Don Honorio Ventura State University: Course Outline
Don Honorio Ventura State University: Course Outline
Don Honorio Ventura State University: Course Outline
Indexing DHVSU-BC-COE-COL-001
University Vision
A lead university in producing quality individuals with competent capacities to generate
knowledge and technology and enhance professional practices for sustainable national and global
competitiveness through continuous innovation
University Mission
Core Values
Good Governance
Gender Sensitivity and Responsiveness
Disaster Resiliency
Course Information
Menu of Dance, Sports, Martial Arts, Group
Course Code PATHFit 4 Course Title
Exercise, Outdoor and Adventure Activities
This is a program that deals with specific skills of traditional fundamental basic
striking, blocking, and stances and it will also concentrate on the students as they
understand the basic mechanics dealing with balance, forces and motion. The
course responds to the diverse needs of all learners by preparing them to
creatively adjust to combative situations that may happen to each of them. It also
deals to the stick exercises and basic of Anyo or form that develop the body
Course posture, eye-hand coordination, flexibility, agility, reaction time, power, muscle
Description strength and endurance, speed, and cardio-respiratory endurance. Active
involvement in this subject aims to promote improved physical fitness
components while having it as a source of enjoyment. Through skills, training,
exercise drills, game play and independent or self-directed PAs, fitness levels
will be enhanced. In conjunctions with this, fitness level, PA participation and
dietary/ eating patterns are evaluated to monitor one’s progress and achievement
of personal fitness and dietary goals.
Course No. of
2 units 2 hours/week
Credits / Units Hours/week
Pre-requisite/s PATHFit 4 Co-requisite/s None
Course Mandated Curriculum
Classification Course Basis
No. of Times
1 Date of Revision September 15, 2020
Course Structure
This course will adapt the Flexible Learning Approach, which means that Online and Offline
Distance Education/ Learning modalities will compose the course structure. Students will participate
through varied online and offline strategies and media.
Course Content Modality Expected Output
1 Vision, Mission, Core Values and Outcomes PAR Q
The University Vision, Mission and Core Academic Integrity
Values; Form
The College of Education Mission and
The Bachelor of Physical Education
List of References:
Printed Materials:
[1] Don Honorio Ventura State University. (n.d.). DHVSU code. Bacolor, Pampanga: Author.
[2] Don Honorio Ventura State University. (n.d.). Student handbook. Bacolor, Pampanga: Author.
[3] Lopez, L.P., Pangan, R.J, & Beldia, M.D (n.d). The Dynamic Teeners of the 21st Century. Nicanor
Sr. St. Recto Avenue, Manila, Philippines.
[4] Mechikoff, R.A. & Estes, S.G. (2006). A history and philosophy of sport and physical education (4th
ed.). New York, USA: McGraw-Hill.
[5] Wuest, D.A. & Bucher, C.A. (2009). Foundations of physical education, exercise, and sport (6th
ed.). New York, USA: McGraw-Hill.
Online References:
[1] Commission on Higher Education. (2017). Policies, standards, and guidelines of the Bachelor of
Physical Education (CMO 80, s. 2017). Retrieved from
[2] Educational Technology Journals. Retrieved on March 2, 2019, from. http://www.educational-
[3] Writer, L.T. (2017) Arnis: The Philippine’s National Sport and Martial Art. Retrieved on
September 18, 2020
[4] Arnis Philippines Technical Regulations (n.d.) retrieved on September 18, 2020, from.
[5] Basic Head to Toe Warm Up. (2020) Retrieved on September 18, 2020, from.
[6] Coold Down Stretch. (2015) Retrieved on September 18, 2020, from.
[7] Arnis Tutorial (Stick Exercises). (2020) Retrieved on September 18, 2020, from.
[8] 14 Stances PE02. (2020) Retrieved on September 18, 2020, from.
[9] Arnis Tutorial (6 Blocking Technique). (2019) Retrieved September 18, 2020, from.
[10] 6 Basic Strikes / Arnis Basic Tutorial. (2020) Retrieved September 18, 2020, from.
[11] 12 Basic Strikes / Arnis Basic Tutorial. (2020) Retrieved September 18, 2020, from.
[12] Single Sinawali Tutorial / Arnis. (2020) Retrieved October 5, 2020, from.
[13] Basic Double Sinawali. (2017) Retrieved September 18, 2020, from.
[14] Classical Strikes Combination #2 / Arnis. (2020) Retrived October 5, 2020, from.
[15] X-Movement and Figure 8 Drills. (2012) Retrieved September 22, 2020, from.
[16] Modern Arnis Minute #12-Up & Down VS Rompida. (2013). Retrieved September 22,
2020, from.
[17] Fix It Friday: Banda Y Banda. (2018) Retrieved September 22, 2020, from.
[18] Arnis in a Minute #7 Abanico Exercises. (2016) Retrieved September 22, 2020, from.
[19] Arnis Stick Exercises. (2020) Retrieved September 22, 2020, from.
[20] The Courtesy Bow in Arnis / Single and Double Stick Salutation. (2020) Retrieved
September 22, 2020, from.
[21] Normal Grip in Arnis. (2020) Retrieved September 22, 2020, from.
[22] Middle Grip in Arnis. (2020) Retrieved September 22, 2020, from.
[23] Redonda Tutorial / Arnis. (2020) Retrieved October 5, 2020), from.
[24] “Netiquette for Online Learning,” Ateneo den Manila University
[25] Classical Strikes Basics / Arnis. (2020) Retrived October 5, 2020, from.
[26] Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ). (2020) Retrieved October 5, 2020,
[27] David, R.A (2011) Individual Sports Arnis . Retrieved from
[28] Don Honorio Ventura State University Website (n.d.). University Core Valyes. Retrieved
[29] Don Honorio Ventura State University Website (n.d.). University Vision and Mission.
Retrieved from
[30] Republic of the Philippines (1987). The 1987 constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
– Article XIV, Sec. 19. Retrieved from
[31] Wiley, M. (2001). Reflection on the History and Development of Filipino Martial Arts
Course Policies
Active Participation is essential to maximum/total learning experience. In a flexible learning course,
a student is required to participate in distance (offline or online) learning modalities. This means
that in order to get full credit for participation, a student should have to complete projects,
discussion forums, assignments, lesson assignments and other requirements on a timely basis.
Consistent failure to participate in class will result in being dropped from the course.
In the conduct of any self-paced place-based or online activity (be it a learning task or
formative/summative assessment), the student is expected to always adhere to the agreed contents
of the Academic Integrity Contract. You shall accomplish the tasks assigned to you with full
honesty. You may be allowed (if the instruction permits), to use credible sources to justify your
claims/ideas but must be acknowledged through proper citations. Any form of plagiarism is strictly
prohibited. The American Psychological Association (APA) 7 th edition shall be used as the basis of
citations and referencing.
All requirements shall be submitted via the Google Classroom Learning Management System.