Modern Methods of Art and Crafts
Modern Methods of Art and Crafts
Modern Methods of Art and Crafts
Demonstration Method
The word Demonstration has been derived from the Latin word” demo’ which means “to show”,
so demonstration means teaching by showing the topic in practical shape to the students. In this
method the teacher show the sample of arts or crafts to the students. After that she explains each
dimension of the object that how the students make it, how the students precede the whole
activity. After explaining in detail the whole object the teacher allow the students to start work.
The students are allowed to ask questions whenever comes in their minds.
Demonstration method use the demonstration or “doing” method to teach skills. Demonstrate,
step-by-step, the procedures in a arts and crafts tasks. Using. While demonstrating, explain the
reason for and the significance of each step. To be effective, plan the demonstration so that you
will be sure to show the steps in the proper sequence and to include all steps. If you give the
demonstration before a large group or if the students might have trouble seeing because of the
size of the equipment involved, use enlarged devices or teaching aids. When practical, allow
students to repeat the procedure in a “hands on” practice session to reinforce the learning
process. By immediately correcting the pupil’s mistakes and reinforcing proper procedures, you
can help them learn the task more quickly. The direct demonstration approach is a very effective
method of instruction, especially when learners have the opportunity to repeat the procedures
The basic method of instruction for teaching skill of arts and crafts subject matter, is the
demonstration-performance method of instruction. This method is recommended for teaching
skills in arts because it covers all the necessary steps in an effective learning order. The
demonstration step gives learners the opportunity to see and hear the details related to the skill
being taught. Those details include the necessary background knowledge, the steps or procedure,
the nomenclature, and the safety precautions. The repetition step helps the average and slow
learners and gives the learners an additional opportunity to see and hear the skill being taught.
The performance step gives all trainees the opportunity to become proficient. In short, this
method is recommended because it leaves nothing to chance. For convenience, the techniques for
imparting skills are presented in steps, rather than activities. When setting up an instructional
plan, understand that you don’t have to follow these steps in the sequence presented; instead
choose the steps in the sequence best suited to the needs of the trainees. Although you will
always include a demonstration step and a performance step, you must use judgment in selecting
techniques to make the various steps effective.
General Hints
• It is the duty of the teacher that makes every effort to get learner to observe correct
procedures the first time they try a new task. Because in arts and crafts teaching the
sequence in learning different steps of methods is very essential.
• The most effective learning results when pupils use a skill immediately after you have
taught it. So as soon as you teach trainees to do a job, have them practice the skill.
• Teaching applicable safety precautions is especially important. Teach a safety precaution
just before reaching the point in your demonstration where it applies. State the reason for
the precaution so that the learner will understand the need for compliance.
• Patience is a virtue for any petty learner. If it does not come naturally to you, you must
train yourself to be patient. A slow learner may never acquire the knowledge or skill you
are trying to impart if you are impatient. Avoid irony toward a bungler; that person may
be trying harder than you suspect. Nothing exhausts the patience of the expert as much as
the shuffle attempts of a beginner; however, the instructor must patiently demonstrate and
explain until the trainee acquires the needed competence. “Good instruction” means a
more effective crew, and such an asset justifies any amount of patience.
• If you find that your learner have not learned what you tried to teach them, do not react as
if they disobeyed orders. If students do not understand a certain lesson or operation, that
could indicate a poor job of teaching. The old saying, “If the learner hasn’t learned, the
teacher hasn’t taught” might apply in some situations.
You can use instructional techniques with any of the above methods. These techniques include
the use of the lesson summary, oral questioning, and training aids.
Lesson Summary The term summary as used here refers to that part of the lesson in which the
instructor reviews the material covered. When summarizing, keep in mind two major aims. First,
you want to help the trainees identify and organize the subject matter. Second, you want to assist
the trainees in understanding and, where necessary, in memorizing the subject matter. Use the
following techniques in summarizing a lesson:
2. It requires the expert teachers otherwise the students will get bore if it is not properly
administered by the teacher.
3. If the object is not visible to the whole class than those students who are sitting on the back
seats will lose their attention in the class.
Important Points
• Demonstration method is best to teach the skills
• It gives the opportunity to the learner to see and hear the skills taught to them.
• It is effective when the learner use the skills immediately after teaching that skill
• Lesson summary, oral questioning and training aids are the techniques used in best
demonstration method.
• Exercise No 1
• To listen
• To show
• To do
• Lesson summary
• Memorization
Inquiry Method
This is a scientific method of teaching. In this method the teacher stimulate the minds of the
students towards learning through inquiry and investigation. The students think, search and
perform through a systematic and scientific way. That "inquiry is the way people learn when
they're left alone." To Suchman, inquiry is a natural way that human beings learn about their
environment. Think for moment about a very young child left in a play yard with objects free to
explore. The child, without any coaxing will begin to explore the objects by throwing, touching,
pulling, banging them, and trying to take them apart. The child learns about the objects, and how
they interact by exploring them, by developing his or her own ideas about them---in short
learning about them by inquiry. Many authors have discussed the nature of inquiry and have used
words such as inductive thinking, creative thinking, discovery learning, the scientific method and
the like.
Some teachers like to give their students data sheets, with room for hypotheses, and data tables
ready to fill in, and questions to be answered. There is a sample of this kind of lesson the
tracking lesson. Other kinds of inquiry are much more open-ended. The steps of inquiry lessons
1. Purpose
The teacher tells the students what they will be learning about and tells them of the interesting
implications of the lesson. For example, the teacher tells to the students about the purpose of
making hands craft of Sindh in a particular class. The students will brain storm on the topic and
will generate their ideas for giving a practical shape to that purpose, another example is, for
tracking, a good tracker can tell the approximate size and weight of an animal s/he tracks from
the tracks. The tracker has greater difficulty telling the age of the tracks, but there are clues to
this as well. The students will learn, in this lesson, how to estimate size of an animal and perhaps
even speed. Then they will try finding some animal tracks. For this lesson, there is no hypothesis
for the students to come up with. (In some cases, the teacher will want the students to decide
what they want to study. But there will still be a pedagogical purpose for the teacher to explain to
the students.) In a different case, for example testing the growth of a bean plant according to
different variables, the students can hypothesize. The teacher would introduce the purpose of the
activity as: to study the effect of light and gravity of the growth of a bean seed. The students
would be asked to hypothesize about what effect gravity would have on a young bean plant? Do
they think the plant would grow towards or away from the centre of the earth? What effect might
light have on the growth of the bean plant?
2. Hypothesis:
In those activities where there will be a hypothesis, the students should always be expected to
make their own hypotheses. This should be done in small groups (pairs), then in whole class
discussion. Students should state their hypotheses in terms of the effect of one variable on
another, and you must encourage them to justify their hypotheses.
3. Procedure:
Once students have a clear idea of the purpose of the experiment or activity or study, they would
have some idea of how to find the answer. Often, the discussion of different hypotheses will give
those ideas for how to test their own hypothesis. Just because they have shown that their
hypothesis might be true does not mean they have proved it. The alternative might still be a
possibility. They have to rule on the other hypothesis as well as showing that their hypothesis
For example, there is a well-known activity, where a match is dropped into a bottle, and a peeled
hard-boiled egg is placed on the spout of the bottle. When the match goes out, the egg pops into
the bottle. This was explained to me as the result of oxygen being consumed by the flame. An
alternative is that the match heated (causing expansion of) the air, which was able to escape past
the egg out of the bottle. When the match went out, the air contracted again, and the egg was
drawn into the bottle. A student’s procedure must test expansion and contraction without any
oxygen being consumed, or test the consumption of oxygen without any expansion or
Suchman proposed six rules or procedures that teachers have found helpful in conducting inquiry
Materials: Once students know what they plan to do, they can make a list of the materials they
will need. Sometimes it helps to tell them what materials are available before they design their
procedure (one small way you can retain control!) However, often the materials they need can be
brought from home.
If students are testing different kinds of food for starch and fat, you would encourage them to
bring some from home. Encourage your students to write what they plan to do and to write a list
of what materials they need. For those who prefer to draw, encourage them to do both.
• Data: Before students begin the experiment, remind them of all safety precautions. If they are
working with chemicals, they should be wearing safety glasses. If they are working with Bunsen
burners, they should have their hair tied back. Etc. Then they are to carry out their experiment or
activity. Since they designed the procedure, they should know what data to collect. They should
have a plan to record their data. For example if they are asked to compare the crafts of
Baluchistan and Sindh, They will have to collect different handicrafts of the mentioned provinces
then they will be able to compare them.
• Analysis: Again, students should know what they are trying to find. They might need
assistance in steering away from their affirmation bias, however. Many students have been seen
that they test one bean against another, with bean A watered with vinegar (to simulate acid rain)
and bean B watered with pure distilled water. When bean A thrives and bean B dies, the student
will start another bean B and another, until one does well. This is not a fair test. The students
need to be reminded that they should start with more than one of each bean plant, just in case one
of them is a dud. And, it might turn out that vinegar is good for germination of bean seeds.
• Conclusion: When your students have finished their study or experiment, they must discuss
their results with one another. They must find out who had the same results, who had different
results, why the results might have been different. They must interpret the results according to
their original question. What do the results mean? The results will almost certainly lead to
another question, and the process begins again. Notice that the class discussion of the conclusion
is the brief of the lesson. This is when the meaning of the lesson can be put into the context of
the unit as a whole.
Inquiry Activities
Of all the approaches to help students learn about inquiry, the inquiry box might be considered
the universal strategy. The inquiry box can be made with a shoe box, and it should be painted
black. For a classroom of students, you could prepare several inquiry boxes. Students are given
the box, and asked to determine what the inside of the box is like. An inquiry box contains a
marble, which is the main probe that the student can use to determine the pattern that exists
within the box. You can prepare different patterns by taping pieces of cardboard in interesting
and perplexing patterns. The inquiry activity consists of having teams of students explore each
inquiry box that you have prepared. The student's theory consists of a diagram of the possible
pattern in each box.
The teacher shows two blocks of wood, one much larger than the other. They are placed on an
equal-arm balance and the results shows that the larger block is more massive than the smaller
block. The blocks are then placed in container of water. The larger, more massive block floats,
while the smaller and less massive ones sinks. This discrepant event leads to an inquiry into the
following questions: Why did the lighter block sink and the heavier one float? Why do objects
sink and float? Science principles that emerge include displacement, Archimedes' principle, and
The teacher places one coin (a quarter) on the edge of a table and holds another in the air next to
it. At the same instant he flicks the quarter on the table so that it flies horizontally off the table,
and drops the other quarter straight down. Both coins strike the floor at the same time. An
inquiry about "Why do the coins strike the floor at the same time? ensues. Hint: practice this
demonstration before you perform it with a group of students. Science principles that will
emerge from this inquiry include vectors, universal gravitation, and Newton's second law of
The teacher places a long rod (meter stick) across the backs of two chairs. From the rod two
simple pendulums of the same length are hung. One of the pendulums is started swinging. The
other is allowed to hang straight down. In a few minutes the stationary pendulum begins
swinging as the arc of the swinging pendulum decreases. The inquiry focuses on: Why does the
second pendulum begin to swing? Why the arc of the first pendulum decrease? The science
principles in this inquiry include periodic motion and conservation of energy.
A balloon is partially inflated, tied shut and tied to a heavy object (a rock). It is dropped into the
bottom of a tall cylinder filled almost to the top with water. A rubber sheet is placed over the top
of the cylinder and sealed with a rubber band. The teacher pushes on the rubber cover, and the
balloon becomes slightly smaller. When the rubber cover is released, the balloon returns to its
original size. The inquiry focuses on Why does the balloon become smaller and then larger
again? Principles of science in this inquiry include pressure, gases, liquids and solids, and
Newton's first law of motion.
Disadvantages of Inquiry method
1. It is a time consuming.
3. Sometime the students feel bored if the topic is not of their interest.
Activity NO: 2
Inquire and collect famous crafts of four provinces of Pakistan. Important points
• Purpose of inquiry method means that the teacher tells to their students that what they are
going to learn
• The rules involves in inquiry method are questions, freedom to ask questions, teacher response
to statement of theory, testing theory, cooperation and experimenting.
Exercise No 2
1. the method which stimulates the minds of the students through investigation is
• Lecture method
• Inquiry method
• Discussion method
• Purpose and goals