Unit 5: Let'S Experiment 1.0 Listening Skill

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1.0 Listening Skill

Descriptors Materials Remark

 Hardly understands the main ideas and specific details in a

Can understand instructions addressed carefully and slowly to
PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK him/her and follow short, simple directions.
 Hardly shows any understanding of classroom instructions,
(TASK 2 & 5) Pupils are able to answer 1-2 questions correctly out of 12
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words even
with a lot of support.

 Acquires limited understanding of the listening skills in Can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text with a PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK announcement.
lot of support. PAGE 55
(TASK 2 & 5)
 Shows limited understanding of classroom instructions, Pupils are able to answer 3-4 questions correctly out of 12
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words. questions.
 Acquires adequate understanding of the listening skills in Can understand simple technical information, such as
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text operating instructions for everyday equipment.
 Shows satisfactory understanding of classroom
(TASK 2 & 5)
instructions, complex questions and the meaning of Pupils are able to answer 5-6 questions correctly out of 12
unfamiliar words. questions.

 Acquires good understanding of the listening skills in Can understand announcements and messages on concrete
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text. and abstract topics spoken in standard dialect at normal
 Shows good understanding of classroom instructions, (TASK 2 & 5)
Pupils are able to answer 7-8 questions correctly out of 12
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words. questions.
Can understand complex technical information, such as
 Acquires very good understanding of the listening skills in operating instructions, specifications for familiar products and
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text. PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK
 Shows very good understanding of classroom instructions, (TASK 2 & 5)
Pupils are able to answer 9-10 questions correctly out of 12
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words.. questions.

 Acquires and uses the listening skills in identifying the main

ideas and specific details independently. Has no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken
language, whether live or broadcast, delivered at fast native
 Shows excellent understanding of longer sequences of
classroom instructions, more complex questions and the (TASK 2 & 5)
meaning of unfamiliar words. Pupils are able to answer 11-12 questions correctly out of 12
 Displays exemplary model of language use to others.
2.0 Speaking Skill

Descriptors Materials Remarks

 Hardly finds out about and communicates information
Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and
respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need
or on very familiar topics.
(TASK 2)
 Hardly manages interaction by communicating a point of
view appropriately even with a lot of support. Question:
Which part of the
 Hardly narrates short stories and events to an audience museum would you like
I would like to visit space.
even with a lot of support to visit?
 Displays limited ability to find out about and communicate PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK
information clearly. Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a
simple and direct exchange of information.
(TASK 2)
 Shows limited response in managing interaction by
communicating a point of view appropriately. Question:
Which part of the
 Provides limited response in narrating short stories and museum would you like
I would like to visit Journey into space.
events to an audience. to visit?
 Displays adequate ability to find out about and PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK
communicate information clearly. Can obtain more detailed information.
(TASK 2)
 Shows satisfactory response in managing interaction by
TP3 Answer:
communicating a point of view appropriately. Question:
Which part of the
I would like to visit Journey into space because I can
 Provides satisfactory response in narrating short stories museum would you like
experience space in 3D.
and events to an audience. to visit?
 Displays good response in finding out about and PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Can pass on detailed information reliably.
communicating information clearly. PAGE 52
(TASK 2)
 Shows good response in managing interaction by Answer:
communicating a point of view appropriately. Question:
Which part of the I would like to visit Journey into space because I can
 Provides good response in narrating short stories and museum would you like experience space in 3D in amazing IMAX cinema. Besides,
to visit? I can travel by spacecraft to the planet Mars.
events to an audience.
Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously,
almost effortlessly. Has a good command of a broad
lexical repertoire allowing gaps to be readily overcome
 Displays very good response in finding out about and PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK
with circumlocutions. There is little obvious searching for
communicating information clearly. expressions or avoidance strategies; only a conceptually
difficult subject can hinder a natural, smooth flow of
(TASK 2)
 Shows very good response in managing interaction by
communicating a point of view appropriately Question:
Which part of the
.  Provides very good response in narrating short stories museum would you like
and events to an audience to visit?
I would like to visit Journey into space because I can
experience space in 3D in amazing IMAX cinema. Besides,
I can travel by spacecraft to the planet Mars. Moreover, I
can see the view from a satellite flying around the earth.
TP6  Displays excellent response in finding out about and PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Has a good command of idiomatic expressions and
communicating information clearly. PAGE 52 colloquialisms with awareness of connotative levels of
(TASK 2) meaning. Can convey finer shades of meaning precisely by
 Shows excellent response in managing interaction by using, with reasonable accuracy, a wide range of
Question: modification devices. Can backtrack and restructure
communicating a point of view appropriately.
Which part of the around a difficulty so smoothly the interlocutor is hardly
museum would you like aware of it.
 Provides excellent response in communicating opinions to visit?
about a story and events to an audience.

I would like to visit Journey into space because I am into

spacecraft. During the visit, I can experience space in 3D
 Displays exemplary model of language use to others.
through an amazing IMAX cinema. Besides, I can travel by
spacecraft to the planet Mars. Moreover, I can see the
view from a satellite flying around the earth.


Descriptors Materials Remarks

 Hardly understands in identifying the main ideas and
specific details in a text. Can get an idea of the content of simpler informational
material and short simple descriptions, especially if there
 Hardly shows any ability to use dictionary skills to check is visual support.
TP1 meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words even
with a lot of guidance. (TASK 1 & 2)
Pupils are able to answer 1-2 questions correctly out of 11
 Hardly shows any ability to read and understand a variety questions.
of fiction or non-fiction texts
 Displays limited understanding in identifying the main ideas
and specific details in a text with a lot of guidance. Can identify specific information in simpler written
material he/she encounters such as letters, brochures and
short newspaper articles describing events.
 Shows limited ability to use dictionary skills to check PAGE 53
meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. (TASK 1 & 2)
Pupils are able to answer 3-4 questions correctly out of 11
 Displays limited ability to read and understand a variety of questions.
fiction or non-fiction texts.
TP3  Displays adequate understanding in identifying the main PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Can recognise significant points in straightforward
ideas and specific details in a text
newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
 Shows satisfactory ability to use dictionary skills to check
meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
(TASK 1 & 2)
Pupils are able to answer 5-6 questions correctly out of 11
 Displays satisfactory ability to read and understand a questions.
variety of fiction or non-fiction texts.
 Displays good understanding in identifying the main ideas
and specific details in a text.
Can understand articles and reports concerned with
PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK contemporary problems in which the writers adopt
 Shows positive attitude in using dictionary skills to check
TP4 PAGE 53 particular stances or viewpoints.
meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words correctly.
(TASK 1 & 2) Pupils are able to answer 7-8 questions correctly out of 11
 Shows interest to read and understand clearly a variety of
fiction or non-fiction texts
 Displays very good understanding in identifying the main
Can understand in detail a wide range of lengthy, complex
ideas and specific details in a text. texts likely to be encountered in social, professional or
academic life, identifying finer points of detail including
 Uses dictionary skills to check meaning and guess the attitudes and implied as well as stated opinions.
meaning of unfamiliar words skilfully and precisely. (TASK 1 & 2)

 Shows a lot of interest to read and give opinion to a variety Pupils are able to answer 9 questions correctly out of 11
of fiction or non-fiction texts with some guidance.
TP6  Acquires and uses the reading skills in identifying the main PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts,
ideas and specific details excellently. PAGE 53 appreciating subtle distinctions of style and implicit as
(TASK 1 & 2) well as explicit meaning.
 Uses dictionary skills to check meaning and guess the
meaning of unfamiliar words independently.
Pupils are able to answer 10-11 questions correctly out of
11 questions.
 Reads and gives opinion on a variety of fiction or non-fiction
texts independently.

 Displays exemplary model of language use to others


Descriptors Materials Remarks

 Hardly shows any ability to express ideas, opinions and
organise information coherently. PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences.
 Hardly punctuates appropriately and spells accurately even (WRITING TASK)
with a lot of guidance.
Pupils can write simple sentences consisting of 3 – 4
words and an essay of 25 words.
 Hardly plans, drafts and edits written work even with a lot Personal Opinion
of guidance.
 Displays limited ability to express ideas, opinions and
organise information coherently. PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked
PAGE 60 with simple connectors like “and", “but” and “because”.
TP2  Shows limited ability to punctuate appropriately and spell
accurately. Topic: Pupils can write simple sentences, apply 1 – 2
Personal Opinion conjunctions and write an essay of 50 words.
 Shows limited ability to plan, draft and edit written work. .
TP3  Displays adequate ability to express ideas, opinions and PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK Can write short, simple essays on topics of interest.
organise information coherently. PAGE 60
 Shows adequate ability to punctuate appropriately and Pupils can write compound sentences, apply 2 – 3
Topic: sequence & logical connectors, and write an essay of 75
spell accurately.
Personal Opinion words.
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work in
response to feedback adequately.
 Displays a commendable level to express ideas, opinions
Can write an essay or report which develops an
and organise information coherently. PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK argument, giving reasons in support of or against a
PAGE 60 particular point of view and explaining the advantages
 Shows a commendable level to punctuate appropriately (WRITING TASK) and disadvantages of various options.
and spell accurately.
Topic: Pupils can write complex and compound sentences, apply
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work Personal Opinion 4 – 5 sequence & logical connectors, and write an essay of
100 words.
correctly in response to feedback
 Displays a high level of ability to express ideas, opinions and
Can expand and support points of view at some length
organise information coherently. PULSE 2 TEXTBOOK with subsidiary points, reasons, and relevant examples.
 Shows a high level of ability to punctuate appropriately and (WRITING TASK)
spell accurately. Pupils can apply cohesive devices and similes, and write
Topic: an essay of 125 words. Pupils can write in good grammar
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work Personal Opinion and vocabulary. Pupils can expand the points in 1 – 2
effortlessly and precisely.in response to feedback
 Expresses ideas, opinions, common feelings and organises
information independently.
Can provide an appropriate and effective logical structure
 Shows excellent ability to punctuate appropriately and which helps the reader to find significant points.
spell accurately. (WRITING TASK)
Pupils can apply idioms and proverbs, and write an essay
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work Topic:
of 150 words. Pupils can expand the points in 2 – 3
independently. Personal Opinion
elaborations. Almost an error-free piece of writing.

 Displays exemplary model of language use to others.

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