GEA1213 Empathy
GEA1213 Empathy
GEA1213 Empathy
Perspective Taking
and Empathy
Sophie’s Story
Meet Sophie. She loves to read books and she also enjoys
drawing and playing with her cat. She is most comfortable
at home. Whenever Sophie has to meet someone new, or
do something she has never tried before, she gets very
nervous and needs lots of reassurance. She has been like
this since she was a baby.
Sophie’s Story
• Personality Traits –
the stable qualities that a person shows in
most situations
Personality Theories
Personality Theories –
A system of concepts, assumptions, ideas, and
principles used to understand and explain personality
Your own Personality Traits
• _________________________________
• _________________________________
• _________________________________
• _________________________________
• _________________________________
People see things differently
People see things differently
Perspective Taking
• It is the active cognitive process of imagining the world from
another's vantage point
• Perspective is important
framing and reframing
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
• The word, empathy, was first introduced from the
German language into English early in the first part of
the 20th century by Titchner, a Cornell University
Professor. The term was derived from the German word,
“Einfuhlung,” which when translated means, feeling
one’s way into (Hunsdahl, 1967).
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Carl Rogers, Person-centered Humanistic Psychology &
Empathy Research
• Rogers (1961) three key components must be present during
client-centered therapy in order to help clients change in a
positive way.
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Unconditional Positive Regard –
“I care”, not “I care for you if you behave thus and so”.
Congruence –
The therapist being aware of their own feelings and being
genuine and real with their clients.
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Empathy –
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Empathy, Benevolence and Compassion
Benevolence consists of emotions regarding other
people with the intention of good will or wanting what is
best for them (Jackson, 2006).
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Evidence indicates how the mirror mechanism in the
brain is related to empathy or the ability to feel the
same emotion as the other one feels (Rizzolatti &
Destro, 2008).
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Similar results occurred in an experiment where a
painful situation experienced by one individual, that was
observed by someone with an emotional bond to the
one having the pain, resulted in the observer feeling the
same degree of discomfort. (Singer, 2006).
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Empathy and Sympathy
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Empathy and Sympathy
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Empathy and Sympathy
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Empathy and Sympathy
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Empathy and Sympathy
S, Kathleen (2018) Cultivating Empathy : Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively
Case study
The scene
In a doctor’s office examination room, a Doctor is
dressed in a white coat, has a stethoscope around their
neck and is holding a clip board, prescription pad and pen.
Mrs. Jones is dressed as an old lady and is all alone
sitting on the office chair.
Case study
The scenario starts when Dr. Smith enters the physician
office examining room where Mrs. Jones is sitting on a
chair crying. Mrs. Jones is very despondent and although
Dr. Smith tries to be caring, the doctor is uncomfortable
with her display of emotion and wants to down play Mrs.
Jones’ emotional outburst.