Role of IT Mindfulness On Continuance Intention of Mobile Payment System
Role of IT Mindfulness On Continuance Intention of Mobile Payment System
Role of IT Mindfulness On Continuance Intention of Mobile Payment System
influence and facilitating conditions) as direct study addresses this gap by introducing IT mindfulness
determinants of behavioral intention to use technology in the UTAUT model to find the effect on continuance
(Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003) . In use of mobile payment system.
UTAUT, performance expectancy are the same as the
perceived usefulness of TAM, and are defined as "the This research attempts to answer two research questions
degree to which an individual believes that using the i)How IT mindfulness affects the adoption of MPS and
system will help him or her to achieve performance ii) How does the IT mindfulness affects the relationship
gains." As perceived ease of use in TAM, effort between adoption and continuance of MPS. We
expectancy refer to "the degree of ease associated with proposed a research model to answer these question by
the use of the technology (Kim et al., 2010). integrating IT mindfulness in UTAUT model (V.
Venkatesh, M. G. Morris, G. B. Davis, & F. D. Davis,
Some studies have proposed additional factors that are 2003) .
considered specific to the mobile payment environment,
such as risk, network externalities, trust and security, II. Theoretical background
most of the studies conducted are exploratory and early A. Mobile payments
phase studies (Dahlberg, Mallat, Ondrus, & Zmijewska, Mobile payment is a comparatively significant
2008). Mindfulness is one aspect that supports the area for information systems research in the field of
behavioral intended purpose and the use of technology, security, technology and user behaviour, as compared
suggesting that mindfulness will help individuals to similar fields of research such as ecommerce, online
leverage technology and make new technologies work banking or mobile banking. Today, the markets for
for us. Thatcher, Wright, Sun, Zagenczyk, and Klein mobile payment systems have a history of many
(2018) proposed the Mindfulness construct specifically solutions that have been tried and adopted like mobile
for IT (IT Mindfulness) to study the effect of IT wallets, SMS payments, UPI payment systems, NFC
Mindfulness on post adoptive systems and found to based and QR scan method etc. and solutions like
have significant effect. Mindfulness has been defined as Adhaar enabled payment systems are in the adoption
a state of alertness and lively awareness by Langer stages. Singh and Sinha (2020) employed TAM model
(1989).Only very few studies have studied the effect of and found perceived customer value addition and
IT mindfulness at organisation level, Iannacci, Fearon, perceived usefulness of technology had significant
and Pole (2020) studied IT mindfulness in the concept impact on merchant’s mobile wallets adoption Mobile
of adaptive acceptance of social media policy change in payments.Teo, Tan, Ooi, and Lin (2015) studied the
the context of Business-to-Business (B2B) Small-and- adoption of Mobile payment system in multi-religion
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) . This work indicates that and multi-ethnic perspective using UTAUT model and
the mindfulness of a consumer when adopting MPS is a discovered that performance expectancy (PE), effort
key element that defines whether the technology can expectancy (EE), facilitating conditions (FC), and trust
suit the context of the role at the post-acceptance level (TR) are significant with the intention to adopt. As such
and thus has a significant impact on the adoption and many studies concentrated on adoption of mobile
continued usage of MPS by users. People ignore their payment system only few studies taken in to account of
own local environments and social norms than their continuance use of MPS (Chen & Li, 2017; Zhou,
own knowledge and with less mindful way they adopt a 2014).In the research by Zhang and Mao (2019) found
technology. Consequently, at the post-adoption level, that consumers prefer NFC payment method over cash
an adapted technology sometimes turns out to be a poor or card influenced by cognitive as well as affective and
fit in local contexts (Sun, Fang, & Zou, 2016) (Kumar, social antecedents. Trust being an significant factor
Murimi, & Romalice, 2019). among the MPS Cao, Yu, Liu, Gong, and Adeel (2018)
investigates the use of mobile payment system post
Studies has demonstrate that IT mindfulness affects acceptance based on trust transfer theory and noticed
adoption decisions(Sun, 2011) and previous studies that trust transfer mechanism has a positive effect on
have ignored to use IT mindfulness to explore the effect continuance intention of mobile payment through
on continuance use of mobile payment system at the satisfaction
consumer context. We close this divide by decoding
how people can make informed decisions on adoption
and how these decisions will lead to the adoption of a
technology that affects at continuance of MPS. Our
Performance Behavioral
expectancy Intention to Use Behavior
Moderating Variables
B. Model used
Mobile payment has earned a substantial level culture (Im, Hong, & Kang, 2011). From the meta
of attention from IS researchers in the last decade to analysis of UTAUT conducted by Khechine, Lakhal,
study acceptance among consumers. Researchers have and Ndjambou (2016) the model, seen in Figure 1, is
therefore tried to identify factors that affect the one such model and is considered by previous research
behaviour of users. Information systems theories such to be the most reliable model of technology acceptance
as the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the literature.
innovation diffusion theory, the UTAUT model, are
often used as logical foundation (Dahlberg et al., 2008) C. Prior research
. Because to its simplified form and greater explanation Mobile payments have been suggested as a
power, UTAUT has been a popular paradigm in the way to promote micropayment in mobile and retail
years after its conception, and has been utilized stores, and to offer an effective method for minimizing
extensively in technology adoption and the usage of cash at point of sale ( POS) Modern digital
technology diffusion studies as a theoretical prism networks such as internet and mobile shopping are
(Bagozzi, 2007) and many researchers carried out generated with modern payment devices , allowing
empirical studies of consumer intention and behaviour viable and easy purchases on such platforms. Progress
with respect to technology adoption. or lack in electronic payments has financial
consequences for a range of businesses. By offering
In a study Bhattacherjee (2001) adapted Expectation their clients mobile payments or becoming itself a
confirmation Theory to study the continuance of IT and mobile payment service provider, companies can
found that satisfaction is the strongest predictor for achieve competitive advantages (eg. m-Pesa, Airtel
continuous use of technology. The Unified Technology money ,Google pay etc). Mobile payments are
Acceptance and Usage Theory (UTAUT) has been described as the usage of a mobile device to create a
commonly used (Dahlberg et al., 2008) (Tarhini, financial transaction through which money or funds are
Arachchilage, Masa'deh, & Abbasi, 2015) to analyze transmitted from the payer to the recipient via the
factors that affect the reception and use of information intermediary or directly without the intermediary
systems and different technology across different (Mallat, 2007). Most consumer research on mobile
payments focuses on their acceptance and use, and few social cognitive theory (Venkatesh et al.,
studies also focus on m-payment adoption variables 2003).Drawing from the UTAUT model we extend the
such as security, cost, trust, compatibility, switching model to study the continuance of MPS with the
costs, technological impulses, etc (Dahlberg, Guo, & interaction effect of IT Mindfulness at the adoption
Ondrus, 2015) while little is known as to how stage and to study the relation between the behavioral
mindfulness impacts the adoption and intention to use and continuance of MPS. At the stage
continuance intent of the MPS. of adoption, mindfulness can be an important factor
when choosing a technology that will be a great fit
While post-adoption usage by consumers is post adoption(Thatcher et al., 2018). Mindful person
crucial to the performance of mobile payment systems, knows the scope and properly examines the
few studies have paid attention to understanding factors technology’s fundamental qualities in relation to
that influence post-adoption behaviour. Only few alternative technologies (Sun et al., 2016). We
studies, have analyzed the adoption and continuance of developed a research model (Figure 2) about the
mobile payment system in the last years (Chen & Li, influence of IT Mindfulness on behavioral intention to
2017; Lu, Wei, Yu, & Liu, 2017). To understand the adopt and continued use of Mobile payment system
MPS sustenance researchers (Pal, Herath, De’, & Rao, drawing on the UTAUT model.
2020) studied the intention to continue MPS with
predictor variables as contextual facilitators (price The degree of ease associated with technology is
benefit, network externalities, trust, and habit) and defined as an effort expectancy (Venkatesh, Thong, &
barrier factors (risk, lack of facilitating conditions, and Xu, 2012). Consumers become increasingly relaxed
operational constraints). with easy-to-use technology. The more complicated a
technology is, the lower its adoption rate. Effort
Technology users operate in this dynamic world, expectancy helps to determine the intention to adopt
mindfulness may help them adjust to evolving new technology. If the user felt that mobile payment
lifestyle conditions and adapt their technology usage to system is simple to use and requires little work and
new challenges. Dane claims, for example, that in time, they expect the desired performance to be
complex situations, mindful users can decide when and achieved. We define effort expectancy the degree of
how to use the technology. ease associated with using the mobile payment system.
II. Research Model and Hypothesis H1: Effort expectancy positively influences the
In a literature review research Dahlberg et al. behavioral intention to adopt mobile payment system.
(2015) found that researchers only focused extensively
on consumer adoption and technology aspects of
mobile payment systems. Extensive work has identified
the most important factors responsible for the
acceptance of the MPS but there regarding the Post
adoption factors responsible for continuance of MPS
only few studies were conducted (Chen & Li, 2017;
Mensah, 2019; Zhou, 2013) .
Performance expectancy are defined as the degree to assumed by the user to be available to support the use
of a technology, Facilitating conditions are analogous
Effort expectancy
(EE) H1
Behavioral Continuance
Intention to adopt Intention (CI)
H2 (BI) H9
expectancy (PE) H3
H4 H8
IT Mindfulness
and older people (Alwahaishi & Snášel, 2013; Kurfalı, H7: IT mindfulness has direct influence on Continuance
Arifoğlu, Tokdemir, & Paçin, 2017); Lallmahomed, intention of MPS
Lallmahomed, and Lallmahomed (2017) . Drawing
from the literature we propose that facilitating condition H8: Social influence has direct effect on Continuance
influences behavioral intention to use Mobile payment intention of MPS
H9: Facilitating conditions has direct effect on
Social influence is defined as the degree that the person Continuance intention of MPS
who is deemed valuable to him / herself (eg; family,
friends and peers) think that he/she should use the Consumers with a higher intention to adopt a new
new technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003; Venkatesh et technology are more likely to become adopters and to
al., 2012) .Yang, Lu, Gupta, Cao, and Zhang (2012) continue to use the technology, Gupta, Yousaf, and
found that behavioral beliefs in combination with social Mishra (2020). According to UTAUT2 (Venkatesh et
influences is a significant indicator for the adoption and al., 2012), performance expectancy, effort
the use of mobile payment systems, and though their expectancy and social impact are theorized to affect the
effects on compliance vary in different stages. Social behavioral intention to use technology, while
influence were long regarded as a key factor in behavioral intent and facilitating conditions decide the
understanding adoption behaviour in the literature in use of technology. On the basis of a discussion in the
the technology adoption and acceptance models to literature, we present the following hypothesis
study internet banking adoption ,e-commerce adoption
and use of e-government services (Chong, 2013; H10: Behavioral intention to adopt mobile payment
Martins, Oliveira, & Popovič, 2014; Schaupp, Carter, & system positively influence continuance intent of MPS.
McBride, 2010). The underlying theory is that
individuals tend to interact with their close associates to III. Methodology
consult and to minimize their discomfort as a result of The research framework incorporates seven
confusion about the adoption of technology. factors and was measured by multiple items. All items
have been adapted from existing literature to improve
According to Thatcher et al. (2018) IT mindfulness is content validity. Once the instrument was developed, it
defined as an evolving IT-specific feature that is was tested with 30 users who had experience in using
apparent when working with technology, with the user the mobile payment system. Items for UTAUT
focusing on the present, paying particular attention to constructs were are adopted from (Oliveira et al., 2016;
details, willingness to take into consideration other Venkatesh et al., 2003; Venkatesh et al., 2012) and
applications and genuine concern about Items to measure IT Mindfulness is adapted from
technology feasibility and failure. Mindfulness plays (Thatcher et al., 2018) and for continuance intention the
significant role in the adoption and post adoption stage Items were adapted from (Chen & Li, 2017).All items
of technology adoption and continuance (Dernbecher & are measured using 5 point Likert scale (1-Strongly
Beck, 2017; Sun & Fang, 2010; Sun et al., 2016) disagree to 5-Strongly agree).Data were collected using
Drawing from the discussion, the below hypotheses are structured questionnaire from the shoppers in shopping
postulated malls.
H3: Facilitating conditions positively influences the IV. Analysis and Results
behavioral intention to adopt mobile payment system. The demographic statistics are shown in Table 1. The
table shows that the respondents are diverse in terms of
H4: Social influence positively affects the behavioral age group, gender and usage of smart phones.
intention to adopt mobile payment system.
18-25 34 18.2
As shown in Table 2 , the mean scores of all the items
26-32 40 21.4 are calculated and can been seen that all items results in
the mean value above 3.0 except Effort expectancy and
33-40 51 27.3
it may be because the respondents have been using the
41-47 37 19.8 mobile payment systems for some time and the effort
expectancy factor started to diminish with usage. The
48-54 12 6.4 univariate normality of the data was controlled by
skewness and kurtosis data. In our study, the maximum
55-62 9 4.8
likelihood estimate implies that skewness is limited to
63-70 2 1.1 ±3 while kurtosis is limited to ±10 .The average
variance extracted between the measurements of each
71+ 2 1.1 factor and all other measurements is greater than the
square correlation of that factor. Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA) was conducted to develop the
Smart phone usage measurement model and then We applied the Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) approach to analyze the
Less than 1 year 10 5.3
variables within their framework based on the two step
2-5 year 61 32.6 approach recommended by Anderson and Gerbing
(1988). The software program Analysis of Moment
6-9 year 85 45.5 Structures (AMOS) a part of the Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS) software (Arbuckle, 2007)
10+ 31 16.6
were used to conduct CFA and SEM. All items except
EE4 have a factor loading of at least 0.50 with 0.362
being the corresponding value for EE4. This item is
Survey Instrument was tested with SPSS using
therefore eliminated from further analysis. The
reliability and convergent validity criteria by
resulting factor loadings, average variance extracted
calculating Cronbach's alpha to measure internal
(AVE), Cronbach’s Alpha, and composite reliability
consistency. Most of the Cronbach's alpha scores were
(Table 3).
above the acceptable level, that is, above 0.70 and
composite reliabilities are greater than .7, and average
The diagonal elements in their respective row and
variances extracted surpass values of .5 .The factors
column are wider than the off-diagonal elements,
from the current literature are derived and used in this
suggesting the constructs are more associated to their
study showed strong validity. Discriminant validity of
own elements compared to those of the other constructs
the model was examined using procedure suggested by
as shown in the Table 4. Therefore, prejudice is tested
(Fornell & Larcker, 1981); Voorhees, Brady,
for discriminant validity. The findings show that there
Calantone, and Ramirez (2016) which recommended
are no issues with discriminant validity.
that each measure and construction should be measured
for reliability and extracted the average variance (AVE)
for each factor. (Bagozzi & Yi, 1988).
reasonable error of approximation. Another positive test Mindfulness and Facilitating Conditions in the
result was the regular chi-square value of 1.827, a value continuance of the mobile payment system.
that is below the criterion value of 3 (Bagozzi & Yi,
1988), to suggest good overall model performance. Table 7. Direct, indirect, and total effects of the Model
Thus form the results, the proposed research model has
DV IV 1 2 3 4 5 6
a good fit.
BI EE 0.47 0.47 - 0.472 0.001 Y
B. Result of Hypothesis testing PE 0.46 - 0.463 0.002 Y
The hypothesized relationship paths were estimated to 3
test structural relationships. Out of ten proposed FC 0.32 - 0.324 0.000 Y
hypothesis eight were supported at the p value threshold 4
SI 0.21 - 0.212 0.015 Y
of 0.05 and two were rejected. Figure 3 shows the path
coefficient values and adjusted R2 , the statistically FC ITM 0.33 0.46 - 0.463 0.004 Y
unsupported links are shown by dotted lines without the 3
path coefficient .Results are reported and shown in the SI ITM 0.09 - 0.098 0.347 N
table 6. 8
CI EE 0.38 - 0.170 0.170 0.283 N
PE - 0.348 0.348 0.002 Y
Table 6. Results of the hypotheses testing
FC 0.26 0.312 0.576 0.000 Y
Hypot Indepe Depen Standar p- Supp
SI 0.16 - 0.110 0.312 N
hesis ndent dent dized val orted 2 0.052
variabl Varia Coeffici ue BI 0.56 - 0.562 0.002 Y
e ble ents 2
H1 EE BI 0.472** 0.0 Yes ITM 0.27 0.374 0.646 0.001 Y
02 2
H2 PE BI 0.463** 0.0 Yes
04 Note: 1- Adj-R2; 2- Direct effect; 3- Indirect effect; 4- Total
H3 FC BI 0.324** 0.0 Yes effect; 5- p-Value Total effect;6- Results Supported (p<0.005)
H4 SI BI 0.212** 0.0 Yes V. Discussion
02 Two main research questions were examined in this
H5 ITM FC 0.463** 0.0 Yes study. The first examined whether the social
* 00 influence and facilitating conditions have any influence
H6 ITM SI 0.098 0.4 No in determination of initial adoption and continuance of
72 mobile payment services. The second studied whether
H7 ITM CI 0.264** 0.0 Yes IT Mindfulness has an important role to play in
01 determining the continuance of MPS. From our study,
H8 SI CI 0.162 0.3 No the following results emerge.
H9 FC CI 0.264** 0.0 Yes In the findings all the UTAUT variables Effort
expectancy, performance expectancy, facilitating
H10 BI CI 0.562** 0.0 Yes
conditions and social influence are found to have
* 00
significant and direct influence on Behavioral intention
Significance at ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01.
to adopt MPS. In addition facilitating condition also
Eventually, the standardized direct, indirect and total have strong effect on the continuance intention of MPS,
effects of the model is shown in the table 7, nine of while social influence is no longer significant in
twelve Total effects were statistically supported .It is determining the continucae intention of MPS. One
found that IT Mindfulness (ITM) with total effect on rational explanation is that, over time, the effect of
Continuance intention (CI) value 0.638 and Facilitating social influences through consumer
condition (FC) value 0.576 showed to have the
strongest total effect on Continuance intention of
Mobile payment system. The obtained results validate
the current model, demonstrating the roles of IT
Effort expectancy Adjusted
0.472** R2=47%
Behavioral Intention Continuance Intention
to adopt
expectancy 0.324** 0.212**
IT Mindfulness
like mode of payment transaction (like QR ,Phone factors that affect the adoption and continuance of
number ,account number) and value of money involved mobile payment system. The findings show that
in transaction. facilitating conditions and IT mindfulness of the mobile
payment system are significant factors in adoption and
VI. Conclusion continuance of mobile payment system. The result
As an innovative financial processing method, mobile indicates that FC, ITM play a major role in deciding the
payment systems brings consumers and merchants adoption and continuance of MPS, while EE, PE and SI
together to complete payment transactions virtually only influence adoption behaviour. This findings offer
.There are only few studies are available to investigate mobile payment service providers guidance for
continuance of mobile payment system. In order to addressing consumer needs for MPS continuance.
satisfy the gap, UTAUT model was used to explore
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