Unit 5: Let'S Experiment 1.0 Listening Skill
Unit 5: Let'S Experiment 1.0 Listening Skill
Unit 5: Let'S Experiment 1.0 Listening Skill
Acquires limited understanding of the listening skills in Can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text with a PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK announcement.
lot of support. PAGE 55
(TASK 2 & 5)
Shows limited understanding of classroom instructions, Pupils are able to answer 3-4 questions correctly out of 12
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words. questions.
Acquires adequate understanding of the listening skills in Can understand simple technical information, such as
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text operating instructions for everyday equipment.
Shows satisfactory understanding of classroom
(TASK 2 & 5)
instructions, complex questions and the meaning of Pupils are able to answer 5-6 questions correctly out of 12
unfamiliar words. questions.
Acquires good understanding of the listening skills in Can understand announcements and messages on concrete
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text. and abstract topics spoken in standard dialect at normal
Shows good understanding of classroom instructions, (TASK 2 & 5)
Pupils are able to answer 7-8 questions correctly out of 12
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words. questions.
Can understand complex technical information, such as
Acquires very good understanding of the listening skills in operating instructions, specifications for familiar products and
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text. PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK
Shows very good understanding of classroom instructions, (TASK 2 & 5)
Pupils are able to answer 9-10 questions correctly out of 12
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words.. questions.
Shows a lot of interest to read and give opinion to a variety Pupils are able to answer 9 questions correctly out of 11
of fiction or non-fiction texts with some guidance.
TP6 Acquires and uses the reading skills in identifying the main PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts,
ideas and specific details excellently. PAGE 53 appreciating subtle distinctions of style and implicit as
(TASK 1 & 2) well as explicit meaning.
Uses dictionary skills to check meaning and guess the
meaning of unfamiliar words independently.
Pupils are able to answer 10-11 questions correctly out of
11 questions.
Reads and gives opinion on a variety of fiction or non-fiction
texts independently.