Line-to-Line Fault Detection For Photovoltaic Arrays Based On Multiresolution Signal Decomposition and Two-Stage Support Vector Machine
Line-to-Line Fault Detection For Photovoltaic Arrays Based On Multiresolution Signal Decomposition and Two-Stage Support Vector Machine
Line-to-Line Fault Detection For Photovoltaic Arrays Based On Multiresolution Signal Decomposition and Two-Stage Support Vector Machine
Abstract—Fault detection in photovoltaic (PV) arrays output of a PV array under different operating conditions, may
becomes difficult as the number of PV panels increases. further increase the difficulty of detecting such faults [2].
Particularly, under low irradiance conditions with an active A number of methods for PV fault detection have been pre-
maximum power point tracking algorithm, line-to-line
(L-L) faults may remain undetected because of low fault sented in the literature. Detecting the change of PV internal
currents, resulting in loss of energy and potential fire resistance using the signals in the extremum-seeking control
hazards. This paper proposes a fault detection algorithm (ESC)-based MPPT method is proposed in [3]. Internal resis-
based on multiresolution signal decomposition for feature tance can be used for monitoring the performance of a PV array,
extraction, and two-stage support vector machine (SVM) but needs further development to be used for fault detection. Ad-
classifiers for decision making. This detection method only
requires data of the total voltage and current from a PV ditionally, it may not be applicable in PV systems with different
array and a limited amount of labeled data for training the MPPT algorithms. Based on the quantum probability model the-
SVM. Both simulation and experimental case studies verify ory, [4] presents a series arc-fault detection algorithm for PV
the accuracy of the proposed method. systems. Regarding the islanding protection for grid-connected
Index Terms—Fault detection, multiresolution signal PV system, [5] introduces a method using the active frequency
decomposition (MSD), photovoltaic (PV) power system, pro- drift method with the help of a positive feedback, while [6]
tection, renewable energy, support vector machine (SVM), uses the extension neural networks and chaos synchronization
wavelet transformation. (CS) to detect faults. An active method to detect hot spots (due
to partial shading conditions) within a series of PV cells using
I. INTRODUCTION ac parameter characterization has been proposed in [7]. These
methods seek to detect PV problems other than L-L faults.
R nificantly contributing to sustainable power generation,
considering the increasing demand and global environmental
There are a few algorithms for detecting PV faults by compar-
ing the estimated and measured PV parameters. A maximum-
power-based PV performance validation method is proposed in
degradation. Among various RES, solar energy is one of the [8], which monitors and analyzes three types of silicon-based
most attractive power sources because of its technical, econom- PV arrays in the Italian alpine region, by comparing the mea-
ical, and environmental benefits. Increasing deployment of PV sured and rated maximum power of the PV systems. Another
systems is revealing various technical issues that used to be un- maximum-power-comparison-based algorithm to detect ground
known to the PV industry. PV array L-L short-circuit fault is one faults, mismatch faults, and bridged faults in PV systems has
such issues that can cause PV failure and lower system efficiency been presented in [9], where a fractional-order color relation
[1]. L-L faults are hardly detectable under low irradiance condi- classifier is employed to quantify the output power degradation
tions or when the fault occurs between points with close electric and determine faults. Platon et al. [10] proposed an online fault
potential, i.e., low mismatch faults. Moreover, maximum power detection method by comparing the model predicted and mea-
point tracking (MPPT) schemes, while optimizing the power sured values of the ac power output for a Canadian PV system.
Based on descriptive and inferential statistics, [11] compares
Manuscript received September 5, 2017; revised January 11, 2017 the offline estimation and online measurement of a PV system
and March 20, 2017; accepted April 25, 2017. Date of publication May to monitor its operation and detect faults. Guerriero et al. [12]
11, 2017; date of current version October 9, 2017. (Corresponding introduced a method, which installs a wireless self-powered sen-
author: Zhehan Yi.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer En- sor on each PV panel, and compares the measured and estimated
gineering, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 maximum string power based on the iMPPT algorithm proposed
USA (e-mail:; in [13]. A panel-based multipurpose sensor, which is equipped
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at with voltage, current, irradiance, temperature, and inertial mon-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2017.2703681 itoring, is used to detect faults in PV arrays by analyzing its
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B. SVM Fig. 7. Training and testing process of the proposed fault detection
The decision making stage employs an SVM, which has been
successfully used for fault detection in power systems [41], [42].
It has emerged as a machine learning technique for efficiently data clouds of some L-L faults, e.g., small-mismatch L-L faults,
learning from minimum amount of raw data, and particularly, and environmental disturbances is fuzzy in the feature space.
for fast solving binary classification problems [43], making it a Therefore, to increase the accuracy, a two-stage SVM classifier
powerful decision making stage for detecting L-L faults in PV is proposed in this method to detect L-L faults in PV arrays.
arrays from normal operation cases. It differentiates data clouds Fig. 7 illustrates the training and testing process of the proposed
in the feature space by a hyperplane that separates data with two-stage SVM. The training set contains the 3-D feature sam-
the maximized margins for both sides. The nearest data sam- ples F train1 (f1i , f2i , f3i ) from collected L-L faults and normal
ples to the hyperplane in the feature space are named “support operating situation, which are then divided into two groups:
vectors.” Fig. 6 illustrates the basic mechanism of a linear SVM 50% to train SVM1, the other 50% to self-evaluate SVM1. The
that separates two data clouds in a 2-D feature space, where the outcome of SVM1 will be a binary quantity string, which con-
hyperplane in 2-D space is a line. For data clouds that are not sists of the self-evaluation result of each sample, where L-L
linearly separable, a kernel function is used to map the original fault is labeled as “1” and normal situation is “0.” Two sliding
training instances xi (i = 1, ..., γ) to a higher dimensional space windows, mean μ and variance var (length l, same as the length
where data clouds are more likely to be linearly separable [44], of the moving average windows of f1 and f3 ), are applied to the
which is also known as the nonlinear SVM, whose learning pro- outcome string, the result of which, F train2 (μi , vari ), are used
cess can be mathematically formulated as an optimization task to train the second stage, SVM2. The two-stage SVM classi-
γ fier is fully trained at this point. The real-time testing stream,
1 T F test (f1i , f2i , f3i ), that is collected from PV arrays can be fed
min ω ω+C ζi (8) i
2 into the classifier to detect if there are L-L faults. Following the
testing process in Fig. 7, the testing set evaluates the trained
subject to yi (ω T χω + b) ≥ 1 − ζi (9) SVM1, where the results are applied by the sliding mean and
where ω is inversely proportional to the SVM separation mar- variance windows, and are fed to the trained SVM2 to see the
gin, χ is the transformation from the original feature space to final detection results. The final outcome will be L-L fault or
higher dimensional space, i denotes the current sample, γ is the normal operation. This proposed algorithm focuses on distin-
number of training samples, C is the penalty of misclassifying guishing L-L faults from normal operations, such as normal
the training samples, ζi is the slack variable, and y ∈ {1, −1}γ change of irradiance or temperature.
[45]. By numerous examinations and simulations, Gaussian It is noteworthy that, the proposed two-stage SVM is a binary
radial basis function K(xi , xj ) = χ(xi )T χ(xj ) is selected as classifier that requires training using only a minimal amount of
the kernel function [46], where history data from the PV system being tested, and the proposed
algorithm mainly focuses on detecting L-L faults in PV ar-
−||xi − xj ||22 rays. However, since vPV and iPV have been normalized using
K(xi , xj ) = exp . (10)
σ2 VOC and ISC under STC, respectively, before feature extrac-
tions, the proposed method is applicable in different scales of
C. Proposed Two-Stage SVM Method and Detection PV systems without significant tuning. Additionally, to detect
other types of PV faults, more stages of the SVM can be em-
As is discussed in Section II, there are challenges that may ployed in parallel or in further steps to provide more detailed
prevent L-L faults from being detectable. In fact, the boundary of classifications.
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Fig. 11. L-L fault detection results for different training sets.
range of situations, including those that have not been used
for training the two-stage SVM. For short-circuit faults with
zero fault impedance, the proposed method achieves 100% ac- TABLE III
curacy in most situations. As fault impedance increases, or the L-L FAULT DETECTION RESULTS FOR A PV ARRAY WITH BLOCKING DIODES
mismatch percentage decreases, L-L faults becomes more and
more difficult to be detected, because the impact of such faults Mismatch Fault Impedance (Ω)
on the entire system is minimum and is similar to that caused Percentage(%) 0 5 15 25
by environmental factors, such as irradiance and temperature
changes. For instance, an L-L fault with 10% mismatch and 60 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5
50 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5
25-Ω impedance would be an extremely difficult detection case. 40 5/5 5/5 5/5 4/5
However, the average accuracy of the proposed method over 30 5/5 5/5 5/5 4/5
these numerous cases demonstrates its promising performance. 20 5/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
10 5/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
Compared to recent works on PV fault detection, the approach
introduced in Ref.[20] is able to detect L-L faults with high
mismatch percentage; however, it fails to detect any L-L faults
with 20% mismatch, while this proposed method can detect all 3) Case Studies for PV Array with String Blocking
these faults when there is no fault impedance in the short-circuit Diodes: The performance of the proposed scheme is further
path. Another method proposed in [19] is able to detect L-L validated for detecting L-L faults in a PV array with a blocking
faults with 10% mismatch, which is a difficult detection case, diode in each string. The PV system uses the same parameters as
with an accuracy of 1.43% when there is no fault impedance. previous tests. 120 additional cases of L-L faults are applied to
The proposed method improves the accuracy for this situation the PV array, under different combinations of irradiance (300,
to 66.77%. 500, 800, 1000, and 1200 W/m2 ), mismatch percentage (10,
Fig. 10 illustrates the accuracy of the proposed method 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 %), and fault impedance (0, 5, 15, and
(trained by Set a) as a function of mismatch percentage for 25 Ω). The two-stage SVM is trained using Set d. Table III lists
different irradiance levels. Faults under low irradiance tend to the detection results under different situations, which proves
remain hidden because of low fault current and response of that, blocking diodes does not affect the performance of the
active MPPT algorithms, as is discussed in Section II. It is note- proposed method. It can detect L-L faults with a high accuracy
worthy that, to reduce the complexity and costs of training for in PV systems with string blocking diodes, even when proposed
each training set, the SVM only uses 24 cases as labeled faults, method is trained using data without these blocking diodes. This
which is less than 1% of the test cases (2856). The detection is primarily because the features (f1 , f2 , and f3 ) are extracted
accuracy is expected to increase as the training set expands. based on the rate of change of the array voltage and current.
Moreover, simulation results indicate that the proposed method Although blocking diodes may prevent back-feeding currents,
is able to detect faults under different situations (irradiance, an L-L fault will still lead to a sudden change in the terminal
temperature, fault impedance, point on wave) in spite of the current, which can be detected by the proposed method. The
conditions of training sets. Fig. 11 compares the average ac- performance of the proposed method is expected to be improved
curacy of the proposed method trained by the aforementioned if it can be fine tuned using data from systems with blocking
sets (Set a, b, c, and d). As the SVM is trained by samples un- diodes.
der lower irradiance condition, the proposed classifier is more 4) Case Studies for Disturbances From Change of
sensitive to low-percentage mismatch faults, and the detection Irradiance or Temperature: Weather disturbances, e.g., ir-
accuracy is enhanced: 68.75% for L-L fault with 10% mismatch radiance and temperature fluctuations, are temporary distur-
from Set d (300 W/m2 ), compared to 40.42% of that from Set a bances that occur frequently in PV systems. Since these may
(1000 W/m2 ). also cause disturbances to the operating point, fault detection
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characteristics and the operating point of a PV array are af- PV Panel Polycrystalline Silicon,
fected similarly compared with L-L faults. To prevent hot spots, I SS T
= 0.15 A, V O C = 6V
bypass diodes are installed in the dc junction box of a PV panel. Inverter Model: GTI300W, built-in MPPT,
input: 10.5 to 28 V, output: 90 to 140 V
In normal situations, bypass diodes are reverse biased. When Fuse Threshold = 2.1 I SS T C
= 0.315 A
a panel is shadowed, bypass diodes will conduct the extract
current from the healthy panels to protect the shaded panel.
To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm in partial
shading conditions, 40 examples of partial shading disturbances B. Experimental Verification
under 25 ◦ C are performed, with the combinations of the shaded 1) Experimental Setup and Procedures: To further
area on the array(5–50%, with an increment of 5%) and the re- evaluate the performance of the proposed fault detection method
duced irradiance (200, 400, 600, and 800 W/m2 ). The two-stage in practice, a small-scale grid-connected PV system is set up for
SVM is trained by Set a. Five partial shading samples from the experiments. As is shown in Fig. 12, the PV array consists
aforementioned tests (10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, and 50 % shaded of 7 (parallel) × 4 (series) polycrystalline-silicon PV panels,
area with an irradiance reduced by 400 W/m2 ) are added to the where each string contains a fuse to protect the PV panels. A
nonfault training set. The other 35 partial shading cases are used microinverter is used to interface the PV array and deliver power
to evaluate the proposed method. to the grid, and a data station is used to collect the voltage and
Results show that, the proposed method is able to distinguish current of the PV array. Features are extracted and analyzed
L-L faults from partial shading situation. None of the 35 par- via the data station. Table IV shows the detailed parameter of
tial shading cases is incorrectly classified as an L-L fault. This the experimental setup. One hundred seventy-seven L-L faults
is mainly because L-L faults and partial shading disturbances with different combinations of mismatch percentages (50% and
result in different wavelet patterns that are used as the fault de- 25%) and fault impedances (0, 5, 15, 25 Ω) are tested. The data
tecting features. The signal transients caused by an L-L fault sampling rate is approximately 5000 Hz and the length of sliding
and a shaded panel with a conducting bypass diode are also windows l for features f1 and f3 is 100 samples.
different. Moreover, adding a few partial shading cases in the 2) Experiment Results and Discussions: Among the
nonfault training set allows the SVM to adjust the hyperplane 177 cases, data from four faults with 50% mismatch and another
that separates L-L faults and the nonfault cases, which contain four faults with 25% mismatch (only eight training samples in
partial shading samples. Furthermore, the proposed two-stage total) are used to train the SVM, while others are used to test
SVM increases the capability and accuracy of classification. To the detection system. Table V presents the results of the exper-
further distinguish partial shading situations from other distur- iments. Although the proposed method is trained using only 8
bances, more stages of SVM can be trained and employed in out of the 177 collected faults, it performs satisfactorily with
parallel or further classification steps. a high detection accuracy. More than 90% of the faults are
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A fault detection algorithm for PV systems based on pattern
recognition and machine learning techniques is proposed to im-
prove the detection accuracy for challenging L-L fault scenarios
that occur under low irradiance, through a high impedance, or in
interaction with the MPPT scheme. The method takes advantage
of the MSD technique to extract the feature space of L-L faults.
A two-stage SVM classifier is proposed for decision making.
Both simulations and experiments are carried out, which verify
the promising performance of the proposed scheme. The pro-
posed method is economical as it only requires measurements
of the overall voltage and current of a PV array instead of nu-
merous costly sensors. Trained by a minimum portion of data,
this algorithm presents satisfactory accuracy in detecting L-L
faults under different operating conditions.
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Zhehan Yi (S’13) received the B.Sc. degree in Amir H. Etemadi (S’08–M’12) received the
electrical engineering from Beijing Jiaotong Uni- B.Sc. degree from the University of Tehran,
versity, Beijing, China, in 2012, and the M.Sc. de- Tehran, Iran, in 2005, the M.Sc. degree from
gree in electrical engineering from The George the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in
Washington University, Washington, DC, USA, 2007, and the Ph.D. degree from the University
where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, in 2012, all in elec-
degree in electrical engineering. trical engineering.
He is currently a Graduate Research As- He is currently an Assistant Professor with
sistant with The George Washington University. the Department of Electrical and Computer
His research interests include distributed gener- Engineering, The George Washington Univer-
ations, power electronics, microgrid, and solar sity, Washington, DC, USA. His research inter-
PV systems. ests include distributed generations and power system dynamics and
Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on June 17,2021 at 04:07:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.