Change in Requested Delivery Date
Change in Requested Delivery Date
Change in Requested Delivery Date
Functional Specification
Call Details:
3000001277 /
Change Request call Requested by Nirvana Singh, ZA
4000001356 (WB)
Change Document Call Estimated Effort 18 person-days
4000001467 (Cust)
Customization TP RD4K977256 Workbench TP RD4K976760
Functional Consultant Arijit Ghose Technical Consultant Suman Padidala
Prepared by Arijit Ghose Approved by
Module SD Date 05 March 2019
Revision History *
Version Date Revision in details
Business Requirment (Please use this section for describing the business requirement area in short)
Detailed Description Make the required delivery date mandatory for ZA sales orders of certain
sales areas only
Intergrative --
Reporting --
User Interface --
Performance Requirments --
Environmental Requirments --
Architectural Requirments --
Authorisation Requirements --
Business Requirement
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Functional Specification
(Please use this section for describing the business requirement in detail, Prefer flow diagram)
Existing Process:
(Please use this section for describing the existing business process either in SAP or Non sap in detail,
Prefer flow diagram)
Currently, sales orders and configured to default the order creation date as the required delivery date.
New Implementation
Change Request:
(Please use this section for describing the expectation of business in SAP Prefer flow diagram)
The ZA requirement is not to default the current date, but to make it mandatory for users to key in a
meaningful date, keeping in mind the delivery KPIs.
Business benefit:
(Please use this section for describing the business benefit in term of Effort reduction or Cost reduction
due to implement this process.
Customer-delivery metrics and ROTD KPIs will be properly measured with an appropriate base target
RE_ 9000371886-
ZA-01ZDA Requested delivery date changes.msg
Requirement email from ZA attached (Larry Sagathevam)
RE_ Requested
delivery date changes.msg
Division list from ZA (Nirvana Singh)
Applicable sales areas: ZA01 + all channels + division list in the attached email above.
Functional Specifiction
(Functional design Concept – Input / Output, Logic and Tables To describe in detail)
(Please use this section for describing Input details).
Program Logic:
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Functional Specification
(Please use this section for describing the logic to be implemented. Provide necessary details about
Tabls, Fields, Logics, other technical details etc)
(Please use this section for describing output requirement of the program including output template)
Test Plan:
(Please provide the details how to test with Transaction code, Input and output parameters)
To check VA01 (orders), CBOL orders, quotations, quote >> order, order >> order, etc.
Program type *
Tables Involved
Design of Desired Form – Layout Set (specify the default layout if available)
Attach copy of existing form as sample. Explain here the details requirment for layout viz., Usage / Data /
Volume / Can it be Standardised etc.,
If this form is a copy of a standard form or if there is a model in the legacy system, please include the copy here.
Include also the name of the standard form and path/transaction where it is in the SAP System
Desired Output
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without express authority is strictly forbidden. * Mandatory
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Functional Specification
Report Creation Mode Report Painter Report Writer ABAP ABAP Program
Type of Interface Real-Time Batch
Data Mapping
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Functional Specification
Process Logic
Tables Involved
Tables Involved
Specify the available enhancement name, customising path and details about what must be done. Please ensure all
customisation done w.r.t. testing.
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Functional Specification
Refer the first screenshot below: the Req. field is pre-populated with the current date
during order creation, depending on the order-type configuration in VOV8 (TVAK-DATVO) shown in
the second screenshot. The “Req.” is a mandatory field in SAP.
A few sales areas of ZA need this field to be blank by default so that the user can key in the date
manually. Their customer-delivery ROTD reports are based on this date, so they want the user to
enter this date judiciously and not just accept the system default. This feature is needed in both
orders and quotations.
Because order and quotation types are common across all REMSC/AMEA countries, we cannot
change the VOV8 configuration. So, we need an enhancement to meet this requirement.
Though a run-time variable (RV45A-KETDAT) captures this field, the required delivery date is stored
in VBAK-VDATU and also influences the schedule line dates.
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Functional Specification
1. Parameterization – sales org + channel + div + doc cat (quotes/orders/…) + doc type +
activation date + deactivation indicator (Note: doc type is optional; activation date has to be
compared with order creation date; channel and div are optional)
2. During creation only, check for above combination – if found, make the field blank;
however, once the user has entered a date, don’t make it blank again
3. During quotation >> order copy, the date should copy over from quotation (I think this is
standard SAP logic, but you can check. If standard SAP copies the date over, do not blank it
4. During SO >> SO copy, the date should be blank in the new order again (in this case, you
must blank it out in the target order)
5. The above logic to be skipped for interface orders, here the standard SAP logic remains
Possible Challenges:
Users do not usually enter the sales area in the opening screen of VA01 or VA21. The sales
area is determined after s/he has selected the customer and sales area. By that time,
standard SAP has already established the delivery date. You may have to look for a suitable
exit to blank out the date after the sales area is determined.
However, once the user has entered a date, you should not blank it out anymore. This date
has an impact on the schedule line dates, so we need to be careful.
Interface orders (RFC, IDOC, webservices, etc.) should be excluded from our logic;
otherwise, they will all error out because this is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank.
Check if we can internally tweak the TVAK-DATVO value (make it blank) if it helps after the sales
area is determined in the order/quote. But we doubt whether this will work because standard SAP
will have already determined the delivery date (based on the VOV8 setting) before the user selects
the customer. If making TVAK-DATVO blank does not work, then we have to make this date-field
blank via enhancement-logic explicitly. The trick is to find an appropriate spot.
After the user has punched in a date manually, the enhancement should not clear the date again.
Quotation >> order copy should work per standard SAP, i.e., date should not be blanked out in the sales
Order >> order copy – target order should not copy the date from the reference/source order, but have it
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Functional Specification
blanked out so that the user can enter a new date
Z IMG table to capture applicable sales areas and doc categories
Non-functional requirements:
Are the implicit spots to be used called multiple times? If so, you may have to check whether the user has
already maintained a date. In that case, we should not blank it out. Do we need any global variables or
Remember that the user, by coincidence, may also manually select the current date (sy-datum) which is the
same as the SAP-default. This is OK and acceptable as long as the user consciously enters the date by
Another scenario: an experienced user enters a customer and changes the date manually from the current
date (defaulted by SAP) to another date in one pass without pressing enter. What happens then? Do we
anyway wipe out the date and force the user to enter it again?
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