BSBINN301 - Promote Innovation in A Team Environment: Surname

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment



Name: Surname:

Student ID:

Qualification: BSB30115

Training Package: BSB Business Service

Due Date: Week 4 Assessment Type:

Assessment Guidelines
Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.

1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Promote innovation in a team
2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please inform your
assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to complete this assessment.
3. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the assessment
submission on Moodle.
4. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal the grading through
filling out an appeals form which will then be handle by the Academic Manager.
5. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-assessment. Re-assessments
must be submitted by an agreed date with your assessor.
6. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the assessor to issue
a satisfactory (pass) result. A repeat NYS outcome could lead to an administration fee for further reassessment.
7. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and
By adding my name to this document, I hereby declare the work is my own and has not been copied
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Student NAME:_______________________________________ Date:_________________

BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment– Assessment
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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment

Assessment Overview

In this assessment your knowledge of promote innovation in a team environment will be

looked at through two main activities.

You need to use the knowledge you have gained first hand through your own experiences in
the workplace combined with the lecture slides, uploaded on Moodle and the learner guide
to help you answer the questions.

Your assessment once completed needs to be uploaded into Moodle for marking by your

Should you experience any issues downloading your assessment or uploading your
assessment please notify your class trainer as soon as possible as all assessments need to be
uploaded into Moodle for marking.

Once your assessment has been marked you will receive notification if your assessment is
competent or Not Yet Competent. If you receive Not Yet Competent your trainer will
provide you with comments guiding, you to which areas need to be fixed before you
resubmit the assessment.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment

Knowledge Base Questions

1. Name three aspects which are considered when you make a workplace evaluation?
In order to promote innovation, you will need to know precisely how your business
works and who are your customers. For this purpose you need to evaluate your
The three aspects which you need to consider while evaluating a workplace are:
1. To check the effectiveness of your customer services
2. To look at your complaints procedure and the number of complaints handled over
a period of time
3. To compile information on your services and strategies, and analyse
performance and profitability

2. After you evaluate your team’s needs and potential achievements what should you
reflect upon?
From your initial assessment look at what your team needs in order to be able to
perform their job tasks much better than before. Consider what improvements can
be made and how they fit into the needs of the team and the organization. Think
about how you and your team can improve in performance and growth and how you
can encourage the creativity needed within your team to make changes.
You need to talk more about driving and the goals you want to achieve with your
team. Your team is at the forefront of driving new ideas as they have specific job
experience and understand customer needs. Your team works for the same goals
to achieve the performance goals they respond to. You have to look at defining
specific goals and working on tangible goals as well.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
3. Why is it important to be familiar with current and potential team members in the
context of innovation?
It is important to o be familiar with current and potential team members in the
context of innovation beacuse, the team of people will give you a variety of skills
and abilities that should support each other and work well together. There will be a
wide range of personalities and looks in your team. You need to take the time to
talk to your team members and understand who they are and what motivates them.
By gaining more knowledge, you can find a better way to use individual skills and
promote new things within your group. Work on making a success that will benefit
You can also spend time with each member of the team, as they work, and watch
the activities they do. This will help you to understand the work they are doing and
will also help you to get to know your team members better.

4. What does teams gain by talking to other personnel within an organsiation on

developing their needs and ideas?
By talking to other personnel within an organsiation on developing their needs and
ideas, you can create a more innovative environment. You and your team can look
to meet people from other departments / groups within your organization, to discuss
your needs and goals. It can provide useful information by knowing what others
think and how they work. It is very helpful to look for possible overtime that can help
strengthen your team’s performance. You can find useful information, which is
less well known in your organization, which helps your team to make connections
between activities. It also builds on organizational collaboration and opens up
opportunities for the development of various departmental processes.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
5. What is meant by “the cross-fertilisation of idea”, And why is it important?
The cross-fertilization of an idea refers to importing and mixing ideas from different
places, markets or people to innovation and better results. The cross-fertilization of
ideas is the process of combining ideas from different sources.
It is really important beacuse, selecting a set of different group members within the
group can help simplify new ideas and motivations. This is because different
personalities come with different perspectives and perspectives. When put together,
a list of insights and ideas can help to create new and new ideas.

6. Name two things which can result from contributions made by other people?
Two things which can result from contributions made by other people are:
1. Creating positive energy within the team
By talking to others you meet, you may find that your team has gained new, positive
energy from your team. This will help your team to be motivated to move forward
and improve their creative thinking processes.
2. Fundamental literacy strengths
Others can help in helping your team organize their ideas. It is important to have
strong communication skills and reports. Your team can monitor how others
generate their communications, such as reports and presentations. The use of
visual reading, for example, charts and graphs to illustrate the growth scenarios is a
good way to highlight important facts. From other employees with strong literacy
skills, your team can benefit from improved written, visual and verbal

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
7. How is training and learning opportunities used to help provide team-based
Training and learning opportunities can help provide team-based innovation in such
a what that, your team can participate in training opportunities to help them in their
work. Your team can check out the options available through your organization;
they can attend events such as training days, conferences and business talks.
There are plenty of opportunities for your team to access information about your
organization or its research on the subject. This will keep them stimulated and
motivated to keep making new approaches and innovations within their work.

8. Define equitable sharing of work?

Equitable sharing of work means to make sure tasks are shared evenly between
your team. Ask what your team members would like to do and where they can bring
value. Monitor tasks over time and check to see if the current task-sharing is
working. If you need to make adjustments or help your team to re-allocate work
tasks, you should do so. The team leader needs to review the business goals and
priorities and assign tasks the team members equally according to their skills.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
9. How can team skills be best used when sharing tasks?
Team skills can be best used when sharing taks by agreeing to share different
activities and activities to find better ways to do this. Some members of your group
will be enthusiastic about certain tasks and some may not be very cohesive. Use
your team skills on your own and get the most out of it, and find out who is best at
this task / task. Talk to your team and try to remember that your team needs to
enjoy its work to keep the new trend. Choose activities that are appropriate for each
person and help your team work well and have fun. They have the opportunity to
enjoy jobs where they have strong skills.
If you find that one job is not popular with all the members of your group, one way
to ensure that the work is done successfully is to turn it around among the other / all
members of your team. In this way no one will be left with the job for a long time
and this will greatly reduce the chances of removing the incentive.

10. List four skills which would commonly be found in a team environment?
The skills which would commonly be found in a team environment are:
1. Good customer service skills
2. Excellent verbal skills
3. Excellent literacy skills
4. Mathematical/budgetary skills
5. Negotiating skills
6. Organisational skills
7. Administration skills
8. Sales skills
9. ICT skills
10. Speaker/presentation meeting skills.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
11. Give three examples of rewards you can provide to your team?
Rewards you can provide to your team are:
1. Recognition of the team's/individual's achievements – celebrate all successes
and share the positivity within your team
2. Praising efforts and successes – thank your team for their work and
acknowledge the progress that is made
3. Flexible hours – if within your organisation's remit, individuals could negotiate
suitable working practices

12. Having sympathetic employees is better for the workplace why?

To promote innovation in your workplace, a model behaviour among employees' is
really important. Being sympathetic is also considered a model behaviour. It is
really healthy for your team to have a sympathetic side to them. This performance
will enable them to listen to others and understand different perspectives more
clearly. While it is good quality to drive and focus, there are times when this
approach can be dangerous for your colleagues or customers. It is the ability to
visualize yourself at the end of your conversation or actions at work. Encourage
your group to be aware of the impact it can have on other people.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
13. List three sources of stimuli that could help your team.
Sources of stimuli that could help your team are:
1. Australia or overseas
See what's happening across Australia and around the world. Find encouraging
acts to talk about. Look for illegal news, such as informal businesses, small
businesses or emerging economic trends.
2. Colleagues outside of the team
Bring some of your colleagues to your team, promote a friendly banter and build on
these relationships within your group. This is a great way to exchange information
and to share ideas.
3. Family and friends
Encourage your team to talk to their family and friends and people who always have
a good heart. This is not just a good release at the end of the working day / week,
and it can bring different views and opinions on working conditions. Commenting on
yourself can be a great way to change a thought or idea.

14. What questions are most effective to ask your team to get their imput and
cooperation in discussions?
The most effective to ask your team to get their input and cooperation in
discussions are:
1. How does this perform?
2. Have you tried to use this model and if so, does it work to the expected
3. Does it fulfil the original goal set?
4. Does it add value to the overall objectives?
5. Could this be improved?

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
15. Why is it important to discuss and explore ideas with your team on an on-going
It is really important to discuss and explore ideas with your team on an on-going
basis. You should talk regularly and evaluate your work ideas within your group.
This is important to keep the flow of ideas and to keep track of what everyone in the
group is doing. Team members will appreciate communication and will help to
break through sticky points and difficult issues. And it's a great way to reset your
real goals and objectives to make sure no one deals with a different tangent.
Regular communication can be used to explore various opportunities that can be
listed in the resource area. If you keep the relevant details and ideas in mind, it will
give you an opportunity to explore them in more detail later and to visit and build
comments that are not included.

16. Describe what is involved in the reflective process?

The reflective process invloves refelction upon the activites that were carried out. It
invloves questions like:
1. Which activities were carried out and how they were carried out - by whom,
under which conditions, in which timeframes, etc.?
2. What went well?
3. What went wrong?
4. Why did things go well?
5. Why did things go wrong?
6. What could have been done differently to achieve better outcomes?

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
17. What are the challenges faced when looking at innovation?
The challenges faced when looking at innovation are:
1. Budgets
Budgetary or other resource constraints can be a big obstacle to innovation.
2. Competing priorities
This is a difficult challenge as other priorities may not show up until crunch time
occurs and you need to take a step forwards with your own project.
3. Organisational culture
This can be an unpredictable challenge as it doesn't always follow a logical path.
4. Problems with breaking old patterns of behaviour or thinking
This can be similar to organisational culture, in the sense that you may need to
break down belief-systems that just do not serve in the current business market.
5. Time pressures
You may find that your team are given very tight deadlines that could cause
difficulties with meeting schedules.

18. Explain how activities can encourage or hinder innovation in a team, including:
• Allocation of time and activities
• Modelling behaviour
• Rewards and recognition
• Communications
• Feedback.
Allocation of time and activities: Innovators need time to develop their ideas and
test them which is why it is important to share enough of what is being done, so that
aspiring inventors do not have to force themselves to get ideas for breaking and
Modelling behaviour: Model behavior encourages innovation in such a way that,
having a good role model motivates our actions and motivates us to use our skills
and abilities to the best of our ability.
Rewards and recognition: Benefiting and recognizing efforts with the team will
encourage team members to fight harder and thus will encourage new inventions.
Communications: Collaboration between new groups can be achieved through
effective communication, which leads to positive outcomes and promotes the
naming of team members.
Feedback: Allowing team members to receive and provide feedback encourages
innovation. It allows you to evaluate your work and make improvements accordingly
to get better results.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
19. Define innovation and then complete the following:
• List three different types of innovation
• List three benefits of innovation.
Innovation is a term used to describe out-of-the-box thinking that results in new or
improved products, services or processes.
Types of Innovation
1. Product innovation
2. Process innovation
3. Marketing innovation
4. Organisational innovation
Benefits of Innovation
1. Having more efficient and effective work processes
2. Saving time and money
3. Innovation can be a profit centre- it can help drive sales and results
4. Business agility
5. Increased customer satisfaction

20. Write a 300-word paragraph that describes the internal and external factors that
contribute to a team becoming and remaining innovative, including:
• Team characteristics
• The role of group dynamics and diversity
• Broader environmental factors.
Make sure that you draw links between factors you identify and how and why these
factors may affect innovation.
Innovation has no limitations,so for new advancements something eccentric or peculiar should be
done in an agreeable way. Internal and external factors have incredible effect in a group and the
work done by it and there is a solid connection between every one of these elements. Some
significant internal factors incorporate the mission,leadership,learning interaction correspondence
and hierarchical construction. In the guidence of an able administration and positive learning
measures the group's ablilty to tackle something new lifts up extensively. On the other hand,
External factors might be social,political,economical or relegious. For instance in an informed and
civilzed social territory the organization advances effectively paying little mind to dangers of various
ethinc , political and relegiouos factors. These elements extraordinarily impact the group's
presentation as far as advancement. Like group attributes are enormously reliant upon variety and
development comes because of variety. For various variables like individuals from various
places,speaking various dialects and thinking with comletely unique perspective significantly
contrinute to groups part in Innovation. Visitor ecological factor likewise contribute in an undertaking
and significantly impact the compay I terms of its rivals and natural elements. At the point when we
draw a connection between every one of these components we finf that group qualities are
significantly reliant upon variety and variety likewise incorporates distinctive natural factors that
should be as a primary concern for completing a particular task.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
21. Write a 150-word paragraph that reflects upon your performance as a leader during
a specific work task of your choice. In your answer, you must describe how you
successfully implemented any two of the following steps for encouraging innovation:
• A compelling vision
• Goal interdependence
• Support of innovation
• A cohesive team
• Strong internal and external communication.
Your answer should detail what was done, how it was done and the timeframe in
which it was completed.
The role of a team leader is vital and carries freat importance in accomplishing a
particular task in an organization. As for the question concerning my performance
as a team leader, I utilized convincing vision and upheld innovation in my team as a
leader. I had a gathering with my group and we just examined the undertaking we
needed to accomplish. I honestly addressed the individuals about the fact that I was
more disposed towards novel thoughts as opposed to old conventional ways. I
likewise announced that everybody would be urged to explore new territory and for
this I additionally declared a reward for the one with the best new idea. Moreover, I
reported that we needed to work in amicable enviroment to make solid outcome.
The thought just worked out and we had an astounding new thought that offered
sucess to our project. And as promised, I offered the reward to the representative.

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BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
Hold a meeting on an innovation change in your workplace and monitor the process of work based
on the objectives agreed in the meeting. Prepare a presentation (10-15 slides) which must address:
 Your team’s purpose and objectives
 Roles and responsibilities of each team member
 The ground rules for the team and its work practice
 Plan, sequence and prioritise tasks for efficient and effecitive outcomes
 Policies and procedures, written instructions, work shedules applied
 Budget and timeframe
 Types of form, channel and mode of communication you use to circulate the plan
 Feedback and issues on the activites you have carried
 Improvement strategies on issues identified
 How did the nature and purpose of your own role affect others in a work context?

You must use clear language to clarify rules and roles relating to team activities.
Ensure that you use clear language and formats appropriate for the audience to highlight and
present specific information

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