Course Outline For Complete Denture Prosthodontics IV

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Kenya Medical Training College

Faculty of Rehabilitative Sciences
Department of Dental Technology

Course Outlines

Module 25: Course Outline for Complete Denture Prosthodontics IV


Code: CDP406
Hours: 97
Credits: 6

Unit Name Hours

Theory Practical
1. Setting of Teeth in Class II and Class III Jaw 12 58
2. Immediate dentures 4 2

3. Denture Duplication and Copying 4 5

4. Overdentures 10 2

Module Competence
This module is designed to enable the learner set teeth in Class II and III jaw relationships,
fabricate immediate dentures, duplicate dentures, copy dentures, plan overdentures.

By the end of this module, the learner should:
1. Set teeth in Class II and III

2. Fabricate immediate dentures

3. Duplicate and copy dentures

4. Plan overdentures

Content Delivery

Week Dates Unit Coverage

From To Theory Practicum
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13

Week 14


Teaching Strategies
Lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, independent study, field visits

Teaching/Learning Resources
Lecturer, dental Laboratory, teaching models, projector, internet, white board/Pens

Assessment Strategies

Formative: Accounts for 40% of the total marks

CATs, RATs, class assignments, group presentations.

Summative: End of Module Exam, FQE

End of semester examination accounts for 60% of the total marks

References/Further Readings

Shaw, D.M. (1927). Dental Prosthetic Mechanics. London:Edward Arnold and Co.
Osborne, J. (1939). Dental Mechanics for Students. London Unity Press Ltd;
Schwartz, J.R. (1942). Modern Methods of Tooth Replacement.Brocklyn: Dental Items of
Interest Publishing Co.
Schweitzer, J.M. (1947). Restructure dentistry: A Clinical Photographic Presentation.St. Louis:
CV Mosby.
Craddock, F.W. (1945). Prosthetic Dentistry: A Clinical Outline St. Louis: CV Mosby.
Fenn, H. (1974). Clinical Dental Prosthetic. (2nded). London: Crosby Lockwood Staples

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