Medina College Ipil Inc.: Minutes

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Don Andres, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Name of School: Medina College Ipil Inc. ESC I.D. No: 0903458
Address: Don Andres, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Region: IX
Date: August 2022


Implemented/Partially Implemented/ School’s Actions Towards Compliance
Previous Team’s Recommendation Not Implemented of Related Standard Evidence of School’s Actions
A. Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals and
Objectives Minutes of the orientation
meeting, Program and attendance
Implemented list of the meeting
1. A program that disseminates to and orient the school
communities on the importance and meaning of the
B. Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction
1. Curriculum map in each subject area that; Implemented File of Curriculum map in all
1.3 Shows unpacked K – 12 standards and competencies in subjects area with learning
different ways in all subjects. standard and competencies ia
2. An intervention program for students with learning
difficulties. Implemented
Intervention Program and schedule
of classes of students with learning
3. Classroom Instruction: difficulties.
3.1 The students are able to reflect on and connect their
learning with the school’s PVMGO Implemented
Minutes of curriculum integration
to PVMGO and Supervisory
C. Instructional Leadership
1. A system that actively to the various stakeholders the
school’s vision, mission, and K to 12 standards and
directions and school’s development and innovations in Minutes of the orientation
curriculum development, assessment and instruction. Implemented meeting, Program and Attendance
of the meeting and Minutes of
faculty meetings on curriculum
development, classroom
assessment and instruction.
2. A Supervisory program that;
2.1 Provides coaching and mentoring activities for
faculty in the teaching and learning of the K to 12
standards and 21st century skills. Implemented
Supervisory plan is on file

3. A professional development plan for the instructional

leaders and academic coordinators that provides for A copy of instructional leader’s
their academic upgrading and updating them on the Implemented development plan and Certificate of
current trends in curriculum development, teaching and attendance/participation of faculty
learning and instructional management. on In-set Training and workshop is
on file.
D. Faculty Hard copy of Faculty manual and
Minutes of the orientation and
1. A Faculty manual defining faculty functions, duties, and Implemented dissemination are on file.
responsibilities, benefits and privileges that is accepted,
published and well disseminated.
E. Academic support and Student Services
1. Key non-teaching personnel that provide support Registrar and Guidance and counselor
services are licensed or qualified according to the
are qualified but not licensed.
national standards;
School hires license Registrar and
Guidance counselor through
I. General Partially Implemented advertisement but nobody responded
I.1 Registrar yet. However, school continues to
I.2 Guidance and Counselor search license individual for such

II. Registrar’s Office

1. Established policies and procedures for
safekeeping, retrieval, retention and disposal of Implemented Hard copy of Registrar’s Manual is
student’s records according to national standards. filed.
III. Library – Instructional Media Center A plan that the adjacent room be
enjoined to the Library to make it
1. Adequate space, holdings, fixtures and operational Not yet Implemented spacious, with additional holdings and
dynamics that comply with established Library- IMC fixture and operational dynamics in
management standards. compliance with establish Library –
IMC management standards.

2. Wide and balance collection of student’s references

and professional books in the different subjects and
discipline and other print and non-print Implemented Sufficient copy of Text and
instructional materials collaboratively selected by reference books are provided.
the students, teachers and academic teams.

IV. Laboratories
1. Provisions of laboratory instructional activities that
are supported by appropriate laboratory supplies,
Tools, equipment, and laboratory
tools and equipment.
supplies of the highlighted items
1.1 Biology
Partially Implemented (Biology, Chemistry and Physics Lab)
1.2 Chemistry
are with prepared budget ready for
1.3 Physics

1.4 TLE laboratory

Implemented Sufficient tools, equipment and
1.5 Computer laboratory
laboratory supply and other
materials needed are provided.

2. Policies and procedures on the systematic

management of materials and equipment of the
laboratories toward efficient and effective
operational delivery such as; requisition,
procurement, inventory, storing, labeling and
Implemented Hard copy of the “Quality
display, dispensing, repair, maintenance, etc.
Laboratory Manual” (QLM) is on file
V. Guidance and Counselor
1. Developmental Career guidance program that Career guidance advocacy program
provides students with adequate and experience Implemented orientation leaflet/brochure and
about the world of work and potential career. photo record of the career
guidance activity is on file.

2. A program of inventory and testing services to

gather information on student’s psychological and Not yet Implemented With plan to implement upon
emotional make-up, academic progress and resumption of face to face classes
difficulties and occupational and career interests.

VI. Student Activity Program

1. A student Activity Program which includes co- and
extra - curricular program which is holistic and
A plan of implementation is included
supportive of student learning of the K to 12
Partially Implemented in the Structure-based School
Improvement Plan (SSIP)

F. Physical Plant and Institutional Support

G. Administration and Governance

DepEd Certificate of Recognition,
1. A system that ensures compliance with DepEd, SEC, Security and Exchange Commission
DOLE, BIR, BOA, PRC and other legislated requirements Implemented Registration Certificate, Certificate
and established policies, processes and procedures of Audit, and Faculty LET/PRC
towards effective and efficient school management and license, are on file.

2. A compensation policy that provides salaries and

benefits compliant with existing labor laws and recent
Implemented Hard copy of the “Compensation
legislations and promulgations such as Regional Wage
Policy” is on file.
Orders, Magna Karta, for Women, Leave for Victims of
Violence Against Women and their Children and etc.
H. School Budget and Finance

1. A school financial policy and procedures manual that

sets the fiscal and accounting policies and systematic
procedures that ensure affective and efficient delivery
of varied services
All pertinent documents under
2. An annual budget approved by the Board of Trustees “School Budget and Finance” were
that is; Partially Implemented pending in the Board of Trustees office
and ready for their approval for
2.1 Collaboratively prepared by the various offices and
responsibility centers.
2.2 Regularly monitored through the quarter budget
performance reports and disseminated according to
the policy guidelines.
2.3 Reflective and supportive of the “Standard-based
School Improvement Plan” (SSIP).

3. A system for ensuring that all incomes from tuition and

other fees, and donations are properly utilized
according to the purposes they are collected.

4. A system for generating revenue and raising funds from

school and outside school sources for sustainability.
I. Institutional Planning and Development

1. An operational plan drawn from the three year SSIP Implemented Copy of the “Annual Operational
Plan” is on file.
2. A system for collaboratively monitoring and
evaluating the annual operational plan and the
“Standard-based School Improvement Plan” (SSIP).

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