Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals
Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals
Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals
ferrous metals used in industry are pig iron, cast iron, Illustrating various metal parts
chapter, shall discuss like springs and clips. These are
wrought iron and steel. In this we
characteristics of wide range of
only about cast iron and steel. applications of metals.
contain a metal.
2. metals. The metals, which
called non-ferrous metals. Other than
various non-
The iron as their main constituent, are tin
aluminium, copper, zinc, lead, brass,
ferrous metals used in industry are
and non-ferrOus metal in the following articles.
We shall now discuss, the important ferrous
m be noted that we shall discuss in detail the
mechanical properties and uses of the ferrous and
on- extraction of these
metals is beyond the scope of this book.
r o u s metals. The production or
remaining is iron.
The gray colour is due to the fact the carbon is
a low tensile strength,
present in the form of free graphite.
high compressive strength and no ductility. It can be easiuly
machined. A very good property of gray cast iron is that
the free graphite in its structu
a lubricant. Due to this reason, it is very suitable for those
tool bo
The used for
action is desired. iron
gray casting
are widely implements.
automobile le cylinder blocks, pipes and pipe fittings and gricultural
fracture. It has
ron. It is a particular variety of cast iron, which, shows a
White cast iro
following approximate compositions:
Carbon = 2% to 2.3%; Silicon = 0.85% to 1.2%
0.1oto 0,4%; Phosphorus 0.05% to 0.2%
Manganese =
Sulphur 0.12% to 0.35% and the remaining is
strength and
iron. The white cast iron has a high tensile
of molten for
Since it is hard, therefore it cannot be
machined. It is used
pressive strength. surface of a r
and in places where hard coating is required as
in the outer
inferior casting the production of
white cast iron is also used as a raw material in
cast iron
and wrought iron.
molten iron. The
iron produced
cast iron. It is a white cast by quick cooling of
3. Chilled
called chilling. The iron so is known as chilled
quick cooling generally
with the cool sand
are chilled at their outer skin by
contact of the molten iron
All castings to a very small depth
the mould. But in most castings, this hardness penetrates becomes
in chilled
is chilled intentionally and sometimes
than 1 mm). Sometimes, casting
inserts of
considerable depth. Intentional chilling is
carried out by putting
accidently to a comes in contact
with the
steel (chills) into the mould. When the molten metal
iron or used
conducted away and the hard
surface is formed. Chills are
chill, its heat is rapidly withstand wear and friction.
which are required to be hard to
on the faces of a casting, crusher
used in the casting of rolls for crushing grains
and jaw
The process of chilling is chilled.
of railcarriage wheels is also
plates. The running surface cast iron in composition.
in between gray and white
4. Molted cast iron. It is a product where certain wearing surfaces
is obtained in castings
colour and general properties. It
have been chilled.
cast iron is obtained
from white cast iron by a suitable
5. Malleable cast iron. The malleable combined
The annealing process separates the
heat treatment process (i.e., annealing).
nodules of free graphite.
carbon of the white cast iron into
be bent without breaking or fracturing
The malleable cast iron is ductile and may
than that of gray cast iron and has
Section. Its tensile strength is usually higher
machine for which the steel forgings
matching qualities.It is used for making
should have a fair degree of accuracy, e.g..
be and in which the metal
WOuld expensive
for railway rolling stock,
brake supports, parts of
nubs of wagon wheels, small fittings
door hinges, locks etc.
gricultural machinery, pipe fittings,
6. ductile cast iron spheroidal graphite (i.e., S.G.) cast
Odular cast iron. It is also known
improvement of properties. The alloy cast iron has special properties like increa in
strength, high wear resistance, corrosion resistance or heat resistance. The alloy cast ieased
are extensively used for automobile parts like cylinders, pistons, PIston rings, Cranl
cases, brake drums. parts of crushing and grinding machinery etc.
13.6 STEEL
It is an alloy of iron and carbon with carbon content upto a maximum of 1.4%. The carbe
occurs in the form of iron carbide (Fe,C). because of its ability to increase the hardness and
strength of the steel. Other elements e.g., silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, and manganese are alo
present to a greater or lesser amount to impart certain desired properties to it. Most of the stel
produced now-a-days is plain carbon steel. A plain carbon steel is defined as a steel which hasit
properties mainly due to its carbon content and does not contain more than 0.5% of silicon and
1.5% of manganese. The plain carbon steels varying from 0.06% carbon to 1.4% carbon are
divided into the following four types depending upon the carbon content:
1. Dead mild steel = 0.06%-0.12% carbon.
2. Low carbon or mild steel = 0.10%-0.25% carbon.
3. Medium carbon = 0.25%-0.55% carbon.
4. High carbon steel = 0.55-1.4% carbon.
According to Indian Standard [IS 1762 (Part-1)- 1974], a new system of designating the
steel is recommended. According to this standard, steels are designated on the following two
(a) On the basis of mechanical properties and
(b) On the basis of chemical
We shall now discuss, in detail, the
designation of steel on the above two basis, in the
following pages.
Now, a c c o r d i n
ing to New Indian Standard [IS 1570 (Part-I)-1970, the carbon steels, are
in the following order:
1. Figure indic: 100 times the average percentage of carbon content.
Letter C, and
Figure indicating 10 times the average percentage of manganese content. The figure
multiplying shall be rounded off to the nearest integer.
0.15% to
For example, 20 C 8 (old designation (C-20) means a carbon steel containing
rounded off to 0.8% on
0.25% (0.20% on an average) carbon and 0.60 to 0.90% (0.75%
an average manganese.
like silicon,
effects of
The lowing are
tant eftc
Materials Science
1. Silicon. The amount of silicon in the finished steel
usually ranges from 0.05% to 0,309
Silicon is added in low carbon steels to
prevent them from becoming porous. It remove
the gases and oxides, blow holes and thereby makes the steel tougher and harden
2. Sulphur. It occurs in steel either as iron
because of its melting point
sulphide or manganese sulphide. Iron sulphide
produces red shortness, whereas manganese sulphide doee
not effect so much. Therefore
manganese sulphide is less objectionable in steel than irqn
3. Manganese. It serves as a valuable deoxidising and purifying agent in steel.
also combines with Manganese
sulphur and thereby decreases the harmful effects of this element in
the steel. When decreases the
harmful effects of this element in the steel. When
ordinary low carbon steels, manganese makes the metal ductile and of used in
qualities. In high speed steels, it is used to toughen the metal and to increase bendino
its critical
4. Phosphorus. It makes the steel brittle. It alsc produces cold shortness in
carbon steels, it raises the steel. In low
yield point and improves the resistance to
corrosion. The sum of carbon and atmospheric
phosphorus, usually, does not exceed 0.25%.
We have
already discussed in the previous articles about plain carbon steels.
contain carbon These steels
together with small amounts of manganese and silicon. A steel in which
other than carbon are added in elements
sufficient quantity, in order to obtain
alloy steel. The alloying of steel is special properties, known
Tesistance to abrasion and wear and togenerally
done to increase its
strength, hardness, toughness,
alloying elements improve electrical and magnetic properties.
The various
are nickel, chromium,
molybdenum, cobalt, vanadium, manganese, silicon and
tungsten. The effects of these alloying elements are discussed below:
1. Nickel. It is one of the
most important
nickel and 0.1% to 0.5% carbon. In alloying elements. Steel sheets contain 2% to 5%
this range, nickel
elastic limit, imparts
hardness, toughness and reduces rust improves tensile strength, raises
for boiler plates automobile formation. It is largely used
When nickel is added to steel in parts, large forgings, crankshafts, connecting rods etc.
strength steels with improved shock and proportions (about 25%) it results in higher
corrosion and heat. It is used in the fatigue resistance. It makes the steel resistant to
pump barrels, sparking plugs for petrolmanufacture of boiler tubes, valves for
gas engines,
alloy containing about 36% nickel and 0.5%% liners and pump parts etc. A nickel steel
forged, turned and drawn. It has nearly zero carbon is known as invar. It can be rolled,
for making coefficient of expansion. So it is widely used
pendulums of clocks, precision measuring instruments etc.
Chromium. Addition of chromium to steel
resistance. A chrome steel containing 0.5 toincreases its strength,
2% chromium is hardness and corOSio
races for bearings, dies, rolls for used for balls, rollers and
A steel
rolling mills, permanent magnets, etc.
containing 3.25% nickel, 1.5% chromium and 0.25% carbon is
chrome steel. The combination of known as nicKC
chromium produces a steel of toughening effect of nickel and the
high tensile strength with hardening effect o
extensively used for motor car crank
shafts, axles and gears great resistance to shock. It
hardness. requiring great strength a
3. Vanadium. It is added in low and medium
and carbon steels in order to
tensile strength properties. A very useful increase ther yi
imparts to the harden ability of effect of vanadium is the
0.25% while for tool steels steel. constructional steels, it is addedimprovemen
and other to an exten
special steels, increased
percentage vanadiun is
and Non-Ferrous Alloys
resistance to corrosion. These steels have great strength, toughness and extremely good
can be welded, forged, rolled and machined. hey
Non-Ferro Alloys 261
used manufacture of vats and pipes in the
in the
sist nitric
acid corrosion. chemical and food plant equipments
Thy are also
machines, iin the manufacture used in highly stressed fittings o
of bars, shects, strips, wires etc.
2 ainless steels. These steels
Martenisic stain
hon. These steels can be hardened bycontain 11%heat
suitable %chromium and about
to 14%
treatment and have satisfactory
:ion resistance qualities. These can be
welded and machined. Such stecls are us d
making steam valves, turbine blades, shafts, scissors, knives, ars. ball bearings,
tlery, surgical and dental instruments and other
springs, cutle where hard edges are
Austentic stain ainless steels. These steels contain 18% chromium and 8% nickel (commonly
ferred to as 18/8 steel). These
steels have resistance to corrosion and good
tensile strength. These are very tough and can be welded, forged or rolled. but they offer
oreat difficulty 1n machining.They are used in the manufacture of pump sets. rail road,
car frames, SCrew nuts and bolts etc. They are also used in chemical plants, appliances,
storage and transport tanks for chemical industries, utensils and cutlery.
machining is steels
c o n t e n t of such steel vary from
Thes steels are
are used where rapid the carbon
sulphur cor
% to o
than other carbon
steels. In general,
machinability of this
steel improves withthe increase
s a c r i t i c e of some of its
0.3%. The
and sulphur upto
limits. But
it is always
the 5% to 0.2% instead of
phur content
ent within reasonable
davs nm used from 0.05%
lead is used
ncontent Now-a-days
of steel without the loss of
King, welding and forging of
sulphur qualities. machinability
It is a white metal produced by electrical process from the oxide (alumina), which is
prepared from a clayey mineral called bauxite. It is a light weight metal having specific graviy
2.7 and melting point 660°C.
In its pure state, the metal would be weak and soft for most purposes. But when mixed with
small amounts of other alloys,
it becomes hard and rigid. So, it may be blanked, formed,
and die cast. lts good electrical conductivity is an important property
turned, cast, forged
videly used for overhead cables. The high resistance to corosion and its non toxicity makes it a
useful metal for cooking utensils under ordinary conditions. It is extensively used in aircraft and
automobile components where saving of weight is an
Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Alloys 263
0.4% to 0.7%
Copper = 3% to 4.5%; Manganese =
follows: 1.7%
4.5%; Manganese =1.2%
Copper = 3.5% to
Iron = 0.6% each and
Nickel = 1.8% to 2.3%, Silicon, Magnesium,
the rest is aluminium.
duralumin. The ageing process is
hardened like
treated and age
This alloy is heat
for about five days. like
out at r o o m temperature used for forged components
But it c a n also be
It is mainly used for casting
duralumin) at high
has better strength (than
duralumin. Since Y-alloy, for cylinder
heads and pistons.
used in aircraft engines, in a
therefore it is mainly to 10% magnesium
aluminium with 2%
is made by melting of 100 to 200 atmospheres.
3. Magnalium. It v a c u u m or
under a pressure mechanical
then cooling it in and good
v a c u u m and
Due to its light weight
about 1.75% copper. automohile components.
It also contains
used for aircraft and with a small quantity
properties, it is mainly and magnesium
aluminium Aluminium
Hindalium. It is an alloy of alloy produced by
4. of aluminium mainly
chromium. It is the trade
as a rolled
product in 16 gauge,
Renukoot (U.P).
It is produced
Corporation Ltd.,
13.24 BRASS
The most widely used copper zinc alloy is brass. There are various types of
depending upon the proportion of copper and zinc. This is fundamentally a binary alloy ofbrasses,
with zinc each 50%. By adding small quantities of other elements, the
properties of brass may be
greatly changed. For example, the addition of lead (1% to 2%) improves the machining quality of
brass. It has a greater
strength than that of copper, but has a lower thermal and electrical
conductivity. Brasses very resistant to atmospheric corrosion and can be easily fabricated by
processes like spinning and Y-chromium. The Table 13.2 shows the composition of various
of brasses according to Indian Standards. types
Table 13.2
I.S.I. designation Composition in percentages Uses
Cartridge brass Copper 70 It is a cold working brass used
Zinc 30 for cold rolled sheets, wire
drawing, deep drawing pressing
and tube manufacture.
Yellow brass Copper 60 It is suitable for hot working
(Muntz metal) Zinc = 40
by rolling, extrusion and stamping.
Leaded brass Copper 62.5
Zinc 36
Lead 1.5 These used for
are plates,
tubes etc.
Admiralty brass Copper 70
Zinc = 29
Naval brass Copper 59 It is used for marine castings.
Zinc =:40
Tin 1
Nickel brass Copper = 60.45 It is used for valves, plumbing
(German silver) Zinc = 35.20 fittings, automobile fittings,
Nickel = 5.35 type writer parts and musical
13.25 BRONZE
The alloys of copper and tin are, usually, temed as bronzes. The useful range of
compositton is 75 to 95% copper and 5to 25% tin. The metal is comparatively hard, rest
surface wear and can be shaped or rolled into wires, rods and sheets very easily.Incorosion
Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Alloys
bronzes are as
erties, bronzes
esistant properties, are superior to brasses. Some of the common types
Zinc = 35%
13.29 TIN
It is a brightly shining white metal. It is
soft, malleable and ductile. It can be rolled into very
thin sheets. It is used for
making important alloys, fine solder, as a protective coating for iron
steel sheets and for making tin foil used as and
moisture proof packing.
A tin base alloy
containing 88% tin, 8% antimony and 4% copper is called babbit metal. It
is a soft material with a low coefficient of
friction and has little strength. It is the most common
bearing metal used with cast iron boxes where the bearings are
load. An alloy of 60% tin and 40% lead is a common subjected to high pressure and
solder alloys. But alloys containing 85% tin
and 15% lead are
commonly used solder alloys.
13.31 ZINC
The zinc is bluish white metal which in pure state has
Its bright smooth crystals at its fracture.
specific gravity is 7.1. And its melting point is 420°C. It boils at 940°C and can easily be
distilled. It is not very malleable and ductile at
and rolled into thin sheets or drown into wires
ordinary temperatures. But it can be readily worked
by heating it to 100°C-150°C. At about 200°C, it
becomes so brittle that it may be powdered. Its tensile
resistance to atmospheric corrosion.
strength is 19 to 25 MPa. It offers high
It is used for covering steel sheets
to form
galvanised iron due to its high resistance to
atmospheric corrosion. The covering is done by dipping the sheets into the molten metal after
initial fluxing. The galvanised wire, nails etc. are also made
by this process. When rolled into
sheets, zinc is used for roof covering and for providing a damp proof non-corrosive lining to
containers etc. The other important uses of zinc are in the manufacture of brasses and in the
production of zinc base die casting alloys. The oxide of zinc is used in
as pigment paints.
The most of the die
castings are produced from zinc base alloys. These alloys can be casted
easily with a
good finish at fairly low temperatures. They have also considerable and
cost. The usual alloying elements for zinc are aluminium, copper and magnesiumstrength
and they arelow
held in close limits. The composition of two standard die casting zinc alloys are as follows :
1. Aluminium 4.1%, copper 0.1%,
magnesium 0.04% and the rest is zinc.
2. Aluminium 4.1%, copper 1%,
magnesium 0.04% and the rest is zinc.
The aluminium improves mechanical
properties and also reduces the tendency of zinc o
dissolve iron. Copper increases the tensile strength, hardness and ductility. Magnesium has tne
and Non-Ferrous Alloys
Fero 267
effect of making
castings the
otive industry hioh permanently Thes alloys are widely used in
anently stable. These
and for other
high production
It is silvery white
a metal capable of
taking a high polish, Its specific gravity is 8.85 and
noint 1452°C. It is almost as
hard as soft steel. When it
contains a smail au of
it 1S quite.malleable. It can be
satisfactorily rolle with as little as 0.005 per cent of
t is somewhat less ductile than soft steel. But
small amount of magnesium improves
considerably. It resists the attacks of most of the acids. the
But it dissolves readily in nitric
It is used an alloy1ng metal in some types of steels and cast irons. It is extensively used as a
ating for other metals such as steel, copper, brass etc., for both decorative and corrosion
protection purposes.
1. Monel metal. It is an important alloy of nickel and copper. It contains 68% nickel, 29%
copper and 3% other constituents like iron, manganese, silicon and carbon. Its specific
gravity is 8.87 and melting point 1360°C. It resembles with nickel in appearance and is
strong, ductile and tough. It is superior to brass and bronze in corrosion resisting
properties. It is used for making propellers, pump fitings, condenser tubes, steam turbine
blades, sea water exposed parts, tanks and chemical and food handling plants.
2. Iconel. It consists of 80% nickel, 14% chromium and the rest is iron. Its specific gravity
is 8.55 and melting point 1395°c. This alloy has excellent mechanical properties at
ordinary and elevated temperatures. It can be casted, rolled and cold drawn. It is used for
making springs, which have to withstand high temperatures and are exposed to corrosive
action. It is also used for exhaust manifolds of aircraft engines.
3. Nichrome. It consists of 65% nickel, 15% chromium and 20% iron. It has a high heat and
Oxidation resistance. It is used in making electrical resistance wire for electric furnaces
and heating elements.
4. Nimonic. It consists of 80% nickel and 20% chromium. It has high strength and ability
to operate under intermittent heating and cooling conditions. It is widely used in gas
turbine engines.
It is the
the lightest metal used as an engineering material. The tensile strength of cast metal is
It is silvery white, hard, highly crystalline and so brittle that it
may be readily powdered
under the hammer. Its specific gravity is 6.62 and
melting point 630°C. It is mostly used as an
alloying elements with most of the heavy metals. The metals, with which antimony is most
commonly alloyed are lead, tin and copper.
The following are widely used bearing metals:
1. Copper-base alloys;
2. Lead-base alloys,
3. Tin-base alloys and
4. Cadmium-base alloys.
The copper-base alloys are the most important bearing alloys. These alloys are harder and
stronger than the white metals (lead base and tin base alloys) and one used for bearings subjected
to heavy pressures. These include brasses and bronzes which are discussed in Art. 13.23 and
13.24. The lead base and tin base alloys are discussed in Art 13.27 and 13.29. The cadmium base
alloys contain 95% cadmium and 5% silver. It is used for medium loaded bearings subjected to
high temperature.
The selection of a particular type of bearing metal depends upon the conditions under which
it is to be used. It involves factors
relating to bearing pressures, rubbing speeds, temperatures,
lubrication etc. A bearing material should have the following
1. It should have low coefficient of friction.
2. It should have good wearing qualities.
3. It should have ability to withstand bearing pressure:
4. It should have ability of operate satisfactorily with suitable lubrication means at the
maximum rubbing speeds.
5. It should have a sufficient melting
6. It should have high thermal conductivity.
7. It should have good casting qualities.
8. It should have minimum shrinkage after
9. It should have non-corrosive
10. It should be economical in cost.