08 Heavy Duty Gas Turbine GE
08 Heavy Duty Gas Turbine GE
08 Heavy Duty Gas Turbine GE
Timothy Ginter
GE Energy
Atlanta, GA
May 2008
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Packaged Turbine Uprates .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Individual Upgraded Parts ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Life Extension ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Emission Levels...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Absolute Performance Guarantees and Turbine Degradation ...............................................................................................................................................................2
Control System Upgrades .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
MS9001 E-Class History..........................................................................................................................................................................................................3
MS9001E Current Production Component Technology ....................................................................................................................................................3
Compressor Improvements...........................................................................................................................................................................................5
GTD-450 Reduced Camber High Flow IGV Uprate (FT6B) ..........................................................................................................................................................................5
GTD-450 Compressor Stages 1 to 8 Uprate (FS1F) .......................................................................................................................................................................................6
High Pressure Packing Brush Seal Uprate (FS2V) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................6
No. 2 Bearing Brush Seal Uprate (FS2X) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Shrouded S17 + EGV 1&2 and Counter Bore Covers Uprates (FS2B)....................................................................................................................................................8
Combustion System Improvements.............................................................................................................................................................................8
Uprate Combustion System from 9B to 9E (FR1H) ........................................................................................................................................................................................8
Add Water Injection to Gas or Dual Fuel Units (FG1A)..............................................................................................................................................................................10
Breech Loaded Fuel Nozzle Uprate (FR1T)......................................................................................................................................................................................................11
Add Water Injection for Liquid Fuel Units (FG1C).........................................................................................................................................................................................11
Add Steam Injection for Power Augmentation (FJ3A/B) (A=manual, B=automatic)....................................................................................................................12
Add Steam Injection for NOx Control in Gas or Dual Fuel Units (FG1B/D) (B=manual, D=automatic)................................................................................12
TBC Coated Combustion Liner Uprate (FR1G)...............................................................................................................................................................................................13
Uprated Nimonic 263™ Transition Piece with Improved Aft Bracket (FR1D) .................................................................................................................................13
Extendor* Combustion System Uprate (FR1V and FR1W).......................................................................................................................................................................15
Dry Low NOx Combustion System Uprate (FG2B) .......................................................................................................................................................................................18
Convert to Gas Fuel Only (FA1A) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
Convert from Liquid to Dual Fuel (FA3D)..........................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Hot Gas Path Improvements.......................................................................................................................................................................................20
Uprated Stage 1 Bucket (FT6J) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Uprated TBC Coated Stage 1 Buckets (FS4G)................................................................................................................................................................................................22
Uprated GTD-111* Stage 2 Bucket (FS2F).......................................................................................................................................................................................................23
Non Air-Cooled GTD-111 Stage 2 Bucket Uprate (FS2I) ...........................................................................................................................................................................24
Uprated Stage 3 Bucket IN-738™ (FS2K).........................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Uprated Stage 1 Nozzle with Chordal Hinge (FS2J) ...................................................................................................................................................................................25
Enhanced TBC Coating for Stage 1 Nozzle (FS6E).......................................................................................................................................................................................31
GTD-222+* Stage 2 Nozzle Uprate (FS1P).......................................................................................................................................................................................................31
GTD-222+ Stage 3 Nozzle Uprate (FS1R) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Advanced Aero Stage 3 Nozzle (FS4K) and Advanced Aero Stage 3 Bucket Uprates (FS4L)..................................................................................................33
Uprated HR-120™ Improved Stage 1 Shroud with Cloth Spline Seals (FS2Y)................................................................................................................................35
Stage 1 Shroud Abradable Coating Uprate (FS6A) .....................................................................................................................................................................................37
Uprate Options for the MS9001 Heavy Duty Gas Turbine
Abstract Introduction
Advanced design technology is usually introduced for new unit
production and subsequently applied to customer-operated gas
turbines by an uprate program. Many new uprate programs have
been introduced for installed GE-designed heavy-duty gas turbines,
including the MS9001E model illustrated in Figure 1. Each uprate
program provides one or more of the following: increased output,
improved heat rate and efficiency, improved reliability, reduced
maintenance costs, longer inspection intervals, or longer parts
lives. Uprates are based on current production components, parts
that are not always specifically unique to older machines, and thus
Advances in materials, cooling technology, and better design are readily available.
techniques have allowed E-class GE MS9001 turbines to be operated
with higher firing temperatures and greater airflows, which result in
higher turbine output and improved efficiency. Improvements in
combustion technology have also made significantly lower emission
levels a reality for operators.
The MS9001 heavy-duty gas turbine has undergone a series of uprates Figure 1. MS9001E Simple-cycle single-shaft heavy duty gas turbine.
since its original introduction to the market in 1975. These uprates are
made possible by the technology advances in the design of new Packaged Turbine Uprates
machines based on information accumulated through millions of fired Component improvements can be applied individually or as a
hours, new materials, and GE’s on-going development programs. complete uprate package, depending on schedule, budget, and
This document discusses design advances in critical components, machine condition. The design improvements and rationale are
and how the latest E-Class technology can be applied to enhance described for each possibility, including their effect on performance
performance, extend life, and provide economic benefits through and maintenance.
the increased reliability and maintainability of operating MS9001B GE Energy’s turbine uprate packages have been introduced because of
and MS9001E turbines. strong customer interest in extending the intervals between maintenance,
The MS9001B is a scaled version of the MS7001B, and MS9001E is improving efficiency, and increasing output. The E-Class technology
a scaled version of the MS7001E; therefore, the confidence level of uprate packages described in this paper include:
MS9001B/E uprates is very high based on a successful history in • MS9001 uprate from “B” to “E”
MS7001B/E uprate experience.
• MS9001E firing temperature increase to 2020°F, and to 2055°F
The first 2055°F uprate for MS9001E was successfully completed in
• MS9001 B and E emissions reduction
1990. Because this was the first uprate of its kind, extensive testing
was completed to monitor compressor performance and start-up • Numerous performance and efficiency improvement uprates
characteristics. Upon testing, the 2055°F uprate program was through airflow, material, and cooling technology advances
determined to be a success and since then many customers have This publication covers uprates that have been successfully
increased their firing temperature—thereby significantly increasing developed using components engineered for new unit production,
wattage output. Numerous customers have purchased the or developed for units in operation. Figure 2 lists the main benefits
individual uprate options described in this paper to realize that should be evaluated for a unit under consideration for each
performance and heat rate benefits. advanced technology uprate option.
Gas turbine reference codes, such as FT6X for an MS9001 B to E service life when used in machines that fire at temperatures lower
advanced technology uprate, have been added to the text and to than that for which the advanced components are designed.
many of the figures for easier correlation to published documents Emission Levels
by GE on specific uprate packages or components. Emission levels can sometimes be affected when the gas turbine is
Individual Upgraded Parts uprated, and these levels must be accounted for during planning.
Since the first MS9001B was shipped in 1975, virtually every key Emission control options reduce the emission levels, and Figure 3
component in the MS9001 series has gone through design compares typical nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission levels before and
improvements. Buckets, nozzles, shrouds, and combustion after uprates. Individual site requirements and specific emission
components have undergone multiple evolutions based on new levels can be provided in an uprate study supplied to GE customers
designs, improved manufacturing techniques, new materials, and through a GE Sales representative.
Single Shaft Units Firing Temp. Dry H2O/Steam Inj. Dry Low NOx
Model Gas Dist Gas Dist Gas Dist*
(FG1A/FG1B) (FG1C/FG1F) (FG2F) (FG25)
MS9001B 1840/1004 109 165 42 65 - -
MS9001B Option 3 1965/1074 124 191 42 65 25 -
MS9001B Option 4 2020/1104 132 205 42 65 25 -
MS9001E 2020/1104 157 235 42 65 25 42
MS9001E 2055/1124 162 241 42 65 25 42
MS9001E 2055/1124 162 241 42 65 15 42
consistent and valid field data. In addition, several variables exist, Introduced in 1978, the MS9001E incorporated the experience gained
including site conditions and maintenance characteristics, operation from MS7001E production and operation, as well as the design
modes, etc., that affect turbine performance and degradation trends. improvements that had evolved since the MS9001B was introduced.
Delta upgrades, providing a performance change, are consistent Introductory firing temperature for the MS9001E was 1955°F.
with or without turbine degradation factors. Absolute guarantees
The MS9001E has seen many design improvements since it was
must factor in degradation losses to calculate the final expected
initially introduced, with one obvious change being the increased firing
performance level. Therefore, the absolute performance guarantees
temperature. Advances in materials, coatings, and cooling technology
offered usually appear slightly different than Delta percentage
have supported a series of firing temperature increases. The current
changes in order to account for turbine degradation.
firing temperature for the latest MS9001E is 2055°F. All MS9001E gas
Control System Upgrades turbines can be uprated to the 2055°F firing temperature.
The MS9001B and E turbines are controlled by the GE Mark I* through
Mark VI* generation of controls. Several control system enhancements
MS9001E Current Production
and upgrades are available, providing more reliable operation with Component Technology
today’s superior control technology. Enhanced operating control can Product technology derived from ongoing new product development,
be realized in units that have older control systems. field service reports, and new materials and processes has resulted in
improvements to compressor hardware, combustion liners, transition
MS9001 E-Class History pieces, high flow inlet guide vanes, and all stages of buckets, nozzles,
The first MS9001 E-Class unit shipped in 1975 as a model MS9001B and shrouds.
for the 50 Hz market, incorporating excellent design experience
Many of the design improvements for components involve a
from the successful MS7001B. Operating with a design firing
change in the materials used. Figure 5 lists the composition of many
temperature of 1840°F (base load), the same firing temperature as
of the gas turbine alloys discussed herein. For buckets, nozzles, and
the MS7001B, the MS9001B design represented an increase of 42%
compressor blades, the most advanced materials of choice begin
in output over the MS7001B. This introductory design incorporated
with the designation GTD which signifies a General Electric patented
the air-cooled stage 1 buckets, nozzles, and stage 2 bucket material
or proprietary alloy. Some of the materials listed for these parts are
improvements based on MS7001B design experience gained prior
not used for current production, but are in the table for reference
to 1975. As illustrated in Figure 4, the output of the MS9001 has
concerning machines operating vintage parts made of these older
increased by 45% based on technology improvements through
alloy compositions, such as X40. Many of the materials shown in the
1994 (not including EC or F/FA product lines).
Model Ship Dates ISO Firing Temp Air Flow Heat Rate Exhaust Temp
Performance* °F/°C 106 lbs/hr BTU/kWhr °F/°C
kW 106 kg/hr kJ/kWh)
PG9113B 1975-81 86,200 1840/1004 2.736/1.241 10,990/11,592 945/507
PG9141E 1978-81 105,600 1955/1068 3.155/1.431 10,700/11,286 953/512
PG9157E 1981-83 109,300 1985/1085 3.183/1.444 10,700/11,286 968/520
PG9151E 1983-87 112,040 2000/1093 3.214/1.458 10,570/11,149 877/525
PG9161E 1988-91 116,930 2020/1104 3.222/1.461 10,290/10,854 980/527
PG9171E 1991 123,450 2055/1124 3.231/1.466 10,080/10,632 998/537
2003 – Current 126,100 2055/1124 3.231/1.466 10,100/10,650 1009/543
PG9231EC 1996 165,700 2200/1204 4.044/1.834 9,870/10,411 1,037/558
PG9301F 1993-94 209,740 2300/1260 4.804/2179 10,080/10,632 1,082/583
PG9311FA 1994 223,760 2350/1288 4.819/2.186 9,630/10,158 1,097/582
*Base load distillate fuel, includes 3/10 inches H2O inlet/exhaust pressure drops
4 table for combustors and turbine wheels are still used today. The
40 3
most used alloys for current production of combustors and wheels
Kg/cm2 x 10-3
are Nimonic 263™, HA-188™, Hastelloy-X™, and IN706™, Cr-Mo-V,
Stress KSI
N-155™ U500™ respectively. Figure 6 compares the rupture stress for the bucket
Uprate Description Compressor Improvements
FA1A Convert To Gas Fuel Only
FA3D Convert From Liquid To Dual Fuel The first four stages of the MS9001B compressor were re-designed
FA3L Uprated Three-Way Valves to Replace Check Valves for DLN-1 for the MS9001E model. Because new compressor casings and all
FC4A Add Compressor Water Wash Off Line new compressor rotor and stator blades would be required to
FC4C Add Turbine Water Wash
upgrade the MS9001B compressor to later design compressors,
FD4K Advanced Exhaust Plenum Uprate
FF1E Turbine Compartment Dual 100HP Fan Uprate this is usually not economically feasible and not typically quoted
FG1A Add Water Injection For Gas Or Dual Fuel Units as part of a unit uprate.
FG1B Add Manual Steam Injection for NOx Control in Gas or Dual Fuel Units
FG1D Add Automatic Steam Injection For NOx Control in Gas or Dual Fuel Units Instead, the existing MS9001B compressor can be re-bladed with
FG1C Add Water Injection For Liquid Fuel Units the original design/length blades, with special blade coatings for
FG2B Dry Low NOx 1.0 Combustion System Uprate materials available for certain applications. Originally, a NiCad
FJ3A Add Manual Steam Injection For Power Augmentation
coating was applied to the first eight stages of the compressor
FJ3B Add Automatic Steam Injection For Power Augmentation
FK5C Replaceable Wheel Space Thermocouple Uprate blades that were AISI 403. (See Figure 5.) NiCad coating helps
FK5K Replaceable Short Lead Design Exhaust Thermocouple Uprate prevent corrosion pitting on the blades by combining a tough
FK5P Replaceable Connector Design Exhaust Thermocouple Uprate barrier of nickel with a sacrificial cadmium layer. NiCad coating was
FR1D Uprated Nimonic Transition Pieces With Improved Aft Bracket
replaced by GECC-1*, which provides the same protection as NiCad
FR1G TBC Coated Combustion Liners Uprate
FR1H Uprate Combustion System From 9B To 9E without the use of cadmium, which is considered an environmental
FR1T Breech Loaded Fuel Nozzle Uprate hazard. Both GECC-1 and NiCad possess outstanding corrosion
FR1V Extendor* Combustion System Retrofit Uprate resistance in neutral and sea salt environments.
FR1W Extendor Combustion System New Uprate
FS1F GTD-450 Compressor Stages 1 To 8 Uprate GTD-450 Reduced Camber High Flow IGV Uprate (FT6B)
FS1L Air-Cooled Stage 2 Bucket Uprate
A widely used uprate product is the GTD-450 reduced camber,
FS1P GTD-222+* Stage 2 Nozzle Uprate
FS1R GTD-222+ Stage 3 Nozzle Uprate high-flow inlet guide vane illustrated in Figure 8. The new design,
FS1W Exhaust Frame Uprate introduced in 1986, was quickly applied across the entire GE
FS2B Shrouded S17 + EGV1&2 And Counter Bore Covers Uprates heavy-duty product line to enhance field unit performance,
FS2C Uprated Stage 1 Shroud Blocks
including MS9001E and B units. Note that previous design IGVs
FS2D 100HP Exhaust Frame Motor Blower Uprate
FS2F Uprated GTD-111* Stage 2 Bucket made of 403L stainless steel (SS) cannot be opened to 86 degrees,
FS2I Non Air-Cooled GTD-111 Stage 2 Buckets Uprate due to insufficient strength of the lower rated, 403L material with
FS2J Uprated Stage 1 Nozzle With Chordal Hinge low carbon (L).
FS2K Uprated Stage 3 Bucket IN738
FS2T Stage 2 Shroud Honeycomb Seal Uprate
FS2U Stage 3 Shroud Honeycomb Seal Uprate
FS2V High Pressure Packing Brush Seal Uprate
FS2X Number 2 Bearing Brush Seal Uprate
FS2Y Uprated HR-120™ Improved Stage 1 Shroud with Cloth Spline Seals
FS2Z Interstage Brush Seal Uprate
FS4G Uprated TBC Coated Stage 1 Buckets
FS4K Advanced Aero Stage 3 Nozzle Uprate
FS4L Advanced Aero Stage 3 Bucket Uprate
FS6A Stage 1 Shroud Abradable Coating Uprate
FS6E Enhanced TBC Coating for Stage 1 Nozzle
FT6B GTD-450 Reduced Camber High Flow IGV Uprate
FT6C Increase 9E To 2020°F Tf
FT6J Stage 1 Bucket Uprate
FT6X Uprate 9B Hot Gas Path And Combustion To 9E
FT6Y Increase 9E To 2055°F Tf
FW3E Discourager Seal Replacement
Figure 7. Uprates available for 9B and 9E units. Figure 8. GTD-450 reduced camber high-flow variable IGV arrangement.
The reduced camber, high-flow inlet guide vane is a flatter, thinner inlet The benefits of this uprate are:
guide vane designed to increase airflow while remaining dimensionally
• High tensile strength
interchangeable with the original inlet guide vane. The reduced camber
• Corrosion resistance and crack resistance
IGV, when open to 84 degrees, can increase power up to 4.4% and
decrease heat rate by up to -0.9% while improving corrosion, crack, • Significantly increased reliability and cycle life of the part
and fatigue resistances. Opening the IGVs to 86 degrees increases
Replacing the existing stage 1 through 8 compressor blades and
output an additional 0.4% at the expense of +0.2% heat rate.
stator vanes with uncoated GTD-450 gives the blades and vanes a
The enhanced IGVs have higher reliability due to the use of a special distinct material advantage. GTD-450 is a precipitation-hardened,
precipitation hardened, martensitic stainless steel GTD-450, which is martensitic stainless steel that provides increased tensile strength
improved over the AISI 403 alloy previously used. (See Figure 9.) and superior corrosion resistance because of its higher concentration
Material developments include increased tensile strength, higher of chromium and molybdenum. GTD-450 uncoated blading with high
high cycle fatigue strength, improved corrosion-fatigue strength, corrosion resistance is supplied for the first 8 stages because during
and superior corrosion resistance due to higher concentrations of standard operation this region could be subjected to liquid water,
chromium and molybdenum. therefore incurring an elevated risk of corrosion.
1.6 This uprate for MS9001B and E units provides +1.0% increase in
output and improves heat rate by -0.5%. This option consists of
(Ratio to AISI 403)
11% T/C 1.0 GTD-450 modifying the existing labyrinth tooth and seal arrangement to add
6% T/C .8
an effective brush seal element. With this option a new inner barrel
.4 with a new brush seal are installed. Note that FS2V is now a
Variable .2
Thickness 0
standard configuration on all new units since 2003 production year.
Airfoil 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Mean Stress (KSI) The benefits of this uprate are:
Figure 9. Design improvements with GTD-450 high flow IGVs. • Model 9B change in output: +1.0%, change in heat rate: -0.5%
The seal between the compressor discharge casing inner barrel and Two different designs have been used to reduce leakage through
the compressor aft stub shaft is called the high-pressure packing the HPP. New units built since April 1994 shipped with a honeycomb
(HPP) seal. (See Figure 10.) The HPP seal is designed to regulate the seal on the inner barrel (similar to the design used for stage 2 and 3
flow of the compressor discharge air into the first forward wheel shrouds). To retrofit a brush seal onto an operating unit having a
space. The HPP clearance determines the amount of flow to the honeycomb seal, the existing inner barrel must be removed and
wheel space. Ideally, this flow is limited to the amount required for replaced with an inner barrel containing a brush seal. The inner
first forward wheelspace cooling. barrel with brush seal is designed for use with the existing
compressor aft stub shaft with high/low lands.
Labyrinth Seal
Plot of Relative CM&U vs. IGV at Different Ambient Temperature
The Min CM&U for this unit is well below the 0.8929 CM&U S17 restriction Limit
Ambient Temperatures
Figure 13. CM/U analysis for a specific unit showing need for shrouded design.
customer chooses to stay with the louvered liners, a new, an insulating oxide applied over the bond coat. This 0.015-inch thick
advanced designed louvered liner has been designed. coating provides an insulating layer that reduces the underlying
base material temperature and mitigates the effects of hot streaking
The original MS9001B combustion system had parallel combustors.
(uneven gas temperature distribution). The liners also use splash
With the introduction of the MS9001E, the design evolved into a
plate cooling around the crossfire tube collar. Impingement cooling
canted arrangement. Up until recently, in order to retrofit a 9B turbine
on the splash plate increases the cooling effectiveness at the collar
with a 9E combustion system, a new compressor discharge casing
location. This configuration reduces the stress concentrations
was required to accommodate the canted arrangement. A new 9B/E
thereby increasing life of the liner.
combustion system has been developed which incorporates the
design improvements seen in the MS9001E combustion system into
a parallel arrangement. This design significantly reduces the cost and
the installation time of this conversion, making it more attractive to
the customer.
piece in that its geometry accommodates the parallel combustion plugs to ensure reliable ignition. The extended reach spark plugs
chamber arrangement. were introduced for this purpose. Extended reach spark plugs
manufactured prior to 178C6648G001 (with serial number 2122)
On the MS9001B, the customer may choose to apply the new Nimonic
should be replaced in accordance with TIL-487C.
263™ transition piece only (Option A), or the new advanced louvered
liner with the Nimonic 263™ transition piece (Option A + Option B), or Manifolds. The gas fuel and atomizing air manifolds are replaced.
go full conversion to an E-type combustion system. (Note: The bracket Liquid Fuel Piping. The liquid fuel piping are re-run due to the
for the Nimonic 263™ transition piece has a different bolt hole pattern shorter casings. New check valves are provided for improved
than the previous designs, and as a result the stage 1 nozzle retaining reliability.
ring needs to be modified with the new bolt hole pattern.)
Purge System (FW1U). The purge system is modified to
Fuel Nozzles. The newer designed fuel nozzle bodies include the lock accommodate the shorter casings. New check valves are provided
plate feature and the weld-neck flanges on the gas and/or atomizing for improved reliability. This opportunity should be taken to ensure
air flanges. The lock plate replaces the lock wire to give increased that TIL-551-B has been addressed, since it addresses gas fuel
reliability and reduced risk of fuel gas leaks. The weld-neck flanges purge system safety concerns.
also reduce fuel nozzles leaks as well as cracking. Dual fuel or gas
only systems are upgraded with hard faced, flow matched gas swirl Add Water Injection to Gas or Dual Fuel Units (FG1A)
tips that reduce wear against the combustion liner fuel nozzle collar. This kit for MS9001B and E units includes the material necessary to add
Dual fuel and oil-only systems are improved with stainless steel and water injection to a unit. The modification kit includes replacement fuel
Stellite™ internal body parts to reduce erosion rates and improve nozzles containing water injection passages and connections, water
injection skid, instrumentation, manifolding, on-base piping, fuel flow extends combustion system inspection intervals, reduces downtime
measurement system, and control changes to operate the NOx system. as well as decreases repair costs.
The benefits of this uprate are: The primary benefit of breech-loaded fuel nozzles is to put the injected
water at the same relative position as the fuel entry to the combustion
• Reduced NOx emissions level to meet locally required levels
system. This in turn allows for proper mixing and, based on this,
• Significant increase in power and heat rate reduced hot gas path wear and increased inspection intervals.
This modification is not applicable to dual fuel units without
Water injection has a detrimental effect on the lives of the
atomized air. (Reference FA6B.)
combustion system components. The combustion inspection
The water injection system provides water to the combustion intervals are shorter with water injection and are unit and fuel
system of the gas turbine to limit the amount of nitrogen oxides specific. In order to reduce thermal cracking of the fuel nozzles and
(NOx) emitted in the turbine exhaust. This limit is site-specific and liner cap/cowl assembly, a special breech loaded fuel nozzle was
is dictated by the local regulating governmental agency. Applicable designed. (Reference FR1T.) In this design, the water is injected
local regulations dictate not only the allowable emission levels, but through an annulus in the center of the nozzle directly into the
may also require recording of the minute and hour averages of flame zone. This prevents water from impinging on the fuel nozzle
water flow, fuel flow, actual ratio of water-to-fuel, required water-to- or liner cap/cowl assembly. This typically eliminates the cracking of
fuel ratio, humidity, and megawatt load. Typically the required these components observed in the older designs and has allowed
water-to-fuel ratio is established through field compliance testing of increased combustion inspection intervals. The breech-loaded
the individual unit per a specific standard. Based on these tests, a nozzle also allows easy maintenance of the oil side of the nozzle.
final control schedule is programmed into the control system that On units with oil operation, the application of the breech-loaded
regulates the water injection system. fuel nozzle requires increasing the pressure ratio of the boost
atomizing-air compressor (by increasing speed) and/or controls
Breech-Loaded Fuel Nozzle Uprate (FR1T)
changes for proper ignition.
This modification for MS9001B and E units provides the turbine and
on-base components for converting a water injection system from Add Water Injection for Liquid Fuel Units (FG1C)
a standard, combustion casing end cover located water injection This uprate includes the components needed to add water injection
system to a breech-loaded system in which the water is injected to MS9001B units operating on liquid fuel only. The modification kit
through the fuel nozzle (current new unit configuration). This includes replacement fuel nozzles containing water injection
modification applies to either gas/liquid or liquid only. If the unit passages and connections, a water injection skid instrumentation,
is not currently equipped with water injection, see Uprate FG1A. manifold, on-base piping, fuel flow measurement system, and
The benefits of this uprate are: control changes to operate the NOx system. The water injection
system provides water to the combustion system of the gas turbine
• Reduced or eliminated combustion-liner cap cracking
to limit the amount of NOx in the turbine exhaust. In addition to this
• Extended inspection intervals benefit, an increase in power is experienced.
With the latest design breech-loaded fuel nozzles, the water is • Reduced NOx emissions level to meet locally required levels
injected through the center of the fuel nozzle, directing the water
• Significant increase in power and heat rate
at the combustor flame. As a result, the water injection spray does
not impinge on the fuel nozzle swirler or combustion cowl assembly. The water injection system consists of on-base components, controls,
Thus, the breech loaded fuel nozzles reduce or eliminate any and an off-base water forwarding skid. This skid is an enclosed
associated combustion liner cap cracking. This new design nozzle package, which receives water from a treatment facility and delivers
• Model 9E change in output: +13%, change in heat rate: -5% For 9B and 9E units, standard combustion NOx is reduced to 42
ppmvd for natural gas and 65 ppmvd for oil. The modification kit
Note: Estimated simple cycle turbine performance improvement at
includes combustion can covers, on-base steam injection manifold
ISO conditions and 5.0% increase in mass flow.
and piping, off-base steam injection components containing the
Superheated steam is injected into the compressor discharge control and stop valves, steam flow measurement equipment, gas
stream upstream of combustion chambers increasing the mass fuel flow meter, inlet humidity sensor, and control modifications.
flow through the turbine section, resulting in increased output This modification is not applicable for liquid fuel units without
power. The added mass flow is obtained without an appreciable atomized air. (Reference FA6B.)
change in compressor power. Since turbine output decreases with
The addition of steam injection for the NOx control system should be
increasing ambient temperature, output can be maintained
accompanied by increased protective functions. To allow for these
constant at higher temperatures, or be elevated above the non-
additional control functions, a Mark V or later generation of GE control
steam injection cycle unit performance if power augmentation is
system is required. The standard control system changes provide for
desired. In addition, a beneficial reduction in heat rate is
improved data logging functions that meet most regulatory agency
requirements. The data to be logged is outlined above.
TBC Coated Combustion Liner Uprate (FR1G)
This uprate applies a thermal barrier coating (TBC) to combustion
liners for the MS9001E. (See Figure 15.) TBC-coated liners are
equipped with an insulating layer that reduces the underlying base
metal temperature, allows higher firing temperatures, reduces
thermal stress, and reduces liner cracking.
The louvered liner was replaced with a slot-cooled liner during the
introduction of the first MS9001E. The slot-cooled liner provides a
more uniform distribution of cooling air for better overall cooling.
Air enters the cooling holes, impinges on the brazed ring and
discharges from the internal slot as a continuous film of cooling Figure 16. Slot-cooled combustion liner; cutaway view.
air. A cutaway view of a slot-cooler liner section is illustrated in
Figure 16. The slot construction provides a much more uniform Uprated Nimonic 263™ Transition Piece with Improved
circumferential distribution of cooling airflow. Air enters the cooling Aft Bracket (FR1D)
holes, impinges on the brazed ring and discharges from the For MS9001B units, this modification allows for an increase in firing
internal slot as a continuous cooling film. temperature when purchased as part of a combustion uprate. It
also contributes to increased reliability and lengthening of
The liner body is Hastelloy-X™, a nickel base alloy that has not changed
maintenance intervals.
since the introduction of the MS9001B in 1975. Today, however, a TBC
is applied to the liners. The TBC consists of two materials applied to the The original 9B combustion system was a parallel system with the
hot side of a component: a bond coat applied to the surface of the part combustion liner parallel to the centerline of the rotor. When the
and an insulating oxide applied over the bond coat. (See Figure 15.) This first 9E was developed, the combustion system was re-designed.
TBC provides about a 0.015-inch insulating layer that reduces the The re-designed system was a canted system consisting of a
temperature of the underlying base material by approximately 100°F. shorter transition piece and the slot-cooled liner. Shortening the
The addition of TBC also mitigates the effects of uneven temperature length of the transition section of the transition piece increased its
distribution across the metal. stiffness. The canted design reduced the angle through which the
combustion gases had to flow, thus providing a more direct flow
With the MS9001E firing temperature increase to 2055°F, the
path. The canted design made it possible to shorten the overall
thickness of the liner was also increased by approximately 10 mils
length of the transition piece.
to accommodate the higher temperatures.
When the firing temperature was increased to 2055°F, the canted
arrangement was upgraded to the canned arrangement. The canned
arrangement consists of a longer transition piece with a thicker slot-
cooled liner, as previously mentioned. The longer transition piece
essentially pushes the liner out of the wrapper. Outer combustion
casings are illustrated in Figure 17. The transition piece was
lengthened by adding a 15-inch long cylinder to the forward end.
While the transition piece length was increased, the curved section
remained the same, thereby retaining its stiffness. The transition
piece was lengthened to relocate the transition piece to liner
Figure 15. Thermal barrier coating.
interface, to provide a mount that would minimize wear induced by
the compressor discharge flow. Figure 17 illustrates the differences
between the current 9E production canned arrangement, the canted
arrangement, and the 9B parallel combustor designs.
Extendor Combustion System Uprate (FR1V & FR1W)
The applicable frame to retrofit Extendor onto existing components
(FR1V), and purchase new Extendor components (FR1W), is the
MS9001E. Refer to Figure 21 for illustration of the areas of the
combustion system that receive Extendor treatments.
For new 9E units built since the year 2000, Extendor is an option
re-named as CL-Extendor. CL-Extendor is a unification of two
products offered by GE in the past – Extendor and CLE. GE has
taken the best parts of each product to produce CL-Extendor. It is
available for units with standard diffusion combustion systems and
DLN combustion systems. For units operating in the field, GE offers
Figure 18. Comparison of old and new transition piece aft brackets. either Extendor or CL-Extendor based on the customer’s request.
Please contact Applications Engineering for more information.
• Reducing the relative movement between combustion components current production 9E units.
• Reducing forces and vibrations at wear interfaces MS9001E DLN Extendor. The MS9001E DLN Extendor System has
accumulated over 300,000 hours with great success, reliability,
and life extension. This system is now available commercially for inspection Intervals section later in this document.) This results in
extended life of combustion components. shorter outages and lower repair costs by eliminating the need to
remove and repair transition pieces.
MS9001E Transition Piece Extendor. This Extendor package is a
subset of the MS9001E standard Extendor combustion system Since 9E dry low NOx (DLN) systems use the same transition piece
described above. Application of this Extendor system allows users to as standard systems, this MS9001E transition piece Extendor can
conduct “mini-combustion inspections” by removing the liners and be applied on DLN system transition pieces.
leaving the transition pieces in the unit. (Refer to the combustion
MS9001E Extendor Component Modifications Standard Comb DLN Trans Piece
Combustion Liners
Three (3) “Lug” Type Liner Stops X X
Increased Clearance – Fuel Nozzle/Liner Collar X
Hardened Fuel Nozzle Collar & Anti-Rotation Stop X
Wear Coating on Hula Seal X X X
Flow Sleeves
Boss for Wire-Type Crossfire Tube Retainer X X
Three (3) Flow-Sleeve Stops X X
Crossfire Tubes & Retainers
Two-piece Crossfire Tubes & Wire-Type Retainers X X
Fuel Nozzles
Reduced Gas Tip Diameter X
Wear Coating on Gas Tip X
Transition Piece Forward Supports (“Bullhorns”)
Sacrificial Wear Covers X X X
Transition Pieces
Wear Coating on Forward Sleeve (Interior) X X X
Hardened Guide Blocks (“H-Blocks”) (9171) X X X
Sacrificial Cover on TP Forward Support Lug (9161)
Sacrificial Wear Strips in End-Frame Slots X X X
New Side and Inner & Outer Floating Seals X X X
1. Assumes breech loaded fuel nozzle (BLFN). Many water-injected machines with standard fuel nozzles have experienced cracking of the combustion liner cap
due to thermal fatigue because of water splashing on the cap. The BLFN eliminates this problem and is required for the full benefits of Extendor to be realized.
2. Mini-combustion inspections are recommended at the original inspection intervals. Remove and repair (as required) combustion liners, crossfire tubes, fuel
nozzles, etc. Transition pieces may be left in the unit but should be inspected visually and/or with borescope. It is recommended that one or more transition
pieces be removed for detailed inspection (until experience indicates that this is not necessary).
Primary operation Lean-lean operation
• Ignition to 20% load • 20 to 50% load
Fuel Fuel
100% 70%
Fuel Fuel
100% 83%
and then combusting the mixture in the second stage. The fuel/air
mixture flame has more mass than a standard diffusion fuel flame,
and so burns colder with less NOx produced. The DLN combustor
also operates on #2 distillate liquid fuel, but not with premixing the
fuel with air. While operating on liquid fuel, water injection is used
for NOx control. DLN operates at a constant flame temperature,
and so has limited turndown in the premix operation mode. A
product called “inlet bleed heat” mixes compressor discharge air
with inlet air to extend turndown with DLN premix combustion.
Figure 28. MS9001EA Dry Low NOx combustion system.
A typical DLN combustor for the MS9001E is illustrated in Figure 28
and fuel delivery in Figure 29.
• More easily handled fuel with simplified emission controls Hot Gas Path Improvements
This modification is for units that are equipped with a dual fuel, Uprated Stage 1 Bucket (FT6J)
liquid and gas, DLN-1 system that are to be operated in the future The MS9001B and E stage 1 bucket was re-designed with two
on gas only. The conversion calls for a replacement of the primary changes: turbulated cooling and a blunt leading edge (BLE) design
and secondary fuel nozzle assemblies, elimination of the liquid fuel airfoil. The new design is directly interchangeable in complete sets
and atomizing air system, and a controls modification to disable with all existing buckets including the sharp leading edge (SLE)
liquid fuel operation. The primary benefits from converting to a gas design found on 9B units. The modification kit includes the BLE
only system is that it eases maintenance (removes atomizing air buckets and associated installation hardware.
compressor), and could utilize available less costly fuel. Gas fuel is The benefits of this uprate are:
a more easily handled fuel and has simplified emission controls.
• Increased bucket cooling, allowing more cooling air to reach the
The conversion that is outlined here calls for: leading edge
• Modification (not replacement) of the primary and secondary fuel — Significantly reduces thermal gradients and cracks along the
nozzle assemblies leading edge
• Elimination of all distillate fuel and water injection devices, • Improved materials extend the life of the buckets
manifolding and plumbing
• 9B units will experience a slight output increase; however, output
• Removal of the atomizing air compressor is not affected in 9E units
• Modification of the controls to disable the liquid fuel function The advantages of the latest stage 1 bucket come from both the
The advantages of this conversion are: re-design and the use of different materials. The turbulated cooled
stage 1 buckets have air-cooling holes that are ribbed to create
• Modification of the fuel nozzle assemblies is far less costly than
turbulent cooling, thereby increasing heat transfer capabilities.
full replacement
In addition, compared to 9B units, the first stage bucket has been
• Simplified operation and maintenance inherent in a gas-fuel-only improved with the blunt leading edge airfoil. The blunt leading
configuration are achieved edge improves low cycle fatigue (LCF) resistance, and the airfoil re-
design increases the efficiency and performance of the airfoil.
Convert from Liquid to Dual Fuel (FA3D)
Many existing gas turbines in the MS9001B & E family only have The improvement of materials includes the use of the equiaxed
liquid fuel capabilities since (in the past) liquid fuel was felt to be a GTD-111* material for the stage 1 bucket. GTD-111 provides
more viable fuel than gas fuel. However, gas fuel has become more improved rupture strength and is more resistant to low cycle
available with liquid being primarily used as a backup. fatigue. (See Figure 30.)
The benefits of this conversion are: These buckets are coated with GT-33 IN Plus* coating, which is an
advanced MCrAlY vacuum-plasma spray coating applied to the
• Significant operational flexibility
bucket exterior, and a diffused aluminide coating applied to the
• Potential fuel cost savings from some units with the added fuel
internal cooling passages. This coating provides hot corrosion
gas capability
protection and high temperature oxidation resistance. Figure 31
There is no performance difference expected by adding gas fuel; shows a comparison of the older PtAl and GT-29* coatings with
however, natural gas emissions are lower than liquid fuel emissions. the current GT-33 IN Plus coating. For further information on
Figure 30. New stage 1 buckets have material and design improvements.
bucket materials and coatings, see GER-3569, “Advanced Gas is a slight output performance increase in 9B units; however,
Turbine Materials and Coatings”. output is not affected in 9E units.
The BLE stage 1 bucket design allows more cooling air to reach There have been four major improvements now available to GE
the leading edge of the bucket. This increased cooling significantly customers interested in stage 1 buckets:
reduces thermal gradients and associated cracks along the leading
Design Improvements. The original design sharp leading edge has
edge. The improved materials extend the life of the buckets. There
been blunted to allow more cooling air to flow over the leading
Blunt Nose Bucket and in-service stage 1 turbine buckets to extend bucket life and
Uprated GTD-111 Stage 2 Bucket (FS2F)
The latest stage 2 bucket for MS9001B and E units is the same design as
the stage 2 E-Type Bucket (FS1L) but is made out of GTD-111 material with
GT-33 coating instead of uncoated IN-738™. GTD-111 material possesses
a 35°F improvement in rupture strength in the equiaxed form compared
to IN-738™. It has a corrosion resistance comparable to IN-738™, the
acknowledged corrosion standard for the energy industry, and is superior
to IN-738™ in low cycle fatigue strength.
• Creep life increased by 80% over the original design due to the non air-cooled version of this bucket would not be able to
reduced stress with new tip shroud design withstand an increase in firing temperature above 1905°F.
Since these buckets are air-cooled, 9B units require replacing the Tip Shroud Improvements. The shroud tip was scalloped and
spacers between the first and second stage wheel to allow air to thickened between the seal teeth, and the underside of the shroud
flow to the second stage bucket. 9E units have air-cooled buckets was tapered. (See Figure 34 and 35.) Scalloping the leading edge
and therefore have the proper spacers. The spacers have to be decreased the tip shroud stress. The final design resulted in a 25%
ordered well enough in advance to get proper hole size. A GE reduction in stress levels and an 80% increase in creep life over the
Service Shop is required to unstack and restack the rotor as well original design. The latest design change added cutter teeth to the
as rebalance it. bucket tip rails. These cutter teeth were designed for use with the
new honeycomb stage 2 shrouds. During transients when the
The new stage 2 bucket design also includes cutter teeth on the
bucket tip clearance is the smallest, the cutter teeth cut a path
bucket tip shroud rails. These are designed to cut a slot in the
through the honeycomb material in the shroud, thus minimizing
honeycomb seal material on the stage 2 shroud block with no
the steady state clearance. Stage 2 buckets with cutter teeth are
metal transfer to the bucket. This allows new shroud blocks with
required for use with honeycomb shrouds, but can also be used
honeycomb seals to be installed. (Reference FS2T.) Cutter teeth
with the traditional design shrouds.
have been included on all stage 2 MS9001B and E buckets
produced since 1996.
1-to-2 wheel spacer must be replaced with the new design that
allows air to flow to the stage 2 bucket. The new stage 2 bucket
can be supplied without internal cooling air passages as a direct
part replacement for the MS9001B. With this option, the 1-to-2
wheel spacer would not have to be replaced. While lower in cost,
land-based gas turbines. Combining elevated temperature strength • Performance will not be affected, as cooling holes will be plugged
and hot corrosion resistance, IN-738™ has lasted longer and, in
The latest stage 2 bucket is made out of GTD-111 material (equiaxed)
tests comparing it to U-500™, is in better condition even after four
with GT-33 IN coating instead of uncoated IN-738™ material. (See
times testing duration. (See Figure 36.)
Figure 37.) GTD-111 material possesses about a 35°F improvement in
Previous Improved rupture strength in the equiaxed form, compared to IN-738™. (See
Stage 2 Bucket Stage 2 Bucket Figure 37.) It has a corrosion resistance comparable to IN-738™, the
Material U500™ IN-738™ acknowledged corrosion standard for the industry, and is superior to
Shrouded Design Not Scalloped Scalloped IN-738™ in low cycle fatigue strength.
Cutter Teeth* Not Present Present
For 9B applications where no S2B cooling is needed, the air-cooled
Firing Temp Up to 1840°F Up to 1840°F
E-type GTD-111 material stage 2 buckets are sent to a GE service
*Refer to GER3571 for information about cutter teeth applications.
shop to have the six holes plugged on the bucket tip shroud, making
Figure 36. Improved stage 2 bucket. The benefits of this uprate are:
changes resulted in an increase in creep life of the bucket. Like the Materials Improvements. The bucket material has been improved.
stage two buckets, cutter teeth were added to the bucket tip rails. The stage 3 bucket was originally made of U-500™, a precipitation-
These cutter teeth are required to use with the stage 3 honeycomb hardened nickel based alloy. To improve elevated temperature
shrouds. Current production stage 3 buckets include cutter teeth. To strength and hot corrosion resistance, the bucket material was
use the 9E bucket on a 9B machine, the stage 3 shrouds must be changed in 1992 to IN-738™, a precipitation-hardened nickel
replaced or modified. Figure 39 illustrates the machining points on based superalloy having improved creep properties.
the shroud that are required for the modification. Additionally, due
Uprated Stage 1 Nozzle With Chordal Hinge (FS2J)
to interference with the angel wing, owners/operators may elect to
The MS9001B and E stage 1 nozzle has evolved through four
machine the exhaust frame to facilitate rotor removal, however it is
generations, each improving on its predecessor, starting with
not required.
the MS9001B 4-vane per segment nozzle. The second generation,
Process Improvements. The original MS9001B stage 1, 2, and 3 designed for the MS9001E, was used primarily for cleaner fuel
buckets were cold-straightened after being cast, thereby inducing applications. The third generation—the universal nozzle—was
plastic strain in the material. The combination of the induced and significant because it is applicable for gas, distillate, and ash
creep strains resulted in potential creep-rupture cracks initiating bearing fuels. The fourth generation, known as the chordal hinge
and propagating by high cycle fatigue. GE developed a new nozzle, incorporated GE aircraft engine technology as well as
manufacturing process for the MS9001E bucket, which eliminated improved cooling and sealing technology. A comparison of each
the need for the cold straightening step; thus, eliminating the generation is shown in Figure 40.
process-induced strain and potential creep rupture cracking.
Figure 37. Non air-cooled GTD-111 buckets have better creep properties.
The benefits of the new stage 1 nozzle include a long operating life fuel nozzle has only two vanes per segment, for a total of 18
up to 72,000 hours, reduced heat rate of operating units, and segments. As illustrated in Figure 40, the interface between the
operation at higher firing temperatures to 2084°F. support ring and nozzle was moved downstream.
At the same time that the number of vanes per segment was reduced,
the shape of the airfoil was optimized and the vanes were rotated to
9B 9E 9B 9B
First Gen. Clean Fuel Universal Third Chordal Hinge
Second Gen. Fourth Gen.
Figure 40. Comparison of 9B and 9E stage 1 nozzles. reduce the throat area. The new airfoil shape and reduction in throat
area increased the pressure ratio. Installing this design into an
MS9001B can increase the pressure ratio by as much as 6%.
The universal fuel nozzle was developed from the cleaner fuel
nozzle in response to the need to burn residual fuels, as well as
cleaner fuels. The airfoil shape was rounded (making it more blunt)
and the entire cooling system was re-designed. The pressure side
cooling holes were replaced with slots and placed closer together to
provide more uniform cooling. (See Figure 43.) Trailing edge cooling
was also added as illustrated in Figure 43. This improved cooling
design decreased surface metal temperature by as much as 5%,
thus reducing cracking, airfoil ballooning, and trailing edge bowing.
Figure 42. Stage 1 nozzle airfoil pressure-side-film cooling modification. leakage between the nozzle and the support ring. The leakage
between the nozzle segments was decreased by improving the
nozzle retaining-ring interface. This change was implemented to sidewall spline seals.
minimize torsional forces exerted on the sidewall near the nozzle
The second major change was to improve the sidewall cooling. As the
retaining-ring interface.
firing temperatures increased over the development of the MS9001E,
In 1992, the GEN 3 nozzle added a tangential support lug the nozzle metal temperatures increased, causing oxidation and
consisting of an integrally cast and milled radial slot side-support erosion to occur on the sidewalls. To reduce oxidation and erosion,
lug onto the stage 1 nozzle inner sidewall. A support pin and the cooling effectiveness was increased. The overall cooling
bushing were also added to secure the nozzle segment. A lock effectiveness was improved by relocating some of the sidewall
plate and a single retainer bolt were used to keep the support pin cooling holes and re-shaping some of the vane cooling holes into
in place. This arrangement was intended to provide additional slots, as illustrated in Figure 45.
tangential support for the nozzle.
Figure 44. Stage 1 nozzle improved sidewall sealing with chordal hinge.
Figure 45. Stage 1 nozzle improved cooling outer sidewall film cooling.
Figure 46. First stage nozzle improved inner sidewall tangential support.
When the chordal hinge nozzle was first introduced, the tangential
pin hardware was replaced with a single piece bushing/tangential
hardware, the forward flange on the support ring has been
pin to secure the nozzle. A flat lock plate with two retainer bolts was
eliminated. (See Figure 47.) These design modifications make the
used to keep the bushing /tangential pin in place. (See Figure 46.)
universal nozzle and the chordal hinge nozzle interchangeable with
More recently, the tangential pin hardware has been eliminated
no support ring modifications required.
because field inspections have indicated that the hardware does not
provide additional tangential support. In addition to eliminating the
• FSX-414 alloy
Enhanced TBC Coating for Stage 1 Nozzle (FS6E) build-up of combustion products on the ETBC, which could negate
For MS9001E units, the stage 1 nozzles can be coated with an its benefits if such build-up might occur.
enhanced thermal barrier coating (ETBC) that can be applied to the
GTD-222+* Stage 2 Nozzle Uprate (FS1P)
leading edge, pressure side, and outer wall of the stage 1 nozzle.
To minimize the tangential deflection due to creep, a series of
(See Figure 49.) ETBC provides a smoother surface finish to the
design changes were implemented for the stage 2 nozzle in
stage 1 nozzle, which incorporates a slick, highly erosion-resistant
MS9001E, as illustrated in Figure 50.
coating over the TBC. The ETBC coating on E-Class stage 1 nozzles
helps protect the TBC from erosion and provides a smooth surface, • Improved Creep Resistance
• Improved Nozzle Vane Cooling
which contaminants cannot adhere upon. – Redesigned Core Plug
• Improved Performance
– Reduced Cooling Air Flow
Figure 50. Design changes and reduced airflow in non-pressurized stage 2 nozzle.
Figure 49. Stage 1 nozzle with enhanced TBC. • Model 9E (air-cooled) change in output: +1.0%), change in heat
rate: -0.4%
The benefits of this uprate are:
Note: The GTD-222+ second stage nozzle significantly reduces
• Enhanced erosion resistance 3X greater than porous, standard TBC nozzle downstream stream creep deflection.
• 5X smoother surface finish compared to standard TBC For the MS9001E only, the first major change was to increase the
• Reduced susceptibility to surface fouling chordal length, which reduced stress levels in the vanes and
improved creep resistance. Note that the MS9001E always had
• Sustained smooth surface finish and unit operating performance
long chord length and short sidewall. (See Figure 51.) In late 1991,
• Predicted heat rate improvement over TBC alone the original nozzle material FSX-414 was replaced with GTD-222+,
• Reduced metal temperatures provide prolonged component life, a nickel based alloy, because of its superior creep strength and
increased durability, and increased maintenance intervals therefore reduced deflection downstream. Figure 52 shows a
comparison of the nozzle creep deflection of GTD-222+ and FSX-
The performance improvements are possible due to the sustained
414. GTD-222+ has a 200°F creep strength and 40% tensile
surface finish of the smooth coat over time. Improved surface
strength advantage over FSX-414 at operating temperatures. An
finish reduces heat transfer, thus increasing part durability,
aluminide coating was then added to protect against high
improving erosion resistance (3X greater in laboratory testing), and
temperature oxidation.
reducing surface fouling. ETBC should not be used by customers
operating with heavy fuel, or an IGCC application due to possible
temperature creep properties. The cooling was deceased by high temperature oxidation resistance.
inserting a longer tuning pin in the stage 1 shroud and decreasing The benefits of the GTD-222+ nozzle are illustrated in Figure 54.
the size of the cooling hole in the aft face of the shroud. For better
GTD-222+ Stage 3 Nozzle Uprate (FS1R)
distribution of cooling air, the nozzle core plug was re-designed and
The original stage 3 nozzle, like the stage 2 nozzle, experienced
the size of the pressure side cooling holes was decreased. GE
tangential deflection. To minimize creep and so decrease
experience with MS9001E gas turbines has found that wheel space
tangential deflection, three design changes were made. (See Figure
temperatures run significantly cooler than the design limit. Based on
55.) First, on the MS9001B only, the chord length was increased to
this experience, the stage 2 nozzle cooling flow that also surges and
reduce overall airfoil stress levels. The MS9001E always had the
cools the wheelspaces can be reduced, providing additional output
longer length. Secondly, an internal airfoil rib, similar to the one for
without affecting parts life.
stage 1 nozzle, was added to provide additional stability and
Figure 53. Reduced cooling flow gives increased output.
Figure 56. Advanced Aero Stage 3 Nozzle. Figure 57. New stage 3 bucket design.
The third stage nozzle was re-designed to improve aerodynamic existing GTD-222+ nozzle. The latest stage 3 nozzle design is also
performance. On the new airfoil, the inner and outer sidewalls are made of GTD-222+.
modified but the airfoil profile and wall thickness are the same. The
On those 9B units that are not already equipped with the GTD-
flow path definition remains the same and the new nozzle design
222+ or the advanced aero nozzle, the installation of the new
allows the use of the old machining fixtures in the hot gas path.
design third stage nozzles provides an opportunity to install
There is no reduction in repair/replace intervals. Dimensionally, the
replaceable wheel space thermocouples, more information can be
advanced aero re-designed nozzle is interchangeable with the
found in FK5C.
Installation of Both Parts Provides the Greatest Benefit cut a slot in the honeycomb seal material on the stage 3 shroud
Significant Improvement in Output and Heat Rate block, with no metal transfer to the bucket. This allows new shroud
Part S/C S/C Heat Exhaust Exhaust Temp, blocks with honeycomb seals to be installed. (Reference FS2U).
Output Rate Energy delta
New S3B/New S3N, +0.7% -0.7% -0.8% -6°F Uprated HR-120™ Improved Stage 1 Shroud with
Hot Day, 100°F/38°C, Cloth Spline Seals (FS2Y)
Guarantee Pt
The new shroud design for MS9001E includes several improved sealing
New S3B/New S3N, +1.0% -1.0%- 1.0% -8°F
ISO Day, 59F°/15°C,
features that increase performance (output and efficiency) by reducing
Reference Only leakage between shroud segments and between the stage 1 shrouds
New S3B/New S3N, +1.2% -1.2% -1.1% -9°F and stage 1 nozzles. The improved stage 1 shrouds are made of a one-
Cold Day, 0°F/-18°C,
piece design from Haynes HR-120™ (see Figure 60 and Figure 61), a
Reference Only
solid solution-strengthened iron-nickel-chromium alloy that improves
Efficiency improvement results in exhaust temperature and exhaust energy
decrease. Combined-cycle analysis can be provided to estimate over-all low cycle fatigue life, allows operation at higher 2055°F firing
plant impact. temperatures, increases performance and lowers heat rate.
Figure 58. Performance benefit when Advanced Aero Stage 3 Bucket and Nozzle
are combined on same unit. The benefits of this uprate are:
Stage 1 Shroud Abradable Coating Uprate (FS6A) coating is designed to preferentially wear away in the event of
The stage 1 shroud blocks on MS9001E units can be coated with a bucket tip rub, greatly avoiding wear of the bucket tips. It also
an abradable coating on the inner diameter surface. (See Figure allows tighter clearances between the bucket and shroud leading
62.) The abradable coating on the stage 1 shroud allows for to performance improvements.
improved airflow control, and it allows tighter clearances between
The benefits of this uprate are:
the bucket and shroud leading to performance improvements.
• Model 9E change in output: +0.4%, change in heat rate: -0.4%
The improved clearance and associated reduction in tip leakage
of cooling airflow create a performance benefit. The abradable The abradable coating on the Stage 1 shroud blocks gives +0.5%
increased output power and an improved heat rate of –0.5%.
Abradable coating addresses performance benefits by clearance
reduction even under conditions of rotor misalignment and casing
out of roundness. (See Figure 63.)
Figure 63. Abradable coating increases performance when rotor is not 100% aligned or casing is out of round.
Figure 64. Stage 2 shroud blocks with honeycomb and stage 2 buckets with
cutter teeth.
The benefits of this uprate are: The benefits of this uprate are:
• Model 9B and E Stage 2 change in output: +0.35, change in heat • Model 9B change in output: +0.5%, change in heat rate: -0.3%
rate: -0.35% • Model 9E change in output: +1.0%, change in heat rate: -0.5%
• Model 9B and E Stage 3 change in output: +0.15%, change in The 2nd stage nozzle/diaphragm assembly contains a radial
heat rate: -0.15% high-low labyrinth seal that reduces flow leakage between the
Honeycomb allows contact between the bucket tip and casing diaphragm and the turbine rotor into the stage 2 forward wheel
shrouds during transient operation and provides relatively tight space area. (See Figure 67.) When added to a unit, the interstage
Figure 67. 7EA stage 2 brush seal inner diaphragm design.
For all vintage 9E units that install the stage 2 nozzle brush seal, counter
bore covers are required to be installed on the inner barrels. Based on
aerodynamic analysis, in some cases, compressor pressure ratio (CPR)
control, IGV angle re-scheduling or stage 17 and EGV 1&2 shrouded
vanes with slotted inner barrels may be required. (Reference FS2B).
Figure 68. Installed interstage brush seal. The benefits of this uprate are:
brush seal further reduces this leakage. (See Figure 68.) Since the • Increasing proper stage 2 bucket cooling with the installation of
hot gas in this leakage performs no useful work, any reduction in the new 410 stainless steel seal tooth material
this leakage results in an increase in performance. Cooling airflow The Al-Bronze material is known to be the cause of premature
to the 2nd stage forward wheel space is reduced, but this flow is discourager seal failures in the field. It is advised that the discourager
currently greater than required when the brush seal is not installed. seal between the stage 1-to-2 spacer be inspected on all units
In testing, the sealing efficiency of a single brush is found to be up shipped prior to 1996 for brittleness of the B50A422A Al-Bronze seal
to 10 times that of a labyrinth seal under similar conditions. The teeth material. (New units shipped in 1997 and after should have the
Sourcebook Codes Component Design Improvements
FS2K Stage 3 Bucket Rotated airfoil, IN738, scalloped tip shroud, cutter teeth
* Need to have existing liners coated with TBC. This cost is not included in the package price.
** Non air-cooled buckets
*** Optional – not required for Uprate
MS9001B-E Uprates MS9001E – 2020°F MS9001E – 2055°F
Original TI, (°F) 1840 1840 1840 1840 1955 1985 2000 1955 1985 2000 2020 2055
Original TI, (°F) 1840 1905 1965 2020 2020 2020 2020 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055
Increase in Output
% % % % % % % % % % % %
Increase in Firing Temperature – 6.7 12.8 18.2 6.5 4.0 2.7 9.5 7.0 5.7 3.5 0.5
and Controls Modification
Bore Plugs 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
C450 IGVs (84 degrees) 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 – –
Additional 2° – IGV 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Rotated S3B – – 0.6 0.6 – – – 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 –
GTD-222 S2N – -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 – – – 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Haynes HR-120 One Piece – – – – – - – 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9
Stage 1 Shroud
Exhaust Frame Blowers – – – 0.2 – – – – – – – –
Air Cooled S2B – – 1.65 1.65 – – – – – – – –
S2B Shrouds with Honeycomb Seals – 0.35 0.35 0.35 – – – 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
S3 Shrouds with Honeycomb Seals – – 0.15 0.15 – – – 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
HPP Brush Seals 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
No. 2 Bearing Brush Seals 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Total Effect on Output 6.4 12.8 18.2 24.1 10.4 7.8 6.4 15.5 12.9 11.5 7.6 5.1
Figure 78. Bore plugs are used to fine-tune cooling air to the first wheel space.
The benefits of this Model 9E uprate are: • TBC Coated Slot-Cooled Liners. TBC coated slot-cooled liners
Original Tf 1955°F 1985°F 2000°F are required as a part of this uprate. The latest design liners are
thick-walled liners that are TBC Coated. The customer has the
Output 10.4% 7.8% 6.4%
option of having the existing thin-walled liners coated with TBC
Heat Rate -1.6% -1.3% -1.2%
or purchasing the new thick-walled TBC coated liners. The thick-
Figure 75 and Figure 76 provide the performance gains associated walled liners can withstand a firing temperature of 2055°F.
with each of the components as well as the entire uprate package.
• Nimonic Transition Pieces. Nimonic 263™ transition pieces are
Again, it is important that the turbine/generator be evaluated to
required for this uprate. These transition pieces increase
determine if the current load equipment can withstand the increase
maintenance intervals and increase hot gas path life.
in output associated with this uprate.
• Extendor Wear Kit. The Extendor wear kit decreases combustion
The design improvements associated with the MS9001E
component wear and increases combustion inspection intervals
components include:
by reducing the relative movement and associated wear of the
• Stage 1 Buckets. This bucket is now made of GTD-111 with the parts in the combustion system. (Reference FR1W.)
IN Plus coating, has the blunt leading edge design, and is
• Inner Barrel Bore Plugs. The unplugged cooling circuit tuning
turbulated cooled. (Reference FT6J.)
holes can be plugged to decrease the cooling airflow across the
• Stage 3 Nozzles. This nozzle has long chord length and is now inner barrel high pressure packing, this increases output.
made from GTD-222+. (Reference FS1R).
• Exhaust Frame Blowers. Exhaust frame cooling is accomplished
• GTD-450 Inlet Guide Vanes. The high flow inlet guide vane has by two 100 HP motor driven centrifugal blowers. (Reference FS2D.)
a reduced camber design to increase airflow. (Reference FT6B.)
• Increase in output ranging from 5.1% to 15.5%, depending on the • HR-120™ Improved Stage 1 Shroud Blocks FS2Y
original configuration of the unit, while the heat rate decrease • GTD-450 Reduced Camber IGVs FT6B
ranges from –2.2% to –3.0%, (including optional items for • Nimonic-263™ Transition Pieces, TBC Coating FR1U
• Inlet Guide Vanes. GTD-450 material (PG9151E units and earlier the fire-extinguishing agent. When the fire protection system is
do not have GTD-450 high flow inlet guide vanes) with reduced activated, the latch releases and the damper blades close by
camber design to increase airflow. gravity. The damper housing and CO2 latch are bolted to the fan
outlet and shipped as a unit. It should be noted that the CO2 latch
• Inner Barrel Counter Bore Covers. IGV angle restrictions might
could be mounted on either side of the vent fan damper.
also be necessary. (Reference FS2B.)
New motor starters and circuitry changes to the motor control
• Temperature Control Curve. Modification for firing temperature
center are included in this uprate. These changes allow the fans to
be operated from the existing control unit. Other options that can
Compartment and Exhaust Improvements be incorporated into this uprate include limit and differential
pressure switches, as well as back draft dampers.
Turbine Compartment Dual 100 HP Fan Uprate (FF1E)
This modification for MS9001B and E units involves adding two Upgrade to 100 HP Exhaust Frame Motor Bowers (FS2D)
centrifugal ventilation fans, enclosed in box-type casings and For MS9001E units, cooling of the turbine exhaust casing and frame
driven by AC motors, to the top of the turbine compartment. is accomplished by motor-driven blowers. These fans are mounted
The fans provide ventilation by drawing air up through several externally to the turbine. The replacement kit includes 100 HP
ducts in the turbine and accessory compartments and exhausting exhaust frame blowers, interconnection piping arrangement
it to atmosphere through a horizontal discharge. A dual vent fan modifications, motor control center modifications, and exhaust
arrangement is used to supply symmetrical airflow throughout the frame cooling circuit tuning. The current design exhaust frame is
turbine compartment. cooled with two motor-driven centrifugal blowers. The 100 HP
The benefits of this uprate are: exhaust frame blowers reduce the temperature of the frame
thereby reducing cracking to provide a durable exhaust frame.
• Additional cooling to the turbine compartment
The benefits of this uprate are:
• Dual vent fan configuration symmetrically extracts hot air away
from the turbine, reducing part degradation caused by thermal • Exhaust frame blowers help to reduce temperature of the frame
fatigue — Helping to reduce cracking and general repair costs
This modification provides additional cooling to the turbine — Providing a durable exhaust frame
compartment. The dual vent fan configuration symmetrically
Upgrading the exhaust frame blowers is applicable to units with
extracts hot air away from the turbine, thereby reducing part
the modern design exhaust frame that can use but do not yet have
degradation caused by thermal fatigue. Two holes need to be cut
100 HP blowers. All 9E units have the modern design.
in the existing turbine compartment roof to accommodate the new
vent fans. Appropriate lagging or struts must also be added to the The recommended design for combined cycle machines is 100 HP
existing turbine compartment roof to support the weight of the exhaust frame blowers for 9E units. For simple cycle, the recommended
new equipment. design is 30 HP blowers for 9E units. Simple cycle units generally have
lower horsepower blowers because the gas path pressure is relatively
The ventilation fan assemblies supplied with this uprate have
low for simple cycle. However, for simple cycle units, an upgrade to
externally-mounted motors. Each motor is mounted atop the fan
exhaust frame blowers with 100 HP rating may be required to obtain
enclosure in the ambient environment. This design helps maintain
the elevated exhaust temperature capability needed to get the full
the expected fan motor life by removing the fan motors from the
benefit of a 2055°F firing temperature increase.
hot air discharge path.
Reference FS1W for a modification kit for 9E units that contain the
Each vent fan assembly employs a damper housing. The damper
latest enhancements and recommended plenum upgrades. For 9B
blades are held in a normally open position with a CO2/Halon
units, reference FS1W for the exhaust frame blower addition/upgrade
pressure actuated spring release latch. This latch is operated by
and exhaust frame upgrade.
radiation shield, thereby reducing breaking of the TC tip. It has improved cooling air circuit; increased exhaust frame blower
reduced installation time and reduced wear/tear due to its quick capacity; upgraded covers and gaskets for horizontal joints;
disconnect arrangement. upgraded forward flex seals; stress relief scallops; turning vane
enhancements; improved aft diffuser supports; and improved after
The short-lead thermocouple splits the thermocouple device and the
diffuser stress relief. These modifications improve exhaust frame
thermocouple wiring that goes to the outside junction box into two
cooling, reduce general repair costs, and address load tunnel over-
parts. This makes the first connection point at the thermocouple head
temperature issues by reducing exhaust gas leakage.
instead of at the junction box. The modification kits for either the long
lead or the short lead include the frame size specific number of The benefits of this uprate are:
thermocouples, special tools, and all the necessary hardware to • Enhanced exhaust frame for MS9001B and E units (FT6X, FT6Y)
install the modification. firing temperature uprates
The short-lead exhaust thermocouple provides a more positive • Enhanced exhaust frame cooling
bottoming of the thermocouple in the radiation shield. The flex
• Reduced repair costs
leads are not as susceptible to damage from shipping, handling,
and installation. However, the biggest advantage is eliminating the • Reduced exhaust gas leakage (addressing load tunnel over-
need to replace the thermocouple from the radiation shield to the temperature issues)
junction box because the lead (thermocouple cable) and the
Advanced Exhaust Plenum Uprate (FD4K) Summary
To ensure that customers have access to high quality gas turbine
GE has advanced technology uprate packages available to uprate
exhaust plenums, GE Energy makes retrofit, re-designed exhaust
MS9001B and E gas turbines. These advanced uprate technology
plenums part of its product offerings. (See Figure 81.) Over time,
packages provide significant savings derived from reduced
exhaust plenums experience hot flanges and outer skin problems.
maintenance, improved efficiency, higher output, better reliability, and
Excessive thermal movement contributes to destruction of control
life extension. Regulatory requirements may necessitate the need for
cables and severe turbulence that can cause liner damage.
emission controls due to changes in emission levels when uprating the
gas turbine, and modifications are available to significantly reduce
emissions. Today’s technology and enhanced production components
allow customers to bring their aging turbines back to better-than-new
condition based upon these offerings.
* Mark V, Mark I, Mark VI, Extendor, GT-29, GT-29 IN, GT-29 IN Plus, GT-29 Plus,
GTD-111, GTD-222, GTD-222+, GTD-241, GT-33, GT-33 IN, GTD-741,
Plasmaguard, and ETBC are trademarks of General Electric Company.
Hastelloy-X™ is a trademark of Cabot Corp.
IN-738™ and IN-706™ are trademarks of Inco Alloys International.
H-188™, N-155™, A286™, HR-120™, and HA-188™ are trademarks of
Haynes Corp.
Nimonic 263™, U500™, RENE 77™, and U700™ are trademarks of Udimet Corp.
X40™, X45™, and M152™ are trademarks of Carpenter Corp.
Stellite™ is a trademark of Deloro Stellite.
2. D. E. Brandt and R. R. Wesorick, “GE Gas Turbine Design Philosophy,” Figure 2. Benefits of uprates offered.
GER-3434, General Electric, August 1994. Figure 3. NOx emissions levels at 15% O2.
3. F. J. Brooks, “GE Gas Turbine Performance Characteristics.” GER-3567, Figure 4. MS9001 E-Class performance history.
General Electric, August 1994. Figure 5. Gas turbine alloys.
4. L. B. Davis, “Dry Low NOx Combustion Systems for Heavy Duty Figure 6. Creep stress rupture comparison of bucket and nozzle
Gas Turbines,” GER-3568, General Electric, August 1994. materials.
5. D. Balevic, R, Burger, and D. Forry, “Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Figure 7. Uprates available for 9B and 9E units.
Operating and Maintenance Considerations,” GER-3620K, Figure 8. GTD-450 reduced camber high-flow variable IGV
General Electric, December 2004. arrangement.
6. P. R. Dunne, “Uprate Options for the MS7001 Heavy Duty Gas Figure 9. Design improvements with GTD-450 high flow IGVs.
Turbine,” GER3808, General Electric, 1995.
Figure 10. HPP brush seal.
7. J. R. Johnston, “Performance and Reliability Improvements for Figure 11. Brush seals for #2 bearing.
Heavy duty Gas Turbines,” General Electric, August 1994.
Figure 12. Side view of the three stages of shrouded compressor
8. GEA-12526 (8/95), 12220.1 (1/94) MS9001E Gas Turbines: blades.
Conversions, Modifications, and Uprates.
Figure 13. CM/U analysis for a specific unit showing need for
shrouded design.
Figure 18. Comparison of old and new transition piece aft brackets.
Figure 28. MS9001EA Dry Low NOx combustion system. Figure 54. Benefits of GTD-222+ nozzles as compared to FSX-414
Figure 30. New stage 1 buckets have material and design Figure 55. Improved stage 3 nozzle.
Figure 31. Types of bucket coatings. Figure 57. New stage 3 bucket design.
Figure 32. Sharp and blunt leading edge bucket designs. Figure 58. Performance benefit when Advanced Aero Stage 3
Figure 33. MS9001E stage 2 air-cooled bucket. Bucket and Nozzle are combined on same unit.
Figure 34. Scalloping of bucket shroud. Figure 59. Advanced Aero Stage 3 Bucket.
Figure 35. Final configuration of bucket shroud. Figure 60. First stage shroud with cloth seals FS2Y.
Figure 36. Improved stage 2 bucket. Figure 61. HR-120™ Improved Stage 1 Shroud.
Figure 37. Non air-cooled GTD-111 buckets have better creep Figure 62. Stage 1 shrouds coated with abradable coating.
Figure 38. Improved stage 3 buckets. is not 100% aligned or casing is out of round.
Figure 39. Machining required on stage 3 shroud. Figure 64. Stage 2 shroud blocks with honeycomb and stage 2
buckets with cutter teeth.
Figure 40. Comparison of 9B and 9E stage 1 nozzles.
Figure 65. Shroud block with honeycomb sealing.
Figure 41. Cracked stage 1 nozzle.
Figure 66. 7EA stage 2 honeycomb inner shroud design.
Figure 42. Stage 1 nozzle airfoil pressure-side-film cooling
modification. Figure 67. 7EA stage 2 brush seal inner diaphragm design.
Figure 43. Stage 1 nozzle airfoil pressure-side-film cooling. Figure 68. Installed interstage brush seal.
Figure 44. Stage 1 nozzle improved sidewall sealing with chordal Figure 69. RCA of cracking at third stage hook fit.
Figure 45. Stage 1 nozzle improved cooling outer sidewall film Figure 71. MS 9001 E-Class uprate options.
cooling Figure 72. Uprating a 9B to a 9E.
Figure 46. First stage nozzle improved inner sidewall tangential Figure 73. Uprating a 9B to a 9E.
Figure 74. Uprating a 9B to a 9E.
Figure 47. First stage nozzle and support ring with no tangential
Figure 75. Frame 9 uprate options output increases.
Figure 76. Frame 9 uprate options heat rate decreases.
Figure 48. Improvements in upgraded stage 1 nozzle for 9B and
9E units. Figure 77. Typical MS9001B to E uprate performance study.
Figure 49. Stage 1 nozzle with enhanced TBC. Figure 78. Bore plugs are used to fine-tune cooling air to the first
wheel space.
Figure 50. Design changes and reduced airflow in non-pressurized
stage 2 nozzle. Figure 79. Requirements for uprate to 2055°F.
Figure 51. Long and short chord nozzle design comparison. Figure 80. Improved exhaust frame.
Figure 52. Nozzle creep deflection comparison. Figure 81. Improved exhaust plenum.