The Birth of Modern Astronomy: Earth Science

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EARTH SCIENCE - great maker of astronomical instruments

FIRST QUARTER - able to measure the positions of hundreds of stars

- created his own Rudolphine tables because of the errors
THE BIRTH OF MODERN ASTRONOMY he found in Alphosine tables
- devised his own unique model of the universe where the
moon and the sun revolved around the Earth, but all of
the planets went around the sun
- studies the universe
- he set Kepler to work on the Rudolphine with the
- includes the observation and interpretation of celestial
ways/purpose of finding the laws of planetary motion
bodies and phenomena
- the Greeks used philosophical arguments to explain GIORDONO BRUNO (1548 – 1600)
natural phenomena - ordained priest by the Catholic church
- believed in many heretical ideas:
Two Models of Solar System
 No center to our universe
1. Geocentric Model (Ptolemy)
- Greek’s geocentric model, moon, sun, and the planets  Universe was infinite
– Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter – orbit Earth  Other stars were sun
2. Heliocentric Model (Nicolas Copernicus)  Believed in atoms
- Heliocentric Model, Earth and other planets orbit the - was persecuted by many different churches and
Sun people
- was publicly burned at the stake on February 17th,
ARISTOTLE AND PLATO 1600 (year of the Jubilee celebration)
- Greatest philosophers
- Plato – pioneered on how the old beliefs on how GALILEO GALILEI (1564 – 1642)
planets move, and the moral responsibility - excellent experimenter and astronomer
- Aristotle – one of the principle – eclipse (sun, earth, - trained in medicine but never completed the degree
and moon align, every are of knowledge - believer in Copernican System
- understood that an object that is dropped will fall
NICOLAS COPERNICUS (1473 – 1543) straight down, not left behind because of the Earth’s
- physician, well-educated, good mathematician rotation
- a canon in the Catholic church - used a telescope to look at the heavens and made
- studied medicine and law improvements in quality and magnification
- 1513: write a book outlining his arguments for
Heliocentric universe Discoveries of Galilei
- friends only to read and did not put his name 1. Venus has phases that shows it orbits the Sun
2. The moon is covered with mountains, valleys and
- believed in perfect circular orbits
- he had it published by a friend after his death
3. The Sun is covered with spots that come and go and
- pointed out gaps in Ptolemy’s model the rotation is measured
4. Jupiter has moons that clearly do not orbit the Earth
Copernicus’ Axioms (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Calisto)
1. No one center the universe 5. Found that the innermost moon was the fastest and
2. Earth’s center is not the center of the universe they moved slower as they became farther away
3. Center of the universe is near the sun 6. Saturn is not round (rings)
4. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 7. Milky Way is the result of a larger number of stars
imperceptible compared to the distance to the stars that are too faint to be seen by the naked eye
5. Rotation of the Earth accounts for the apparent daily - wrote a book in Italian about the new evidence for the
rotation of the stars
Copernican System
6. Apparent annual cycle of movements of the sun is
- ultimately faced the inquisition and was force to
caused by the Earth revolving around it
renounce the Copernican System
7. Apparent retrograde motion of the planets is caused by
the motion of the Earth from which one can observe
JOHANNES KEPLER (1571 – 1630)
- Made his predictions no more accurate than Ptolemy’s
- showed great mathematical talent as a youth
and led to doubt his theory
- studied at the University of Tubingen
- Started the Copernican Revolution
- became a professor at Graz
CHRISTOPHER CLAVIUS (1538 – 1612) - his astronomy teacher convinced him to become a
- astronomer for Pope Leo X professor of mathematics
- his open-minded beliefs caused doubts among the
- determined that the Julian Calendar was adding three
days too many over a period of 385 years
- was excommunicated (it was never lifted)
- caused the date of Easter to slip against the calendar
- was hired by Brahe after he received his book
Note: Julian Calendar was credited to Julius Caesar Mysterium Cosmographicum
- first cosmological model: based on solid geometric
Note: Pope Gregory X is credited for instructing the new shapes and met with good agreement of the orbits
calendar and it is known as the Gregorian Calendar - was tasked of solving Mars’ orbit

TYCHO BRAHE (1546 TO 1601) First Law – orbits of the planets are ellipse with the sun at one
- medicine, law, mathematics and politics foci of the ellipse
- supernova seen in 1572, turned his attention toward Second Law – planets sweep out an equal area in equal time
astronomy - address the issue of planets moving at different speeds
- constructed observatories at Hven, Australia depending on what part of their orbit they were in and
- became the imperial mathematician to the Holy Roman the systematic change in brightness
Third Law – square of the period of a planet is proportional to
Empire in Prague
the cube of its average distance from the Sun
- T 2=k ∙ r 3 - Immediately, after the explosion, the early universe is
- law almost took ten years to formulate and allows near composed of intense radiation and particles
perfect predictions of planet location - The intense radiation, together with some matter, formed
a rapidly expanding region called the primordial fireball
Other Scientific Contributions - In time, the matter broke apart into huge clumps
1. Error Analysis - The clumps became the galaxies
2. Optics - Smaller clumps within the galaxies formed stars
3. Algorithms proof
4. Early steps toward calculus The Big Bang Theory Time Tempera-
5. Astronomical tables Begins ture
6. Astrology 1. The cosmos goes 10−43
through a superfast seconds
ISAAC NEWTON (1643 – 1727) “inflation” expanding from
- raised on a farm; useless as a farm hand the size of an atom to that
- attended Trinity College in London where he of a grapefruit in a tiny
graduated with a degree in Math in 1665 fraction of a second.
- returned home to the farm and formulated some of his
greatest achievements 2. Post-inflation, the 10−32 1027 ℃
 Three Laws of Motion universe is a seething, hot seconds
1. Law of Inertia – an object resist changes in their soup of electrons, quarks
state of motion unless acted on by an outside net and other particles.
2. Law of Acceleration – an object is acted on by an 3. A rapidly cooling 10−6 1013 ℃
outside net force. It will accelerate according to the cosmos permits quarks to seconds
F clump into protons and
following formula: a= neutrons.
3. Law of Action-Reaction – every force, there is
exists an equal and opposite force
4. Still too hot to form 3 108 ℃
atoms, charged electrons minutes
 Law of Universal Gravitation – the same force and protons prevent light
that pulls an apple toward the surface of the from shining; the universe
Earth is the same force that holds the moon in is a superhot fog.
G M1M2 5. Electrons combine with 300,000 10,000 ℃
o F=
r2 protons and neutrons to years
- became the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (1669) form atoms, mostly
- later hired as the head of the British mint hydrogen and helium.
Light can finally shine.
- in charge of finding and prosecuting counterfeits
 Went undercover and ultimately convicted more
than 10 counterfeiters who were executed
6. Gravity makes hydrogen 1 billion −200 ℃
and helium gas coalesce to years
- conducted hundreds if experiments on light
form the giant clouds that
- discovered the origin of the spectrum created by will become galaxies;
prisms smaller clumps of gas
- invented the reflecting telescope collapse to form the first
- credited as the greatest scientists of all time stars
- impacted more areas of science
- invented an entire branch of Mathematics (Calculus) 7. As galaxies cluster 15 billion −270 ℃
- was knighted among his many honors and served as together under gravity, the years
the President of the Royal Society (Scientific first stars die and spew
Watchdog) heavy elements into space;
- was ill for the last two years of his life and was buried these will eventually form
in Westminster Abbey after his death into new stars and planets.


- The Doppler Effect is used as evidence that galaxies are
Cosmology – is the study of the universe, including its moving away from us
properties, structure and evolution o All galaxies show redshift in their spectra
- When light moves away, it’s wavelength is expanded
UNIVERSE (gets longer), meaning it becomes redder
- Derived from the old French word ‘univers’, which in - This is called the redshift
turn derives from the Latin word ‘universum’ Evidence for the Big Bang
- Is all of space and time (space-time) and its contents, - Light from distance galaxies all shift toward red
which includes planets, moons, minor planets, stars, Shifts in the Electromagnetic Spectrum
galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space and all - Red shift = away
matter and energy - Blue shift = toward
- Sometimes called cosmos
BIG BANG THEORY - Proposed by Alan Guth, Andrei Linde, Paul Stein
- Evolutionary or evolving universe theory Hart, and Andy Albrecht
- All matter and energy of space are compressed in a - Basically, cosmic inflation is the hypothesis that,
primordial core. Billion years ago, thus primordial core immediately after Big Bang, the universe expanded very,
exploded very, very rapidly – much faster than the speed of light.
A fraction of a second later, this rapid expansion slowed 7. God has finished his work of creation and so he
and the universe continued to respond, but at a much rested on the seventh.
slower rate
Timeline of the Inflationary Universe
Big Bang In an infinitely dense moment 13.7 THE SOLAR NEBULA HYPOTHESIS
billion years ago, the Universe is - Astronomers have long theorized that the Sun and
born from a singularity. planets were formed from the Solar Nebula – a vast
Inflation A mysterious particle or force swirling disk-shaped cloud of gas and dust
accelerates the expansion. Some
models inflate the Universe by a - Hubble Space Telescope images of proplyds provide
factor of 1026 in less than 10−32 concrete examples to study in order to confirm, refine
seconds. and where necessary, revise our theories of planet
Cosmic After 380,000 years, loose formation
Microwave electrons cool enough to combine
Background with protons. The Universe - The fact that all planets in the Solar System orbit around
becomes transparent to light. The the Sun in the same direction and in nearly the same
microwave background begins to plane strongly constrains any theory of the Solar
shine. System’s formation
Dark Ages Clouds of dark hydrogen gas cool
and coalesce. - The Solar Nebula Hypothesis was originally put forward
First Stars Gas clouds collapse. The fusion of by German Philosopher Immanual Kant and French
stars begins. Scientist Pierre-Simon de Laplace in the late-1700s.
Galaxy Gravity causes galaxies to form, They suggested that the entire Solar System was formed
Formation merge and drift. Dark energy from a huge rotating cloud of gas and dust called the
accelerates the expansion of the Solar Nebula
Universe, but at a much slower rate
than inflation. - As the rotating cloud collapsed, the proto-Sun formed in
the centre, surrounded by a disk of material out of which
STEADY STATE THEORY the planets formed about 4.5 billion years ago
- The universe is expanding and has an infinite age
- Infinite Universe Theory or Continuous Creation - The formation of the solar nebula disk from the
collapsing cloud core took about 100,000 years. During
- Proposed by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir
the collapse, the density and temperature of the nebula
Fred Hoyle
increased enormously. The temperatures were high
- The Universe has no beginning or end
enough to vaporise the primordial dust of the cloud core,
- The Universe is in the process of constant creation and
thereby erasing any prior history of the nebula dust
the matter is being continually replenished in one place
and being destroyed elsewhere
- The resulting protostellar disk was made up of
- Believes that as galaxies move apart, new matter appears
predominantly hydrogen gas, with traces of other
between them and forms new galaxies elements. Over time, the disk radiated its energy and
- As new galaxies form, old ones die, with the universe began to cool
always having the same density
- Condensation – in the conditions believed to exist in the
Evolutionary Theory – density of matter decreases over time solar nebula, whether a substance existed as a solid or a
Steady State Theory – density of matter is constant over time gas depended on the local temperature
o Temperature decreases from the center
- According to the Genesis of the Bible’s Old Testament,
- As the solar nebula radiates its energy and gradually
the creation of the entire cosmos (universe) took place in
cooled, different elements and molecules started to
six days
condense out of the nebula, forming solid dust grains
- The biblical creation story tells that God created the
- Different substances have different condensation
- 7 Days of Creation
1. God created light and separated light from the
- Once solids began to condense out of the solar nebula,
darkness, calling light “day” and darkness “night”
this effectively reset their “internal clocks”. Isotope
2. God created an expanse to separate the waters and
dating of meteorites tells us that the metals began to
called it “sky”
condense as soon as the disk formed, about 4.55 – 4.56
3. God created the ground and gathered the waters,
billion years ago
calling the dry ground “land” and the gathered waters
“seas”. On day three, God also created vegetation
- The rocks (mostly silicates) condensed out a little later,
(plants and trees)
about 4.4 – 4.5 billion years ago, once the disk began to
4. God created the Sun, moon and the stars to give light
to the Earth and to govern and separate the day and
the night. These would also serve assigns to mark
seasons, days and years
5. God created every living creature of the seas and - Proposed by Thomas Chowder Chamberlin and Forest
every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill Ray Moulton
the waters and the sky with life - The collision of a star created huge ideas on the surface
6. God created the animals to fill the Earth. On day six, of our sun that resulted to erupted matter
God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in - The cross-pull from the star was thrust into elliptical
his own image to commune with him. He blessed orbits around the Sun
them and gave them every creature and the whole - The smaller masses quickly cooled to become solid
Earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate planetissbodies called planetesimals
- As their orbits crossed, the larger bodies grew by
absorbing the planetesimals, thus becoming planets
- Small clumps of planetesimals would have formed
- Planetesimals began to condense out roughly 4.5 billion
years ago
- As the planetesimals formed, the regions of slightly
higher density would have accumulated more of the
surrounding material by gravitational attraction

- Protoplanet Formation
o Once the planetesimals are metre sized, runaway
growth occurred. The planetesimals with sizeable
masses and therefore appreciable gravity quickly
became larger, accumulating all solids in their orbital
path, becoming protoplanets of several hundred
o The resulting size of a protoplanet depended on its
position in the solar nebula, since location
determined the local density and composition

- Protoplanet Size
o In the inner Solar System, protoplanets were the size
of asteroids and small moons, made up of metals and
rocky materials
o In the outer Solar System, protoplanets grew much
larger, between one and 15 Earth masses
o The large size jump of protoplanets at the Mars-
Jupiter boundary was due to the availability of
materials. Since the solar nebula contained a much
higher proportion of volatiles than metals and
silicates, this meant that there was much more
material available in the outer Solar System to go into
forming planets, resulting in much larger protoplanets
o The formation timescale of protoplanets was a few
100,000 to several million years

Jeans’ Tidal Theory

- Laplace Theory was a monistic theory – same body of
material in a single process gave rise to both the Sun and
the planets
- James Jeans (1917) proposed a dualistic theory that
separated formation of Sun from formation of planets

- Jeans’ Theory involved interaction between Sun and a

very massive star in three stages:
1. Massive star passes within Roche Limit of Sun,
pulling out material in the form of a filament.
2. Filament is gravitationally unstable, and breaks into
series of blobs of masses greater than the Jeans’
critical mass, and so collapse to form proto-planets.
3. Planets were left in orbit about the Sun.

- Proposed by Sir James Hopwood Jeans and Harold
- Planets were formed from the substance that was torn out
of the sun
- As a speeding massive star passed near the Sun, it pulled
off material due to gravitational attraction
- The pulled off material subsequently condensed to form
the planets

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