Arithmetic Processor: 10-2 Addition and Subtraction
Arithmetic Processor: 10-2 Addition and Subtraction
Arithmetic Processor: 10-2 Addition and Subtraction
The four basic arithmetic operations in computers are: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplications, and
Arithmetic processor is part of processor unit and it executes arithmetic operations.
Arithmetic instructions specify data type binary or decimal , fixed point or floating point
Fixed point numbers represents integers while floating point numbers represent fractional
Negative numbers may be in signed magnitude or signed complement representation.
Fixed point binary signed magnitude
Fixed point binary 2’s complement
Floating point binary
Floating point BCD
10-2 Addition and Subtraction
1. Signed magnitude
It Is familiar as used in every day arithmetic calculations .We designate magnitudes of two numbers
as A and B. when those sign numbers are added we have eight different conditions depending on the
sign bits and operations performed. Next table shows those conditions and other columns shows
operations performed.
Addition (Subtraction) Algorithm will be as
When A and B have identical (different) signs, add the two magnitudes and attaché sign of A to result
When signs of A and B are different (same), subtract smaller number from larger number. Choose sign
of result as sign of A if A>B, or complement of sign of A if A<B.
If two magnitudes are equal, subtract B from A and make sign of result positive.
Hardware Implementation
The two numbers are stored in registers A and B and their signs in flip-flops As and Bs. Result is
transferred to A register with its sign
Next figure the hardware of signed magnitude addition-subtraction. Consists of registers A and B, sign
bits As and Bs
Complementer can pass value of B or invert of B according to value of M (implemented with EX-OR).
AVF holds overflow bit when A and B are added.
The addition of A and B will be through parallel adder.
When M=0, B is transferred to adder with A and output in A = A + B. while M=1 complement of B plus
carry=1 is transferred to adder with A and output A = A – B.
Figure: flow chart for add and subtract algorithm
The left most bit in 2’s complement represented binary number is the sign bit. If 0 the number is
positive and if 1 then number is negative. If sign bit is 1 the entire number is represented in 2’s
The addition of two numbers represented in 2’s complement is carried out by normal binary addition
with carry discarded.
The subtraction is carried out by taking 2’s complement (B) of subtrahend and adding it to minuend
Overflow can be detected by inspecting last 2 carries out of addition by EX-OR them. If different then
overflow is detected.
For addition simply implement add then see overflow. For subtract add 2’s complement of B to A and
watch overflow since the A and –B could be of same sign.
Figure: algorithm for adding and subtracting numbers in signed 2’s complement representation
Multiplication Algorithms
The multiplication of two numbers in signed magnitude representation is carried out by successive shift
and adds.
Look at successive bits of multiplier (least significant bit first), if bit=1 multiplicand is copied else if
bit=0, zero is copied down shifted one bit to left from previous copies. Finally all numbers are added
and their sum forms the product.
Hardware Implementation
It is necessary to supply adder for summation two binary numbers and successively accumulate the
partial products in a register.
Instead of shifting multiplicand to the left the partial product is shifted to the right.
When corresponding bit of multiplier is 0 no need to add zeros to partial product, just do nothing.
Hardware for multiplication consist of complementer and parallel adder, Registers A and B with their
sign bits As and Bs, multiplier Q register, and its sign in Qs. SC is set to number of bits in multiplier and
when reaches zero it means partial addition has finished and product is ready in A.
Multiplicand in A register while multiplier in Q register initially. The sum of A and B is the partial
product in EA. A and Q registers are shifted together giving rise to new bit from Q in Qn bit which tells
us if that bit is 0 or 1.
Signs of Qs and Bs are compared then As and Qs are set as sign of the product. A and E bit are cleared
with SC set to number of bits in Q
Low order bit in Q is tested. If Qn=1 then B is added to A. if Qn=0 then nothing is done.
Registers EAQ are shifted to the right.
SC is decremented.
Process stops when SC=0.
Note that product is occupying A and Q registers and after each shift it replaces A and Q registers.
Figure : flow chart for multiply operation
Booth multiplication algorithm
Booth Multiplication Algorithm gives procedures for multiplying binary integers in signed‐2’s complement
representation. It operates on the fact that strings of 0’s in the multiplier requires no addition but just
shifting and a string of 1’s in the multiplier from bit weight 2k to weight 2m can be treated as 2k+1-2m.
Booth algorithm requires examination of the multiplier bits and shifting of the partial product.
Rules for booth algorithm:
Qn-LSB of multiplier
Extra flip flop Qn+1is appended to the multiplier bits to facilitate
double bit inspection of the multiplier.
Compare bits of Qn and Qn+1l
1. The multiplicand is subtracted from partial product upon
encountering the first least significant 1 in a string of 1’s in the
1. The multiplicand is added to the partial product upon
encountering the first 0 in a string of 0’s in the multiplier.
2. The partial product doesn’t change when the multiplier bit is
identical to the previous multiplier bit.
0 0 –shift only
1 1 –shift only
0 1 –Add multiplicand to AC and shift
1 0 –Subtract multiplicand from AC and shift
Initial value of Sequence counter specifies the number of cycles to complete the algorithm.
QR –contents of multiplier, BR –contents of multiplicand
Combined contents of AC and QR gives the product depending on the operands’ sign.h
AC register QR register
Example of booth algorithm: (-9)X(-13)=+117, number of bit(n)=5 ,QR=multiplier, BR=multiplicand
The final value of Qn+1 is the original sign bit of the multiplier and should not be taken as part of the