Module 4 Activity 2 Tle

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Revisit the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) found in the LDM2 Course
Overview. Reflect on your self-assessment from Activity 1. What particular professional standards in
the PPST do you need to focus on to effectively use the LDMs in relation to the content and
pedagogy of the learning area/s you are teaching?

To guide your answers, you can also refer to DepEd Memo No. 50, s.2020 on DepEdProfessional
Development Priorities and the Continuing Professional Development Guidelines.

Domain 6
Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

I want to enhance the domain number 6 , the community linkages and professional engagement.
Strand 2: Engagement of parents and the wide school community in the educative process

I think the professional standard in the PPST that I need to focus to effectively use the Learning
Delivery Modality is the engagement of the parents and the wider school community educative
process specially because of our current situation karon nga pandemic. Lisod kayo ang pag
communicate sa students, most specially sa parents. Di man gani kaayu mu engage ang parents
before nga wa pay pandemic. Kung ipatawag kay icall ang attention sa student, dili makatunga for
some reasons like work or walay magbantay sa bata. How much more karon? So I or we need to
have open communication to the parents to be able to have an effective teaching process,

Since majority of the parents/students in our school chose printed modular, so they will be the one
to get the modules and nd the use of modular distance learning, parents are the partners in the
educational system, responsible in monitoring the progress of the learner. I need to have open
communication to my parents to be able to have an effective teaching process,

I need to build strong relationship with the guardians/parents of my students to deliver the
quality supervisory among them as well with my co mentors in school.

Community, parents, and school must have a strong bond and collective effort in ensuring quality
and effective delivery of education amidst the pandemic.

Domain 1
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Strand 1: Content Knowledge and its application within and across the curriculum areas

I need to develop and give more focus on the Domain Number 1, the Content Knowledge and
Pedagogy. As my self-assessment where I got only the agree level so there’s a room for
Subject articulation and integration are vital in the instruction of learning during the new normal
teaching. Teachers must empower themselves in the strategies to effectively associate different
learning areas in a lesson without sacrificing the essence of LCs.

Strand 3: Positive Use of ICT

In the absence of face to face teaching, most public schools opted to use Modular Distance Learning
as the main education delivery modality. Because it does not require devices and internet
connection, which are costly for many. But teachers must supplement supervision via digital avenues
like chats, video conference, phone calls and sms.

Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting

Strand 2: Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement.
Strand 3: Feedback to improve learning

The delivery of instruction and materials in the selected modalities enable collaborative capacities of
every school. Teachers at the start of the class may find evaluation and feedback mechanism to be a
problem. As the Modules nga naa nay answer key daan

Teachers must come up in the best way to find solutions on how to evaluate students performance
in MDL.

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