Assignment. B.Jothilaksmi (202017295)
Assignment. B.Jothilaksmi (202017295)
Assignment. B.Jothilaksmi (202017295)
REG. NO.: 202017295
COIMBATORE – 641 018.
On generalized closed sets
1. Introduction
Closed sets are fundamental objects in a topological space. For example, one can define
the topology on a set by using either the axioms for the closed sets or the Kuratowski
closure axioms. In 1970, Levine initiated the study of so-called generalized closed sets. By
definition, a subset S of a topological space X is called generalized closed if cl A ⊆ U
whenever A ⊆ U and U is open. This notion has been studied extensively in recent years
by many topologists because generalized closed sets are not only natural generalizations
of closed sets. More importantly, they also suggest several new properties of topological
spaces. Most of these new properties are separation axioms weaker than T 1, some of which
have been found to be useful in computer science and digital topology. For example, the
well-known digital line is T3/4 but not T1. Other new properties are defined by variations of
the property of submaximality. Furthermore, the study of generalized closed
sets also provides new characterizations of some known classes of spaces, for example, the
class of extremally disconnected spaces.
For the sake of convenience, we begin with some basic concepts, although most of
these concepts can be found from the references of this paper. A subset S of a topological
space X is called α-open (respectively semi-open, preopen, semi-preopen) if S ⊆ int(cl(int
S)) (respectively S ⊆ cl(int S), S ⊆ int(cl S), S ⊆ cl(int(cl S))). Moreover,
S is said to be α-closed (respectively semi-closed, preclosed, semi-preclosed) if X \ S is α-
open (respectively semi-open, preopen, semi-preopen) or, equivalently, if cl(int(cl S)) ⊆ S
(respectively int(cl S) ⊆ S, cl(int S) ⊆ S, int(cl(int S)) ⊆ S). The α-closure (respectively
semi-closure, preclosure, semi-preclosure) of S ⊆ X is the smallest α-closed (respectively
semi-closed, preclosed, semi-preclosed) set containing S. It is well known that α-cl S
= S ∪ cl(int(cl S)) and scl S = S ∪ int(cl S), pcl S = S ∪ cl(int S) and spcl S = S ∪ int(cl(int
S)). The α-interior of S ⊆ X is the largest α-open set contained in S, and we have α-int S =
S ∩ int(cl(int S)). It is worth mentioning that the collection α(X) of all α-
open subsets of X is a topology on X which is finer than the original one, and that a subset
S of X is α-open if and only if S is semi-open and preopen.
Lemma 1.2. Let X be a space. Then every singleton of X is either nowhere dense or
For a space X, we now define X1 = {x ∈ X: {x} is nowhere dense}, and
X2 = {x ∈X: {x} is preopen}. Then X = X1 ∪ X2 is a decomposition of X, which will be called
Janković–Reilly decomposition. Recall that a space X is said to be locally indiscrete if
every open subset is closed.
The results above clarify some connections between the Tgs property and other lower
separation axioms. Note, however, that not every Tgs-space is T0. For example, a three
point space X = {a, b, c} in which the only proper open subset is {a, b}, is a Tgs-space, but
not a T0-space. To obtain more characterizations of Tgs-spaces, we need the following
Theorem 2.6. A space X is Tgs if and only if every αg-closed subset of X is gα-closed.
Proof. Suppose that X is Tgs. Let A be αg-closed and let x ∈ X1 ∩ α-cl A. Then {x} is
closed by Theorem 2.2. Assume that x ∈/ A, i.e., A ⊆ X \ {x}. Since A is αg-closed and X \
{x} is open we have x ∈ α-cl A ⊆ X \ {x}, which is a contradiction. Therefore, X1∩ α-cl A
⊆ A. By Lemma 3.5, A is gα-closed.
Remark 2.7. A space whose αg-closed subsets are gα-closed may be called a Tαg -space.
The above Theorem shows, however, that the class of Tαg -spaces is precisely the class of
Tgs- spaces.
Proposition 2.8. A space X is Tgs and extremally disconnected if and only if every gs-
closed subset of X is preclosed.
Proof. Suppose that X is Tgs and extremally disconnected. Let A be a gs-closed subset.
Then A is sg-closed. A is preclosed.
Now assume that every gs-closed subset is preclosed. Let x ∈ X and suppose that {x} is
not closed. Then X \ {x} is not open, hence it is gs-closed. By assumption, X \ {x} is
preclosed, and so {x} is preopen. X is a Tgs-space. Moreover,
since every sg-closed subset is preclosed, X is extremally disconnected.
Proof. (1) ⇒ (2): Let N ⊆ X be nowhere dense, let U be open and let N1 = U ∩ N . We
have to show that N1 is closed in N . Since N1 is nowhere dense it is α-closed, hence gα-
closed and so g-closed. Since N1 ⊆ U , we have cl N1 ⊆ U and hence cl N1 ∩ N = N1, i.e., N1
is closed in N .
⇒ (3): Let N ⊆ U where N is nowhere dense and U is open. Let x ∈ cl N . Then cl{x}⊆ cl N .
Since cl N is nowhere dense, by (2) we have that cl{x} is also open in cl N , i.e., there exists an
open set W such that cl{x} = W ∩ cl N . Suppose that x ∈/ U . Then cl{x}⊆ X \ U and so
W ∩ N ⊆ W ∩ cl N ∩ U = ∅, a contradiction. Therefore cl N ⊆ U.
(2) ⇒ (4): Let F ⊆ X be α-closed. Then F = A ∪ N where A is closed and N is nowhere
dense. If F ⊆ U where U is open then, by our assumption, cl N ⊆ U and so cl F ⊆ U ,
i.e., F is g-closed.
(3) ⇒ (1): Let A be gα-closed with A ⊆ U where U is open. By assumption α- cl A
= A ∪ cl(int(cl A)) ⊆ U . It is easily checked that N = A \ cl(int(cl A)) is nowhere dense,
hence α-closed and so g-closed by assumption. Since N ⊆ U we have cl A ∩ (X \ cl(int(cl
A)) ⊆ cl N ⊆ U . It follows readily that cl A\ α-cl A ⊆ U and so cl A ⊆ U , i.e., A is g-closed.
In our next example we will show that there exist spaces whose nowhere dense subsets
are g-closed but which are not nodec.
Example 2.10. Let X be the real line and let X1 = {x ∈ X: x > 0} and X2 = {x ∈ X: x < 0}.
We now define a topology on X in the following way. Let {0} be open. If x ∈ X 1 , a basic
(minimal) open neighborhood of x is X1 ∪ {0}. If x ∈ X2, a basic (minimal) open
neighborhood of x is X2 ∪{0}. Clearly, if x ∈ X1 then {x} is nowhere dense but not closed, so
X fails to be nodec. Now let N ⊆ U where N is nowhere dense and U is open. Then 0 ∈/ N .
Let N1 = N ∩ X1 and N2 = N ∩ X2 . If x ∈ N1 then x ∈ U and so X1 ⊆ U . Hence cl N1 ⊆ X1 ⊆ U
. In the same manner, cl N2 ⊆ U and so cl N ⊆ U , i.e., N is g-closed.
3. More characterizations
We now return to the diagram in Section 1 to consider other possible converses of some
of the implications in that diagram. The following result about the class of extremally
disconnected spaces was proved .
Theorem 3.2. A space X is extremally disconnected if and only if every gs-closed subset of
X is αg-closed.
Proof. Suppose that X is extremally disconnected. Let A be gs-closed and let U be an open
set containing A. Then scl A ⊆ U , i.e., int(cl A) ⊆ U . Since int(cl A) is closed, we have α-
cl A = A ∪ cl(int(cl A)) ⊆ A ∪ int(cl A) ⊆ U . Hence A is αg-closed.
To prove the converse, let every gs-closed subset of X be αg-closed. Let A ⊆ X be
regular open. Then A is gs-closed and so αg-closed. It follows that cl A = cl(int(cl A)) = α-
cl A ⊆ A. Therefore A is closed and X is extremally disconnected.
We now consider the property of sg-submaximality. First we give some elementary
characterizations of sg-submaximal spaces. Since the proof of the following result is
straightforward, we will omit it.
We shall now improve the equivalence of (2) and (3) in Theorem 4.4 thereby providing
a new characterization of sg-submaximal spaces.
Theorem 3.5. A space X is sg-submaximal if and only if every preclosed subset of X is gs-
Proof. The necessity is trivial by Theorem 3.4(2). For the sufficiency, suppose that every
preclosed subset is gs-closed. Let X = F ∪ G be the Hewitt decomposition of X, and let
(E1, E2⊕ be a resolution of int F .
We first claim that every open set V ⊆ int F is regular open. In fact, V ∩ E1 is condense and
contained in V . Since codense sets are preclosed, by assumption, they are gs-closed.
Thus int(cl(V ∩ E1)) ⊆ V . On the other hand, E1 is dense in int F, hence we have
int(cl(V ∩ E1)) = int(cl V ). It follows that V = int(cl V ).
Now let x ∈ int F and let V = int F ∩ (X \ cl({x})). Suppose that {x} is nowhere dense.
Then X \ cl{x} is dense and int(cl V) = int(cl(int F)) = int F . By our claim, int F = V .
Hence int F ⊆ X \ {x}, a contradiction. Therefore {x} has to be preopen. We have thus proved
that int F ⊆ X2, i.e., X1 ⊆ cl G.
By Theorem 3.4, X is sg-submaximal.
Remark: One may define a space X to be gs-submaximal if each dense subset of X is gs-
open. Similar to the proof of Theorem 4.4, one checks easily that a space X is gs-submaximal
if and only if each preclosed subset of X is gs-closed. In the light of Theorem 4.5, the notion
of gs-submaximality coincides with that of sg-submaximality.