Adam Smith On Newton Method
Adam Smith On Newton Method
Adam Smith On Newton Method
Adam Smith on Method: Newtonianism, History, Institutions, and the "Invisible Hand"
Original Citation:
Adam Smith on Method: Newtonianism, History, Institutions, and the "Invisible Hand" / S. Fiori. - In: JOURNAL OF THE
HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT. - ISSN 1053-8372. - 34:3(2012), pp. 411-435.
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INSTITUTIONS, AND THE “INVISIBLE HAND”. Journal of the History of Economic Thought,34, pp
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Journal of the History of Economic Thought,
Volume 34, Number 3, September 2012
Adam Smith considered Isaac Newton’s work to be a turning point in modern science,
similarly to a number of Scottish scientists and philosophers of his age, for whom
Newton’s method constituted a paradigm, especially as regards its application to human
sciences. But what did it mean to adopt Newton’s method? The literature has provided
different answers, and this paper tries to make a further contribution in this direction.
The application of the great physicist’s methodological concepts in the social and
economic sciences gave shape to an original perspective compatible with certain
concepts (such as, for example, those of self-organization, emergent properties, path
dependency, unpredictability) usually considered distant from classical dynamics.
Therefore, the first aim of this paper is to show how Newton’s method (and specifically
the notion of ‘‘principle’’), when incorporated in social and historical domains, assumed
new functions, and consequently changed important features.
ISSN 1053-8372 print; ISSN 1469-9656 online/12/03000411-435 Ó The History of Economics Society, 2012
The concept of predictability under certain conditions is related to that of determinism. The debate on
Newton’s determinism is still open. Many physicists maintain that Newton’s theory is deterministic (see, for
example, Prigogine and Stengers 1979; Ruelle 1991, ch. 5). Nevertheless, this view has been challenged in
the past two decades, and some authors state that Newton’s mechanics is not a deterministic theory. Norton
(2008) summarizes both arguments in favor of his non-deterministic interpretation well as the relative
objections. For criticisms of Norton’s theory, see Malament (2008).
knowledge able to describe how the world is,2 within the limits allowed to human
beings by God.
Newton (1687, p. 547) maintains: ‘‘And to us it is enough that gravity does really exist, an act according
to the laws which we have explained.’’
On the role of mathematics in Newton’s Principia related to the complex characteristics of his ‘‘style,’’
whereas Newton proceeds from simple to complex cases in an idealized form, see Cohen (1980). See also
G.E. Smith (2002) and Guicciardini (2002).
The literature has found some similarities between Smith’s method and the approaches of T.S. Kuhn,
K.R. Popper, I. Lakatos, and W.V.O. Quine. Evidently, there is a risk of providing an anachronistic
reading. Yet, on evaluating the textual evidence and the Scottish cultural context, it is possible to consider
the relation between Smith’s and Kuhn’s perspectives (see sect. IV).
(1972, p. 315) stresses Smith’s debt to Newton, and also emphasizes that ‘‘the route
to scientific knowledge in the eighteenth century’’ required the method of ‘‘experimen-
tal philosophy’’ based on analysis (to establish basic principles by means of
induction) and synthesis (to clarify phenomena by means of deduction). Similar
statements are put forward in D.D. Raphael and A.S. Skinner (1980, p. 12), and
L. Montes (2003, p. 725). N.S. Hetherington (1983, p. 504) finds ‘‘important
similarities of structure’’ between Newton’s Principia and the WN, and S. Cremaschi
(1984) gives an account of how Newton’s work is a model for the WN. A partial
exception is G. Freudenthal (1981), who maintains that Newton referred to the
analytic-synthetic method, while Smith treated only the synthetic one, omitting
‘‘analysis’’ and interpreting Newton’s method as ‘‘evident-synthetic.’’ However,
this perspective does not pay much attention to the role of observations in Smith’s
work. Finally, for other scholars, it is more appropriate to consider Newton’s
influence as consisting merely in inspiration and orientation (Redman 1993, p. 225;
cf. Berry 2006, p. 126), or even as a ‘‘rhetorical device’’ (Redman 1993, p. 225). In
my view, the influence of Newton’s method on Smith’s approach assumed the form
of a few general rules (and concepts) useful for conceiving how to construct science
correctly (specifically the economic theory, although other disciplines shared
a similar perspective), whereas the previous model was basically characterized
by Cartesianism. In particular, my focus is on how this theoretical structure partial-
ly changes when it is applied to economic, social, and other realms, engendering
in some cases a perspective far from Newton’s. This view can be connected to
I.B. Cohen’s assertion that ‘‘Smith was well educated in Newtonian science,’’ and
his ‘‘example . . . is particularly interesting because it brings us to a significant
feature of many interactions between the natural sciences and the social sciences. . ..
I have called this aspect of innovation ‘creative transformation’, an intellectual leap
forward that often occurs when a concept, a method, a principle, or even a theory is
transferred from one domain to another’’ (Cohen 1994, p. 66).
Another element in understanding how, despite Newtonian premises, some issues
of Smith’s work were not Newtonian is that Newton’s teaching in the Scottish
environment (and specifically in Smith’s theory) interacted with other (and was
included within) previous strands of thought, and this interconnection determined its
reception, its reuse, and its partial modification. From this perspective, the connection
between the Newtonian legacy and the ‘‘Natural jurisprudence’’ seems relevant, since
this latter was part of Smith’s moral philosophy. Cremaschi has provided an overview
of this intricate relation. In very general terms, Smith’s work is characterized by its
opposition to a priori perspectives and to rationalistic approaches, like that of
Descartes, which were not suited for conceiving a social science able to deal with
dynamic processes. In particular,
The views [that Smith] wants to criticize are primarily those of Hobbes and Locke,
and secondly those of the ‘rationalist’ natural Law philosophers Grotius and
Pufendorf and of the ‘moral sense’ Natural Law philosopher Hutcheson. He wants
to take over Hume’s attempt at finding an alternative ‘foundation’ to Natural law,
other than reason or moral sense, but he adds to Hume’s solution a powerful dose of
Montesquieu’s genetic account of law and of the Scottish evolutionary theory of
society (Cremaschi 1989, p. 89).
A similar interpretation is made by Aron (1965), while Ingrao and Israel (1990, ch. 2) connect
Montesquieu to theorists of natural law.
‘‘the folly and injustice of man’’ (WN, IV.ix.28). This line of thought defined a paradigm
that tacitly interacted with the Newtonian one, and was probably influenced by French
scholars who studied the problem of organization in living beings. In particular, Buffon,
Diderot, Daubenton, and Réaumur are cited in the Letter to the Edinburgh Review, and
their works, together with those of Maupertuis, were in Smith’s library.
Given these premises, in the next section I seek to show that Smith referred to the
inductive approach more clearly in Languages than in other works (for which reason I
start with this essay), while synthesis or deduction, in turn, is considered a funda-
mental step in re-describing the reality and conferring a new identity on singular
events or objects.
In his first rule of reasoning, Newton maintains that ‘‘Nature is pleased with simplicity, and [as
gravitation shows] affects not the pomp of superfluous causes’’ (Newton 1687, p. 398).
All machines are generally, when first invented, extremely complex in their
principles, and there is often a particular principle of motion for every particular
movement which it is intended they should perform. Succeeding improvers observe,
that one principle may be so applied as to produce several of those movements; and
thus the machine becomes gradually more and more simple, and produces its effects
with fewer wheels, and fewer principles of motion (Languages, 41, p. 223).
In short, cognitive (inductive) processes permit delineation of ‘‘fewer principles of
motion’’ by means of which languages work in a simpler way. These principles explain
the simplification of language and the change of its structure. They can, therefore, be
considered in their theoretical dimension, which is the same as adopted in HA to
explain the ‘‘formation’’ of (physical and astronomical) theories. As a consequence,
a close relation emerges between real cognitive processes and the scientific method in
assuming an analytic-synthetic procedure, where the definition of principles allows
explanation of a given phenomenon: the change of languages over time.
The aim of science is to overcome ‘‘wonder.’’ One kind of wonder arises when our
imagination is unable to include an object within the usual classificatory systems.
Another kind arises when the imagination is unable to explain ‘‘an unusual succession of
things’’ (HA, II.9). As a consequence, the role of science is to discover the ‘‘connecting
chain of intermediate events,’’ and ‘‘Philosophy is the science of connecting principles
of nature’’ (HA, II.12). Yet, Smith considers these latter in a dynamic context. His aim is
not just, as for Newton, to provide increasingly rigorous observations (and experiments,
for the great physicist) in order to corroborate ‘‘general conclusions’’7; it is also to
explain how observed anomalies can lead to a change of paradigm. In particular, in
a well-known passage similar to that in Languages, Smith maintains:
Systems in many respects resemble machines. A machine is a little system, created to
perform, as well as to connect together, in reality, those different movements and
effects which the artist has occasion for. A system is an imaginary machine invented
to connect together in the fancy those different movements and effects which are
already in reality performed. The machines that are first invented to perform any
particular movement are always the most complex, and succeeding artists generally
discover that, with fewer wheels, with fewer principles of motion, than had originally
been employed, the same effects may be more easily produced. The first systems, in
the same manner, are always the most complex, and a particular connecting chain, or
principle, is generally thought necessary to unite every two seemingly disjointed
appearances: but it often happens, that one great connecting principle is afterwards
found to be sufficient to bind together all the discordant phaenomena that occur in
a whole species of things (HA, IV.19).
It has been remarked that this scheme is similar to T.S. Kuhn’s (Skinner 1972, p. 312;
Lindgren 1973, p. 18; Raphael and Skinner 1980, p. 15; Cremaschi 1984, p. 59;
Schliesser 2005, p. 704) because Smith describes how a paradigm changes. Yet, for our
purposes here, it is sufficient to point out that, from this perspective, the relation between
analysis and synthesis is more complex than the version (generally attributed to Newton)
in which they are two successive phases of the same process. More precisely, induction
leads to ‘‘general conclusions,’’ which are provisional in that more accurate observations
In this regard, see Newton’s fourth rule of reasoning, and ‘‘Query 31.’’ For a general view, see Koyré
(1965, ch. 7).
Schliesser’s analysis (2005, p. 706), assuming Kuhn’s perspective (in general, and with respect to
Smith’s ‘‘Ancient Logics’’), stresses this point by referring to the notion of ‘‘incommensurability,’’ which
hampers finding ‘‘a common measure between two competing theories.’’
Newtonian method ‘‘gives us a pleasure to see the phaenomena which we reckoned the most
unaccountable all deduced from some principle (commonly a wellknown one) and all united in one
chain’’ (Smith 1983a, ii.134, p. 146; emphasis added).
This makes the difference with respect to images of a machine conceived in the static sense. The most
famous was probably that of a clock used to represent the universe as an idealization of a perfect, divine,
mechanism. For a detailed historical analysis, see Mayr (1986).
According to Campbell (1971, p. 31), in the TMS, Smith applies the Newtonian method based on the
‘‘principle’’ of sympathy. Also to be noted is that the first statement of LJ(B) is: ‘‘Jurisprudence is that
science which inquires into the general principles which ought to be the foundation of the laws of all
nations’’ (I, p. 397). Finally, the term ‘principle’ is so pervasive that it even appears in the title of Smith’s
work The Principles which Lead and Direct Philosophical Enquires, in which HA and History of Ancient
Physics are included.
1) Theories are ‘‘imaginary machines.’’12 The relation between them and external
reality is not based on the discovery of final truth but on a distinctive dynamic
between our perception of reality and the world out there. Newton’s certainty
concerning the capacity of his theory to describe outer reality in linear manner
(as far as is possible to man)13 is not to be found in this perspective.
2) In the HA, Smith reconstructs his ‘‘history’’ on the basis of Newton’s notion
of ‘‘principle,’’ and he shows that, from antiquity to his age, what great phi-
losophers had in common was the search for principles, which was conducted
with different degrees of success. Conversely, Newton cannot be seen as the
inventor of the approach based on principles in that—with many imperfec-
tions—it had been used by a number of his predecessors. Rather, his theory is
the best example of the application of this method.
3) Smith wrote both a history of languages and a history of astronomy (to which
the histories of ‘‘ancient physics’’ and of ‘‘ancient logics and metaphysics’’
should be added), and history played a special role in his political economy as
well. But history is precisely what is lacking in Newton’s physics, and this fact
directs attention to the use of Newton’s view within an historical dimension,
observing the consequences of this theoretical operation.
Smith declares that theories are ‘‘imaginary machines’’: that is, mental constructs able to connect
phenomena and that, according to Lindgren (1973), are influenced by habit and custom. This perspective
has been labeled the ‘‘anti-realistic’’ approach in the literature (cf. Berry 2006, p. 122), and it reminds us
that, according to Smith, philosophy (i.e., science) ‘‘may be regarded as one of those arts which address
themselves to the imagination.’’ He therefore examines the history of ‘‘systems of nature’’ ‘‘without
regarding their absurdity or probability, their agreement or inconsistency with truth and reality,’’ and
considering only how they were ‘‘fitted to sooth the imagination’’ in order to render the ‘‘theatre of
nature’’ coherent (HA, II.12).
Only God knows everything, so that in ‘‘General Scholium’’ Newton points out: ‘‘Hitherto we have
explained the phenomena of the heavens and of our sea by the power of gravity, but have not yet assigned
the cause of this power . . . I have not been able to discover the cause of those properties of gravity from
phenomena, and I frame no hypotheses’’ (Newton 1687, pp. 546–547). See also ‘‘Query 31.’’
books of the WN. His reference to these theoretical devices is often joined to both
observations, by means of which he shows how principles work, and their historical
dimension. This perspective introduces some novelties in regard to Newton’s method,
because observations are not experiments, mathematics is not used, and the historical
dimension does not characterize Newton’s physics, given that nature and its laws do
not depend on history, and the future is generally predictable.
Analysis of the division of labor enables examination of this perspective.
1) The division of labor, to which the first chapter of the WN is devoted, is the
cause of increased labor productivity. Indeed, the division of labor is not an
original human inclination, in that it derives from a deeper ‘‘principle’’ (LJ[B],
p. 492): ‘‘a certain propensity in human nature . . . to truck, barter, and
exchange,’’ which, in turn, is probably ‘‘the necessary consequence of the
faculties of reason and speech’’ (WN, I.ii.1; cf. LJ[A], p. 352). In short, we
must refer to the division of labor as a derived principle, rather than as the
original one, in order to understand certain fundamental characteristics of an
economic system. This modifies the Newtonian assumption that one must, as
far as possible, start from no further reducible principia when explaining
phenomena. More precisely, the propensity to ‘‘truck, barter, and exchange’’
(or, more profoundly, the faculties of reason and speech) is comparable to the
law of gravity. Both in Newton and in Smith, these latter are not the ultimate
principles of reality (see here note 13, and Cremaschi 1989, p. 84); nonetheless,
the law of gravity is the main ‘‘cause’’ (or ‘‘general conclusion’’) from which
we deduce a number of phenomena within the limits of our knowledge, and
a similar role should be ascribed to the propensity to truck and barter. By
contrast, not this latter propensity but the division of labor is assumed as the
basic category for economic discourse.14
Schliesser (2011) remarks that, in Smith’s view, human nature is a collection of human propensities and
that these latter ‘‘can either be bedrock parts of human nature (e.g., reason, speech) or the (necessary)
consequence of such bedrock human nature.’’ He calls the former ‘‘original propensities’’ and the latter
(as the inclination to barter and truck) ‘‘derived propensities’’ (p. 16).
Moreover, the accumulation of capital precedes the division of labor (WN, II. Intr.).
Since accumulation is an historical event, neither the division of labor nor the orig-
inal principle from which it derives (i.e., the propensity to exchange) occur as
a simple manifestation of human nature in ‘‘all times and places,’’ but in conse-
quence of specific (empirical-historical) conditions that permit (or do not permit)
their emergence.
In short, the manifestation of the division of labor is history-dependent; it assumes
a number of forms depending on contingencies; and in certain circumstances it
cannot be realized.
3) The division of labor is not ‘‘the effect of any human wisdom, which foresees
and intends that general opulence to which it gives occasion’’ (WN, I.ii.1). This
is—in the WN—the first important statement relative to the view that behaviors,
even when performed by wise and far-seeing human beings, produce un-
intended outcomes; i.e., they engender ‘‘invisible hand’’ effects. If this is so,
the unintended consequences of the division of labor cannot be deduced from
the original ‘‘inclination’’ to truck; instead, they depend on a number of
circumstances that involve contingencies, history, and complex relations
between human institutions and human natural inclinations (see below). Given
these premises, economic science is not stricto sensu a predictive science (like
Newton’s physics).15 It assumes that some natural inclinations influence the
course of human affairs, but the former do not determine the latter, step by step,
because they are often contrasted by other forces. Human myopia and
contingencies (the general propensity to better human conditions notwithstand-
ing) introduce ‘‘invisible hand’’ effects and complexity in the market society,
and both reduce confidence in a predictive science. Science can enunciate only
a general rule to explain the market self-organization.
4) The division of labor (and not the natural principle from which it derives)
assumes the role of a ‘‘connecting principle’’ explaining the increased
productivity (and wealth) in both the factory (technical division of labor) and
the market (social division of labor among professions). Yet, the technical
division of labor depends on the plans of capital owners, while the coordinated
extension of the social division of labor in the market is unplanned and
unforeseeable. Thus, competition appears as a fundamental part of the self-
organizing properties of the market.
5) Smith maintains that the extent of the division of labor depends on ‘‘the power
of exchanging that gives occasion to the division of labour.’’ He therefore
seems to identify ‘‘the power of exchanging’’ with the original propensity to
truck, and to view it as the source of an hypothetical limit on exchanges, since
the ‘‘extent of this division must always be limited by the extent of that power’’
(WN, I.iii.1). Nonetheless, he immediately adds that this limitation refers to
‘‘the extent of the market’’ (WN, I.iii.1). The problem is a rather subtle one,
See here note 1.
since the latter sentence seems to reverse the causal relation implied by the
former: is it the power of truck and exchanging that determines the diffusion
of the division of labor, progressively enlarging the market; or is it the extent
of the market that determines the diffusion of the division of labor? Yet,
Smith’s thought is clear: the original principles do not explain the phenomenon
analyzed; by contrast, it is the empirical event (the extent of the market) that
explains how the division of labor is more or less extensive. This is evident
when he states: ‘‘When the market is very small, no person can have any
encouragement to dedicate himself entirely to one employment’’ (WN, I.iii.1).
As a consequence, the extent of the market is the cause that determines the
limited extent of the division of labor, and not vice versa. Once again (see point
2, supra), empirical circumstances seem fundamental, with respect to an
original principle, in explaining certain market phenomena.
In conclusion, on the one hand, Smith adopts the Newtonian method based on
principles; on the other, he attributes a new function to principles. In the case in point,
the ‘‘original principle’’ of truck, which could be compared to the law of gravity, is
not used to directly deduce and unify a number of (economic) phenomena. This task
is instead left to the notion of the division of labor, which is not an original principle
and requires further concepts to explain self-organization in the market. In some
cases, Smith even considers certain empirical and historical events (the extent of the
market, for example) to be the causes of the diffusion of the division of labor, and he
marginalizes the role of natural inclinations. Whereas, in physics, gravity makes it
possible to deduce the motion of planets, comets, and bodies on the earth, in
economics, when explaining the motion of societies, we do not necessarily refer to
gravity’s counterpart (the propensity to truck and barter); rather, we consider notions
such as the division of labor and competition.
Principles are heuristic devices in many other important fields of Smith’s economic
inquiry. Indeed, before dealing with prices, Smith delineated his project ‘‘to investigate
the principles which regulate the exchangeable value of commodities’’ in order to
explain i) the ‘‘real measure’’ of value, ii) the different composition of price, and iii) the
differences between market and natural prices (WN, I.iv, 14–17). Principles are also
fundamental for determining the real origin of revenue and for identifying the
corresponding ‘‘orders’’ of society: ‘‘Wages, profit, and rent are the three original
sources of all revenue as well as of all exchangeable value. All other revenue is
ultimately derived from some one or other of these’’ (WN,; emphasis added).
From this perspective, history matters, because in the ‘‘early and rude state of society,’’
goods were exchanged according to the rule of the labor time necessary to produce each
of them; therefore, only labor is the source of income (WN,–5). When capital
accumulation and the private ownership of land appeared, the components of price
became three. Although the historical account is very general and ‘‘conjectural,’’ the
basic idea is that the fundamental (and not reducible) principles that determine every
income change from the ‘‘rude’’ to the ‘‘advanced’’ state of society.
Smith points out two ‘‘principles’’ of human nature opposed each other: one is ‘‘the
passion for present enjoyment’’; the other is ‘‘the desire of bettering our condition,’’
‘‘I believe that Smith’s imperfect replication of the concept of the Newtonian force of gravity has been
adequately justified by the worth of his system of economics’’ (Cohen 1994, p. 67).
and they respectively prompt us to consume and to save (WN, II.iii.28). This produces
the contrast between prodigality (which dissipates wealth) and parsimony (or frugality)
that is essential for understanding economic growth, since ‘‘Parsimony, and not
industry, is the immediate cause of the increase of capital’’ (WN, II.iii.16), and it
seems largely to predominate in the greater part of men (WN, II.iii.28). The prevalence
of this inclination enables public and private wealth to increase, and it ‘‘is frequently
powerful enough to maintain the natural progress of things toward improvement, in
spite both the extravagance of government, and of the greatest errors of administration’’
(WN, II.iii.31). Given this situation, we can infer that:
1) human nature is not the precise counterpart of physical nature: both of them
exhibit coherent, uniform, and constant principles, but in the former, with
respect to the latter, these principles are sometimes conflictual17; and
2) man’s propensity to ‘‘better his condition’’ prevails over prodigality, and
explains the general tendency to move towards ‘‘the natural progress of things’’
(since it yields capital for productive investments); yet, as the history of
Western societies shows, this happens in complex ways. Therefore, we can
delineate only a general framework of the future world.
Book III of the WN is a good example of how real history matters in determining
unpredictable configurations of the market society, sometimes reversing the ‘‘natural
order of things’’ despite the natural (prevalent) inclination to improve mankind’s
The relation between town and country, from the decline of the Roman Empire to
Smith’s age, confirms this view. The ‘‘natural course’’ implies that, firstly, ‘‘the
greater part of the capital of every growing society is, first, directed to agriculture,
afterwards to manufactures, and last of all to foreign commerce’’ (WN, III.i.8), and,
secondly, that the development of the countryside constitutes an incentive for the
growth of towns. By contrast, in Western history, the development of the countryside
was discouraged because the need for protection in ‘‘those disorderly times’’
following the fall of the Roman Empire induced the use of land as the means to
acquire ‘‘power and protection’’ (instead of a means to acquire ‘‘subsistence’’), where
a ‘‘great landlord was a sort of petty prince’’ who provided protection to people, and
his ‘‘tenants were his subjects’’ (WN, III.ii.3). The ‘‘law of primogeniture’’ and
‘‘entails,’’ as institutions allowing land to be maintained undivided, reinforced the use
of land as a means of power instead of a productive resource, and influenced
European societies for centuries. By contrast, the inhabitants of the towns soon
achieved economic development, and ‘‘arrived at liberty and independency much
earlier than the occupiers of land in the country’’ (WN, III.iii.3). Wealth was ac-
cumulated in the towns, and it increased the demand for ‘‘conveniencies and
elegancies of life.’’ In short, foreign trade developed in an anomalous way, inverting
the ‘‘natural order of things,’’ according to which this kind of commerce would have
been the last sector to increase after agriculture and manufacture, and in consequence
of their exchange relations (for example, when the domestic market was unable to
absorb surplus goods). In Smith’s words:
Although fundamental, it is not possible here to examine how these topics are treated in the TMS.
this natural order of things . . . has, in all the modern states of Europe, been, in many
respects, entirely inverted. The foreign commerce of some of their cities has
introduced all their finer manufactures, or such as were fit for distant sale; and
manufactures and foreign commerce together, have given birth to the principal
improvements of agriculture (WN, III.i.9).
Given these premises, two points follow:
1) History matters. The ‘‘natural course of things’’ may be completely reversed,
and this may condition civilization for many centuries. Certainly, the tendency
to re-equilibrate (and to improve the individual condition) is at work, so that, in
this case, the country finally develops. Yet, it is difficult to think that the
outcomes of the two possible courses of history (the ‘‘natural’’ and the
‘‘unnatural’’ ones) have been the same. Many distortions remain, and harmful
institutions continue to produce their effects in real life. In short, the natural
order, once abandoned, is never perfectly re-established because the course of
history leaves its traces. As a consequence, Smith never describes where and
when the natural order reappears. 18
2) These processes were unpredictable, as the ‘‘great revolution’’ showed. History,
contingencies, institutions, customs, habits, and preferences of economic actors
determine unforeseeable issues, although a general tendency as regards
historical processes can be observed. In the human realm, ‘‘natural’’ tendencies
and ‘‘unnatural’’ processes often work at the same time, and all this modifies
the Newtonian perspective in human sciences.
Smith often cites institutions as responsible for the slow or inverted ‘‘natural course
of things.’’ They are the result of the myopic human reason, and of moral pro-
pensities, and in certain conditions they acquire some sort of independent structure
(with respect to individuals) that persists over time. As a consequence, this is an-
other perspective from which to examine how natural inclinations cannot impede
the accomplishment of an ‘‘unnatural’’ ‘‘course of things.’’ Smith points out that the
lack of ‘‘perfect liberty’’ in Europe has caused inequalities of different kinds
(WN, I.x.a), and, in the third book of the WN, he describes their political and insti-
tutional origins.
Institutions are human devices that can exhibit a kind of autonomous life owing to
the limited human capacity for both rationality and prevision. At the beginning, in
some circumstances, they can be consistent with reason; in others, they cannot. The
According to Evensky (2007, p. 17), Smith ‘‘offers an analysis of the course of recorded history
explaining why the unnatural twists, turns, stagnations, and declines of societies do not represent
violations of his general principles but, rather reflect peculiar distortions of those principles caused by
human frailty.’’ In this sense, Smith’s ‘‘conjectural’’ and ‘‘narrative’’ histories are consistent. In my view,
there is coherence between them (at least in Smith’s intention), yet the two histories cannot be completely
overlapped: history follows a ‘‘design’’ and certain principles, but a number of empirical events and
conflicting tendencies influence its direction (see sect. VIII).
law of primogeniture and entails were not ‘‘unreasonable,’’ because great proprietors,
by keeping land undivided, were able to assure protection to their ‘‘tenants,’’ since
individuals were not able to survive isolated and undefended (WN, III.ii.6). By
contrast, laws and institutions derived, for example, from the arguments of
mercantilist doctrine were unreasonable, and their permanence—generally consid-
ered ‘‘absurd’’ and harmful—can be explained by showing how the interests of some
social groups influenced their duration (like those of corporations or of the East India
Company). Yet, in many cases, institutions are described as inertial structures, which
survive even though their original function has ceased: ‘‘Laws frequently continue in
force long after the circumstances, which first gave occasion to them, and which
could alone render them reasonable, are no more’’ (WN, III.ii.4). And their inertial
character depends on habits and customs arising from those original institutions,
which survived after these latter were ‘‘greatly altered,’’ leading the course of history
towards an ‘‘unnatural and retrograde order’’ (WN, III.i.9). Smith points out that the
‘‘order of things’’ is usually promoted by the ‘‘natural inclinations of man.’’
Nonetheless, institutions often do not mirror such propensities: ‘‘If human institutions
had never thwarted those natural inclinations, the towns could no-where have
increased beyond what the improvement and cultivation of the territory in which
they were situate could support’’ (WN, III.i.3).19
In short, human institutions ‘‘disturbed the natural course of things’’ (WN, III.i.4),
often worked against it, and their autonomy defined a specific configuration of
society at each point of time. The case of ‘‘law of primogeniture’’ and of ‘‘entails’’ is
interesting in that the autonomy of institutions is not determined by the permanence
of self-interest of social groups able to influence laws (like those of merchants, who
tried to condition policies in the mercantilist sense). By contrast, those medieval
institutions survived, even though they soon became ‘‘unreasonable,’’ and were
largely but not definitively removed by means of a ‘‘slow and uncertain’’ historical
process that allowed landlords to spend their revenue on consumer goods. Smith does
not provide a precise theory as regards these events; rather, he shows how history and
contingencies slowly changed institutional structures by gradually introducing market
relations between country and town.20
Institutions as autonomous structures conditioning human life and imposing their
own rationality on individuals, instead of being manageable tools of man’s intention-
ality, produce an ‘‘invisible hand’’ effect: reasonable institutions are engendered by
men, yet their gradual change (or their inertial duration) produces unintended out-
comes, and—to use Adam Ferguson’s words—they appear to be ‘‘the result of human
action but not the execution of any human design’’ (Ferguson [1767] 1969, p. 250).
From this perspective, legal institutions (not only the market) are connoted as
Rosenberg (1960) maintains that Smith’s inquiry is characterized by the attempt to define the
‘‘appropriate institutional framework’’ able to harmonize selfish individual and social interests, since
he was aware that some legal structures impeded economic progress in Europe. Samuels (1977) accepts
this view and points out that, according to Smith, the market does not work optimally. It depends on
institutions and other forces of social control; yet, the unintended outcomes of the market sometimes
conflict with legal and moral rules, causing tensions between these domains.
For example, Smith simply points out the gradual transformation, so that he maintains: ‘‘To the slave
cultivators of antient times gradually succeeded [the] Metayers’’ (WN, III.ii.11), and subsequently to them
‘‘succeeded, though by very slow degrees, farmers properly so called’’ (WN, III.ii.14).
Otteson (2002) maintains that the idea of unintended outcomes is an organizing principle that connects
Languages, TMS, and WN. The pervasiveness of a set of ideas (like coordination, unintended outcomes,
etc.) related to the notion of the invisible hand is dealt with in Fiori (2001, 2002). For a different
interpretation, which considers Smith’s invisible hand as an ironic expression, see Rothschild (2001, ch. 5)
According to Smith, in his age, the market system and the related, coherent, institutional framework
was not definitely established. In fact, nowhere in Europe did policies leave ‘‘things at perfect liberty’’
(WN, I.x.a.2), and ‘‘Entails . . . are still respected through the greater part of Europe’’ (WN, III.ii.6).
The North American colonies followed the ideal prescription of the natural order to invest first in
agriculture (WN, III.i.5). Moreover, the ‘‘Good land’’ of the English colonies was ‘‘inferior to those of the
Spaniards and Portugueze,’’ therefore their success depended on their ‘‘political institutions [which] have
been more favourable to the improvement and cultivation’’ than other colonies (WN, IV.vii.b.17).
order) is that 1) they exhibit different strengths in space and time; and 2) they determine
the configuration of socio-economic systems.
Finally, the opposition between these tendencies impedes prediction of precisely
which kind of social and economic configuration will emerge.
Contrary to the idea of an economic and social science based on predictive powers,
Smith delineates a discipline in which the future is open, and scientists can predict
only very general tendencies grounded on the human inclination to better man’s
condition among contrasting forces. The great ‘‘revolution’’ that definitively ratified
the passage to the market society occurred without ‘‘the least intention’’ of the social
classes involved (WN, III.iv.17).24 This incapacity to foresee is shared by both social
actors and scientists, where the former are characterized by structural myopia, and the
latter by a constant search for ‘‘connecting principles’’ in order to overcome scant
human far-sightedness.
The TMS explicitly treats the weakness of reason (TMS, II.i.5.10): ‘‘The natural
course of things cannot be entirely controlled by the impotent endeavours of man’’
(TMS, III.5.10), where this course does not often follow the most ‘‘natural’’ way.
History and contingencies deviate this latter from its ideal path, the one described
by a ‘‘conjectural’’ approach. Nature does not direct human behaviors by means of
prescriptions; rather, it exploits a more subtle and indirect device based on a kind of
esthetic consideration, since wealth is not perceived for its concrete benefits but ‘‘as
something grand and beautiful and noble,’’ so that ‘‘nature imposes upon us in this
manner [and] It is this deception which rouses and keeps in continual motion the
industry of mankind’’ (TMS, IV.I.10).
By contrast, according to Smith, a prescriptive interpretation of nature was put
forward by Quesnay, who maintained that the market systems can survive only within
a unique equilibrium, while ‘‘the wisdom of nature has fortunately made ample
provision for remedying many of the bad effects of the folly and injustice of man’’
(WN, IV.ix.28). Nature, represented by means of a biological comparison between
humans and the ‘‘political body’’ (and not by means of a model inspired by physics),
does not intervene deterministically to re-establish ‘‘the natural progress of a nation
towards wealth and prosperity’’ according to precise laws.
Moreover, not always can nature spontaneously re-establish the lost order, and man
must intervene. For example, restoring the free importation of foreign goods, when this
commerce has been prohibited for long time, could provoke high unemployment in
those branches of industry artificially expanded by mercantilist policy. In this case,
a correct response should be human intervention characterized ‘‘by slow gradations,
and with a good deal of reserve and circumspection’’ (WN, IV.ii.40). Similarly, ‘‘To
open the colony trade all at once to all nations’’ might produce ‘‘permanent losses’’ of
capital investments in the sectors of industry involved; therefore these ‘‘ought gradually
to be opened,’’ but ‘‘in what manner the natural system of perfect liberty and justice
ought to be restored, we must leave to the wisdom of future statesmen and legislators
to determine’’ (WN, IV.vii.c.44). In addition, some basic human inclinations must be
moderated. For example, pride induces the ‘‘love to domineer,’’ which prompts the
A similar gap between original intention and actual outcomes connoted the conquest of colonies (WN,
The aim of this paper has been to show that Smith, in many fields of his work,
produced a theory in some sense non-Newtonian, although he sought to apply
Newton’s method in many circumstances. At first glance, this conclusion appears to
be the consequence of many events: 1) the shift of the notion of ‘‘principle’’ (and of
the related analytic-synthetic approach) from physics to the human sciences; 2)
the inclusion of (Scottish and Smith’s) Newtonianism within complex traditions
of thought, which gave it a distinctive configuration; and 3) the influence of
Montesquieu and of authors who dealt with the organization of organisms. The latter
allowed Smith to use biological models to describe social changes, and the relation
between natural and unnatural orders of society. More specifically, Smith, in
Languages, HA, and WN, always treated subjects in which history and contingencies
matter, and where the human realm appears much more ambivalent and conflicting
than the physical world.
The first part of the article has described how the analytic-synthetic method was
essentially utilized to point out processes of re-description of the world, rather than to
describe its intrinsic truth, establishing a reciprocal—complex—influence between
concreteness and abstractness.
The second part of the article has examined some concepts in Smith’s economic
analysis in light of the Newtonian approach. In particular, the division of labor,
although it is not an ‘‘original’’ (but a derived) principle, is used to explain (or
deduce) a number of economic phenomena. Yet, it cannot be understood without
reference to history and contingencies, which, in turn, must be considered in order to
explain when and how the division of labor works. More specifically, the (technical
and social) division of labor permits the market to expand, generating increasing
returns; yet, the extent of the market (as an empirical fact) determines the extent of
the division of labor. Once again, a reciprocal influence is established between
principles and empirical events.
From this perspective, history matters. In fact, the ‘‘inverted’’ history of Europe
shows the extent to which contingencies and empirical circumstances have imposed
their influence on the ‘‘natural’’ course of events, whereas the latter is a process
coherent with original propensities that should govern human behavior. In particular,
institutions play an important role in determining the ‘‘unnatural’’ ‘‘course of things.’’
Their structure, relatively autonomous from the agent’s intentionality and plans,
is—so to speak—the other side of the invisible hand, since, given their inertia, their
action over time is unpredictable and sometimes conflicts with the rationality of the
market, which, in its turn, is another institutional framework in which the invisible
hand mechanism works.
Finally, for Newton, nature is fundamentally predictable, since it is always the
same in every time and place. For Smith, this means that Newton’s physics is
characterized by a high degree of precision, while the science of society is not. In the
social and economic domain, the future is not predictable: laws of (human) nature can
produce unexpected effects if specific circumstances intervene to reverse the ‘‘natural
course of things.’’ The confidence in certain principles (by means of which the system
works) remains, but within an open universe, whose dynamics engender unpredict-
able outcomes (i.e., the heterogenesis of ends), and whose configurations are
unknown in advance, as in the market, whose rationality emerges as a property of
the system distinguished by the limited rationality of a number of agents operating
within that framework.
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