Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.E 12 (Cookery) : I. Objectives

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T.L.E 12 (Cookery)

At the end of the lesson the students can:
a. Identify ingredients used in preparing dark chocolate cake.
b. Demonstrate on how to bake dark chocolate cake.
c. Follow correct procedure in preparing dark chocolate cake and observed safety and
d. Relate the topic in a real life situation.


Topic: Baking Cake (Dark Chocolate Cake)
Skills: Listening, Observing, Teamwork
Reference: Teacher’s Guide page 13
Cookery Manual pages 157-173
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint, Visual aids, laptop, projector.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation:
Classroom management
Checking of Attendance

What was our topic last meeting? Our topic last meeting was all about common ingredients
used in baking.

What are the classifications of ingredients -dry ingredients

used in baking? -liquid ingredients
-minor ingredients
Very good!

Who can give an example of dry ingredients? -flour

-leavening agent
Very good!
How about for liquid ingredients? -water
Correct! -eggs

For minor ingredients? -salt

-herbs, seeds and spices
-chocolate & cocoa

Any question? None ma’am

I have here four pictures in one word.
May I request everybody to Please read the Instructions:
instructions. 1. The first who will raise his/her hand will be the one to
2. Observe the pictures attentively.
3. Avoid making unnecessary noise while doing the activity.

Who can guess illustration number one?

Ma’am baking

Very good!

How about this one?

Ma’am dark

Yes, very good!

Next one.

Ma’am chocolate


Very good!

How about this one?

C A K E Ma’am cake

Very good!

What do you think is our lesson for today? Ma’am I think, our topic today is about dark chocolate cake.
(Give the possible answer.)

Very good!!

Yes, it is baking dark chocolate cake.

Everybody read our learning objectives. OBJECTIVES:

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
Identify ingredients used in preparing moist
chocolate cake.
Demonstrate on how to bake dark chocolate cake.
Follow correct procedure in preparing moist
chocolate cake and observed safety and sanitation.
Relate the topic in a real life situation.

Before we discuss our topic, we will unlock

first the difficult words. Everybody read Unlocking of difficult words:
a. Baking– to cook in an oven using dry heat
b. Sift- to separate course particles in the
ingredient by passing through a sieve.
c. Dissolve- (of something solid): to mix
with a liquid and become part of it.
d. Cream- to rub, mash, or work shortening
against the side of a bowl until it is
smooth & creamy.
e. Fluffy- having a light and soft appearance.
f. Mis’en place – pronounced meez in pla which means
“putting in place as in set up.”
Thank you!

C. Activity:
1 Activity
I will group you into 3 groups.
Please read the instructions. INSTRUCTIONS:
 List down the Ingredients that can be used in
preparing dark chocolate cake.
 Write your answers in a meta card then paste it in the
cake standand post it in the board.
 Arrange it in a layer as you desire.
Before anything else, everybody please read
the rubric. Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Participatio All One or two Three or
n members members did more
did not members
participate participate. did not
. participate.
Discipline All One or two Three or
members members are more
are making members
working unnecessary are making
silently. noise. unnecessary
Correctness No errors One or two Three or
are made. mistakes are more
made. mistakes
are made.
Promptness First Group that Last
group who finished the group/s
finished task after the who
the work. time allotted finished the
Total points 20 points

Thank you!

Your time starts now. (The students do the task.)

Time is up! (After 2mins.) (Post their output to the board)

Okay let us check your work.
Group 1……
All answers are correct.

You got 1 mistake.

Group 3…….
You got 2 mistakes.

Let us give a fireworks clap to everybody. (Do the fireworksclap.)

2nd Activity
Teacher’s Demonstration

Now, how will you make dark chocolate

cake? Anyone knows how?

This morning I will show to you how to bake

a cake called “dark chocolate cake”.

First, let’s have a mise en place. As you see

here, everything is set from measuring to
preparations. Same as the tools are ready.

So are you ready to witness how to make a Yes ma’am. We are very much excited!
dark chocolate cake?

There are some important reminders.

May I request everybody to read; IMPORTANT REMINDERS:
1. OBSERVE cleanliness.
2. REMOVE all your hand accessories.
3. WASH your hands properly.
4. WEAR complete working outfit.
5. PROPER handling of tools should be observed to
avoid accidents.

Is that clear? Yes ma’am

Here’s the ingredient that we are going to use

for “Dark Chocolate Cake”.
 1 cup Cocoa Powder
 2 tbsp. instant Coffee
 1 cup Hot water
 1 cup Evaporated milk
 3 cups All-purpose Flour
 1 tsp. Baking Powder
 2 tsps. Baking Soda
 ½ cup Mayonnaise
 1 cup butter
 2 ½ cups Sugar
 4 pcs. Eggs
 1 tbs. Vanilla
 1 cup Unsweetened Chocolate
 1 can Condense milk
 1 cup butter

Now that you know already the ingredients in

making dark chocolate cake.

We will proceed to the procedure in baking

Who can read first to sixth procedure? Procedures in baking dark chocolate cake:
(While the student read the1st step, teacher 1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit.
do the demo.) Grease and line a 13x9x2 inches rectangular pan.
Set aside
2. Dissolve cocoa powder & coffee in a hot water
add evaporated milk then set aside.
3. Combine flour, baking powder and baking soda.
Set aside.
4. In a bowl, cream butter & sugar together until
light and floppy. Add eggs, one at a time. Beating
well after each addition. Stir in vanilla.
5. Add the flour & liquid Ingredients alternately into
the creamed mixture. Pour into prepared pan and
bake for 45 minutes or until done.
6. Prepare frosting by combining all the ingredients
in a sauce pan or double boiler. Cook until thick
while stirring constantly.
(The students are attentively observing the demonstration.)
(After 45 minutes.)
Here it is…….(Present the output)

D. Analysis:

Observe it carefully.
Now who can describe the dark chocolate Ma’am looks so delicious and yummy.

Nice answer!

Why it is important to measure all the Ma’am it is important to measure all the ingredients
ingredients appropriately? appropriatelyso that the result is good.

Very good!

Another answer? Ma’am it is important to measure all the ingredients

appropriately so that the cake will not be failure.
Very well said!

What are the nutrients that we can get from Ma’am the nutrients that we can take from the dark
this kind of food? chocolate cake are magnesium, calcium, vitamin D and B-
12, iron and many more.

Very good answer! We can get plenty of

nutrients from this kind of food.

Now, do you know already how to make dark Yes ma’am

chocolate cake?

Are you ready to make your own dark Yes ma’am

chocolate cake?

E. Application:

Now it’s your turn to make a dark chocolate cake.

Here are the ingredients needed for you’rea dark
chocolate cake.
(the ingredients are in a tray)

I have also here an envelope; inside of this is the

procedure. Every group will pick one. (Students picked the envelope.)
Here’s the instructions, everybody read. Instructions:
Follow the procedure properly and observe sanitary
45 minutes to make you’rea moist chocolate cake. If
you’re done present your output.
In presenting the output, you have to identify the
ingredients used in preparing yourmoist chocolate
Do not make any noise while doing the task
Thank you.

Is the instruction clear? Yes ma’am

Here’s the rubric for your activity. We have RUBRIC:

two rubrics to be used. Everybody read. PRODUCT
Characteristics Excellent Good Poor
10 pts. 8 pts. 6
Taste With enough
appearance Attractive
Preparation Completeness
of lab outfit,
and utensils.
Cleanliness Was well
groomed and
handling of
TOTAL 40points

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Participation All One or two Three or
members members did more
did not members
participate participate. did not
. participate.
Discipline All One or two Three or
members members are more
are making members
working unnecessary are making
silently. noise. unnecessary
Correctness No errors One or two Three or
are made. mistakes are more
made. mistakes
are made.
Promptness First Group that Last
group who finished the group/s that
finished task after the finished the
the work. time allotted work.
Total points 20 points

Is our rubric clear? Yes ma’am.

I will give you 45 minutes to do the task.

Your time start now!

Time is up!!

Okay class; show your output here in front. (Presenting their output.)
(Checking the output.)
What do you feel while doing your task? Ma’am we feel great.

Very good! Another answer? We enjoy ma’am while baking.

Okay thank you class for your participation.

F. Abstraction:

Again what are the ingredients needed in The ingredients needed in baking dark chocolate cake are:
preparing dark chocolate cake? Cocoa Powder, instant Coffee, Hot water, Evaporated milk,
Cake Flour, Baking Powder,
Very good!

Another? Baking Soda, Mayonnaise, butter, Sugar, Eggs, Vanilla,

Unsweetened Chocolate, Condense milk.
Very good!

When we can serve dark chocolate cake? We can serve dark chocolate cake in any occasion’s ma’am.


Like what? Birthday party, weddings, christening, seminars, and etc.

How can you relate our topic into real life

situation? Or how will you use this dark
chocolate cake in order to earn money? Ma’am by selling it to a café & restaurants.

Very good!!

Another answer? I will post in social media like in Facebook that I am

accepting orders in dark chocolate cake.
Very good!!

What is the reason why people eat cakes? Ma’am it help us to release our stress.

Very good!!

How will you share what you’ve learned I will prepare a dark chocolate cake for my family during our
today? bonding time.

Very good!!

Another answer? I will share it to my friends.

Very good!!

Is there any questions or clarifications? None ma’am

Characteristics Excellent Good Poor
10 pts. 8 pts 6 pts.
Taste With enough filling

appearance Attractive

Preparation Completeness of lab outfit,
ingredients and utensils.
Cleanliness Was well groomed and
observe sanitary handling of
TOTAL 40points

Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 point

Participation All members did One or two members did not Three or more members did not
participate. participate. participate.
Discipline All members are working One or two members are Three or more members are
silently. making unnecessary noise. making unnecessary noise.
Correctness No errors are made. One or two mistakes are Three or more mistakes are
made. made.
Promptness First group who finished Group that finished the task Last group/s that finished the
the work. after the time allotted work.

Total points 40 points

Make an album of at least 5 recipes of a dark chocolate cake w/ pictures.


A. Identify sandwich component and bread suited for sandwich making; 
B. Prepare suitable filling and spread, and select and prepare glazes/sweet sauces; and 
C. Recognize the importance of preparing sandwiches while observing sanitary practices. 
A. Topic: Prepare Sandwiches 
A. Materials:    LED Screen Projector 
Visual Aids 
B. Skills: Identifying, Listening, Recognizing, Aprreciating 
C. Subject Integration: ICT, English, Health 
D. Strategies: Discovery Approach 
                    Interactive Approach 
                    Integrated technique 
A. Value Integration: Cooperation, Participation, Creativity 
Teacher's Activity  Student's Activity 
A. Preparatory activity   
Good morning/afternoon, class!   
  Good morning/afternoon, Ma'am! 
1. Prayer   
Before we start the topic, let's start it first with a  
prayer. Mr. Pantoja, please let the prayer.   
   In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
2. Greetings  Spirit. Amen. 
A pleasant morning/afternoon to everyone! How  
are you today? Hello? Are you with us? Why it  
seems like everyone is not attentive?   
Let’s have a wake up activity.  Good morning/afternoon, Ma'am! We're okay, Maam. 
Everyone, stand up please. Be quiet for a while  
because I’m going to say the mechanics or rule  
of our little game. If I say right, you need to jump  
to your left. And when I say left, you will jump (Stands Up) 
to your right. If I say clap, you need to jump.  
And lastly, when I said jump, you need to clap.  
Now, let's start!  Yes, Ma'am! 
It's so nice to see how lively and energetic you  
3. Room Conditioning   
Before you have a seat, kindly pick up those  
litters around you and arrange your chairs  
4. Checking of Attendance  (Students will follow.) 
Class Secretary, is there any absent today?   
Very good, all are accounted for. It's nice to see  
everyone present here.   
   None, Ma'am. All are present. 
5. Checking of assignment   
Did you do the assignment about researching  
the equipment and cooking materials used in  
preparing sandwiches and their function?   
Kindly pass your assignment to the Class  
    Yes, Ma'am. 
6. Review/Recall    
Before we proceed to our next and new lesson.  
Can anyone recap or recall the past lesson which  
was discussed yesterday?   
Anyone? Yes, Miss Fusilero?   
Yes, very good, Miss Fusilero. It's all about  
Kitchen Material and Equipment Commonly  
found in the kitchen.   
Now, can anyone give me example about  
the Kitchen Material and Equipment Commonly  
found in the kitchen?   
Yes, Ms. Oriero?    
  Our last lesson yesterday is all about the Kitchen Material
  and Equipment Commonly found in the kitchen, Ma'am. 
Excellent! Thank you, Miss Oriero. You may sit  
Anyone else? Yes, Mr. Oliver.   
  Ma'am, the example the materials of kitchen utensil are:
  aluminum, Stainless steel, Glass, Cast Iron, Ceramic and
  heat-proof glass, Teflon and Plastic and Hard Rubber. 
Very good, Mr. Oliver!   
Any question or clarifications about the last  
B. Lesson Proper  The other examples are the spatula, mandolin, peeler,
   spice grinder, knife, plates, pots, bowls, cutting boards,
1. Motivation  and can opener. 
Today we’re going to have a game. Are you  
You don't need to stand just remain in your  
respective places. If you want to answer just raise  
your hand. If a student guessed the answer he/she None, Ma'am. 
will received a prize.   
So here is the mechanic. I'll show you two  
pictures and you will have to guess what was  
shown on the picture by putting the two picture  
in one word.  Yes, Ma'am! 
Are the instructions clear?    
Let’s get started!   
  All clear, Ma'am! 
Presentation  Sandwich Roll 
Now sit properly. Did you enjoy the activity we  
Anybody who can tell me what you notice from  
our activity?   
This morning, you are expected to? Everybody Flat Bread 
read our learning objectives.   
a. identify sandwich component  bread suited for  
sandwich making;   
c. prepare suitable filling and spread, and select  
and prepare glazes/sweet sauces; and   
e. recognize the importance of preparing  
sandwiches while observing sanitary practices.   
  Vegetable Salad 
Who have ever tried eating a sandwich?   
It's good to see that everyone is familiar to  
sandwiches. Now, look at the picture. Here we  
can see a type of sandwich which is the burger.  
Can anyone identify which is the base,  
moistening agent, and the filling? Anyone? Yes,  
Miss Bugarin.  White Bread 
Very good, Miss Bugarin.   
We have 3 basic components of a sandwich. It  
consist of:  Shellfish 
 Structure or base,    
 moistening agent, and    
 filling.   
Let's start with the structure or the base.   
1. Structure or Base   
It is the part upon which the ingredients are  
placed. It consists of some form of bread or  
dough produce that is whole or sliced.  Butter 
Why base is important in a sandwich? Ye's Miss  
You are right, Miss. Madrid. Thank you.   
As you see, base is very important in sandwich  
because just like what Miss Madrid says it holds  
the ingredients in between. It also balances the Hamburger 
texture and taste of a sandwich. And also, it is  
consist of carbohydrates which are important as  
they provide  energy.   
2. Moistening Agent   
It is meant to bind the sandwich that provides an  
improvement of both flavor and texture.  It also Yes, Maam! 
acts as the protective layer between the filling  
and the structure.   
  Ma'am, I think its all about sandwiches and the different
Just like what it stated here, it acts as a binder in types of it's bread and fillings. 
order to keep both the base and filling intact. In  
simple word, it is like a glue so that the sandwich  
won't fall off out of its place.   
Can anyone give me an example of a moistening  
agent? Yes, Mr. Besa.   
Yes, very good. I can see you are attentive  
earlier. You may sit down.   
3. Filling   
It consists of one or more ingredients that are  
stacked, layered or folded within or on the  
structure to form the sandwich.   
The filling is the heart of the sandwich. Why it  
was consider as the heart of a sandwich? Yes,  
Miss Dalioan.  (Students will raise their hands.) 
Because it is the main attraction and flavor of  
the sandwich.   
  Ma'am the bread as the base, ketchup or mayonnaise as the
  moistening agent, and the burger steak, cheese, tomato,
Now, let's proceed to the types of bread.  onion, cucumber as the filling. 
Here are the types of Bread.   
There are four classifications of Bread which are  
the yeast bread, bunds and rolls, flat bread, and  
Miss Villaflor, kindly state the different yeast  
bread stated in the screen.   
Thank you Miss, Villaflor.   
LOAF BREAD that is the most commonly used  
bread for sandwiches.  I think Ma'am it is because it holds the ingredients
WHITE BREAD These are long rectangular between the bread.  
loaves that provide square slices. It is one of the  
most versatile sandwich bread, it comes in  
various flavors and goes well with everything  
and toast nicely.   
WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Is a classic bread for  
sandwiches, it is nutritionally superior to white  
bread, taste better and have more interesting  
textures. It is slightly more compact and  
brownish in color.   
RYE BREAD Is a stronger tasting bread than  
white and whole wheat. A heavy and a hearty  
flavor bread that goes with so many types of  
meat and condiments.   
How about the Buns and Rolls? Yes, Mr. Dela  
Yes, thank you Mr. Dela Cruz. You may take  
your sit.    
SANDWICH ROLLS A soft type bread that  
come in all sizes, shapes and textures. The softest  
include hamburger buns and hot dog rolls   
FRENCH AND ITALIAN BREAD Rolls Ma'am, from the example earlier I believe it I
including sourdough and ciabatta, split the ketchup and mayonnaise. 
horizontally. It works well for grilled  
Who can read what are the different Flat Bread?  
Yes, Mr. Makabenta.   
Very good, Mr. Makabenta.    
  I think Ma;am because it was in the center and because it
Falt Bread are made from flatten often is the most highlighted ingredient in the sandwich. 
unleavened breads.    
PITA It comes in both white and whole wheat.  
As the flat bread bakes, it puffs up, forming a  
pocket that is perfect for stuffing.   
FOCACCIA Flat Italian bread, a cousin of pizza  
an inch or more thick and very rich in olive oil. It  
is sold by whole and cut into squares, split and  
LAVASH Small and rectangular, when softened  
in water, can be rolled around a stuffing to make  
a pinwheel shaped sandwich.   
TORTILLAS Unleavened round corn meal  
breads baked on a hot stone, size ranges to 6  
inch-14 inch or larger preferably used for  
quesadillas and burritos.   
For the last type of bread is the wraps.  • Loaf Bread 
  • White bread  
WRAPS These are very thin, flat breads that are • Whole wheat bread  
used for sandwich wraps, burritos and tacos. • Rye bread 
Example are the tortillas and sandwich Wraps.   
Do you have any questions or clarifications  
before we proceed to the next topic?    
• Sandwich rolls  
• French and Italian bread 
• Pita  
• Focaccia  
• Lavash  
• Tortillas 
None, Maam. 



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