Handouts L AB Correlation Between Arts and Other Subjects
Handouts L AB Correlation Between Arts and Other Subjects
Handouts L AB Correlation Between Arts and Other Subjects
Arts are a dynamic subject and have diversity in nature. It has a close relationship with other
subjects. To see the relationship of arts and crafts curriculum with other subjects, first we have to
identify that what mean by a curriculum.
What is a curriculum?
Curriculum derived from two the Latin words ‘Curri” and ‘culum’. ‘Curri’ means path way and
‘culum’ means a destination. So its lateral meaning is a pathway towards a destination.
It is a set of documents which contains all those activities held inside the school.
It is a plan of all educational activities designed by the experts for the students to achieve
preset objectives.
Arts curriculum has a strong and close relationship with other subjects. The subject of arts is
science as well as arts in its nature. Therefore it has not only a relationship with arts subjects but
also with science subjects. We will discuss them under the following categories.
The curriculum of arts and biology has a close interrelationship. A teacher cannot teach biology
without making its linkage with arts because the teaching of biology is not possible without the
presentation of figures. A teacher cannot explain the concepts of biology without the help of arts.
Similarly the students also cannot understand biology if the different concepts are not well
presented in the form of illustrative figures. They understand better if the things teach in a
scientific way.
In the field of natural sciences chemistry has a close relationship with the arts. Different concepts
in chemistry need to have models for teaching to students, so arts have great contribution in
chemistry. Presentation of different elements and compounds in the form of tables and figures is
also only possible through help of arts.
Mathematics and arts are essential for each other. For example if arts student is making any
statue of something, he needs measurement of its height, width and size etc. Here mathematics is
involved. Until and unless students’ don’t have sufficient knowledge of mathematics he cannot
be a good arts student.
Like other natural sciences physics has also close relationship with arts. Especially when a
teacher is teaching the concepts of physics to her students. She cannot teach them without the
help of arts. For example the concept of solar system or galaxy can be taught better if the teacher
makes the models of these systems.
The teaching task of the general science teacher is very difficult and challenging, because she has
to teach three subjects of pure sciences combining in one subject such as physics, chemistry and
biology. She cannot teach effectively the concepts of general sciences until and unless she hasn’t
the help of arts. The students can understand three different subjects of science through
demonstration of these concepts in the form of different models, diagrams and tables etc. Similar
the students interest can’t also be maintain through showing the real objects through arts.
Social studies is the study of society and its people. It is the study of the customs and tradition of
society which are adopted by the people. If a teacher wants to teach this subject effectively than
she has to include the pictures and models etc. in her class lesson. Similarly 19 she can also give
the activities of painting and drawing different festivals and cultures to her students for
effective’s learning process.
7 Relationship of arts with Geography
Geography and arts has a close relationship with each other. Arts students usually make
paintings of the nature. The talent and abilities of an arts student can be reflect from his work
which is usually in the form of either sceneries or nature. These things show the imagination and
mental creativity of the students. Similarly the teacher of geography cannot teach the topics like
climate, lands and history without the help of arts.
Environmental science has the concepts related to human environment and their life. And in the
subjects of arts we study human life and their interaction with environment. Therefore these two
subjects have close interrelationship. The teacher of environmental science cannot explain the
concepts until and unless she does not have good skills of arts and converting those concepts into
Economics is the study of wealth and its calculations. Arts study the human behaviors and their
attitudes and also give the practical shape to different facts and figures which becomes more
illustrative for readers and students. Therefore from this point of view both arts and economics
have close link with each other.
Arts and crafts have a very close relationship with home economics. Home economics is the
study of all materials use at home such as decoration and cooking etc. Arts create beauty in all
those materials. Arts bring innovations in these materials. All decoration materials and handmade
materials come under the category of home economics which basically deals with arts in broader
Arts and computer science has a close link with each other. One important aspects of computer is
designing, graphics and maps, and arts needs these elements before giving actual shape to any
picture or painting etc. computer also give new directions to the subjects of arts through internet
searching and we can study the heritage of arts and crafts of other countries through internet
which can help us to modify our own heritage within the limits of our traditions.
Have an overview of biology of class 9th and write the relationship of arts and biology in 10
Compare the relationship of arts curriculum both with home economics and physics.
How the curriculum of art and craft has link with biology and geography?
To understand the relationship of arts with general curriculum we will divide the general
curriculum into different categories.
The humanities are the study of different cultures. This includes their art, literature etc. So, in the
most basic sense, much of what we know of ancient civilizations is based mainly on their art, in
the forms of pottery, plays, fiction, paintings and even cave drawings. Thus art and the
humanities have a direct relationship as one is dependent on the other. The humanities are
academic disciplines which study the human condition, using methods that are primarily
analytic, critical, or speculative, as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the
natural and social sciences. Art is the way in which people choose to express themselves; it can
be through writing, music, drawing, painting, dance and many other ways. The relationship
between art and humanities is that usually art exemplifies what the people are going through at
that moment in time, or how individual people are feeling. If you were to look at art from older
eras in time you would be able to see that people in painting aren't dressed as we are now, and
language used in writing may not be the same either. This shows the close relationship between
art and humanities. Art is molded by humanities included its different branches such as
languages, home economics etc. it also helps humanities to make it more expressive. Its
relationship is different all over the world and during all eras of time.
The history of ideas and practices in both field’s arts and natural sciences contains many
resemblances. The analysis of art works in the light of scientific concepts constitutes a case. For
example, the exploration of the secret structures of works of art is based on the principles of
geometry. The color analysis attempted by the painters themselves or by art historians in the
works of early abstract painters introduces elements of the natural sciences regarding the nature
of light and the interaction between light and matter. At the same time, the view is put forward
that a fuller understanding of spectroscopy in Physics can derive from the application of
spectroscopic methods on works of art. the depiction or the pictorial approach to elements of the
natural sciences e.g. texts, collections of plant and animal samples, scientific instruments or
modern scientific concepts is an activity in which the visual arts contribute to the
‘‘visualization’’ or even the conceptual understanding of natural science phenomena.
One of the enduring questions in the field of management is whether it is an art or a science.
Webster's College Dictionary defines an art as "skill in conducting any human activity" and
science as "any skill or technique that reflects a precise application of facts or a principle."
Reflected in the differences in these definitions is the use of precision in science, in that there is a
particular, prescribed way in which a manager should act. Thus, management as a science would
indicate that in practice, managers use a specific body of information and facts to guide their
behaviors, but that management as an art requires no specific body of knowledge, only skill.
Conversely, those who believe management is an art are likely to believe that there is no specific
way to teach or understand management, and that it is a skill borne of personality and ability.
Henry Mintzberg is the most well-known and prominent advocate of the school of thought that
management is an art. Mintzberg is an academic researcher. Mintzberg, through his observation
of actual managers in their daily work, determined that managers did not sit at their desks,
thinking, evaluating, and deciding all day long, working for long, uninterrupted time periods.
Rather, Mintzberg determined that mangers engaged in very fragmented work, with constant
interruptions and rare opportunities to quietly consider managerial issues. Thus, Mintzberg
revolutionized thinking about managers at the time that his work was published, challenging the
prior notion that managers behaved rationally and methodically. This was in line with the
perspective of management as an art, because it indicated that managers did not necessarily have
routine behaviors throughout their days, but instead used their own social and political skills to
solve problems that arose throughout the course of work.
Arts have a very close relationship with social sciences. If we observe the history of human
beings it will tell us that arts are the only way of transmitting the human heritage from one
generation to other generation. The entire heritage which we have today in the form of statues or
paintings is only due to arts. So in this way we became able to study the behaviors of society and
human beings and its evolution throughout the history as social sciences are interested to study
these aspects of society and human behaviors therefore these two branches of academics are
closely link with each other. Similarly the cultures and societal aspects of today are also
preserves in the form of paintings and other arts work. We can understand the cultures and
traditions of other societies of the world through arts without visiting there.