Course Syllabus Course Code: Descriptive Title: Credit Units: 2 Time Allotment: Pre - Requisites
Course Syllabus Course Code: Descriptive Title: Credit Units: 2 Time Allotment: Pre - Requisites
Course Syllabus Course Code: Descriptive Title: Credit Units: 2 Time Allotment: Pre - Requisites
Course Code : PE 2
Descriptive Title : Rhythmic Activities
Credit Units : 2
Time Allotment : 36 hrs. /18 weeks
Pre – requisites : PE 1
I. Course Description:
Movement is a necessary to mental and physical development as food. Movement for some reason set the brain working. This
course is design to give students movement experiences that will develop their rhythmic skills. It also deals a thorough understanding of
the concept of rhythm, time, space and movement in order to appreciate and perform the basic of rhythm and dance. Rhythmic
Activities, dance and fitness emphasis on those activities respond physically and emotionally to music or any rhythmic accompaniment.
1. Acquire basic knowledge and concept of space awareness, effort and relationship, musical rhythm, movement skills
inherent in all physical education activities.
2. Gain aesthetic, cultural, and emotional sensitivity through participation in rhythms and dance activities.
3. Perform dance mixers, round dances, square dancing, Philippine and Foreign folk dances and other rhythmic activities
with grace and enjoyment.
4. Create rhythmic patterns that applies the concepts of movement skills and musical rhythm that expresses feelings,
emotions, ideas, and moods.
5. Demonstrate positive attitude in dancing.
III. Textbooks/References:
Santos, Aquilino Eduardo P. et. al. 2007. Rhythmic Activities and Dance A Work text for College Students.
Favila, Salve A. et. al. 2007. Physical Education and Health A Work text for College Students. (Revised Edition) Manila.
Andin, Carmen T. 1988. Teaching Physical Education in Philippine Schools. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore.
Course Contents Specific Time Strategies/ Materials Values Assessment Learning Outcomes
Objectives Allotment Activities Tools
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