Breakdown Study of Water With Different Conductivities: S. Thivya, V. Gowri Sree
Breakdown Study of Water With Different Conductivities: S. Thivya, V. Gowri Sree
Breakdown Study of Water With Different Conductivities: S. Thivya, V. Gowri Sree
M.E. High Voltage Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai
Associate Professor, Division of High Voltage Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai
Abstract— Water is the abundant source in nature and used in varies aspects of mankind. This water is also used in many
parts of pulsed power systems as a liquid dielectric. The major factor for the choice of water as dielectric is due to its high
breakdown strength, high dielectric permittivity, high dielectric constant, self restoring ability, low cost and ease of handling.
This paper focuses on the breakdown strength of water such as Tap water and Distilled water with different conductivities
under impulse voltage. The main aim of this paper is to determine the volt-time characteristics of water (i.e. Tap water &
Distilled water) and Ionic solution (i.e. Sodium chloride and Copper sulfate solution) under impulse voltage. The effect of
applied voltage polarity in breakdown phenomena, the breakdown strength of water is analyzed under positive and negative
impulse voltage. This Breakdown study on ionic solution helps to know the breakdown strength of water with different
conductivity level by suspending Sodium Chloride and Copper sulfate to the water. The prediction of Volt-time
characteristics of Distilled water is also determined at various inter-electrode distances under needle-plane electrode
Water is used as a liquid dielectric in many parts of The standard impulse voltage 1.2/50µs is generated
pulsed power systems including intermediate stores in as per Indian standard (IS 2071) and specification.
accelerators and pulsed forming lines of impulse The impulse waveform considered for analysis is
generators. Plasma closing switches and the loads of within the tolerances specified in IS standards. The
electro-hydraulic and impulsive high-power Fig1 is Marx circuit used for generation of standard
ultrasound systems are often filled with water. This lightning impulse of 140 kV, MWB (Mess Wandler-
choice of water as a liquid dielectric is due to its high Bau) high voltage test kit available in the high
breakdown strength and high dielectric permittivity. voltage laboratory in College of Engineering, Guindy,
Emerging pulsed power technologies for Anna University, Chennai, is used to generate the
environmental and bio-medical applications also impulse voltages. The waveforms are recorded using
require information on breakdown strength and other the Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) TDS3054B at
characteristics of water stressed with high voltage the sampling rate of 250 MSa/s.
The breakdown voltage level of water
under the impulse voltage of a given shape is not a
constant parameter. The breakdown voltage of water
depends on various factors such as nature of water,
electrode geometry, polarity of applied voltage, gap
length, electrode material etc. The breakdown study
is done in Tap water, Distilled water and ionic
solution under needle-plane electrode topology. The
ionic solution is used as electrolyte in High-Power
High-Voltage tight resistors. These resistors are made
up of ionic solution (i.e. water solutions of salts, acids
and their mixtures) where salt level is adjusted Fig1 Marx circuit
according to the required resistivity .In this paper
the Breakdown characteristics of ionic solution and The capacitor C1 is previously charged to a particular
the volt-time characteristics of ionic solution is also DC voltage and suddenly discharged in to the wave
determined [6]. There are various types of ionic shaping network through the sphere gap arrangement.
solution used in high voltage resistors, among them The discharge voltage across the capacitor C2 gives
the most commonly used ionic solution (i.e. copper rise to the desired double exponential wave shape.
sulfate and sodium chloride solution) is analyzed and The desired wave shapes are obtained by controlling
the breakdown study is determined. wave shaping resistors (R1 and R2).
Proceedings of 13th IRF International Conference, Bengaluru, India, 24th May 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-20-8
Breakdown Study Of Water With Different Conductivities
III. VOLT-TIME CHARACTERISTICS voltage tap water is 29kV with 9µs breakdown time.
As per [5] if the voltage is increased above minimum
The Electric field (Eb) can be used for breakdown voltage the breakdown time starts to
characterization of the dielectric properties of liquid decrease, this is followed in the v-t characteristics of
water. In the case of a low-divergent (uniform) tap water under positive impulse in needle-electrode
electric field, the breakdown field can be evaluated as topology.
The volt-time characteristics of Tap water and Fig 4. V-t characteristics of tap water under negative d=2mm
Distilled water under needle-plane electrode topology
at different inter electrode distance (i.e.2mm & 3mm)
at both positive and negative impulse voltage is
determined.. The Fig 2 & Fig 3 shows the V-t curve
of Tap water under positive impulse at 2mm & 3mm.
The Fig 4 & Fig 5 shows the V-t curve of Tap water
under negative impulse at 2mm & 3mm.
Proceedings of 13th IRF International Conference, Bengaluru, India, 24th May 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-20-8
Breakdown Study Of Water With Different Conductivities
Proceedings of 13th IRF International Conference, Bengaluru, India, 24th May 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-20-8
Breakdown Study Of Water With Different Conductivities
Table IV Breakdown Voltage At Different Distance Table V. Hyperbolic model parameters at different
Distance mm distance
Proceedings of 13th IRF International Conference, Bengaluru, India, 24th May 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-20-8
Breakdown Study Of Water With Different Conductivities
Proceedings of 13th IRF International Conference, Bengaluru, India, 24th May 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-20-8
Breakdown Study Of Water With Different Conductivities
Proceedings of 13th IRF International Conference, Bengaluru, India, 24th May 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-20-8
Breakdown Study Of Water With Different Conductivities
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Proceedings of 13th IRF International Conference, Bengaluru, India, 24th May 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-20-8