NSTP Chem Syllabus

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University of the Philippines Diliman

National Service Training Program


Course Title: Service to the Nation through Empowerment and Participatory Leadership

Course Code: NSTP CM

Course Description:
This course sets the basic framework of service to the community and the Filipino people as
the basis for all NSTP component courses. It emphasizes the UP values of honor and
excellence in the service of the people, and is consistent with the principles embodied in the
NSTP IRR of 2009.

Course Goals:
This course aims to:
● Establish an NSTP framework anchored on the university’s values of honor and excellence in
the service of the people
● Instill civic consciousness and defense preparedness among UP students, developing an
understanding of the vital role of the youth in public service and nation building
● Produce nationalistic, innovative, and ethical NSTP graduates equipped with basic
competencies required in the conduct of the NSTP component courses (CWTS, LTS and
ROTC) and NSRC or Citizen Armed Force

Course Outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students shall be able to:
● Express correctly the NSTP framework that is anchored on the vital role of the youth, and
University's ideals of honor, academic excellence, and public service to address national
security concerns;
● Reflect on the concepts of self and others; human dignity and rights; gender sensitivity;
citizenship training; DRRM; environmental advocacy; drug education in order to become a
better involved citizen of the country;
● Demonstrate the following basic competencies necessary for the conduct of NSTP
component courses:
a. exhibit sensitivity to issues necessary for citizenship training and
community service
b. apply basic DRRM principles and skills necessary for community service
● Demonstrate at least an incipient level of civic consciousness, security preparedness, ethical
public service, and a role in nation-building

Mode of Delivery: Course materials and module guides can be accessed via the common UVLe for
all NSTP CS Chem students. Sessions that call for synchronous meetings will be done by class, to
the discretion of the instructor.

Course Materials: Refer to the study guide per module for the specific list of references to be used
for each module. Materials vary from videos, radio interviews, articles, websites, etc.

Study Schedule: Study guides and materials will be given at the start of the semester. Assessments
are to be submitted one week after the scheduled module. Other activities such as online forums may
be done the whole week. Synchronous sessions (if any) are to be scheduled during class hours.

Based on the Approved Writeshops Phase 1 Common Module Topics Syllabi | 24 August 2020
Description of study schedule and table below:

Learning Learning Assessment Learning

Week Topic/s
Outcomes Activities Tools Resources

Week 1 General Discuss the

Orientation overview of the
course content and

Week 2 NSTP Tatak 1. Recognize the 1. Watch video 1. Reflection Refer to the
(3 hours) UPD Orientation role of UP as a clips. paper Study Guide
public service 2. Read the (NSTP 1 Week
September reference 2).
university, and of
21-27 materials.
themselves as 3. Write down
public servants; notes if needed.
2. Understand the
rationale behind
the rules governing
the conduct of the
3. Familiarize
themselves with
the Tatak UPD
NSTP Framework;
4. Become aware
of various national
security concerns.

Week 3 Understanding 1. Analyze the core 1. Listen to the 1. Personality Refer to the
(At most 3.5 the Self and concepts pertinent corresponding test Study Guide
hrs) Others to “self” and radio episode. 2. Creative (NSTP 1 Week
“others” using the 2. Write down output 3).
September most applicable notes if needed.
28 - October perspective; 3. Answer
4 2. Appreciate one’s personality test.
values, strengths, 4. Participate in
and weaknesses in role assignment
relation to his/her and
identified role in corresponding
society; and discussion.
3. Propose
personal concrete
guideposts in
relation to one’s
role as Iskolar ng
Bayan while
enrolled in NSTP
as a reservist.

Based on the Approved Writeshops Phase 1 Common Module Topics Syllabi | 24 August 2020
Week 4 Human Dignity 1. Understand the 1. Watch video 1. Reflection Refer to the
(At most 2.5 and Human basic concept and clips. Paper study guide
hours) Rights principle of human 2. Read the (NSTP 1 Week
dignity and human reference 4)
October 5-11 rights; materials.
2. Contextualize 3. Participate in
the development of class
international and discussion.
Philippine laws,
customs, and
traditions that
enshrine human
rights; and
3. Assess human
rights situations,
issues, violations,
or projects in the
global and
Philippine context
specifics include
human rights
before and now,
importance of
human rights,
martial law, drug
war, anti-terror bill,
to name a few).

Week 5 Gender and 1. Facilitate the 1. Listen to the 1. Reference Refer to the
(3 hours) Development/UP understanding of radio episodes. poll Study Guide
ASH Code sexual 2. Read the 2. Reflection (NSTP 1 Week
October 12- development and reference paper 5).
18 basic concepts in materials.
gender including 3. Write down
SOGIE; notes if needed.
2. Contextualize
the development of
laws and mandates
on gender
3. Assess gender
issues and
specifics include
how violations
occur and why
these violations are
harmful); and
4. Develop gender
sensitivity and

Based on the Approved Writeshops Phase 1 Common Module Topics Syllabi | 24 August 2020
Week 6 Citizenship 1. Describe the 1. Listen to 1. Reflection Refer to the
(4.5 hours) Training concepts of nation, audio clips Paper Study Guide
nationalism, nation 2. Watch video 2. Creative (NSTP 1 Week
building and clips output 6)
October 19- citizenship; 3. Take down
25 2. Recognize the notes.
roles of an
individual as a
citizen in a society
and nation; and
3. Manifest cultural
especially in their
interaction with
other members of
the society.

Week 7 Disaster Risk 1. Discuss basic 1. Watch video 1. Reflection Refer to the
(3 hours) Reduction DRRM (Disaster clips. paper Study Guide
Management Risk Reduction and 2. Read the (NSTP 1 Week
October 26 - Management) reference 7).
November 1 concepts; materials.
2. Identify DRRM 3. Write down
framework in notes if needed.
different levels of
the community;
3. Describe current
national and/or
local DRRM
protocols and
4. Recognize
DRRM procedures
applicable to their
respective families
and barangays; and
5. Practice
cooperation and
collaboration in
facilitating DRRM.

Week 8 Basic Life Saving 1. Explain 1. Listen to the 1. Creative Refer to the
(3 hours) appropriate basic radio episodes. Output Study Guide
life saving 2. Watch video 2. Short Quiz (NSTP 1 Week
November 2- techniques and clips 8).
8 protocols, 3. Read the
2. Conduct a reference
careful situational materials.
analysis of an 4. Write down
emergency notes if needed.
situation, and 5. Participate in
3. Demonstrate a simulation on
responsible basic life saving.
administration of
appropriate basic
life saving

Based on the Approved Writeshops Phase 1 Common Module Topics Syllabi | 24 August 2020
Week 9 Environmental 1. Develop sensitivity 1. Watch video 1. Reflection Refer to the
(2 hours) Protection; to local and global materials and Paper Study Guide
environmental issues listen to radio (NSTP 1 Week
November 9- and concerns; episodes. 9A).
2. Understand the
15 factors and forces
2. Read the
that cause reference
environmental materials.
degradation and 3. Write down
disaster; notes if needed.
3. Map out best
practices and roles of
communities and
individuals in
protection to achieve
balance in serving
humanity and
protecting the
environment; and
4. Apply best
practices and lifestyle
choices that
contribute to
protection and

1. Identify the concept

of drugs and its
effects on self and
2. Define the legal
(3 hours) Drug Education aspect of Drug Use; 1. Watch video 1. Reflection Refer to the
November 9- and clips. paper Study Guide
15 3. Formulate a self- 2. Read the (NSTP 1 Week
contract to maintain a reference 9B).
healthy and drug-free
3. Write down
notes if needed.

Week 10 Redistribution
November 16 Period
- 22 Orientation on

Week 11 Needs Project planning

November 23 Assessment and (by group)
- 29 Project

Week 12 Proposal Writing

November 30
– December

Week 13 Proposal Written Project

December 7 Evaluation Proposal and
–9 evaluation

Based on the Approved Writeshops Phase 1 Common Module Topics Syllabi | 24 August 2020
Course Requirements

During the Common Module, each week corresponds to a lesson that is geared towards national
service. Each lesson has assessment activities, such as reflection paper, creative output, among

For reflection paper and creative outputs, the following criteria shall be followed. For other activities,
please refer to the Study Guides.
● Content - 70%
● Grammar and Coherence (for paper), Creativity (for creative output) - 30%

The rubrics for grading shall be followed as shown:

● Excellent [88-100%]
● Very Good [80-88%)
● Good [72-80%)
● Satisfactory [64-72%)
● Pass [60-64%)
● Remedial/Failing [0-60%)

Lastly, for CWTS 1, the assessment activity is the submission of two project proposals. A project
proposal has the following parts:

I. Project Name
II. Objectives
III. Introduction
IV. Target Community
V. Proposed Timeline
VI. Budget Proposal
VII. Program Flow
VIII. Task Delegation

The criteria and rubrics for grading the project proposals are the same with that of reflection papers.

Grading Breakdown:

The course is divided into the Common Module (CM) and CWTS 1 component. You are required to
submit all requirements in both components to be able to receive a grade.

Late submission of requirements would entail a 20% deduction from your total score in that particular
assessment. Failure to submit any of the requirements will result in a grade of INC.

Requirements Percentage
Weekly Assessments
NSTP Common Module ● Each module is of equal 70%
Project Proposal
● Each proposal is of 25%
equal weight
● Self-evaluation and 5%
Peer evaluation
TOTAL 100%

Based on the Approved Writeshops Phase 1 Common Module Topics Syllabi | 24 August 2020
Percent Final Grade
95 - 100 1.00
90 - 94 1.25
85 - 89 1.50
80 - 84 1.75
75 - 79 2.00
70 - 74 2.25
65 - 69 2.50
60 - 64 2.75
55 - 59 3.00
< 55 5.00
Failure to
submit any INC

House Rules:
You are requested to observe the following:

1. Be kind to yourself and be gentle to others. These are extraordinary situations that have
affected everyone in many ways and levels. Please treat others with respect and compassion.

2. Be mindful of time and its importance. Visit the course site and check your email regularly
for any updates. The course schedule is made to maximize the allotted time for the semester.
Make sure that you follow this schedule and submit the requirements on time.

3. Do your part in the learning process. Read, watch, and study and repeat again as necessary.
Remote learning is so much different than we are used to and studying mostly on your own
has a unique set of challenges. Reach out to your Instructor or to your classmates for support
if you encountered some difficulty. Consult your Instructor if you think you are not doing well;
not when it is too late.

4. Help others when you can. All members of the class: WE—you, your classmates, and the
Instructors—are in this journey together.

5. Adhere to the UP motto: Honor and Excellence. While our present connected world made
sharing and collaboration so easy, maintain your integrity and values. Do your own work
during the formal assessments (reflection papers, creative outputs, etc.) and not share them
with others. Any student found to violate University rules on intellectual dishonesty shall be
subject to the investigation process as prescribed by existing University guidelines.

Based on the Approved Writeshops Phase 1 Common Module Topics Syllabi | 24 August 2020

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