G-Suit Training
G-Suit Training
G-Suit Training
Engagement in Virtual
Continued >>>
Sample Feedback to Students
Here is an example of a poor response from the teacher to the student’s comment:
Response A
The teacher’s s feedback does not encourage the student to give a meaningful
response. The teacher’s feedback has effectively ended the discussion. The natural
response the student is likely to give is ‘noted’ or simply something to acknowledge
the teachers’ comment.
Continued >>>
Sample Feedback to Students
Here is an example of a better response from the teacher to the student’s comment:
Response B
In this case, the teacher’s feedback invites the student to continue engaging in the
discussion. By asking questions – rather than making declarative statements – the
teacher places ‘pressure’ on the students to keep the dialogue going.
Continued >>>
Strategies for promoting
Students’ Engagement with Each Other
Develop class/community
Incorporate discussion Set and share standards for
rules (netiquette) to guide
questions as a part of course discussion posts – frequency,
students’ interaction with
assessment adequacy, etc.
each other.
Assign scores for Develop and assign Delay your intervention when
participation in class collaborative tasks for students ‘cross talk’ (talk to
discussion students to complete in groups each other directly).
Strategies for promoting
Students’ Engagement with Each Other
● A course can employ either self-paced learning (SPL) or
directed learning (DL). Students’ engagement with content is
significantly affected by the decision to self-pace a course or not.
● ‘Self-paced’ means learners determine how quickly they
progress from one topic to the next. SPL allows learners to move
on to new material once they believe they are ready or have
mastered the current material.
● In DL, the teacher determines the pace at which students
advance through the course. 10
Self-Paced Learning vs. Directed Learning
Self-Paced Learning Directed Learning
• Students take course at their • Structured learning environment which
own pace is led by the teacher and who sets the
• No set schedule is in place pace for the class
• All course material available • A fixed, pre-determined schedule and
once the course begins progression sequence is in place
• Flexible assessment points and • Course material is opened or unlocked
dates at specific time or after certain
• Flexible course sequence – performance standards have been met
students may choose to access • Set dates are established for exams
the course in any sequence and assignments. 11
Self-Paced Learning vs. Directed Learning
Pros and Cons
Self-Paced Learning
Pros Cons
• Student mastery is prioritised • Low sense of community as students are at
• Higher levels of students’ motivation due different points in the lesson
to greater control • Student-to-student (S2S) engagement is low
Directed Learning
Pros Cons
• High sense of community and higher levels • Gaps may develop in students’
of participation mong students understanding if the pace is too quick.
• Greater degree of course structure helps • Students may become frustrated if the pace
students to complete the course of the lesson is too quick or too slow. 12
Self Pacing and S2S engagement
● Student-to-student (S2S) engagement may be low in
courses that are self-paced. This is due to the fact that:
o learners do not usually engage with the same material concurrently
o Collaborative learning is not usually practical since students do not
focus on each topic as a community.
Math class.
Strategies for promoting
Students’ Engagement with the Content
● Here is another way of organising the Mathematics
content for a week.
Strategies for promoting
Students’ Engagement with the Content
These lessons could be placed
Here is a final way to organise under topics to help students
determine how they interact
the course for the week. with the content.