing type, it is determined whether
the signal is in the dominant state (logical 1) or in the recessive state (logical
Diagram with possible voltage curve and the resulting digitizing of input (0;1)
and error input (0;254)
These limit values are a percentage of the board voltage. Ex; Board voltage is
24V, upper limit value is 75%, that equals a voltage of 18V.
• F Error condition
• - Intermediate condition (without error enabling)
• 1 Active condition
• 0 Inactive condition
If the error input is active for a certain time, an error message for this input is
-> The time during which the voltage can stay the same before an error
message is activated is determined in the parameter menu (see next chapter).
• AF (adaptation factor)
This column displays the relation between motor speed and generator speed
• NO (Emergency run)
This column displays what will happen when the communication to the central
processor is interrupted. That is, that the output does not receive any
information from the central processor.
Since no signal could be transmitted in this case, you have to determine how
the output should behave in case of an interruption:
E: output turned on
H: Hold condition
B: output blinks.
• In the following menu enter the file name of the program you want to view.
In the following menu you will find a selection menu with each used hardware
-> Use the arrow keys or the mouse to select the parameters of a certain
hardware component.
CC 2 (central processor)
• Small 128k
• medium 256k
Here the language set at the DWP/FAP and the free texts which have been
entered are displayed.
Use the mouse or the arrow keys to select the free text line and view the free
text entered.
-> An input is, for example, in error mode when the voltage is in the
intermediate range during the digitizing.
-> The value is displayed in ms
If a PWM signal controls an analog output, this column displays the base
frequency of the PWM signal.
5.5 Communication
Use the communication menu to transfer a program to the central processor;
furthermore, it is possible to receive information about the PLC program
currently loaded in the central processor.
3.) In the following menu enter the file name of the program you want to
2.) Enter the name of the PLC program to be transferred to the central
-> Press the space bar and then Return to view a list of the existing
Caution !!
In order to perform a download the PRG file must exist in the PST directory.
Information page for the PLC program currently loaded in the central processor
Display of the information page:
6 Online test
6.1 Introduction
The online test makes it possible to intervene in a "running" PLC program on
the central processor which allows to understand the function in the PLC
program and localize possible error sources.
You can perform logic and value evaluations of binary as well as analog
conditions in all sheets of a project.
During the online test you can set conditions for not assigned inputs as well as
module modifications. Furthermore, it is possible to change the values for
certain modules.
Use the function keys to scroll through the project in order to view single
project sheets during the online test.
You can make preselections in the configuration menu which affect the
operation of the online test as well as the display of the modules and the
conditions of each line and value.
Use the functions INPUT DEF and DEF & RUN (see
function INPUT DEF and DEF & RUN) to edit these
input/outputs during the online test.
Dotted line
Markers reaching over more
than one sheet are displayed as
a dotted line on the input side
as well on the output side.
Use the menu functions Sheet Forward (function key F10) and Sheet Backward
(Funktionstaste F9) to scroll through the project.
The EAM’s (Input Output Markers) are located on the right and left side of the
screen. If an EAM is underlined by a dotted line, it is a marker for more than
one sheet. That means, that this marker is already an input or output on a
preceding page.
If an EAM is marked with a red cross, this EAM is not assigned to a physical
input or output. This can also be checked in the address menu (see chapter
address menu).
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For a table with all available function which can be used via pressing a single
key see the page "Help" (Support).
This function key is used to switch between EINGANG DEF and MODUL
DEF modes.
Use this function key to determine inputs similar to the menu function
This function may also be used anytime with DEF & RUN. Update display
can be turned on or off. This is indicated by the word "ACTUAL" (value
displays are updated continuously) in the status line at the left bottom.
This function key is similar to the menu function SHEET NAME SEARCH
If you select "Sheet Contents" , KIBES will return to the page overview on
sheet 0 of the corresponding project.
Use the mouse or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the desired page;
press the left mouse button or the Return key to activate the corresponding
page and display it on the screen.
Use this menu item to access a page in the PLC program directly by entering
the page name. Therefore it is required that the name to be searched has been
specified for a certain sheet.
1.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to open the function.
2.) Enter a valid sheet name with 16 characters max. using the keyboard.
If this sheet exists in the project, the entered sheet name is displayed on the
left side of the comment line, and the corresponding sheet is displayed on the
If the entered sheet name does not exist, the message Sheet name does not
exist <key> is displayed. Press any key or the mouse buttons to return to the
normal operation.
Use this function to search for created sheet by sheet number and display
them on the screen.
1.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to open the function.
3.) Enter a valid sheet number in the range between "0" and "999".
If this sheet exists, the page with the corresponding sheet number is displayed.
If the entered sheet number does not exist, the message Sheet number does
not exist <key> is displayed. Press any key or the mouse buttons to return to
the normal operation.
Use the function Page up or Page down to display the next sheet on the
screen, as long as there are next sheets in the project.
Í Access this function also by pressing the keys F10 Page Down and F9
Page Up.
6.4 Settings
6.4.1 Definition input, module, value, configuration
Inputs/outputs which may be modified are displayed with a red cross at the
side input or output.
-> Click the left mouse button or press the F4 key to access this function.
Definition of an input:
3.) Use the mouse or the arrow keys to move the displayed menu bar above
the desired input.
3.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to change the
condition of the selected input.
Í Module Def
Í Please bear in mind that not all modules may be modified. Find a list of
modules which can be modified at the end of the description.
1.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to open the function.
After activating the function the cursor is in character mode. It can be moved
now everywhere in the character field. If the character cursor hits a module,
this is displayed inverted.
2.) If a module is displayed inverted, you can start modifying the module by
clicking the left mouse button.
Í If you click on a module which cannot be modified with the left mouse
button, you will hear a warning sound.
Í If the online test was started with the Def & Run function, you can access
the function Modul Def during the online test by pressing the function
key F2.
B-COUNTER BINARY The current counter value can be overwritten with a new value.
B-COUNTER ANALOG The current counter value can be overwritten with a new value.
F/B-COUNTER WORD The current counter value can be overwritten with a new value.
F/B-COUNTER ANALOG The current counter value can be overwritten with a new value.
CONSTANT BINARY The condition of output "O" is either set (logical 1) or reset
(logical 0)
CONSTANT WORD The word value of the constant module can be overwritten with a
new value.
CONSTANT ANALOG The analog value of the constant module can be overwritten with
a new value.
CONSTANT HEX The hexadecimal word value of the constant module can be
overwritten with a new value.
TEST-VAR BINARY The condition of output "O" is either set (logical 1) or reset
(logical 0)
TEST-VAR WORD The word value of the constant module can be overwritten with a
new value.
TEST-VAR ANALOG The analog value of the constant module can be overwritten with
a new value.
TEST-VAR HEX The hexadecimal word value of the constant module can be
overwritten with a new value.
Í Value Def
Use this function to modify binary conditions and analog values.
1.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to open the function.
2.) Use the following context menu to enter the variable name.
Use this function for setting various switches and default values, which could
influence the simulation sequence.
Configuration menu
Í Update display
This field indicates the time in seconds in which the data from the central
processor are requested cyclically.
If this switch is turned on (IN), the digital value of the analog input which
is highlighted by the bar is displayed, if not, its identifier. If this switch is
turned off (OUT), the identifier of the analog input which is highlighted by
the bar is displayed; if not, its digital value is displayed.
If this switch is turned on (IN), its digital value is displayed above its
analog output. If this switch is turned off (OUT), its identifier is displayed
above its analog output.
If this switch is turned on (IN), either the identifier or the value is displayed,
dependent of the position of the cursor bar. If the switches for "In-/Output
value displayed" are turned on (OUT), then usually the values are displayed.
However, if you move the bar above them, the identifiers are displayed. If the
switches are turned off (OUT), everything is vice versa.
Í Invalid representation
If this switch is turned on (IN), lines with an invalid value are marked. Binary
lines are marked by a slashed display, word and analog lines in their DDW’s, if
these were created. In these DDW’s "UNDEF" is entered for invalid lines.
If this switch is turned on (IN), the actual, although invalid data are output in
the DDW’s for word and analog lines instead of the "UNDEF" entries.
If both switches "Invalid representation" and "Invalid Data display" are turned
on, the invalid data are displayed because their settings have a higher priority.
• Cycle Step
This kind of online test allows a single cyclical processing of the logic of a
project sheet, dependent of the input definition.
This kind of online test allows a continuous cyclical processing of the logic of
a project sheet, dependent of the input definition.
• Binary lines
• Binary inputs/outputs
• Counter values
They are displayed in decimal form in the corresponding module below the
nominal value.
• Time values
They are displayed in decimal form in the corresponding module below the
nominal value.
• Steps
• Word inputs/outputs
This menu function combines the functions Input Def. and Lauf in one cycle,
i.e. immediately after activating the input, the cyclical processing of the project
sheet logic is started. During the simulation process the conditions of the
inputs may be changed anytime.
Now, the cursor is in I/O mode. Move the appearing menu bar with the mouse
or the arrow keys above the desired input.
1.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to define an input.
During a module definition this function can be activated by calling the MODUL
DEF function or, during the simulation process, by pressing function key F2.
In the latter case the simulation has to be started using DEF & RUN.
2.) Click on an integer line with the graphic cursor appearing now in the
project sheet.
The position of the displayed DDW can be changed using the mouse or the
arrow keys.
3.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to change the
position and, if necessary, create another DDW.
2.) Press the function F2 to activate the graphic cursor in the project sheet.
3.) Now you can click on an integer line with the graphic cursor.
The position of the displayed DDW can be changed using the mouse or
the arrow keys.
4.) Press the left mouse button or press the Return key to change the
position and, if necessary, create another DDW.
7 Documentation
Using the menu item "Documentation" you can display an address or
parameter list.
Using the function "Output Options" you can select, if necessary, the output
medium and the sort criteria for these lists.
Í The parameter and the address menu were described in detail some
paragraphs above.
This function is used to display a list of the inputs and outputs used by the
corresponding PLC program.
Í Identifier
Name of the input or output which was given at the creation of the PLC
Í Type
Í Device name
Type and name of the device used to control the input or output.
-> For a list of all devices used by this program see "Parameter List" in the
Í Remark
Í Comment
Í Connector
Í These parameters can be edited only with the assignment editor in the
KIBES full version.
Í Art (Type)
This function is used to display a list of the devices used by the corresponding
PLC program.
• Device
Here the name of the corresponding device is displayed and the following
device properties may be displayed (if available).
This value indicates the time which the status input can stay in error mode
before an error message is activated
-> An input is, for example, in error mode when the voltage is between the
lower and upper limit.
If an output is in emergency run mode and was set to flash in emergency run
mode, this value indicates the period duration of the output blinks.
Output medium
1.) Select the line output medium using the mouse or arrow keys and
confirm the selection clicking on the left mouse button or on Return.
2.) In the selection menu appearing now, move the highlight bar with the
arrow keys or the mouse to the desired output medium.
Select among the following output media:
• Screen
• Printer
Caution !!
• File
3.) Click the left mouse button or press Return to confirm your selection.
Company data
The company data are written into the footer of the assignment and parameter
1.) Select the line Companies or ADDRESS using the mouse or arrow keys
and confirm the selection by clicking the left mouse button or on
2.) Use the cursor which appears now to edit the selected line.
3.) Confirm your selection using the Return key in order to exit the input
Use this menu item to select the sort criteria for the address list.
1.) Select the line SORT LEVEL 1 or SORT LEVEL 2 using the mouse or
arrow keys and confirm the selection by clicking the left mouse button or
on Return.
2.) In the selection menu appearing now, move the highlight bar with the
arrow keys or the mouse to the desired sort criterion and confirm the
selection by clicking the left mouse button.
• Unsorted
• Name
• Input/output
• Device
• Connector
3.) Confirm your selection using the Return key in order to exit the input
8 Log book
Use this function to display a list of error messages which have been output so
9 Project tools
This sub menu consists of functions for saving, restoring and listing all files
belonging to a project.
Use this function to delete a complete project with all related files.
Delete a project:
1.) Click on the menu item "Delete Project" in the menu "Project Tools".
2.) In the following input menu "Projektdateien löschen" enter the name of
the project you want to delete.
3.) In the following context menu confirm the deletion by pressing the "Y"
Use this function to copy a complete project with all related files.
Caution !!
Copy a project:
1.) Click on the menu item "Copy Project" in the menu "Project Tools".
2.) In the following input menu enter the name of the target project.
The project is saved under this name and copied to the corresponding
1.) Click on the menu item "Delete PP Data" in the menu "Project Tools".
2.) In the following input menu "Projektdateien löschen" enter the name of
the project you want to delete.
3.) In the following context menu confirm the deletion by pressing the "Y"
Use this function to copy the PLC file (PRG) of a project. This file is required to
perform a download to the central processor.
-> The PRG file of a project is located in the PST directory of KIBES
2.) In the following input menu "Saving PLC Program" enter the name of the
PLC program you want to save.
3.) In the following context menu enter the target directory the PLC program
should be saved in.
2.) In the following input menu enter the complete path of the project to be
3.) In the following input menu enter the name of the project to be restored.
These files are compressed to a ZIP file and saved in the specified directory.
2.) In the following input menu enter the project name of the PLC program
you want to save.
3.) In the following input menu enter the target directory which the online
test data will be saved in.
Use this function to copy the files required for the online test to the KIBES
2.) In the following input menu enter source directory containing the online
test file.
3.) In the following input menu enter the name of the online test file to be
3.) In the following input menu enter the file name of the project about which
you need information.
Costumer Code:
11 Error messages
11.1 Communication errors
Í Error description
Í Possible causes
Wake up not activated
Í Remedies