EM010641 - Repair Welding 6015-6090

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The document discusses welding techniques and procedures for repairing mining equipment components.

The document provides guidance on planning and performing repair welding on steel components for mining equipment.

The document discusses techniques such as gouging and welding cracks, welding on cylinders and boxes, and recommended groove shapes for manual welding.


Repair Welding
6015 - 6090
Hydraulic Shovels
3 842 954.00 en
February 2014

Welding Manual
6015 - 6090
3 842 954.00 en

Published by: Caterpillar Global Mining HMS GmbH

Department: Technical Documentation
D-44149 Dortmund, Karl-Funke-Strasse 36
Tel. +49 (0) 231 922-4340
Fax +49 (0) 231 922-5005
Email: documentation.HEX@cat.com
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© Caterpillar Global Mining Hydraulic Mining Shovels GmbH 2014. Unless expressly permitted, the transfer
and reproduction of this manual/file and the sale and disclosure of its content is prohibited. Contraventions
are liable to compensation. All rights reserved in the event of patent, utility model, or registered design regis-
3 842 954.00 en

FOREWORD_________________________________________________________________________ 1

SAFETY ____________________________________________________________________________ 1

1. BASIC PRINCIPLES_________________________________________________________________ 2
1.1 Component stresses ______________________________________________________________ 2
1.2 Stress types_____________________________________________________________________ 2
1.3 Behavior of the material with different types of stress _____________________________________ 4
1.4 Notches on components ___________________________________________________________ 5
1.5 Information on avoiding notches ____________________________________________________ 10


2.1 Causes of damage ______________________________________________________________ 18
2.2 Preparatory measures____________________________________________________________ 18
2.3 Extent of the repair work __________________________________________________________ 19
2.4 Preventive investigations__________________________________________________________ 22
2.5 Determining cracks and other defects ________________________________________________ 22

3. OPERATING TECHNIQUES FOR REPAIRS_____________________________________________ 23

3.1 Gouging and welding cracks _______________________________________________________ 23
3.2 Welding on a metal cylinder using the back-step welding method __________________________ 28
3.3 Cracks in box sections ___________________________________________________________ 30
3.4 Recommended groove shapes for electrodes – manual welding ___________________________ 34
3.5 Work sequence when welding______________________________________________________ 36
3.6 Closing openings, renewing component areas _________________________________________ 38

4. REINFORCEMENT OF STEEL COMPONENTS __________________________________________ 49

4.1 Doubler plates __________________________________________________________________ 49
4.2 Deformation of plates as the result of repair work _______________________________________ 53
4.3 Reinforcement by improving the shape _______________________________________________ 54

5. MATERIALS, WELD FILLERS________________________________________________________ 57

5.1 Materials in welded components ____________________________________________________ 57
5.2 Weld fillers for Caterpillar Global Mining HMS – welded components, with reference to the material
partners and welding process (Tables 1 and 2) ___________________________________________ 58

6. HEAT TREATMENT OF THE MATERIALS ______________________________________________ 60

6.1 Preheating for tack welding, welding, grooving, and flame cutting __________________________ 60
6.2 Preheating and interpass temperatures; heating up and cooling down rates for repair welding ____ 62
6.3 Hot forming of plates _____________________________________________________________ 64
6.4 Flame straightening plates ________________________________________________________ 64
6.5 Stress-free annealing of steel components ____________________________________________ 64
6.6 Stress-relieving steel components __________________________________________________ 65
6.7 Treatment of welding fillers ________________________________________________________ 67
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6.8 Monitoring the temperature ________________________________________________________ 67

7. COLD FORMING OF PLATES ________________________________________________________ 68

8. HARDFACING ____________________________________________________________________ 69
8.1 Supplementation of missing/worn out materials ________________________________________ 69
8.2 Correcting component shapes to improve the force path _________________________________ 71
8.3 Hardfacing for wear protection _____________________________________________________ 71

9. WEAR PROTECTION (ARMORING) ___________________________________________________ 72

9.1 Basic principles _________________________________________________________________ 72
9.2 Hardfacing of wear protection layers_________________________________________________ 72
9.3 Weld fillers_____________________________________________________________________ 74
9.4 Repairing the hardfacing __________________________________________________________ 75
9.5 Repairing cracks in the area of hardfacing ____________________________________________ 77
9.6 Welding on plates or strips of wear-resistant steel plates _________________________________ 78
9.7 Welding on plates or strips with wear-resistant coating___________________________________ 83
9.8 Welding on wear-resistant pin assembly ______________________________________________ 84
9.9 Welding on cutting edges on excavator buckets ________________________________________ 85

10. REPAIRS BY WELDING CAST-IRON COMPONENTS____________________________________ 87

10.1 Spheroidal graphite cast-iron (GGG)________________________________________________ 87
10.2 Gray cast iron (GG) _____________________________________________________________ 88

11. REPAIRING PAINTWORK IN REPAIR AREAS__________________________________________ 90

ANNEX ____________________________________________________________________________ 91
Conversion from feet and inches into meters _____________________________________________ 91
Conversion of length dimensions ______________________________________________________ 91
Temperature units and conversion formulas ______________________________________________ 92
Hardness-strength comparison ________________________________________________________ 93
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Foreword Safety
In spite of expert design, precise stress analysis, Accident prevention regulations must be ob-
careful production, vigilant maintenance and re- served.
sponsible operation, damage to components of
Work on containers that contain, or have con-
construction machinery and industrial trucks can-
tained substances
not be avoided. Natural abrasive wear must always
be expected in areas exposed to mechanical  that are combustible or assist combustion,
stresses and abrasion.
 that can cause explosions,
Experience with the early detection of damage and
its causes and the choice of suitable repair meth-  that can generate gases, vapors, mists, or
ods and their actual implementation will help to dust that are hazardous to health during
guarantee a high level of operational availability of work,
any machine. may only be executed under expert supervision
Before proceeding with welding, back gouging, hot and only by experienced personnel specifically
or cold working, and heat treatment, the repairer trained for this kind of work.
must know the component’s material. Systems and units (e.g. pipes, radiator assem-
This technical manual contains a large amount of blies, hydraulic tanks, air storage tanks) must
information on welding methods and practice. This be de-pressurized before opening.
information will help you to plan and carry out When assembling or dismantling work equip-
repair and reinforcement work correctly. It is as- ment or its components, or when installing or
sumed that the maintenance personnel has the uninstalling units,
necessary expertise. The particular features of the
relevant damage must be taken into account.  always protect against accidental or unau-
thorized start-up. Place equipment on the
The latest edition of the technical manual entitled floor to prevent movement when discon-
“Repair Welding,” SN 2 114 500.00, has been necting mechanical or hydraulic connec-
revised and also takes into account the introduc- tions.
tion of EN standards. A few points have been
added. Therefore, all work should only be done  When being fitted or removed, use lifting
according to the information contained in this gear or suitable suspension/support de-
edition. vices to prevent equipement or compo-
nents from accidental movement, sliding or
Anyone working at height must wear a safety
If temporary personnel, e.g. spotters, are need-
ed to do the work, the responsibilities of the
individual concerned must be clearly estab-
lished in advance and strictly observed during
the work so that there is no confusion from a
safety point of view.
Tools, lifting gear, rigging hardware, chocks,
and other aids must be in a safe operating and
working condition.
Please see 2.2 “Preparatory Measures” for
further information.

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1. Basic principles 1.2 Stress types

1.1 Component stresses Stress (tensile and compressive stress) may have
a static or mainly static (Fig. 2), pulsating (Fig. 3),
Components may be exposed to different stresses. or changing (Fig. 4) effect on the component.
These stresses hardly ever consist of individual Pulsating and changing loads may have a gradual
forces, but usually several forces at the same time or sudden impact.
(Fig. 1).

Fig. 2

+F tensile
-F compressive

Fig. 1

It is very difficult to determine mathematically

component stress resulting from forces acting Fig. 3
simultaneously and from different directions. How-
ever, stress values and stress concentrations can
be determined with modern computing methods.

Fig. 4

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Example of different types of stress, illustrated on  In the “digging” working cycle, the boom ex-
the boom of an excavator (Fig. 5 and 6). It is tends. The bottom flange is in the tensile
exposed to bending stresses. range, the top flange in the pressure range.
 In the “raising” working cycle, the boom is
compressed. The top flange is now in the ten-
sile range and the bottom flange in the pres-
sure range.
Therefore, the stresses have a changing effect on
the boom.

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

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1.3 Behavior of the material with differ- The cause of this material behavior lies in the
ent types of stress gradual damage of the cohesion forces at the
material grain boundaries and also, in the ad-
The admissible mechanical stresses for the engi- vanced stage, in the creation and increase of
neering strength of a component (N/mm2) change defects in the material structure (Fig. 8).
with the same material between static and chang-
ing load (Fig. 7).

Fig. 8

1. An idealized material structure is exposed to

changing stresses. The material deforms elas-
tically on the sliding planes at the grain bound-
aries. The sliding planes have no defects.
2. Through the continuous elastic deformation,
material grains are displaced on the sliding
planes that have the first defects.
3. The defects increase in size as the number of
elastic deformation processes increases.
Fig. 7

The admissible mechanical stresses are well below

the tensile strength values specified in the stan-
dards. The example illustrates a rolled steel DIN
EN 10025-2 - S355J2+N, with product thicknesses
≥ 3 mm ≤ 100 mm.

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1.4 Notches on components However, they can also be caused by other me-
chanical effects on the component (Fig. 10 and
All the defects affecting the ideal force flow in a 11). For example, through punch numbers, chisel
component are called notches. marks, marking lines, and damage by loading gear.
There are 3 different types of notches, depending
on their creation and effect on the component:
- mechanical notches
- metallurgical notches
- shape-related notches
1.4.1 Mechanical notches
Mechanical notches can occur in the area of the
weld during a welding process (Fig. 9).

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

1. Punch numbers
Fig. 9
2. Chisel marks
1. Undercut
3. Marking lines
2. Root not fused
4. Notching by loading gear
3. Pores in the weld metal
4. Lack of fusion
5. Grinding marks
6. Excess penetration
7. Underbead cracking

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Mechanical notches cause stress concentrations Because of their properties, these material
(Fig. 12). zones—how narrow they may be—behave differ-
ently when exposed to stress.
Expansion is limited and constraints occur.
Metallurgical notches can be kept at a tolerably low
level through optimum welding and heat treatment
Metallurgical notches, e.g. as they may occur after
a non-correctly performed welding operation, may
also be mitigated by stress-relief annealing.
1.4.3 Shape-related notches
Shape-related notches are design-based. Stress
concentrations occur due to the re-directing of lines
of force (Fig. 14).
Fig. 12 Furthermore, shape-related notches often lie in
2 Root not fused heat-affected zones with metallurgical notches.
Shape-related notches can be largely reduced
4 Lack of fusion through skilled design measures. They must be
minimized in practice so that they do not have a
This leads to enlargement of the notches. This
significant negative effect on the engineering
process can repeat itself, resulting in component
strength of the component.
break. Mechanical notches mainly occur in fabrica-
tion, but also later when the machine is in use
(signs of usage). They can be detected visually or
revealed by nondestructive testing and then reme-
1.4.2 Metallurgical notches
Metallurgical notches result from the thermal
influencing of the material, i.e. always in the area
of welded joints (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13
Fig. 14
As a result of the heat introduced during the weld-
ing process, and depending on the distance from
the heat source, zones occur with different metal-
lurgical and mechanical/technological properties.

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1 + 2 Hardness curve However, with regard to the force path, an ideal

butt weld, where the difference in plate thickness is
Shape-related notches can be eliminated subse-
reduced by beveling to a ratio of 1:4, can still be
quently by shape changes.
made cost-effectively (Fig. 16).
Examples (Fig. 15):
a + b: Badly executed butt-type joints of compo-
nents of different thicknesses. c: Improved execu-
Execution c may be adequate if there is a relatively
small difference in the thickness of the two plates.

Fig. 16

Forces should be able to flow through the calcula-

ble part of the components with as little disruption
as possible. They should not be able to flow into
auxiliary elements (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17

The welds used to secure such auxiliary elements

are usually over-estimated. They are not able to
absorb any component forces.
Fig. 15

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1.4.4 Notching effect Possible notches (mechanical and metallurgical) at

butt joint welds:
Depending on its shape notches have different
effective or notching factors.
The effect of notching factors on the fatigue Weld seam Description
strength of a component is illustrated in the graph
(Fig. 18). 1 Material not affected; no
weld seam

2 Ideal weld seam; root pass

gouged, surface levelled,
non-destructive testing,
stress-free annealed, pre-
heated for welding (if neces-

3 Practical weld seam; root

pass gouged, surface lev-
elled, preheated for welding
(if necessary)

4 Root pass cleaned and

counter-welded; otherwise

Welded on to backing plate

(see section

5 Not counter-welded; root

defects to be expected

Welded on to backing plate

(see section )

6 Seam welded from one side;

Root pass defective
Fig. 18

Position and path of the curves apply to:

In case 2 practically only the metallurgical notch is
Material: DIN EN 10025-2: S355J2+N effective.

Load cycles: ≥ 2 x 106 (2 million), there-

fore “fatigue-resistant”

Stress population: Small, medium and bigger

stresses with about the
same frequency.

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1.4.5 Practical experience

To reduce the weight of the component, materials
of a higher strength and smaller plate thicknesses
are often used.
The component contours are maintained.
However, you have to keep in mind that, regard-
less of geometric dimensions and material, the
stability of the component is only dependent on the
modulus of elasticity E. It is more or less the same
for S690QL and for S355J2+N.
This means that a component consisting of thinner
plates is exposed to greater deformation and
therefore loses its usage properties. Notches may
also have a greater effect.
High strength, fine-grained steels, e.g. S690QL,
have advantages compared to fine-grained steel
S355J2+N only in the case of static or mainly static
loads and low-notch processes (Fig. 19).
The notch sensitivity of structural steels rises with
increasing strength.
Therefore, the use of S355J2+N is recommended
for machines with notch-sensitive steel compo-
nents exposed to changing loads.
In this regard, the notches resulting from traces of
usage should also be considered.
Fig. 19

Position and path of the curves apply to:

Material: S355J2+N, S690QL

Load cycles: ≥ 2 x 106 (2 million)

Small, medium and bigger

Stress population: stresses with about the
same frequency.

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1.5 Information on avoiding notches 1.5.2 Grinding tools

Grinder disc on an angle grinder (Fig. 21):
If notches in a component are avoided, or at least
their severity is reduced, the tolerable stresses Only suitable for rough material removal. Not
increase (N/mm2). The life of the component is suitable for low-notch grinding with controlled
closer to the fatigue strength. Damage can be alignment of the marks.
largely avoided.
1.5.1 Grinding marks
Grinding marks running longitudinally to the weld
axis are hazardous mechanical notches.
When grinding, always make sure that the marks
run transversely to the weld axis (Fig. 20).

Fig. 21

Grindstone (Fig. 22):

Suitable for grinding weld surfaces, run-off
tabs, plate edges, at least for the final finish-
ing process.

Fig. 20

These conditions do not have to be met if grinder Fig. 22

discs are used. In some situations, it is necessary
to finish by hand using abrasive paper.
Therefore, the use of grindstones or polishing discs
is recommended, at least for the last pass.

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Grindstone (Fig. 23): 1.5.3 Run-off tabs

Suitable for grinding parts of the component The highest mechanical stresses occur in the edge
that are difficult to access. areas of components.
Defects in the weld seam, e.g. caused by arc
strikes or end craters in the edge area, should be
avoided. The welding groove at the component
edges must be filled completely.

Fig. 23

Steel milling cutter (Fig. 24):

Suitable for rounding small radii.

Fig. 25

Therefore, the weld seam must be extended by

run-off tabs by approximately 50 mm (Fig. 25). Arc
strikes and end craters then lie in this extension.
The cross-section view of the run-off tabs used
depends on the shape of groove.
After welding, the run-off tabs must be removed by
flame cutting and the transitions ground to make
them notch-free, followed by MT testing.
Observe the grinding recommendations (chapter
Fig. 24

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1.5.4 Fastening auxiliary elements If necessary, find alternative fixing solutions to

protect the base (Fig. 28).
When fastening auxiliary elements, do not weld in
the edge areas of highly stressed components.
The welds should end at a defined distance from
the edge of the component.
Arc strikes and end craters must be as far away
from the component edge as possible (Fig. 26 and

Fig. 28

 Attaching pipe clips to a very narrow base.
 Fixing straps for pipes, lamps, cables, and
similar without welding on the highly stressed
bottom flange.

Fig. 26

Fig. 27

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1.5.5 Rib run-off 1.5.6 Undisturbed force flow

Form a “soft” rib run-off on highly stressed compo- Form auxiliary elements (a crane lug in this in-
nents and weld round it (Fig. 29). stance) so that the force flow is not disturbed or

Fig. 30

If the force flow is interrupted, stress concentra-

tions will occur, leading to cracks (Fig. 31).

Fig. 29

The welder must position the component and

himself so that it is possible to weld round the run-
off without arc strikes and end craters.
The weld transitions must be absolutely notch-free.
This can only be achieved by grinding (Fig. 30).

Fig. 31

Recommendation: Remove lugs after assembly.

Grind clean the surfaces.

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1.5.7 Ribs and reinforcements

Ribs, reinforcements, etc., in components must be
continuously welded if the components are ex-
posed to pulsating or changing loads (Fig. 32).

Fig. 32

Interruption of the welds is not recommended,

even if this would make the assembly of the com-
ponent easier (Fig. 33).
Triaxial stresses in the case of intersecting welds Fig. 33
represent a much smaller risk for the component
than defective welding, or even no round welding
at all in the gaps. If the recesses are too big, they
can lead to damage through the “softening” of the
component corner, even with perfect welding.

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1.5.8 Welding method

Metallurgical notches can be reduced considerably Maximum bead and pass widths:
if the correct welding method is used.
Solid wire:
The string bead method must be used to repair
weld components (Fig. 34).
Wire diameter Width
0.8 8.0
1.0 10.0
1.2 12.0
1.6 16.0

Rod electrodes:

Rod diameter Width

3.2 8.0
4.0 10.0
5.5 12.0

In the case of multipass welding, the seam toes

require a terrace formation (Fig. 35) or cascade
formation (Fig. 36). This is necessary to avoid
Fig. 34 defects through arc strikes or end craters in the
various passes on a line.
The advantages of the string bead method are:
The distances between the start and end points
 Low thermal input (Joule/cm) per welding must be at least 20 mm.
bead. The heat affected zone (HAZ) in the ba-
sic material remains very narrow; a metallurgi- Explanation of the diagrams:
cal notch with only a small notching effect oc-
Thermal input: (J/mm) =
I = amperage (A)
U = voltage (V)
v = welding speed (mm/s)
 Each bead is tempered (assisted) by over-
welding with the next bead.
 The weld pool can be effectively controlled,
resulting in:
- Good penetration at the weld edges, Fig. 35
- Avoidance of weld pool overflow (cold lap).
- Avoidance of incomplete fusion.

Fig. 36

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1.5.9 Welding so-called “temper beads” 1.5.10 Buffering weld edges

By welding temper beads, both the mechanical The formation of the heat affected zones (HAZ),
properties of the weld metal in the cover pass and particularly for weld metals with a high carbon
those of the heat affected zone (HAZ) are signifi- equivalent, is very important for the durability of the
cantly improved in the area near the surface. weld.
The aim must be to achieve
 a narrow heat affected zone (HAZ)
 a small reduction in the strength of the material
and the HAZ
 a small increase in hardness at the HAZ/base
material transition.
This aim is largely achieved by what is known as
buffering the weld flanks before junction welding.
When buffering, the introduction of heat (Joule/cm)
must be minimized during welding.
The following requirements must be met when
carrying out the buffering process:
Fig. 37
 The buffer must be welded with rod electrodes
Information on Fig. 37: of a type suitable for the base material
 Beads 6 and 7 are known as temper beads.  Rod electrodes - diameter 3.2 mm.
 By welding beads 6 and 7, the weld metal of  The base material must be preheated accord-
beads 1 and 3, and 4 and 2 is re-heated. The ing to the type of material.
metal is tempered.
 The string bead welding method must be used.
 An ideal material structure with improved
expansion and toughness properties can be  The interpass temperature of the materials
achieved in this tempered weld metal with only must be considered accordingly.
an insignificant reduction in strength.  If run-off tabs are provided at the end of the
 The cover pass can be levelled by grinding if weld: weld the buffer beyond the arc strike as
necessary. far as the end of the run-off tab.
 Carefully clean the finished buffer before
overwelding (slag residue at the contact line of
a bead with the adjacent bead).
 Start with junction welding without intermediate
cooling of the component.
For junction welding of 2 separate components or
fragments buffering should take place before
assembling in the most advantageous welding
position for both parts. Assembly of the warm parts
is to be planned before heating, e.g. by means of a
suitable device.

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1.5.11 Welding sequence The welding sequence illustrated must be ob-

served when welding weld intersections (Fig. 38).
Determine in which direction a seam is to be
welded and in which order several seams are to be
Key to symbols:

Fig. 38

By determining the welding sequence, it is possible

to specify that:
 the component must maintain a stress-free
state as much as possible; distortion through Fig. 39
the effect of welding stresses has to be ac-
cepted; In order to avoid defects, and therefore mechanical
notches, weld intersections in the edge area of
 the component must remain as dimensionally components must have no arc strikes or end
stable as possible; internal stresses in the craters. Arc strikes or end craters must be at least
component caused by the welding process 40 mm from the weld intersection.
have to be accepted.
When repairing components by welding, it is usu-
ally necessary to maintain the dimensional stability
of the component.

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2. Planning the repair and rein- 111 EN- 287-1 111 P BW 3 B t13 PE ss nb
forcement of steel compo-
nents 111 EN- 287-1 111 P FW 3 B t13 PD ml
When repairing and reinforcing steel components,
work in a systematic way, i.e. first identify the 135 EN- 287-1 135 P BW 3 S t13 PE ss nb
precise extent of the damage, establish the cause
and then determine and apply suitable measures. 135 EN- 287-1 135 P FW 3 S t13 PD ml
Unsystematic reinforcement work leads to new
damage. 136 EN- 287-1 136 P BW 3 B t13 PE ss nb
2.1 Causes of damage
136 EN- 287-1 136 P FW 3 B t13 PD ml
Damage may have many causes:
 Dimensioning  If possible, the welding work should be done in
Incorrect assessment of the possible stresses a workshop where the necessary tools and lift-
and types of stress, dimensioning and design ing gear are available.
errors, unsuitable structural materials.
 If welding work has to be done on site, the
 Production component must be protected from the weath-
Mechanical and metallurgical notches, meas- er, such as rain, snow, dew, wind, etc. This
uring errors, material confusion, material de- can be done by means of tarpaulins erected to
fects. form a tent, for example.
 Incorrect operation of the machine  It is very important that the site is clean and
Handling mistakes through lack of experience, tidy.
misuse through over-estimating efficiency,
misuse through activities for which the ma-  Remove the component. Remove any attach-
chine is not intended. ments from the component, in particular
hinged attachments.
 Accidents (Example: Tri-Power pin assembly and steer-
Accidents in transit, when moving or in use, ing gear).
e.g. through stone damage when excavating in
a quarry.  When removing the component, carefully plug
any exposed hose and pipe connections, open
2.2 Preparatory measures bolt holes and housings so that no dirt can
Irrespective of the cause of the damage, the most
practical procedure has to be established in order  Clean the component to be repaired thor-
to restore the operational availability of the ma- oughly. In particular, the parts of the compo-
chine. nent to be worked on have to be cleaned very
Important preconditions in order to be able to
perform repair and reinforcement work:  Welding grooves and surfaces for fillet welds
must be completely metallically bright.
 repair, conversion or reinforcement work on
steel components of construction machinery  Do not overweld paint or primer.
may only be done by specialists who have ad-
equate experience of the design and manufac-  Remove lubricants from bearings completely
ture of components exposed to dynamic so that they do not liquefy through the effects
stresses. If in doubt, contact Caterpillar Global of the heat and flow into the welding area.
Mining HMS Customer Services, who will also  Protect machined surfaces, pin assembly,
consult the corresponding technical depart- bearings, piston rods, electrical installations,
ments if necessary. etc. from weld splatter and grinding dust by
 Only experienced welders may carry out covering with non-flammable materials.
repair, conversion or reinforcement work. A  Before welding equipment with electronic
welder with the following test certificates al- components, disconnect all the connector as-
ready satisfies the basic requirements. semblies from the components. Example: In
the case of hydraulic excavators with PMS
Name of test system, disconnect all the connector assem-
blies from the load-limiting controller (PMS

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 Disconnect the battery before welding compo- 2.3 Extent of the repair work
nents that are not removed from the machin-
ery. Disconnect the negative terminal first, then The procedure to be followed in the event of dam-
the positive terminal. But connect the positive age is explained on the basis of the diagram.
terminal first and then the negative terminal. When damage is reported, one of 3 decisions has
 The material (type and quality) of the compo- to be made: (Fig. 40).
nent must be identified before welding starts.
 Only use weld filler materials that are suitable
for the component material.

Fig. 40

2.3.1 Scrap the component

The damage is so extensive that a skilled repair is
technically no longer possible or only at extremely
high cost.
The decision-making boundary is variable. Where-
as in Germany, and in most industrial countries, it
will be decided to scrap the component, other
countries have to repair, because procuring a new
part is difficult—even impossible sometimes—for a
variety of reasons. For example, reasons include
lack of currency, customs, long delivery periods,
downtime of the machinery. Relatively low wage
costs may also work in favor of the decision to

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2.3.2 Temporary repair Observe the following rules:

The component must be repaired immediately to  drill out any cracks immediately, provided they
maintain the availability of the machine, e.g. be- are still relatively short (Fig. 42).
cause of an order completion date (Fig. 41).
This will reduce the rate at which the cracks are
In spite of the time pressure, any temporary repair likely to spread. However, this is not a repair.
still has to be made with due care. Otherwise,
further damage will occur.

Fig. 42

Identifying the actual end of a crack is particularly

important. Depending on where they start, cracks
may run through a component in a curve (Fig. 43).

Fig. 41

Fig. 43

A + B drilled out correctly

C drilled out incorrectly.

3 842 954.00 en

One way to find the end of a crack is to carry out a 2.3.3 Lasting repair
non-destructive crack test using one of the known
methods. For internal cracks, use the ultrasound
test and X-ray test and for external cracks, the dye
penetration test and the magnaflux test.
After drilling out the crack, the hole can also be
checked for further cracks.
 Long cracks should be prepared and welded
immediately, even if the boundary conditions
are not favorable.
The damaged area must be monitored continu-
ously. If the repair weld fails the process described
must be repeated.
 Never weld on “reinforcements.” They are not
only useless, but also conceal the area of the
damage and make monitoring impossible. The
damaged area may grow and any future repair
will become impossible as a result.

Fig. 44

If it is decided to repair the damaged component

permanently (Fig. 44), the following rules must be
 determine the cause of the damage and rem-
edy it if it was caused by the design or produc-
tion process. Simple measures are often ade-
quate to determine the cause of the damage:
- personal experience and comparison with
damage patterns found on similar compo-
- these measures include visual inspection
of the damaged area to determine the
causes for the crack start point, e.g. me-
chanical notches, missing welds, inade-
quate root welds, etc. and
- visual assessment of the fracture surfaces
in order to determine the crack origin via
the path of the lines of rest. Also from the
structure of the fracture surface you can
draw conclusions about the quality of the

3 842 954.00 en

- A simple material test is the hardness 2.4 Preventive investigations

comparison with known materials.
Preventive investigations have been used in medi-
- The wall thickness of plates, steel castings cine for a long time. Doctors have shown us that
or forgings can be measured and com- small illness foci can be remedied by simple opera-
pared with the drawing dimensions. tions provided they are found at an early stage.
- If there is any doubt, the component can Once the disease has reached the advanced
be re-calculated by a neutral organization. stage, often nothing can be done.

- In difficult cases, the involvement of a la- The regular checking of construction machinery is
boratory is recommended in order to carry also a preventive investigation, for example. It is an
out precise material analyses, hardness integral part of VBG 40.
curves, structure assessments, surface Test procedure and subsequent measures:
assessments, for example.
 Clean the equipment.
- Sometimes, a report from an independent
laboratory may also be necessary to settle  Check critical parts of the component visually.
liability issues. Record all findings.
 Any repair with a high expectancy of fatigue  Contact the manufacturer to discuss the test
strength has to be planned properly and care- result.
fully executed.  Plan and execute the necessary repairs.
All feasible advantages should be used at  Stock components likely to suffer damage.
each stage of the work.
 Stock wearing parts.
Even what are known as “trivialities” may be 2.5 Determining cracks and other de-
very important for the success of a repair.
The repair work must be supervised. It must be Cracks and other defects in plates, forgings and
decided in advance when inspections will be steel castings can be detected by check proce-
made. dures.
2.5.1 Surface crack test using the dye penetra-
It is advisable to explain the theoretical back-
tion method
ground of the repair to the welder who will do
the work. He will then also feel responsible for The dye penetration method is the easiest way to
the success of the work. find cracks on the surface of the material.
 In the case of design-related or overload 1. Carefully clean the area to be tested.
damage, it may be necessary to strengthen the
2. Spray on red penetration fluid and leave for 5-
component after the repair.
10 minutes.
NB: the reinforcement must be practical. It 3. Remove the red penetration fluid using a
must be possible to prove the benefit of the re- special cleaning agent.
inforcement by means of a calculation.
4. Spray on white developer. Any cracks will be
Unconsidered reinforcements are useless, ex- revealed as narrow red lines on a white back-
pensive, convey a false sense of safety, in- ground. The intensity of the “bleed” and waiting
crease the weight of the component and may time will provide information on the depth of
impede its function. the crack.
Then rub off the developer with a cloth.
They are also “unattractive.”

3 842 954.00 en

2.5.2 Conduct the surface crack test using the 3. Operating techniques for re-
magnaflux method
Using the magnaflux method, cracks can be de-
tected on the surface of the material and up to a For repair welding, operating techniques have to
maximum of 0.2 mm below the surface. be used that are not necessary when making a
steel component.
The component is magnetized and then sprayed
with a fluid containing fine (dust-fine) iron particles. Many of the operating techniques described are
The iron particles settle on the cracks and make the result of wide-ranging experience and have
them visible. proved successful in practice.
2.5.3 Ultrasonic inspection 3.1 Gouging and welding cracks
The ultrasonic inspection is used to detect defects The “ARC AIR” method is the most suitable meth-
inside materials of a thickness from 8 mm and in od for gouging cracks (Fig. 45).
welds. The ultrasonic inspection may only be
performed by qualified testers.
Qualification: UT 2 of an internationally recognized
test organization.
2.5.4 Caterpillar Global Mining HMS check
procedure standards
The Caterpillar Global Mining HMS standards or
purchase specification contain detailed information
on the check procedure:

07 47 04, Part 1 Dye penetration meth-

od, magnaflux method Fig. 45

An arc is struck between a carbon electrode and

07 47 01, plate Ultrasonic inspection of the material to be removed. A directed compressed
1 welds air jet is used to blow away the melted base mate-

07 47 01, plate Ultrasonic inspection of Gouging with a gas-oxygen gouge or gouging

2 castings and forgings electrodes is also possible.
It is important to start the gouging at the end of the
The Caterpillar Global Mining HMS standards can crack and work toward the component edge. If the
be obtained from Caterpillar Global Mining HMS process is reversed, the crack may spread further
Dortmund, Standards Department. Indicate the through the effect of the heat.
language (German or English).
It must be assumed that the crack has already
reached the grain boundaries of the material,
where it cannot be located visually or by other
check procedures (Fig. 46).
Therefore, start the gouging process not at the end
of the crack, but just before the crack.
Preheat the crack area to gouge it (see 6.1).
After gouging under heat, finish the welding groove
by grinding. The surfaces must be metallically

3 842 954.00 en

Welding is then done from the top (Fig. 48).

Fig. 46

A Visible crack
B Damage at the grain boundaries
Fig. 48
If, in the case of fixed positions, the crack is acces- Welding on so-called weld pool backing plates
sible from both sides, gouge a groove from the should not be used if it is possible to weld from
bottom initially (Fig. 47). Groove depth approxi- both sides. A pool backing plate in the root area of
mately 1/3 of the material thickness. the weld seam actually represents a mechanical
notch/shape notch.
3.1.1 Ramified cracks
Ramified cracks should be gouged and welded in
steps (Fig. 49).

Fig. 47

Then weld here first.

The crack is then gouged from the more easily
accessible top as far as the seam welded from the

Fig. 49

3 842 954.00 en

Otherwise, material areas between the cracks may 3.1.2 Cracks in hub connections
drop out, resulting in gaps that cannot be bridged.
Fig. 51 shows a bearing hub connection in a box
Also gouge and weld long cracks gradually (Fig. girder, which is only accessible from one side.

Fig. 51

1. Hub
2. Web plate
3. Square-edge weld
4. Fillet counter-weld, welded before the box
section is closed.
The main features of the example are the fillet weld
counter-weld on the outside edge and the web
Fig. 50
plate in contact.

When cooling part welds, the surrounding cold The following defects may occur:
areas prevent excessive shrinkage and distortion
of the component.

3 842 954.00 en Fracturing in the center of the weld (Fig.


Fig. 55

Fig. 52

One possible cause is a cracked fillet weld coun-

Gouge the crack carefully (Fig. 53).
Weld the gouged groove (Fig. 54).
Gouge around the web plate (2) in the area of the
fillet weld counter-weld as far as the collar of the
hub (1) (Fig. 54).
Weld the gouged groove (Fig. 55).

Fig. 53

Fig. 54

3 842 954.00 en Sharp, exactly radial crack in the edge

not in contact
A possible cause is lack of fusion in the weld edge
not in contact (see arrow in Fig. 56).

Fig. 58

Fig. 56

Gouge the crack carefully (Fig. 57).
Weld the gouged groove (Fig. 58).

Fig. 57

3 842 954.00 en

3.2 Welding on a metal cylinder using 3.2.1 Work sequence

the back-step welding method 1. Mount and align the dome according to the
This example describes the welding of a machined information in the drawing. Firmly tack weld the
dome on to a chassis. outside of the dome. Check the dimensions af-
ter tack welding.
The back-step welding method can be used any-
where where maximum distortion-free welding is
This applies to round welds and longitudinal welds.
Fig. 59 shows how the weld is to be made between
the dome web plate and the base plate.

Fig. 61

2. Weld 1/3 of the inside of the dome (Fig. 61).

Use a 3.20-mm diameter rod electrode.
Weld using the back-step welding method,
step length: approximately 250 mm
Fig. 59
Fig. 62 shows an example of the back-step
A. Outside of the dome method.
B. Inside of the dome
The dome is welded in the position in which it is
Welding position: horizontal
Use the right electrode position to avoid lack of
fusion (9, Fig. 60) on the dome edge.

Fig. 62

Fig. 60

3 842 954.00 en

3. Neatly grind the welding groove from the 5. Finish the welding of the seam inside the
outside of the dome. Remove any slag from dome,
the 1st pass that has seeped through. Grind off
the last 2/3 with a 4- or 5-mm diameter rod
any cracked tack welds completely.
Do not overweld cracked tack welds!
6. Clean the welds and test.
6.1 There must be no undercuts, pores, arc
strikes, end craters, splatter, slag, etc.
6.2 Use the dye penetration method to check
for surface cracks. There must be no
7. Check the dimensions. Do not use hot
straightening for any unevenness in the area of
the dome/flange (risk of distortion through in-
ternal welding stresses).

Fig. 63

4. Weld the seam on the outside of the dome

2nd pass rod electrode:
diameter 3.20 mm
3rd and 4th pass rod electrode:
diameter 4 mm or 5 mm
Weld all the beads using the back-step meth-
od. The seam toes must be in a terrace forma-

3 842 954.00 en

3.3 Cracks in box sections removed.

The gouging and welding of cracks from the out- Resultant notches lead to new damages.
side only is not recommended.
When welding without a pool backing plate, the
root area is usually not completely included, or
excessive penetration occurs (Fig. 64).

Fig. 64

In either case, new cracks will occur, starting from

the mechanical notches in the root area.
Welding on pool backing plates that have been
inserted through the groove is not recommended
either (Fig. 65).

Fig. 65

The backing plates do not abut exactly, so any

flash and slag residue underneath cannot be

3 842 954.00 en

3.3.1 Opening the box section Notice:

If the crack is only accessible from one side, ac- Ribs are often evident on the other side of the
cess has to be created from the second side. This plate; they are particularly visible on painted sur-
can be done by opening the component in less faces.
highly stressed areas (Fig. 66 and 67).
Gouge the crack from inside first (1/3 plate thick-
ness) and weld. Then finish the outside and close
the box section again.
3.3.2 Cutting out part sections of a flange plate
Fig. 68-73 show how a box section component can
be carefully opened.
The part section (1, Fig. 68) of the top flange (2) is
to be removed.

Fig. 66

Fig. 68

Pierce the flange plate (2, Fig. 69) behind the web
plate (3) with the flame (4). Cut as closely past the
web plate as possible in the longitudinal direction.
There must be no torch marks on the web plate.

Fig. 67

The openings may also be entrance openings in

bigger components. Size of entrance openings
approximately 500 mm x 500 mm.
Consulting Design is recommended if experience
with the internal construction of the component is
Fig. 69
lacking. A drawing showing the position of any rib
structures inside the box should be available. If
necessary, it needs to be determined by means of
small sight holes where openings of adequate size
can be made.

3 842 954.00 en

Cut off the residual strips of the flange plate (5, Fig. Otherwise, the web plate (3, Fig. 73) will be dam-
70) from the inside. aged unnecessarily (5 = damage area/flame cut

Fig. 70
Fig. 73
Flame cut the welding bevel for welding on the new
flange plate part section (Fig. 71). Welding on pool backing plates.
The openings in components to reach the 2nd side
when welding cracks have to be closed carefully
again after welding.
In this case, welding is done from one side on pool
backing plates (Fig. 74).

Fig. 71

Cut in the transverse direction of the flange plate

from the web plate to the center and not with the
torch flame on the web plate as illustrated (3, Fig.
Fig. 74

The weld geometry illustrated and the welding

sequence are to be followed carefully. Only in this
way can a weld seam be achieved with a relatively
small root notch factor.
Of course, a weld seam with this root notch factor
needs to be permitted in the selected component
area. Clarify this before the component is opened.

Fig. 72

3 842 954.00 en

In general, this also applies to the welding of T- If the groove is wider than necessary, start with
joints (Fig. 75). hardfacing on one of the seam edges to avoid
excessive transverse shrinkage. Only then the
edges are connected (Fig. 77).

Fig. 75

The same method can also be used to weld plates

of different thicknesses (Fig. 76).
The method in Fig. 76 is undoubtedly better.
Bevel the thicker plate in a ratio of 1:4.

Fig. 77

The same applies to welding T-joints when the

groove is too wide.

Fig. 76

The welding groove must never be too narrow,

because otherwise the planned welding sequence
cannot be observed.

3 842 954.00 en

Pool backing plates 3.4 Recommended groove shapes for

Pool backing plates are usually made from 30 x 6 electrodes – manual welding
or 25 x 4 flat steel (Fig. 78). Aim for the following weld shapes for repairs or
welding work outside the manufacturer’s works.
These weld shapes can be used for plate thick-
nesses up to 30 mm. The dimensions indicated
apply to this plate thickness.
The opening angle can be reduced to 45° in the
case of gas-shielded metal-arc welding.
For bigger plate thicknesses, the opening angle
has to be reduced until there is a maximum groove
opening of approximately 30 mm. Welds other than
square edge welds preferably have to be gouged,
ground and counter-welded.
3.4.1 Butt joints
Recommended weld shapes:
- groove weld (Fig. 81)
Fig. 78
- Double-groove weld (Fig. 82)
Pool backing plates for non-rectilinear welds are
cut out of accordingly thick plates (Fig. 79) or - Bevel weld (Fig. 83)
welded together from flat steel (Fig. 81). Weld and
- Double-bevel weld (Fig. 84)
grind the joints on both sides.
- Square-edge weld (Fig. 85)

Fig. 81
Fig. 79

Fig. 82

Fig. 80

3 842 954.00 en

3.4.2 T-joints
Recommended weld shapes:
- Bevel weld (Fig. 86)
- Double-bevel weld (Fig. 87)
- Square-edge weld (Fig. 88)

Fig. 83

Fig. 86

Fig. 84

Fig. 87

Fig. 85

Welding process accord-

Opening angle β
ing to DIN EN ISO 4063
Manual metal arc welding
MAG (135) 45
Welding wire (136) 45

Fig. 88

3 842 954.00 en

3.5 Work sequence when welding Double-groove weld (Fig. 91), weld
accessible from 2 sides
3.5.1 Butt weld
+ Easily accessible side
- Side not easily accessible Groove weld (Fig. 89)

Fig. 91

A. Weld prepared
B. Groove overhead-welded
Fig. 89
C. Root gouged
A Weld prepared
D. Seam welded
B Groove welded Double-groove weld (Fig. 92), weld
C Root gouged from underneath
accessible from 2 sides by turning the
D Root welded component Groove weld (Fig. 91), weld accessible
from 2 sides by turning the component

Fig. 92

A. Weld prepared
Fig. 90
B. Root welded
A Weld prepared
C. Plate turned, root gouged
B Groove welded
D. Seam welded
C Plate turned, root gouged
D Root welded

3 842 954.00 en Groove weld with pool backing plate 3.5.2 T-joint

Groove weld with 25 x 4 pool backing plate (Fig. T-joint (Fig. 94), accessible from 2 sides
93), weld accessible from 1 side

Fig. 94

A. Web and flange plate tack welded

B. Bevel weld welded
C. Root gouged
D. Seam welded T-joint with pool backing plate (Fig. 95),
Fig. 93
accessible from 1 side
A. Pool backing plate attached
B. Welding groove made and 1st root bead
C. 2. Root bead welded
D. Seam welded

Fig. 95

A. Pool backing plate welded on

B. Root bead welded
C. Root bead welded
D. Seam welded

3 842 954.00 en

3.6 Closing openings, renewing com- Weld seams [2] and [3] alternately. Weld long
ponent areas seams using the back-step method

Openings (Fig. 96) with adequate vision should be Back-step welding:

as small as possible, but at the same time big
enough to be able to work unhindered.
Experience: 300 mm long and 200 mm high open-
ings are usually adequate.
3.6.1 Closing a work opening

Fig. 97

Weld seam [4] like seam [1].

Fig. 96

This example (Fig. 96) is suitable for plate thick-

nesses up to 25 mm.
Fig. 98 shows a hoe stick. The moment diagram
shown below clearly shows where the highest
loads, and therefore also the highest stresses,
occur. Therefore, weld [1] is the weld that lies in
the area of the higher flange stress.
Weld seam [1] from the center to the right and left
to about the center of the radii. End the upper Fig. 98
beads or pass approximately 15 mm before the
end of the bead or pass underneath. Allow the fully
welded seams to cool down to approximately +

3 842 954.00 en

3.6.2 Closing a web plate opening

Fig. 101

Fold 30 x 4 flat steel pool backing plate (3) or

cut out of a 4 mm plate. Do not tack weld pool
backing plates from flat steel, because there is
no depth of coverage for the radii.
4. Attach the pool backing plate (3) to the web
Fig. 99 plate (2) using screw clamps (Fig. 102). Weld
1. On the web plate (2, Fig. 99 + 100), bevel the peripheral 3 mm fillet weld, do not tack weld
welding bevels to approximately 10°. The width (Fig. 103).
b of the bevel can be seen in Fig. 112 with ref-
erence to the plate thickness.

Fig. 102

After welding the fillet weld, remove splatter

from the abutment surface for the filler plate
(arrow, Fig. 103).

Fig. 100

2. Gouge longitudinal welds between the flange

plate (1) and the web plate (2) approximately
100 mm at the repair opening (Fig. 100).
3. Install the pool backing plate (3, Fig. 101) only
at the web plate edges.

Fig. 103

3 842 954.00 en

Produce the filler plate (5, Fig. 104) for the repair Fix the filler plate (5, Fig. 106) using screw
opening. Use a new plate of the same thickness for clamps. This can be done in workshops up to
this. Bevel the filler plate as shown. See Fig. 112 box widths of 1.5 meters.
for the bevel width (b).

Fig. 106

Fig. 104
If screw clamps cannot be used, fix the filler
plate using the so-called “retainers” (6, Fig.
5. Install the filler plate (5, Fig. 105). 107). Weld the retainer (6) to the web plate (2)
Make sure the welding grooves are perfect. with fillet welds. Then secure the filler plate (5)
by driving in wedges (7).
The filler plate is to abut the pool backing plate
completely. Flame-cut the retainers after welding the filler
In the case of distortion, the pool backing plate
has to be straightened, if the backing plate is Clean grind the welded areas.
accessible. Do not hammer off the retainers.

Fig. 107
Fig. 105

3 842 954.00 en

Weld in the filler piece (Fig. 108).

Fig. 109

Fig. 108

You must follow the welding sequences illus-

trated. The symbols used have the following

Weld seam [1] to approximately the center of

the radii. Weld the first bead exactly between
the filler piece (5) and the pool backing plate
(3). The upper bead must end approximately
15 mm before the bead underneath. The filler
piece may shrink after the seam [1] has been
Then weld the two seams [2] and [3]. In this
case, make sure there is a clean toothing with
the ends of the seam [1] (grind the seam
ends). Pull the other ends through as far as the
flange plate. Grind out the seam ends [2], [3]
on the flange plate as shown in Fig. 108 so
that the same groove shape is produced as in
the case of the web plate and filler plate.
Finally, weld seam [4]. Make sure there are no
seam toes or weld heels of weld [4] at the end
of welds [2] and [3]. Weld seam [4] continu-
ously with string beads as much as possible.
At last, grind the surfaces of the welds [1], [2],
[3] level with the plate (Fig. 109).

3 842 954.00 en

3.6.3 Renewing part of a flange plate Bevel welding bevels to 10°. Abutting flange plate Determine width (b, Fig. 111), see (Fig. 112).
In the case of a box girder with 2 web plates (Fig.
110), a new flange plate piece has to be welded in. PLATE THICKNESS t BEVEL WIDTH b

8 2.0
10 2.0
12 2.5
15 3.0
20 3.0
25 4.5
30 5.5
35 6.5
40 7.0
45 8.0
50 9.0

Fig. 112
Fig. 110 1. Gouge the longitudinal welds between the web
plate (2, Fig. 113) and flange plate (1) at the
flange connection approximately 100 mm.

Fig. 111

Fig. 113

3 842 954.00 en

Install the pool backing plate (3, 4, Fig. 114,115) at Weld the pool backing plates (3, Fig. 117) to
the two remaining flange plate ends (1). Fit neatly the web plates (2) with fillet welds.
into place and avoid gaps.

Fig. 114 Fig. 117

3. Tack weld the pool backing plates (4, Fig. 118)

to the outside of the web plate and flange

Fig. 115

Use 25 mm x 4 mm flat steel as the pool back-

ing plate (3, 4). Fit pool backing plate (3) pre-
cisely between the two web plates (2). Adapt
the outer pool backing plates (4) to the Fig. 118
grooves of the web plates (2) and allow them
4. Tack weld run-off tabs (5, Fig. 119) to pool
to project approximately 30 mm.
backing plates (4). See also section “Run-off
2. Tack weld the pool backing plates (3) between tabs” in this respect.
the web plates. If welding deformation occurs
(Fig. 116), straighten the pool backing plates.

Fig. 116

Fig. 119

3 842 954.00 en

Install a new flange plate section (6, Fig. 120). Do Weld the flange plate piece. Observe the weld-
not re-use the old flange plate piece previously cut ing sequences shown (Fig. 122). The symbols
out. Make sure that the new flange plate abuts used have the following meaning:

Fig. 122

Seam [1] – transverse seam that lies in the ar-

ea of the higher stresses of the flange plate.
Weld the seam completely.
Seam [2] + [3] – weld the longitudinal seams in
the direction of the arrow.
Fig. 120
Seam [4] – weld the transverse seam com-
5. Weld the two fillet welds (Fig. 121) as illus- pletely.
trated. Weld fillet welds continuously, no tack
welds. Seam [5] + [6] – weld the longitudinal seams in
the direction of the arrow.
Weld seams [1] and [4] with string beads. Weld
as far as the 50 mm long run-off tabs (4). After
welding, neatly detach the run-off tabs.
Ground the surfaces of the transverse seams
clean and level with the plate. Cleanly gouge
the longitudinal seams in the area of the trans-
verse seams. The grinding marks are to run in
the longitudinal direction of the force. Then, if
possible, carry out the ultrasonic inspection on
the transverse seams.
When welding the longitudinal seams [2], [3],
Fig. 121 [5], [6] there must be no weld seam toes or
heels in the area of the transverse seams (pool
backing plate).

Fig. 123

3 842 954.00 en Internal flange plate

In the following example, in the case of a box
girder with 2 web plates, a new internal web plate
piece is welded in (Fig. 124).

Fig. 126

3. Install the pool backing plates (3, Fig. 127,

128) at the two remaining flange plate ends
(1). Use 25 x 4 mm flat steel as the pool back-
ing plate (3). Fit the pool backing plate (3)
Fig. 124
neatly and without gaps between the two web
Work sequence plates (2).

Fig. 127
Fig. 125

1. Bevel welding bevels to 15°. Determine width

(b, Fig. 125) from the diagram (Fig. 112).
2. Gouge the longitudinal welds between the web
plate (2, Fig. 126) and flange plate (1) at the
flange connection approximately 100 mm.

3 842 954.00 en

Weld the flange plate piece. Observe the weld-

ing sequences shown (Fig. 130) at all costs.
See, point 5, for execution of the welds.

Fig. 128

4. Tack weld the pool backing plates (3) between

the web plates. (Fig. 128 + 129). Straighten the
pool backing plates if welding deformation oc- Fig. 130

Fig. 129

3 842 954.00 en Possible causes of damage to flange Reason for the damage:

Non-metal inclusions from the melt (segregation)
The following defects may occur at the flange are distributed in the center of the plate over the
plates of box sections. entire plate.
1. Transverse cracks Measures:
The flange plate may crack transversely to the The plate cannot be repaired by welding.
component in the flange plate.
The damaged plate has to be replaced to achieve
a permanent repair. The plate areas that have not
yet cracked are likely to crack later through the
dynamic stressing of the component.
3. Longitudinal cracks
The flange plate may crack in the longitudinal
direction of the component parallel to the edge of
the plate (Fig. 133).

Fig. 131

Reason for the damage:

Impeded expansion of the component through
component elements, such as bearing mountings,
ribs, doubler plates, etc., not being dimensioned or
welded properly.
Fig. 133
It is nearly always possible to repair the component
by welding. For a permanent repair, the component Reason for the damage:
has to be opened so that the welds in the highly
stressed areas of the component can be counter- The component is not stable enough. The flange
welded. plate deforms with changing loads. This causes
material constraints at the weld/flange plate transi-
2. Plate separation tion.
As shown in the diagram, the plate can crack more Measures:
or less exactly in the center (Fig. 132).
The flange plate cannot be repaired by welding.
For a permanent repair, the plate in the crack area
has to be replaced. The plate thickness of the new
plate has to be increased in order to reduce defor-
mation to a tolerable level.

Fig. 132

3 842 954.00 en Repair of a boom with top flange 3. Repair damage inside the box and in the side
The top flange of the boom is cracked (arrows, Fig.
91). 4. Weld on a new top flange (Fig. 136). Increase
the plate thickness by 5-10 mm.
1. Remove the supporting block (1, Fig. 134).

Fig. 136
Fig. 134
5. Weld on the supporting block again (Fig. 137).
2. Remove the top flange in the area of the
damage (Fig. 135). Provided they are installed and welded care-
fully, it is not necessary to machine the re-
Recommendation: Remove the top flange in the moved parts as a rule.
bent area completely.

Fig. 137
Fig. 135

3 842 954.00 en

4. Reinforcement of steel com-  Thickness of doubler plates

The thickness of doubler plates should not ex-
ponents ceed 60% of the thickness of the plate to be
A component can be reinforced by welding using reinforced (Fig. 139).
the following methods:
 Covering a repaired area of damage with
doubler plates. In this case, the aim is to re-
duce the mechanical stresses (N/mm2) in the
repair area.
 Remedying defects by shape changes, e.g. the
problem of “open sections/closed sections,”
shape of the reinforcement ribs, formation of
frame corners, etc.
 Remedying defects by shape changes through
hardfacing, e.g. on steel castings.
Fig. 139
The need for component reinforcement should be
In mathematical terms, thicker doubler plates
proved by a simple calculation, if possible.
cannot be connected to the plate to be rein-
4.1 Doubler plates forced, because the welds would be too big.
They produce excessively large shape-related
4.1.1 Dimensions notches and increase the weight of the com-
 Length of doubler plates ponent beyond the necessary weight.
Metallurgical and shape-related notches occur  Width of doubler plates
at the ends of the doubler plates. Stress con- For steel components, the stresses are usually
centrations may lead to damage (part A, Fig. highest in the edge area. Therefore, the doub-
138). ler plate should be as wide as the plate to be
reinforced (A, Fig. 140).

Fig. 140

For production reasons, doubler plates thinner

than 8 mm should not be beveled. In these
cases, the doubler plate (B, Fig. 140) has to be
Fig. 138 narrower to leave space for a fillet weld. The
Therefore, the doubler plates should be suffi- top edges (arrow, Fig. 140) of the plate to be
ciently long so that their ends lie in areas ex- reinforced and of the doubler plate should not
posed to low basic stresses (part B, Fig. 138). be melted on.

3 842 954.00 en

4.1.2 Shape The narrow plate strips, possibly flat steel or wide
flat steel, are easier to bend and fit (Fig. 143).
Doubler plates should have the simplest shapes
possible. The ends should be rectilinear (Fig. 141 +
Welding slots should be provided to relieve the
transverse welds (Fig. 141).

Fig. 143

Plate shapes which are not rectilinear (Fig. 144 +

145) are difficult to manufacture and offer no advan-
tages in terms of power flow.
Fig. 141

Plate strips can also be welded on. However, con-

tinuous longitudinal seams have to be welded.
The edge areas that experience has shown to have
high stresses are reinforced. Weight-saving (Fig.

Fig. 144

Fig. 142

3 842 954.00 en

Fig. 147

The welds in the welding slots are ideal shear

connections between the doubler plate and the plate
to be reinforced.

Fig. 145
Circular welding holes are unfavorable (Fig. 148):

4.1.3 Welding slots

In addition to the welds on the outside contours, the
welds in the welding slots should also help to opti-
mize the attachment of doubler plates (Fig. 146 and

Fig. 146

Drill out the ends of the slots (Fig. 146). Fig. 148

Slot width ≥ 2 x plate thickness (Fig. 147). The parts of the weld that lie transverse to the force
flow are not load bearing and cannot be considered
in the calculation.
The cross-section of the doubler plate is significantly
Stress concentrations are formed at the hole edges.

3 842 954.00 en

4.1.4 Installation The break-out point in the base material has to be

ground carefully before welding up the slot.
Doubler plates should sit “snug,” i.e. as close as
possible, on the plate to be reinforced. The air gap
should preferably be “0”. For relatively small com-
ponents and thin plates, fix the doubler plates with
screw clamps (Fig. 149).

Fig. 149

For bigger components and thicker plates, wedge

the doubler plates (Fig. 150). However, this is only
possible in the edge areas of the plates. Welding on
the wedge brackets and removing them has to be
done very carefully. Never knock the brackets off.

Fig. 151

4.1.5 Welds at T joints

Doubler plates in the area of T-joints should be
welded on so that all 3 plates are connected (Fig.

Fig. 150

The central area of plates can be fixed with screw

connections (Fig. 151). This is highly recommended
for large plate areas. The stud screws are best fitted
in the area of the welding slots. After tack welding,
the welded-on screw may only be knocked off.

Fig. 152

3 842 954.00 en

4.2 Deformation of plates as the result of  Rolling (Fig. 155):

repair work Cold forging;
Plates used for repair or reinforcement work can No problems expected after forging.
deform in different ways.
Information on problems with different types of
 Folding (Fig. 153):
Cold forging;
Maintain the minimum radius of curvature.
Watch for longitudinal cracks in the area of the

Fig. 155

 Multi-edge folding (Fig. 156):

Cold forging:
Cracks have to be expected at the effective
lines of the tools at the plate edges. After the
multi-edge folding process, break the plate edg-
es 2 x 2 mm at the top and bottom.

Fig. 153

 Pressing (Fig. 154):

Cold or hot forging;
With cold forging, monitor the minimum radius of
curvature and also longitudinal cracks in the ar-
ea of the curve.

Fig. 156

Fig. 154

3 842 954.00 en

4.3 Reinforcement by improving the It is a good idea to grind the transition areas (Fig.
shape 158).
4.3.1 Rib run-off
Ribs that end at highly stressed component ele-
ments must run off as illustrated in Fig. 157. This
also applies to ribs of secondary importance.

Fig. 158

In this case, the weld must not be ground off.

4.3.2 Open sections/closed sections
The torsional resistance moment of a closed section
is approximately 500 times higher than that of an
open section with otherwise similar dimensions.
Consequently, stress peaks occur at the transition
from the open section to the closed section. They
are caused by restricted deformation and con-
straints (Fig. 159).

Fig. 157

t a h R e L1 L2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
6 4 6 10 60 20 30 12
8 4 6 10 60 20 30 12
10 4 6 10 80 20 30 12
12 5 8 10 100 20 40 14
15 6 9 10 120 30 50 18
20 8 12 10 160 30 60 22
26 8 12 10 180 30 70 22
30 10 15 10 200 30 70 28

Fig. 159

T Torsional moment
O Open section
G Closed section

3 842 954.00 en

Therefore, a continuous transition has to be created 4.3.3 Reinforcement through hardfacing

between the open section and the closed section
Shape-related notches found on steel components
(Fig. 160).
can be corrected or at least improved by hardfacing.
The work must be carefully planned and executed
(Fig. 161).

Fig. 160

Continuous welding around the transition is neces-

Fig. 161

3 842 954.00 en

4.3.4 Improvement of radii at ribs Then create a new, better contour by flame cutting
(Fig. 164). Ensure a stable cutter control
Fig. 162 shows a rib contour where the stress level
in the marked area is too high.

Fig. 164

Fig. 162 1 Flame cut here

To improve this, weld on a plate of the same thick- Neatly grind the flame cut and create the new con-
ness (Fig. 163): for welding steps, see section. tour (Fig. 165).

Fig. 163 Fig. 165

1. Weld groove 2 Grind here

2. Weld from one side The finishing work facilitates the gradual, continual
inflow of the component forces.
3. Gouge the root pass from the opposite side
4. Weld from the opposite side
5. Grind the weld surfaces

3 842 954.00 en

5. Materials, weld fillers

5.1 Materials in welded components
Before proceeding with welding, back gouging, hot
The material properties cannot be
or cold forging, and heat treatment, the repairer
determined through simple hard-
must know the component’s material.
ness measurements or even by a
The following information at least must be known: spark test. These test methods
lead to incorrect conclusions.
- Strength class
- Heat treated state
- Reference analysis, carbon equivalent The right weld fillers for the materials must then be
chosen. In this case, the machine manufacturer or
- Material thicknesses the weld filler supplier should be consulted. Rec-
The repair work depends on this very important ommendations can be obtained from the catalogs
information. of the weld filler manufacturers.
This information can be obtained from drawings and The materials used by Caterpillar Global Mining
parts lists. HMS and also the weld fillers suitable for them are
listed on the following pages.
At Caterpillar Global Mining HMS, for example, the
operator can ask the manufacturer for the necessary
If there is time to plan the repair work, the material
type can also be determined by the materials labo-

3 842 954.00 en

5.2 Weld fillers for Caterpillar Global Mining HMS – welded components, with refer-
ence to the material partners and welding process (Tables 1 and 2)
See annex for the reference numbers for weld fillers.

Material 1 Material 2 Weld filler: Metal active gas Weld filler: Manual arc
welding welding
(MAG-135) (manual 111)
S235JR S235JR G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S235JR S355J2+N G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S235JR G21Mn5+QT G 46 4 M G4Si1A E 42 5 B 32 H5
G20Mn5+QT WS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S355J2+N S355J2+N G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S 46 6 FB S3Si (UP) -
AWS ASME 5.17 (EH 12 K)
S355NH S355NH G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
S235JR S355NH AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S235JRH S355J2+N
S355J2+N S690QL G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S355J2+N G20Mn5+QT G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S355J2+N G21Mn5+QT G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
G20Mn5+QT AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
S690QL S690QL G 69 6 M Mn4Ni1,5CrMo E 69 5 Mn 2 NiCrMo B 42 H5
AWS A5.28 (ER110S-G) AWS A5.5 (E11018-G)
G21Mn5+QT G21Mn5+QT G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
G20Mn5+QT G20Mn5+QT AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
G24Mn6+QT2 S690QL G 69 6 M Mn4Ni1,5CrMo E 69 5 Mn 2 NiCrMo B 42 H5
(formerly:25CrMo4V) AWS A5.28 (ER110S-G) AWS A5.5 (E11018-G)

Wear protection (buttons, S690QL G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5

chock blocks, corner AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
protection, base plate)
Teeth holder S690QL G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)

Corner blade S690QL 2/3 with G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5

AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
1/3 with G 69 6 M Mn4Ni1,5CrMo E 69 5 Mn 2 NiCrMo B 42 H5
AWS A5.28 (ER110S-G) AWS A5.5 (E11018-G)
Wear plates (Hardox 500,
Dillidur 500, XAR 500, S690QL G 46 4 M G4Si1 E 42 5 B 32 H5
Brinar 500 Cr) (ESCO cutting edge) AWS A 5.18 (ER70 S-6) AWS A5.1 (E7018-1)
1) G 46 4 M G4Si1 according to DIN EN ISO 14341-A
2) G 69 6 M Mn4Ni1,5CrMo according to DIN EN ISO 16834-A
3) S 46 6 FB S3Si according to DIN EN ISO 14171-A
4) E 42 5 B 32 H5 according to DIN EN ISO 2560-A
5) E 69 5 Mn 2 NiCrMo B 42 H5 according to DIN EN ISO 18275
Table 1

3 842 954.00 en

Material 1 Material 2 Weld filler: Metal active gas


S235JR S235JR T 46 4 MM 1H5

AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S235JR S355J2+N T 46 4 MM 1H5
AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S235JR G21Mn5+QT T 46 4 MM 1H5
G20Mn5+QT AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S355J2+N S355J2+N T 46 4 MM 1H5
AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S355NH S355NH T 46 4 MM 1H5
S235JR S355NH AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S235JRH S355J2+N
S355J2+N S690QL T 46 4 MM 1H5
AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S355J2+N G20Mn5+QT T 46 4 MM 1H5
AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S355J2+N G21Mn5+QT T 46 4 MM 1H5
G20Mn5+QT AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
S690QL S690QL T 69 5 Mn2NiCrMo M M 2 H5
AWS A5.28 (E110C-K4MH4)

G21Mn5+QT G21Mn5+QT T 46 4 MM 1H5

G20Mn5+QT G20Mn5+QT AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
G24Mn6+QT2 S690QL T 69 5 Mn2NiCrMo M M 2 H5
(formerly:25CrMo4V) AWS A5.28 (E110C-K4MH4)
Wear protection (buttons, S690QL T 46 4 MM 1H5
chock blocks, corner AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
protection, base plate)
Teeth holder S690QL T 46 4 MM 1H5
AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
Corner blade S690QL T 46 4 MM 1H5
AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
T 69 5 Mn2NiCrMo M M 2 H5
AWS A5.28 (E110C-K4MH4)
Wear plates (Hardox 500, T 46 4 MM 1H5
Dillidur 500, XAR 500, S690QL AWS A5.18 (E70C-6MH4)
Brinar 500 Cr) (ESCO cutting edge)
6) T 46 4 MM 2H5 according to DIN EN ISO 17632-A
7) T69 5 Mn2NICRMO MM H5 according to DIN EN ISO 18276-A

Table 2

3 842 954.00 en

6. Heat treatment of the materials

When repairing steel components, it is often
necessary to use heat. Observe the heat treat-
ment instructions according to the materials and
work methods used.
6.1 Preheating for tack welding,
welding, grooving, and flame cut-
Preheating for tack welding, welding, grooving,
and flame cutting is necessary for two main rea-
 It prevents a too fast heat outflow from the
Fig. 167
heat affected zone. By specifically lengthening
the cooling time, the formation of hard and Butt joint (Fig. 168)
brittle structure states is avoided.
Two-dimensional heat dissipation. Fast heat
 Any moisture in the vicinity of the welding outflow through large component cross-sections.
area dries up. The penetration of harmful hy-
drogen and oxygen into the liquid welding
pool via the arc is prevented.
Influence of the wall thickness on the welded
When preheating components for welding, the
volume of heat to be introduced depends on the
component dimensions and the welded joint.
T-joint (Fig. 166)
Three-dimensional heat dissipation. Very fast heat
outflow through large component cross-sections.

Fig. 168

Butt joint (Fig. 169)

Two-dimensional heat dissipation. Slow heat
outflow through small component cross-sections.

Fig. 166

T-joint (Fig. 167)

Three-dimensional heat dissipation. Slow heat
outflow through small component cross-sections.

Fig. 169

3 842 954.00 en

Avoiding hardness peaks The preheating temperature mainly depends on

the material, shape, and thickness of the compo-
Preheating prevents the formation of structure
nent, the welding method, and climatic factors.
states that are undesirable because they are too
hard and brittle. When doing repair work, the temperatures speci-
fied in the following list must be kept.
If there is any doubt, in order to guarantee an
expert repair, the welding company must obtain
information on the necessary preheating tempera-
tures from a specialist welding engineer of the
relevant Caterpillar Global Mining MHS factory via
Caterpillar Global Mining HMS Customer Service.

Fig. 170

1. Hardness, not permitted*

2. Hardness, permitted*
3. Hardness in the base material, heat affected,
without preheating
4. Hardness in the base material, heat affected,
with preheating
5. Weld metal
6. Base material, not heat affected
7. Hardness scale
HV = hardness
* depending on the material

3 842 954.00 en

6.2 Preheating and interpass temperatures; heating up and cooling down rates for
repair welding
Wall thick- Preheating tempera-
Name of material Interpass temperature
nesses ture

Room temperature
S235JR all max. 250 °C
(minimum 20 °C)

< 40 mm min. 20 °C max. 250 °C

≥ 40 mm min. 100 °C max. 250 °C

< 80 mm min. 100 °C max. 220 °C

≥ 80 mm min. 150 °C max. 220 °C

< 50 mm min. 50 °C
G20Mn5+QT max. 250 °C
≥ 50 mm min. 100 °C

< 50 mm min. 100 °C

G21Mn5+QT max. 250 °C
≥ 50 mm min. 150 °C

G24Mn6+QT2 < 50 mm min. 100 °C

max. 220 °C
(formerly: GS-25 CrMo 4 V) ≥ 50 mm min. 150 °C

Esco casting 1)
(teeth holders, cutting edges,
blades, corner blade, wear all min. 150 °C max. 220 °C

Wear plates 2) < 20 mm min. 100 °C

(Hardox 500, Dillidur 500, and max. 220 °C
XAR 500) ≥ 20 mm min. 150 °C

1) When tack welding, corner blades and wear protection of Esco steel castings do not have to be preheated.
2) When tack welding, wear plates do not have to be preheated. Preheating and interpass temperatures must
be measured according to DIN EN ISO 13916.

3 842 954.00 en

Preheating process: Temperature measurement

When preheating, the heat must be introduced at If two plates of the same material but of unequal
a rate of 30° -50° C/h (90°-120°F). This can be thickness are welded together, the thicker plate
done by using one of the following methods: determines the choice of preheating temperature.
The interpass temperature is measured on the
 Electric heat mats weld.
If the fasteners for the heat mats are welded If two different materials are welded together, the
onto the component, the welding areas must plate with the highest requirement determines the
be preheated locally. After removing the fas- preheating and interpass temperature.
teners, ground the welded areas in order to
eliminate any micro-cracks in the compo-
nent’s material.
Butt weld:
 Gas heaters t ≤ 50 mm: A= 4 x t max. 50 mm
Gas heaters have to be positioned on the t > 50 mm: A = 75 mm
component so that there can be no local
over-heating of the component. If necessary,
the component must be protected against
overheating with the aid of heat deflectors.
 Gas burners
Gas burners should burn with a soft, low ox-
ygen flame. Because of the risk of local
overheating, the gas flames must not touch
the component. Protect the component
against overheating with heat deflectors.
For all heating methods, cover the component by
insulating mats to prevent too much heat being
transmitted to the environment. After welding, do
not accelerate the cooling process with com-
pressed air, draughty air or water. Depending on Fig. 171
the material (see details), the welding area has to
cool down slowly to room temperature, RT = 20°C
(70°F) at a rate of 30°C to 50°C/h (90°C to Fillet weld:
120°F). Cover the components must with insulat- t ≤ 50 mm: A= 4 x t max. 50 mm
ing mats to cool down.
t > 50 mm: A = 75 mm
For technical and economic reasons, it is recom-
mended that repair welding lasting over several
shifts is done with the necessary preheating, and
controlled cooling is carried out continuously, i.e.
in one operation. (day shift, night shift, etc.). If the
welding is done in the day shift only, cool down to
room temperature accurately and heat up to the
required preheating temperature.

Fig. 172

3 842 954.00 en

6.3 Hot forming of plates 6.5 Stress-free annealing of steel com-

On absorbing heat, steel loses the mechanical ponents
properties that it possesses in the cold state. This 6.5.1 Range of application
property can be used for hot forming purposes.
This supply specification applies to the production
In repair practice, only normalized plate qualities, of welded components for Caterpillar Global
e.g. S235JR, S355J2 + N can be hot formed. Mining HMS GmbH and its suppliers
Tempered plate qualities can only be cold formed, 6.5.2 Scope
or at temperatures between 400°C (750°F) and
550°C (1020° F). At approximately 800°C This supply specification is valid for Caterpillar
(1470°F), tempered plated qualities, such as Global Mining HMS GmbH. It takes precedence
S690QL, would be too highly tempered and lose and applies to the stress-free annealing of:
their mechanical properties. They would have to Welded constructions of plate and casting steels
be re-tempered, which is hardly possible in repair of qualities S355J2+N, S690QL and G21Mn5+QT
practice. / G20Mn5+QT
Normalized or tempered plate qualities must Tempered steel castings after repair welding
never be formed in the temperature range of
approximately 100°C – 350°C (210°F – 660°F) 6.5.3 General information
because in this temperature range, known as blue The stress-free annealing of steel components
heat, the material is brittle and tends to crack in mainly depends on the type of construction and its
the area where it is formed. welding sequence, the material and the load.
6.4 Flame straightening plates The temperature of the annealing furnace must
Plates can be cold or hot straightened. not exceed 150°C when the component is intro-
duced. The component must be correctly posi-
For cold straightening, the necessary forming tioned and supported on the furnace car in order
forces are applied from outside via tools, e.g. to avoid any unnecessary changes in shape
presses or rollers. For flame straightening, the through its own weight when annealing. The
interaction through the local introduction of heat is component must also be free from oil, grease,
utilized: expansion of the material in the heated rust, scale, moisture, and residue.
area, upsetting of the hot material at the transition
to the cold area, shrinkage of the heated area and Cavities in welded constructions must be provided
straightening through internal stresses. The with an air pressure equalization opening. Choose
an area with low operating stress for this opening.
material should be heated red hot if an effective
straightening effect is expected. Again, the mate- The position of the bolt hole is indicated on the
rial quality has to be considered for this, too. Only drawing.
normalized plates can be hot straightened without The hole must have a diameter of at least 5 mm.
losing mechanical properties. Welding torches or electrodes must not be used.
The flame straightener temperature must not After cooling, weld up the bolt holes and then
ground the welds level with the plate.
exceed 700°C.
6.5.4 Heat-up rate
The annealing furnace is to be heated so that the
component heats up at a rate of approximately 30
°C/h – 50 °C/h. In the case of gas-fired furnaces,
the components have to be protected from the
direct gas flame by a protective plate.
6.5.5 Annealing temperature
For the stress-free annealing of welded construc-
tions an annealing temperature of 580 °C ± 10 °C
is defined.
For stress-free annealing after repair welding of
steel casting, the annealing temperature must be
at least 30°C – 50°C below the tempering tem-
perature (560°C – 580°C).
A uniform temperature distribution has to be
provided in the furnace chamber. The temperature

3 842 954.00 en

difference must not exceed a range of 20°C. This 6.6 Stress-relieving steel components
needs to be verified by an adequate number of
temperature monitoring instruments. Since the stress-relief annealing of repaired
components is only seldom possible and ma-
6.5.6 Dwell time chined surfaces may lose their dimensional stabil-
After the annealing temperature has been ity as the result of the annealing process, other
reached on the component, a minimum dwell time forms of stress-relief have to be adopted.
of 4.5 minutes/mm wall thickness is necessary to 6.6.1 Stress relief through heating
ensure that the relevant component cross-
sections are heated through uniformly. The dwell One way of reducing high local internal stresses,
time depends on the maximum weld thickness. e.g. after hardfacing or repairing welds, is what is
known as the stress relief of the component area.
6.5.7 Cool-down rate
The area around the presumed stress concentra-
The cool-down rate of the component from the tion has to be heated to 250°C – 300°C (480°F –
annealing temperatures should not exceed 570°F). Electric heat mats, gas heaters, or burn-
50°C/h. The component should be cooled down to ers can be used as the heat source.
a component temperature of approximately 350°C
with the furnace closed. The remaining cooling to Heat at a rate of approximately 30°C/h (90°F/h).
room temperature (20°C) can take place in static For components of simple design with a wall
air with the furnace open or outside the furnace. thickness of less than approximately 25 mm, a
6.5.8 Comments dwell time of 3 hours is sufficient. For more com-
pact components with wall thickness of more than
Components intended for stress-free annealing approximately 25 mm, a 5-hour dwell time is
are labelled on the drawing. needed.
Stress-free annealing of finish-machined sur- Cool at a rate of approximately 30°C/h (90°F/h).
faces/bolt holes is subject to the approval of the
design department of Caterpillar Global Mining Cover the component with insulating mats
HMS GmbH. Finished surfaces/bolt holes can be throughout the heat process. The temperature
protected by covers to prevent oxidizing. Compile difference in the component, e.g. between large-
a dimensional report before annealing. volume and compact areas and thin-walled areas
with ribbing must not be higher than 50°C (120°F).
6.5.9 Reporting
It must be confirmed in the report that all the
requirements of this supply specification have
been considered. The annealing parameters are
to be proved by a copy of a furnace graph.

3 842 954.00 en

6.6.2 Caulking welds Caulking tools

Restricted shrinkage when the weld is cooled can For caulking, use compressed air driven riveting
lead to high internal stresses (tensile stress) and hammers and flat chisel tools with a suitably
cracks. Unrestricted shrinkage can cause compo- shaped cutting edge.
nent deformation (angular shrinkage).
The riveting hammers should be of a convenient
Both undesirable conditions can be resolved by shape and fitted with a throttle valve if necessary
caulking. to control the number of blows. Work method The chisel cutting edge should be shaped as
shown in Fig. 173 and hardened.
Caulking is done after completion of a weld pass.
Note that a weld pass can consist of several
welding beads. It is not allowed to caulk the bead
of a pass individually.
The temperature of the weld must be below 100°C
(195°F) during the caulking process. All the weld
passes are to be caulked, except for the root and
cover passes. Remove slag and splatter from the
weld before caulking. Fix inadmissible excessive Fig. 173
curvature, notches and pores. Move the caulking
chisel two to three times over the same area of
the weld at a speed of around 100 cm/minute.
Make sure that no sharp notches, furrows, or
overlaps are produced during caulking. The
surface of the weld pass should be uniformly

Chisel hammers Chisel

Number of Piston Stroke Air con- Pres- Impact Cutting Tensile yield
blows diameter sumption sure force*) edge width strength of the
weld metal
(per min- (mm) (l/min.) (bar) (N) b (mm)
ute) (N/mm2)

1680 - 45 - 6.5 -
20 - 28.5 420 - 650 ≈ 317 - 1913 16 - 25 460 - 690
3000 102 7.5

Data for chisel hammers and chisels that can be used with reference to the tensile yield strength of the weld

3 842 954.00 en

6.7 Treatment of welding fillers within approximately 8 hours (1 shift) after open-
ing the pack. Hydrogen content < 5 ml/100 g weld
Welding fillers, such as rod electrodes, welding metal.
wire coils, powder and welding rods need to be
stored in a place where they cannot deteriorate. Therefore, a carton (packet) contains several
This is only possible in rooms heated to approxi- individual packs to meet a welder’s needs. The
mately 30°C (90°F) and with a maximum atmos- rod electrodes, vacuum-sealed in foil, are tightly
pheric humidity of 50%. packed. Individual rods cannot move if the pack is
intact. Before the pack is opened, the temperature
Packaging must remain sealed until usage. Re- has to be equalized with the ambient temperature
pack and return unused welding fillers to the in the work place. Wet rod electrodes need to be
storage room. destroyed. They cannot be used, even if they are
Why is that necessary? re-dried.

 The coatings used for rod electrodes or the  Wet welding wires or welding rods rust. The
powder for submerged arc welding are hygro- copper coating offers only a limited corrosion
scopic, i.e. they absorb moisture from the en- protection time.
vironment. If they are left unprotected, these Rust is a chemical iron and oxygen compound
substances become damp or even wet. Dur- that introduces undesirable oxygen into the weld
ing the welding process, the hydrogen and metal. The material becomes brittle.
oxygen separated from the water penetrate in-
to the weld metal and embrittle it. Rusty welding wire contaminates the wire guides,
making them wear prematurely.
Rod electrodes from newly opened packages or
packages already started have to be dried again Rusted welding wires and rods must therefore be
and kept in a heated container until they are used. destroyed.
Manufacturers of rod electrodes provide informa- 6.8 Monitoring the temperature
tion on drying.
The following may be used to monitor the tem-
Guide values for electrodes with coating type B, perature of heat treatment processes:
according to the Böhler welding method.
 Electric temperature sensors:
Intermediate These are easy to use and indicate the exact
Minimum Drying storage temperature as an analog or digital value im-
tensile yield time in in heated con- mediately.
Temp. hours
strength of tainer
the base
°C (minimum)  Adhesive thermometer:
material Temp. Time Thermometer with an analog display that ad-
C° days heres to the component by means of mag-
≤ 355
250°C 2 150-200 ≤ 14  Temperature pens:
A mark is made with the pen on the compo-
> 355 300 – 150 - nent to be heated. When the desired tempera-
2 ≤ 14
N/mm² 350°C 200 ture range is reached, the color of the mark
changes. The process is very simple in princi-
However, the re-drying process should not exceed ple. However, experience is needed with the
a total re-drying time of 10 hours. pens.
This inconvenient but necessary process is often
not performed.
The manufacturers of rod electrodes are now
providing help.
The rod electrodes are supplied in a special site-
resistant, moisture-impermeable package (vac-
uum-packed electrodes).
It is no longer necessary to re-dry the rod elec-
trodes and keep them warm, if they are used

3 842 954.00 en

7. Cold forming of plates They depend on the plate thickness and the
rolling direction. The minimum radii of curvature
Plates can be cold formed. transverse to the rolling direction are more favor-
able than those longitudinal to the rolling direction.
However, minimum radii of curvature must be
observed in order to avoid cracks in the outer The welding aptitude in the area of the curve is
areas of the curve. also important for the minimum radius of curva-
ture. Due to the grain coarsening and the associ-
Details of the radii of curvature are given in the
ated embrittlement during heating after excessive
relevant standards for the various plate materials.
cold forming, the minimum radii of curvature
according to DIN 18800 Part 4 have to be ob-

3 842 954.00 en

8. Hardfacing
Hardfacing has diverse uses. It is an important aid
for repair practice.
8.1 Supplementation of missing/worn
out materials
It may be necessary to supplement material as
the result of wear, deformation, or distortion, or as
the result of machining errors.
Hardfacing also requires expert planning and
careful execution.
The mechanical properties of the weld metal have
to match the requirements of the base material.
8.1.1 Hardfacing of bolt holes
Before carrying out the hardfacing process, the
worn bolt hole has to be enlarged by machining
on a boring machine or by grinding the diameter Fig. 175
manually by approximately 4 mm (2 mm cut
depth). This is necessary, so that after hardfacing
and machining, the new bolt hole surface lies in
homogenous weld metal and not in the relatively
hard heat affected zone.
Hardfacing must be done in adequate thickness
so that the bolt hole surface becomes “clean.”

Fig. 176

For small diameters, beads in the longitudinal

direction of the bolt hole are usual. For large bolt
holes, the weld metal can be applied as a con-
tinuous spiral bead.

Fig. 174

The individual work steps are shown in Fig. 174:

1 Worn bolt hole
2 Bolt hole drilled open
3 Tack-welded plate rings as run-off tab
4 Hardfacing
5 Run-off tabs removed, bolt hole machined to
final dimension.

3 842 954.00 en

Fig. 177 shows the recommended welding se- 8.1.2 Hardfacing of worn thread (Fig. 178)
quence using a practical example. Bolt hole (B) of
a bucket handle is to be hardfaced with longitudi-
nal beads. The shank is turned after the bottom
half of the bolt hole has been hardfaced.

Fig. 178

Before hardfacing, the worn or damaged thread

has to be machined on a lathe. The diameter of
Fig. 177 the trunnion should be approximately 4 mm
smaller than the core diameter.
Run-off grooves should also be gouged so that
the new contours lie in the homogenous weld
The threaded pin is extended with a pool backing
ring. The individual welding beads should end on
the ring.
The hardfacing should be done on a rotation
fixture for the component if possible.
The threaded pin can be made by machining.

3 842 954.00 en

8.2 Correcting component shapes to 8.3 Hardfacing for wear protection

improve the force path Component surfaces exposed to significant wear
Shape-related notches found on steel compo- can be protected by welding on wear-resistant
nents can be corrected by hardfacing. materials. See section 9 “Wear Protection” for
The work is to be done particularly carefully when
eliminating shape notches in order to avoid metal-
lurgical notches, which are even more damaging
for the component.
Flattening between thick and thinner plate in the
edge area of the component (Fig. 179).

Fig. 179

The surfaces have to be ground very cleanly; all

grinding marks must be parallel to the force direc-

3 842 954.00 en

9. Wear protection (armoring) 9.2 Hardfacing of wear protection lay-

9.1 Basic principles ers
Wear-resistant weld metal is applied to those
Component surfaces exposed to significant wear
areas where there is a risk of wear.
can be protected by welding on wear-resistant
materials. Depending on the operating conditions, a very
tough, impact-resistant weld metal or one with a
The need for wear protection needs to be ascer-
greater surface hardness can be used.
tained before the machine is commissioned.
Suitability for welding in fixed positions has to be
If the component is to be armored after commis-
considered, too.
sioning, apply the wear protection promptly,
before the base is worn. A component with worn A metal which contains chromium, tungsten, and
load-bearing parts can no longer be effectively niobium carbides in a tough matrix and which
protected against wear. provides good resistance against frictional wear
and adequate impact resistance has proved to be
The wear protection is not permanent; it is also
an excellent weld metal.
subject to wear. However, the rate of wear is
greatly reduced by the special metallurgical prop- This weld metal has a total hardness of approxi-
erties of the wear protection materials. mately 59-61 HRC. If better impact sensitivity is
expected, it is possible to drop to a hardness of
The wear protection system has to be checked
approximately 54-56 HRC by using a different
regularly and carefully maintained.
weld metal.
Therefore, it is recommended that maintenance is
As the result of surface stresses, the hard and
scheduled during the machine down times or that
less tough weld metal breaks down at the surface
worn components are replaced promptly.
to create a fine network (Fig. 180).
Worn parts can then be dealt with in a workshop,
where more time is available for preparation.
Well trained, attentive repair personnel can make
a significant contribution to the level of operational
availability of a machine.
Several wear protection systems are presented
here. The specific operating conditions will dictate
which of these systems is to be used. The advan-
tages and disadvantages of the systems have to
be balanced and assessed.

Fig. 180

To prevent these cracks from penetrating the

material of the base, in the case of components
exposed to changing or pulsating stresses, a so-
called buffer layer has to be welded between the
base material and the facing material.

3 842 954.00 en

Component areas particularly at risk, such as the The direction of flow of the wear medium has to
side wings of excavator buckets, should even be be considered when arranging the dots (Fig. 184).
protected by 2 buffer layers (Fig. 181).

Fig. 184
Fig. 181
If the dots are not arranged correctly, furrows will
The hardfacing weld must always lie exactly on form between the rows of dots.
the buffer layer. Otherwise there is a risk that the
base will crack (Fig. 182). Diamond patterns - use these on smaller surfaces
exposed to high wear.
In the case of diamond patterns, a soft medium
may be deposited in the interstices and thus
provide additional wear protection for the base
(Fig. 185).

Fig. 182

9.2.1 Types of hardfacing

Dot patterns - use these on large areas where
there is a relatively small risk of wear (Fig. 183).

Fig. 185

Fig. 183

3 842 954.00 en

Full surface hardfacing 9.3.2 For armoring layers

Relatively small areas exposed to very high wear For gravity position only, e.g. first armoring proc-
are armored over the entire surface. This guaran- ess in the workshop:
tees protection of the base material without gaps
Wire electrodes
(Fig. 186).
DIN 8555: MF 10 - GF - 60 - RT
Flux-cored wire, diameter 2 mm
Reference analysis:
C Cr Nb Si Mn
5.0 22.0 7.0 0.5 0.7 %
Rod electrodes
DIN 8555: E 10 - UM - 60 GRZ
Diameter 5 mm x 450 mm
Reference analysis:
C Cr Nb V Mo W
Fig. 186
5.0 22.0 8.0 1.5 8.0 2.5 %
9.2.2 NB:
For fixed position welding, e.g. re-armoring on
 Before hardfacing, preheat the base materials site:
according to their quality. Rod electrodes
 Keep the interpass temperature below 250°C DIN 8555 - E 6 - UM - 60 P
(480°F) maximum, when welding.
Basic coating
 Only base materials up to a hardness of
approximately 300 HB should be protected by Alloyed core wire
hardfacing. Reference analysis:
If base materials with a higher hardness are
hardfaced, the welding heat introduced causes C Cr Si Mn
structural changes in areas of the material close
to the surface. The hardness drops drastically. 0.5 6.0 1.3 1.3 %
Furthermore, high internal stresses are generated
Legend to symbols:
in the base material. Only tough base materials
are able to absorb these internal stresses. These R = rust resisting
are materials up to a maximum of 300 HB.
Z = heat-proof
9.3 Weld fillers P = impact resistant
9.3.1 For buffer layers UM = coated
Rod electrodes: MF = metal arc welding with cored wire
EN 499: E 38 2 RA 22, DIN EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 GF = filled
2 RA 53
T = creep resistant
AWS 5.1: E 6013, E 7024-1
G = abrasion-resistant
Wire electrodes:
EN 440: G 3 Si 1, DIN EN ISO 14231-A: G 42 2 M
G 3Si1
AWS 5.18: ER 70 S-6

3 842 954.00 en

9.4 Repairing the hardfacing Wear state 2 (Fig. 188)

If necessary, worn hardfacing must be renewed
by rewelding.
Rewelding should be done at the latest when
remains of the buffer layer are still visible.
Carry out a surface crack test (MT/PT) before
rewelding. Goug cracks in the base material or
buffer layer before welding. Do not overweld
9.4.1 State of wear
Different measures may be necessary, depending
on the state of wear.
Wear state 1 (Fig. 187)
Fig. 188

 The armor layer is completely worn.

 The armor layer is almost worn.
Measure: 1 new buffer layer and 2 new armor
layers have to be welded.
Wear state 3 (Fig. 189)

Fig. 187

 The armoring layer is almost worn.

 The buffer layer is still completely intact.
Measure: 2 new armor layers have to be welded.

Fig. 189

 Armor layer and buffer layer worn down

completely level with the plate.
Measures: 1 new buffer layer and 2 new armor
layers have to be welded.

3 842 954.00 en

Wear state 4 (Fig. 189) 9.4.2 Identification of the buffer and armor
How to identify the individual hardfacing layers:
Buffer layer residue can be revealed by grinding
(Fig. 191).

Fig. 190

 Armor layer and buffer layer partly worn or

broken out.
Measures: the remains of the armor layer have to
be removed by arc-air gouging (see section 3.1). Fig. 191

Grinding sparks produced by the armor layer are

dark red. They run in a straight line, practically
Never hammer off remains of the without any branching off.
armor layer. Flying splinters may If the buffer layer consists of an austenitic, i.e.
cause an accident! stainless weld metal, the grinding sparks will be
light in color.
The gouged area has to be ground clean. 1 new
If the buffer layer consists of a ferritic weld metal
buffer layer and 2 new armor layers are then to be
the grinding sparks are light red. They branch off
and scatter (Fig. 192).

Fig. 192

3 842 954.00 en

9.5 Repairing cracks in the area of Gouge the crack in the base according to the
hardfacing standard rules of the art (see section 3) and weld
(Fig. 195).
Damage pattern: the crack in the component lies
in the area of the hardfacing (Fig. 193).

Fig. 195

5 Run-off tabs
Fig. 193 Cover the repair area again by buffer welding and
1. Crack hardfacing (Fig. 196).

2. Armoring
3. Base
4. Crack area
First of all, remove the hardfacing in the area of
the crack completely (Fig. 194).
The hardfacing can only be melted off with the
ARC-AIR method.

Fig. 196

Fig. 194

3 842 954.00 en

9.6 Welding on plates or strips of To weld on to curved surfaces with a very big
wear-resistant steel plates radius of curvature, the strips should be approxi-
mately 100 mm x 400 mm and also be offset in
Wear-resistant plates or strips with a hardness of relation to each other (Fig. 198).
up to 500 HB can be welded on to the surfaces to
be protected.
9.6.1 Arrangement of the plates/strips
For welding on to flat surfaces, the wear plates
should measure approximately 200 mm x 300 mm
and be offset in relation to each other (Fig. 197).

Fig. 198

The strips must not be deformed. The gap occur-

ring on both sides of the curve should be the
same as much as possible (Fig. 199).

Fig. 197

The plates should closely abut the surfaces to be

protected – “0” air gap if possible.
If the plates are bigger than recommended and do
not abut correctly, they will be likely to crack or
fracture in the event of pressure loads or impact.
When fixing the plates, stresses occur at plate
level which can lead to cracking of the welds.
Partially worn areas can also be renewed more
easily if the recommended plate size is observed. Fig. 199

The distance between the plates or strips should

not be too big (Fig. 200).
The interstices between the plates should fill with
medium. This will protect the welds against wear.

3 842 954.00 en

For the distances between the plates and a func-

tion of the plate thickness, see Fig. 200.

Fig. 200

t a b
10 6 20
15 8 25
20 10 30
The welds in the direction of flow of the medium
wear considerably more quickly than transverse
welds (Fig. 201).

Fig. 202

The side wings of bucket leading edges and hoe

buckets can be protected by wear strips.
Use one-piece strips. They are supposed to end
in the area with low operating stresses (Fig. 203).

Fig. 201

Narrow surfaces, e.g. at the side walls (arrow, Fig.

201 and 202) of bucket leading edges and hoe
buckets should therefore be covered with inter-
rupted strips.
 Transverse grooves or slots fill with the me-
dium. The welds become self-protected.
 The sliding of the medium is interrupted by the
grooves or slots. The medium rolls. This re- Fig. 203
duces the wear. Create a long and slim-tapered hardfacing weld at
Do not use an arrangement of circular weld open- the ends of the wear strips.
ings, because experience has shown that the Ground transitions from the weld metal to the
openings do not fill. Large parts of the weld and base material until they are notch-free.
plate wear.

3 842 954.00 en

Arrange the welds in the longitudinal direction of 3. The welds have optimum protection. The
the strips in such a way they are protected. arrangement of the wear strips is recom-
mended (Fig. 206).
Possible arrangements:
1. The welds are highly prone to wear. This
arrangement is not recommended (Fig. 204).

Fig. 206

4. This arrangement is only recommended if the

side walls are also covered with wear plates.
Fig. 204 The welds are then protected against wear
(Fig. 207).
2. The welds are prone to wear when the bucket
reverses. The cutting edge is widened con-
siderably. The penetration resistance is in-
creased (Fig. 205).

Fig. 207

Fig. 205

3 842 954.00 en

The gaps between the plates of the 1st row have The welds for fixing the plates and strips consist
to be closed by hardfacing. of a soft weld metal that is not wear-resistant. This
is necessary because of the types of material of
If this is not done, the wear plates in the 2nd row
the base and the wear plates.
behind the gap may wear (be filled).
Therefore, the welds lying in the direction of flow
in particular should be protected by a “hard” cover
pass against extra-fast wear.

Fig. 208

Information on Fig. 208:

1. Direction of flow of the medium
2. Fillet welds
3. Armor layer

Fig. 209

Information on Fig. 209:

1. Plate, base material, e.g. S690QL
2. Wear plate, hardness approx. 500 HB
3. Wear plate, hard layer on soft substrate
4. Soft weld metal
5. Soft weld metal, buffer layer
6. Hard weld metal, armor layer

3 842 954.00 en

9.6.2 Bending strips 9.6.3 Working instructions

Strips from a material up to 400 HB maximum can  Plates with hardnesses from 300 HB upwards
still be cold formed and adapted to curved sur- must not be hot formed or hot straightened.
faces (Fig. 210).
 Plates and strips must not be welded on to
highly stressed edges on the component.
 The plates and strips should be welded on
with continuous fillet welds all round. Tack
welding points are not sufficient.
 “Soft” welding fillers are used for welding on;
also for welding in the cover pass of the fillet
 The base is to be heated according to its
quality, but at least to approximately 100°C
 For plate thicknesses up to 20 mm, the wear
plates must be preheated to at least 100°C
(210°F). For plate thicknesses of 40 mm, pre-
heat to 150°C (300°F).
 During whelding the interpass temperature
must not exceed 250°C (480°F).
Fig. 210 9.6.4 Weld fillers
However, bending has to be carried out on a Rod electrodes:
bending roller and not on a plate metal folder.
DIN EN ISO 2560-A: E42 5 B 32 H5
When forming by gradual folding, taking into
account the bending angle and resilience, cracks AWS 5.1: E 7018-1
would be created in the wear plate on the tension
Wire electrodes:
DIN EN ISO 14241-A: G 46 4 M G4Si1
Always renew promptly worn plates and strips.
AWS 5.18: ER 70S-6
Wear plate residue can only be cut off by wedges
(Fig. 211) if the welds have been grooved by
grinding and given pre-determined fracture points.
The separation points must be ground clean and

Fig. 211

3 842 954.00 en

9.7 Welding on plates or strips with

wear-resistant coating
Plates or strips in S235JR/S355J2+N with a wear-
resistant layer with a hardness of up to 58 HRC
previously welded on may also be welded on to
the surfaces to be protected.
The plate thickness depends on the size of the
bucket. If the recommended plate thicknesses are
used, the distance between the plates should be
15 mm (Fig. 212).

Fig. 214

9.7.1 Working instructions

 The plates and strips should be welded on
Fig. 212
with continuous fillet welds of a = 6 mm thick-
Plate thicknesses: e.g. ness all round.
A B C  “Soft” welding fillers (see 9.6.4) are used for
13 8 5 welding on; also for welding in the cover pass
19 13 6 of the fillet weld.
25 19 6
 The strips may not be welded on to highly
The plates or strips should be approximately 100 stressed edges on the component.
mm x 400 mm and be offset in relation to each
 The base is to be heated according to its
other (Fig. 213).
quality, but at least to approximately 100°C
 The strips are usually not preheated. Excep-
tions: Component and ambient temperature is
below 20°C (70°F) and the strips are damp.
 Taking into account the base, the interpass
temperature when welding must not exceed
250°C (480°F).
 Worn strips are to be replaced promptly. Strip
residue must not be cut off by wedges, unless
Fig. 213 the welds are grooved by grinding and have
pre-determined fracture points.
The strips must not be deformed. Nevertheless,
they can be welded on to curved surfaces with  The separation points must be ground clean.
large radii of curvature if they abut in the center They must be crack-free before new strips are
and the gap at the longitudinal sides is relatively welded on.
small and evenly distributed left and right (Fig.
214).  The pre-fabricated strips can be separated
with the plasma torch. If this is not possible,
the substrate can be separated by grinding or
gouging. The hard layer then has to be bro-

3 842 954.00 en

9.8 Welding on wear-resistant pin as- Description of the method (Fig. 215)
sembly  Mount pin assemblies with ceramic weld pool
Pin assemblies in wear-resistant materials can be backing on the welding fixture. The ceramic
welded on to the surfaces to be protected. ring forms the pool and protects it from exter-
nal influences.
Pin assemblies of different sizes, shapes and
hardnesses are available from the trade.  When the pin assembly is removed from the
component surface, an arc is struck. Parts of
Welding method: the pin assembly and of the base material are
Pin assembly welding with tip ignition then melted.

High output power sources are required for weld-  The pin assembly is pressed into the molten
ing. pool. After the pool has cooled, the pin as-
sembly is completely welded on.
9.8.1 Working instructions
Before welding, check whether the  The distances between the pin assemblies
re-working site has sufficient electric should be as small as possible. The distance
power available. is determined by the size of the ceramic ring.
With a small distance between pin assem-
blies, the acting forces are distributed more
evenly over as many pin assemblies as pos-
sible. Consequently, the risk of pin assembly
fractures is significantly reduced.
 The base is to be heated according to its
quality, but at least to approximately 100°C
 The pin assemblies must not be welded onto
component edges or component radii.
It is recommended that specialist companies are
consulted regarding the use of the method and
also the pin assemblies and tools. The method is
used successfully around the world.
The re-welding of individual pin assemblies that
have broken out is not recommended. The break-
out point in the base cannot usually be planed
sufficiently well.

Fig. 215

3 842 954.00 en

9.9 Welding on cutting edges on exca-

vator buckets
Pre-fabricated cutting edges (1, Fig. 216) in high
strength tempered steel as the wear material with
a good cutting capability can be welded onto the
bucket (2).

Fig. 217

Fig. 216

9.9.1 Work sequence

Straighten the contour of the worn cutting edge
section by flame cutting. Use the values in the
following table for the flame cutting process. Grind
the cut edges until they are metallically bright.
Minimum preheating temperature for flame cutting

Plate < 20 < 50 < 100 ≥ 100


S690QL 25°C 50°C 100°C 150°C

Use a template to manufacture the replacement

piece. Material: Wear-resistant tempering steel;
pre-formed; to be sourced from Caterpillar Global
Mining HMS Spares Service, for example.
To cut out the contour and bevel the welding
grooves, preheat the material to the temperature
specified in the table. Grind the welding groove
surfaces until they are metallically bright.
Fit the replacement piece (Fig. 217).

3 842 954.00 en

To facilitate the assembly and welding work, the (hard) welding fillers for 1/3 of the weld
bucket should be set up with the blade vertical.
Rod electrodes
Preheat the cutting edge and spare part to 150°C
(300°F) to weld. DIN EN ISO 18275-A: E 69 5 Mn2NiCrMo B 42
9.9.2 Welding sequence (Fig. 218) and welding
fillers for corner blades AWS A5.5: E 11018 - G
Wire electrodes
DIN EN ISO 16834-A: G 69 6 M Mn4NI1,5CrMo
AWS A5.28: ER 100 S-G
The weld run-offs at the transitions to the teeth
holders must be ground clean (arrows, Fig. 218).

Fig. 218

First weld the root and 1 interpass from one side

with soft welding fillers.
(soft) welding fillers for 2/3 of the weld
Rod electrodes
DIN EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 5 b 32 H5
AWS 5.1: E 7018-1 Fig. 219
Wire electrodes The entire welded area must cool slowly after the
DIN EN ISO 14341-A: G 46 4 M G4Si1 welding work has been completed. Cover the area
with glass wool. Never cool with water or com-
AWS 5.18: ER 70S-6 pressed air.
Then grind out the root pass from the opposite
side and weld 2 layers as on the opposite side.
Then complete the remaining weld with the fillers
suitable for the cutting edge material (see page
86). Weld string beads; interpass temperature
max. 250°C (480°F).
Change sides continuously to avoid distorting the
spare part.

3 842 954.00 en

10. Repairs by welding cast-iron

10.1 Spheroidal graphite cast-iron
2 methods with different levels of effort can be
used. Hot welding requires more effort, but usually
leads to the better result.
10.1.1 Hot welding
The same kind of welding fillers are used. Pro-
vided that the welding is executed properly, a
weld metal Quality Class A according to VDG
specification N 60 is achieved. The mechanical
properties of the weld are the same as those of
the unwelded material.
Preheating to 600°C (1100°F) is necessary for
welding. After welding, temper at 900°C (1650°F).
Due to these requirements this method can hardly
ever be used in repair practice.
In addition, the thermal loading of the component
is so high that the dimensional stability of ma-
chined surfaces can no longer be guaranteed.
A specialized company should be used for this
type of welding. Only they have the necessary
facilities for preheating, tempering, and handling
the hot components.

3 842 954.00 en

10.1.2 Cold welding 10.2 Gray cast iron (GG)

A different type of welding filler is used for this 2 methods with different levels of effort can be
process. Provided that the work is done properly, used here, too. Hot welding, which requires great-
the weld metal achieves Quality Class B accord- er effort, leads to better results.
ing to VDG specification N 60. The mechanical
properties of the weld (strength) differ from those 10.2.1 Hot welding
of the unwelded material, but usually satisfy the The same kind of welding fillers are used. Pro-
requirements for a specific purpose. The require- vided that the welding is executed properly, a
ments have to be defined in each individual case. weld metal is achieved whose mechanical proper-
Welding recommendations: ties are the same as those of the unwelded mate-
 Locate cracks accurately using a dye penetra-
tion test. To weld, the component must be heated com-
pletely or partly to 650°C (1200°F). Since the weld
 Gouge out the crack to an open tulip shape metal is very fluid, the actual welding spot has to
with broad rounded edges. be contained.
 Remove the casting skin in the area of the Therefore, the method is hardly ever used in
weld. repair practice.
 Remove residue by grinding, for example. In addition, the thermal loading of the component
is so high that the dimensional stability of ma-
 If the parts are highly oiled, the oil can be chined surfaces can no longer be guaranteed.
burnt off with an oxygen + acetylene flame by
heating slightly. A specialized company should be used for this
type of welding. They have the necessary facilities
 When welding, make sure that the first pass is for preheating, tempering, and handling the hot
free from pores. components.
 Keep the arc as short as possible. 10.2.2 Cold welding
 The welds should not be welded longer than A different type of welding filler is used for this
10 times the electrode diameter and their process. Provided the work is properly executed,
width should correspond to twice the core wire a dissimilar weld metal is produced that has
diameter at the most. different mechanical properties (strength) com-
 Hammer off each bead immediately while it is pared with the base material. A homogenous
still warm. fusion bond between the base material and the
welding filler is not possible.
 Always re-strike on the weld metal, not on the
base material.
 Remove slag residue with a brush.
 Choose the best possible welding sequence.
 In principle, weld from inside to outside in the
case of open cracks.
 Use the back-step and string bead method
 Rod electrodes:
DIN EN ISO 1071: E C NiFe-13
AWS 5.15: E NiFe - C1
Electrodes - diameter 3.20 mm
Tempering after welding is not necessary.
After grinding, check the welded area for cracks
using the dye penetration method.
Cold welding by inexperienced welders can lead
to poor results. Here, too, the help of specialist
companies is recommended.

3 842 954.00 en

Therefore, the component cannot be fully re- 10.2.3 Repairs using the "latch plate method"
created with all its original properties. Structural
Often, it is not possible to repair cast iron compo-
changes in the edge zones and high internal
nents by welding if forces have to flow via the
stresses are unavoidable. Due to the inevitably
repair area.
high hardnesses micro-cracks must be expected.
Consequently, a repair method has been devel-
Welding recommendations:
oped where cracks or fractures are “latched”. The
 Keep the welding current as low as possible repair is done exclusively with the aid of mechani-
so that as little heat as possible is introduced. cal tools. Welding is not required at any stage.
 The temperature in the component should not Nevertheless, this method is a useful addition to
exceed 70°C (160°F) next to the welding welding technology.
zone. Fragments can be joined together or, if necessary,
 Rod electrodes: also newly made spare parts from a different
material, e.g. casting steel or plate.
DIN 8573 - Type E NiFe - 1 BG 23
Description of the method
AWS 5.15: E NiFe - CI
 A series of bolt holes is produced in the area
Electrodes - diameter 2.5 mm. of the fracture on both sides of the separation
 Weld short string beads, always offset in (Fig. 220).
relation to each other.
 To reduce the shrinkage, and therefore the
internal stresses in the component, the beads
should be slightly stretched by hammering be-
fore cooling.
Cold welds on gray cast iron should only be made
in extreme emergencies. Specialist companies
should be used in this case, too.
Alternative recommendation
Another method for repairing gray cast iron com-
ponents is available, known as the “latch plate
Only specialist companies can operate this meth-
See section 10.2.3 for details.

Fig. 220

3 842 954.00 en

The bolt holes are drilled using templates. The 11. Repairing paintwork in repair
webs between the bolt holes are chiseled out.
 Thus, grooves are produced in which the so-
called latches are inserted (Fig. 221). Any damaged or partly removed coating of the
component must be repaired when the welding
has been completed. This applies to the areas:
- where the welding was done,
- which were reinforced by inserting or put-
ting on plates,
- where, as the result of thermal effects
(e.g. straightening, heating) or mechanical
effects (e.g. loading gear), coatings have
been damaged.
The damaged areas on the component have to be
cleaned mechanically, e.g. by brushing, grinding,
Degree of cleanness: Level 3 according to DIN
Fig. 221 EN ISO 12944-4. The degree of cleanness can
These latches consist of a steel material, only be achieved by careful cleaning.
which can be shaped by hammering and then The repair area is then to be coated with a two-
solidifies. pack coating system, i.e. a primer and a finish
 The latches are inserted into the grooves in coat.
layers and hammered. The latches then fit the The primer is to cover the metal substrate with
groove contours exactly. The rear latch areas sufficient overlap. The finish must cover the
are therefore also involved in the support primer with sufficient overlap.
 The equivalent cross-section, i.e. the number
of latches, can be calculated from the ratio of
the gray cast iron/steel material strengths.

3 842 954.00 en

Conversion from feet and inches into meters
1 in (inch) = 25.4 mm (exactly) 1 ft (foot) = 12 in = 304.8 mm Example: 4 ft 2 in = 1.27 m

in +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11


m m m m m m m m m m m m

0 0.0254 0.0508 0.0762 0.1016 0.1270 0.1524 0.1778 0.2032 0.2286 0.2540 0.2794

1 0.3048 0.3302 0.3556 0.3810 0.4064 0.4318 0.4572 0.4826 0.5080 0.5334 0.5588 0.5842

2 0.6096 0.6350 0.6604 0.6858 0.7112 0.7366 0.7620 0.7874 0.8128 0.8382 0.8636 0.8890

3 0.9144 0.9398 0.9652 0.9906 1.0160 1.0414 1.0668 1.0922 1.1176 1.1430 1.1684 1.1938

4 1.2192 1.2446 1.2700 1.2954 1.3208 1.3462 1.3716 1.3970 1.4224 1.4478 1.4732 1.4986

5 1.5240 1.5494 1.5748 1.6002 1.6256 1.6510 1.6764 1.7018 1.7272 1.7526 1.7780 1.8034

6 1.8288 1.8542 1.8796 1.9050 1.9304 1.9558 1.9812 2.0066 2.0320 2.0574 2.0828 2.1082

7 2.1336 2.1590 2.1844 2.2098 2.2352 2.2606 2.2860 2.3114 2.3368 2.3622 2.3876 2.4130

8 2.4384 2.4638 2.4892 2.5146 2.5400 2.5654 2.5908 2.6162 2.6416 2.6670 2.6924 2.7178

9 2.7432 2.7686 2.7940 2.8194 2.8448 2.8702 2.8956 2.9210 2.9464 2.9718 2.9972 3.0226

10 3.0480 3.0734 3.0988 3.1242 3.1496 3.1750 3.2004 3.2258 3.2515 3.2766 3.3020 3.3274

11 3.3528 3.3782 3.4036 3.4290 3.4544 3.4798 3.5052 3.5306 3.5560 3.5814 3.6068 3.6322

12 3.6276 3.6830 3.70 3.7338 3.7592 3.7846 3.8100 3.8354 3.8608 3.8862 3.9116 3.9370

Conversion of length dimensions

Length UK
in ft yd mile cm m
N mile
1 inch 1 0.0833 0.0278 2.54 0.0254
1 foot 12 1 0.3333 0.00019 0.00016 30.48 0.3048
1 yard 36 3 1 0.00057 0.00049 91.44 0.9144
1 statute mile 63,360 5,280 1,760 1 0.86842 1609.3
1 UK nautical mile 72,960 6,080 2,026.7 1.15151 1 1,853.2

1 cm 0.3937 0.0328 0.0109 1 0.01

1m 39.370 3.2808 1.0936 0.00062 0.00054 100 1

3 842 954.00 en

Temperature units and conversion formulas

units Conversion to

abbreviation K °C °R °F
Kelvin K 1 (K-273.16°) 4/5 (K- 9/5 (K-
273.16°) 273.16°)+32°
Celsius °C °C+273.16° 1 4/5 °C 9/5 °C+32°
Réaumur °R 5/4 °R+273.16° 5/4 °R 1 9/4 °R+32°
Fahrenheit °F 5/9 (°F-32o)+ 5/9 (°F-32°) 4/9 (°F -32°) 1

Example: Conversion from °R to °C: °C = 4/5 °R

The basic temperature unit is Kelvin (K).

T is used as the formula symbol.

The absolute temperature degree Rankin, which is also used, is calculated as

°Rank = 9/5 K.

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Hardness-strength comparison
Vickers Brinell Tensile Rockwell hardness Vickers Brinell Tensile Rockwell
hardness hardness strength hardness hardness strength hardness
kp/mm2 kp/mm2 N/mm2 kp/mm2 kp/mm2 N/mm2 HRB HRC
80 80 270 36.4 360 359 1210 37.0
85 85 290 42.4 370 368 1240 38.0
90 90 310 47.4 380 376 1270 38.9
95 95 320 52.0 390 385 1290 39.8
100 100 340 56.4 400 392 1330 40.7
105 105 360 60.0 410 400 1360 41.5
110 110 380 63.4 420 408 1390 42.4
115 115 390 66.4 430 415 1410 43.2
120 120 410 69.4 440 423 1440 44.0
125 125 430 72.0 450 430 1470 44.8
130 130 440 74.4 460 45.5
135 135 460 76.4 470 46.3
140 140 480 78.4 480 47.0
145 145 490 80.4 490 47.7
150 150 500 82.2 500 48.3
155 155 520 83.8 510 49.0
160 160 540 85.4 520 49.6
165 165 550 86.8 530 50.3
170 170 570 88.2 540 50.9
175 175 590 89.6 550 51.5
180 180 610 90.8 560 52.1
185 185 620 91.8 570 52.7
190 190 640 93.0 580 53.3
195 195 660 94.0 590 53.8
200 200 680 95.0 600 54.5
205 205 690 95.8 610 54.9
210 210 710 96.6 620 55.4
215 215 730 97.6 630 55.9
220 220 750 98.2 640 56.4
225 225 760 99.0 650 56.9
230 230 770 19.2 660 57.4
235 235 790 20.2 670 57.9
240 240 810 21.2 680 58.4
245 245 830 22.1 690 58.9
250 250 840 23.0 700 59.3
255 255 850 23.8 720 60.2
260 260 870 24.6 740 61.1
265 265 880 25.4 760 61.9
270 270 900 26.2 780 62.7
275 275 920 26.9 800 63.5
280 280 940 27.6 820 64.3
285 285 960 28.3 840 65.0
290 290 980 29.0 860 65.7
295 295 990 29.6 880 66.3
300 300 1010 30.3 900 66.9
310 310 1050 31.5 920 67.5
320 320 1080 32.7 940 68.0
330 330 1120 33.8
340 340 1150 34.9
350 350 1180 36.0

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Cracks in box sections....................................... 30

2 Cracks in hub connections ................................ 25
2.3.2 Temporary repair .......................................20 Cutting out part sections of a flange plate ......... 31

Abutting flange plate ...........................................42 Deformation of plates as the result of repair work
Annealing temperature .......................................64 ........................................................................... 53
Annex..................................................................91 Determining cracks and other defects ............... 22
Arrangement of the plates/strips.........................78 Dimensions ........................................................ 49
Double-groove weld (Fig. 91), weld accessible
B from 2 sides ....................................................... 36
Basic principles...............................................2, 72 Double-groove weld (Fig. 92), weld accessible
Behavior of the material with different types of from 2 sides by turning the component ............. 36
stress ....................................................................4 Doubler plates.................................................... 49
Bending strips .....................................................82 Dwell time .......................................................... 65
Buffering weld edges ..........................................16
Butt joints ............................................................34 E
Butt weld .............................................................36 Extent of the repair work.................................... 19

Caterpillar Global Mining HMS check procedure Fastening auxiliary elemens .............................. 12
standards ............................................................23 Flame straightening plates................................. 64
Caulking tools .....................................................66 For armoring layers............................................ 74
Caulking welds....................................................66 For buffer layers................................................. 74
Causes of damage .............................................18 Foreword.............................................................. 1
Closing a web plate opening ..............................39 Fracturing in the center of the weld (Fig. 52)..... 26
Closing a work opening ......................................38
Closing openings, renewing component areas ..38 G
Cold forming of plates.........................................68 General information ........................................... 64
Cold welding .......................................................88 Gouging and welding cracks ............................. 23
Comments ..........................................................65 Gray cast iron..................................................... 88
Component stresses.............................................2 Grinding marks .................................................. 10
Conduct the surface crack test using the Grinding tools..................................................... 10
magnaflux method ..............................................23 Groove weld (Fig. 89) ........................................ 36
Conversion from feet and inches into meters.....91 Groove weld (Fig. 91), weld accessible from 2
Conversion of length dimensions .......................91 sides by turning the component......................... 36
Cool-down rate ...................................................65 Groove weld with pool backing plate ................. 37
Correcting component shapes to improve the
force path............................................................71
3 842 954.00 en

Hardfacing ..........................................................69 Planning the repair and reinforcement of steel
Hardfacing for wear protection ...........................71 components ....................................................... 18
Hardfacing of bolt holes......................................69 Possible causes of damage to flange plates ..... 47
Hardfacing of wear protection layers..................72 Practical experience ............................................ 9
Hardfacing of worn thread (Fig. 178)..................70 Preheating for tack welding, welding, grooving,
Hardness-strength comparison ..........................93 and flame cutting................................................ 60
Heat treatment of the materials ..........................60 Preparatory measures ....................................... 18
Preheating and interpass temperatures .............62 Preventive investigations ................................... 22
Heat-up rate........................................................64
Hot forming of plates ..........................................64 R
Hot welding ...................................................87, 88 Ramified cracks ................................................. 24
Range of application .......................................... 64
I Recommended groove shapes for electrodes –
Identification of the buffer and armor layers .......76 manual welding .................................................. 34
Improvement of radii at ribs ................................56 Reinforcement by improving the shape ............. 54
Information on avoiding notches.........................10 Reinforcement of steel components .................. 49
Installation...........................................................52 Reinforcement through hardfacing .................... 55
Internal flange plate ............................................45 Renewing part of a flange plate ......................... 42
Repair of a boom with top flange ....................... 48
L Repairing cracks in the area of hardfacing ........ 77
Lasting repair ......................................................21 Repairing paintwork in repair areas................... 90
Repairing the hardfacing.................................... 75
M Repairs by welding cast-iron components......... 87
Materials in welded components ........................57 Repairs using the............................................... 89
Materials, weld fillers ..........................................57 Reporting ........................................................... 65
Mechanical notches..............................................5 Rib run-off .................................................... 13, 54
Metallurgical notches............................................6 Ribs and reinforcements.................................... 14
Monitoring the temperature ................................67 Run-off tabs ....................................................... 11

NB .......................................................................74 Safety................................................................... 1
Notches on components.......................................5 Scope................................................................. 64
Notching effect......................................................8 Scrap the component......................................... 19
Shape................................................................. 50
O Shape-related notches......................................... 6
Open sections/closed sections...........................54 Sharp, exactly radial crack in the edge not in
Opening the box section.....................................31 contact ............................................................... 27
Operating techniques for repairs ........................23 Spheroidal graphite cast-iron (GGG)................. 87
State of wear...................................................... 75
Stress relief through heating.............................. 65
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Stress types ..........................................................2 Weld fillers for Caterpillar Global Mining HMS –
Stress-free annealing of steel components ........64 welded components, with reference to the
Stress-relieving steel components .....................65 material partners and welding process (Tables 1
Supplementation of missing/worn out materials.69 and 2)................................................................. 58
Surface crack test using the dye penetration Welding method ................................................. 15
method................................................................22 Welding on a metal cylinder using the back-step
welding method.................................................. 28
T Welding on cutting edges on excavator buckets 85
Temperature units and conversion formulas ......92 Welding on plates or strips of wear-resistant steel
T-joint..................................................................37 plates ................................................................. 78
T-joint (Fig. 94), accessible from 2 sides............37 Welding on plates or strips with wear-resistant
T-joint with pool backing plate (Fig. 95), coating ............................................................... 83
accessible from 1 side ........................................37 Welding on wear-resistant pin assembly ........... 84
T-joints ................................................................35 Welding sequence ............................................. 17
Treatment of welding fillers.................................67 Welding sequence (Fig. 218) and welding fillers
Types of hardfacing ............................................73 for corner blades ................................................ 86
Welding slots...................................................... 51
U Welding so-called .............................................. 16
Ultrasonic inspection ..........................................23 Welds at T joints ................................................ 52
Undisturbed force flow........................................13 Work method...................................................... 66
Work sequence............................................ 28, 85
W Work sequence when welding........................... 36
Wear protection (armoring).................................72 Working instructions .............................. 82, 83, 84
Weld fillers ....................................................74, 82

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Caterpillar Global the sale and disclosure of its content is prohibited. Contraventions are liable to
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