Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Photovoltaic Syst
Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Photovoltaic Syst
Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Photovoltaic Syst
Abstract. Among several renewable energy resources, Solar has great potential to solve the world’s energy
problems. With the rapid expansion and installation of PV system worldwide, fault detection and diagnosis
has become the most significant issue in order to raise the system efficiency and reduce the maintenance
cost as well as repair time. This paper presented a method for monitoring, identifying, and detecting
different faults in PV array. This method is built based on comparing the measured electrical parameters
with its theoretical parameters in case of normal and faulty conditions of PV array. For this purpose, three
ratios of open circuit voltage, current, and voltage are obtained with their associated limits in order to detect
eight different faults. Moreover, the fuzzy logic control FLC method is performed for studying the failure
configuration and categorizing correctly the different faults occurred. The outcomes obtained by performing
the different faults representing permanent and temporary faults demonstrated that the FLC was equipped to
precisely identify the faults upon their occurring. Different simulated and experimental tests are conducted
to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.
Where is the light-generated current at Standard The shading profiles can be extremely unexpected due to
Test Condition STC, is the diode current, is the non-uniform of radiation during occurring that condition.
current in shunt resistance, is the dark saturation The all PV array is assumed shaded with solar radiation
current at STC, is the panel series resistance, is G= 500 W/m2 at 25 oC of temperature T at Standard Test
the panel shunt resistance, is the number of series cells Condition STC ( G=1000 W/m2, and T= 25 oC ).The -
in the PV panel and is the thermal voltage and it can and 𝑃𝑃- characteristics are illustrated in Fig. 2, for
be defined based on: normal and fault cases analysis. In case of PS situation,
the short circuit current remains constant, but the
(3) open-circuit voltage significantly reduces with the
Where the ideal diode factor, is Boltzmann's increase of the shaded modules.
constant and is the charge of the electron.
Although, the environmental conditions of solar 2.2.2 Partial shading fault with bypass diode failure
radiation and temperature have a direct influence on the (F2)
PV modules output characteristics. Therefore, their effect
should be taken into consideration during studying the The assumption of this case is all bypass diodes that
different features in case of normal and fault cases. connected parallel with the PV modules are open
circuited during the case of PS occurring. The received
solar radiation density is assumed to be G= 500 W/m2 at
25 oC. - and 𝑃𝑃- characteristics of this case cases are
shown in Fig. 2. In this case, the maximum power 𝑃𝑃 ,
E3S Web of Conferences 107, 02001 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201910702001
and of the PV system significantly decrease due to the in Fig. 2, and 𝑃𝑃 dramatically decrease due to
voltage drop lost on the shaded modules while bypass reduction in the solar radiation, while reduces
diode not working properly, while rests the same of significantly with the rise in the number of covered
previous PS. modules by snow.
2.2.3 The short circuit fault at STC (F3, and F4) 2.2.6 Bird or tree leaves dropping at STC (F8)
The short-circuit fault is an accidental interconnection in This kind of temporary fault occurs due to presence of
the current carrying conductor, PV cells/modules bird or leaves prevent totally the solar radiation to be
cracking, or connections between modules with received by the PV module. It's assumed that one full
considerable effect on the series and parallel resistance of module is fully covered, i.e. the solar radiation equals 0
the PV array. In this part, it's assumed in F3 and F4 that W/m2 at a normal temperature, and the remaining PV
PV modules have a short circuit problem in two modules, modules receives the normal solar radiation. As shown in
and four modules respectively. From shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 2, is the same, while and 𝑃𝑃 significantly
nearly the same, while and 𝑃𝑃 of these cases reduce with the rise in the numbers of covered modules.
significantly reduce with the rise in the numbers of For detecting these kinds of faults, a method of
shorted modules. comparing the ratios with their threshold high and low
limits is discussed and implemented using FLC algorithm.
2.2.4 Open circuit fault at STC (F5, and F6)
3 Methodology of PV faults diagnosis
The open-circuit fault is an unexpected disconnection
inside the PV module conductor which influence on the and detection algorithm
array total resistance during the fault. In this part, we The fault diagnosis technique used in this paper is based
assume in F5 and F6 that PV modules have a on the threshold limits, furthermore, one normal and eight
disconnection problem in two modules and four modules, faulty categories are discussed and detected, then, the
respectively while the bypass diode is connected in ratios between the measured and the simulated
parallel with the modules. - and 𝑃𝑃- curves have been parameters of PV string are compared with threshold
compared with the PV array in case of short circuit case, limits in order to detect the exact type of fault. Moreover,
as shown in Fig. 2. almost remains constant, while the analysis of the main attributes in the I-V
and 𝑃𝑃 of these cases slightly drop with the increase of characteristics of each string in the PV array plays the
the disconnected module numbers due to voltage drop on main role to localize faults accurately.
the bypass diode equals 0.8 v across each faulty module, Three ratios have been identified to detect different
which directly has a significant influence on the total types of faults in DC side; , , and have been
output power, and voltage. This means power gets lost in used to categorize the region where the fault has occurred.
bypass diode which is given by [13]: All ratios can be calculated using the following
𝑃𝑃 (4) expressions:
Where, is the module output current and is
the voltage drop across the bypass diode.
Fig. 2. The I-V, and P-V curves of normal and faulty condition of the PV system at STC.
E3S Web of Conferences 107, 02001 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201910702001
In fact, the efficiency of the MPPT device used in the abnormal scenario, they play the main role in the fault
PV system has not the efficiency of 100%, in this paper, detection and diagnosis scenarios.
we assume the MPPT efficiency greater than or equal The output FLC algorithm is based on the
95%). Therefore, these ratios are subjected to high and comparison of the three ratios with the calculated
low limits. threshold high and low limit values, then send an alarm
to the operator for taking correct action as shown in Fig.
4 which illustrates the flowchart of the proposed method.
3.1 High limit OCR VR IR
Where the minimum efficiency of the MPPT device Run simulation, and get the simulated values
of Voc, Vm, and Im
is applied. The low limits shown in Table 2 can be
expressed for every case by the following formulas: Calculate the values of OCR, VR,
(11) and IR
(13) within normal
Yes ) Normal
The difference between this method and the other region
that this method discusses a number of temporary faults Start FLC algorithm
) Alarm
FLC is one of the modern artificial techniques used in
fault diagnosis in the PV system. A concise diagram of
Fig. 4. The flowchart of the proposed fault detection method.
the ongoing productions on FL schemes configuration is
displayed in [12]. The FLC system attributes are built Table 2. The overall fuzzy logic system classifier system
based on the condition of if, and then statement between design in normal and faulty conditions
numbers of uncertain input set of data in order to give
decisions called the membership function output. OCR F.
VR limits IR limits
In this paper, Sugeno FL classifier is exhibited and Case PS% Limits Classifier
Min Max Min Max Min Max region
confirmed experimentally for its characteristics which
F0 0 1 1.05 1 1.05 1 1.05 0
have been discussed in [12]. The architecture of the
F1 50 1 1.03 0.97 1.03 1.97 2.11 1
implementation is based on the Max-Min arrangement
F2 50 1.04 1.09 1.03 1.07 2.03 2.14 2
procedure with a centroid type for the defuzzification as F3 0 1.17 1.2 1.16 1.23 1 1.01 3
shown in Fig. 3, moreover, eight FL rules were selected F4 0 1.44 1.48 1.42 1.49 1 1.01 4
and implemented in order to detect accurately the F5 0 1.18 1.25 1.17 1.24 1.01 1.03 5
occurred faults in the PV array as presented in Table 1. F6 0 1.48 1.56 1.49 1.56 1.01 1.04 6
From the previous analysis of the OCR, VR, and IR in F7 0 1 1.15 1.11 1.25 1.08 10 7
the PV system, the fault diagnosis scenarios can be F8 0 1.08 1.14 1.05 1.25 0.97 1.05 8
obtained. Each OCR, VR, and IR region represent a fault
case could happen in the PV system. While , and
have a rapid change during each case of normal and
E3S Web of Conferences 107, 02001 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201910702001
E3S Web of Conferences 107, 02001 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201910702001
region samples 7 from total samples 720 equals 99% In addition, the FLC is adopted in this study due to
which improves the monitoring of the PV system. As can its straightforwardness and high computational speed,
we see that, the proposed method can precisely and and it can be applicable in case of large scale PV plant
effectively classify, and detect the different faults data. due to low monitoring cost and economic benefits.