Pathfit 3 Course Outline
Pathfit 3 Course Outline
Pathfit 3 Course Outline
Approval Sheet
Revision Level Effective Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
000 June 11, 2019 Compliance with OBE syllabus and QMS requirements PATHFIT 3 Instructors
001 July 18, 2020 Compliance for revisiting the Curriculum in the New Normal PATHFIT 3 Instructors
002 June 21, 2021 Compliance for revisiting the Curriculum in the New Normal PATHFIT 3 Instructors
003 August 12, 2022 Compliance for revisiting the program outcomes and revision of the course PATHFIT 3 Instructors
outcomes for the new face to face classes.
PSU Vision An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable development.
PSU Mission The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade the quality of life of the people by providing quality higher education opportunities through excellent
instruction, research, extension, production services and transnational collaboration.
PSU Shared Values E – Excellence in service; Q - Quality assurance; U - Unity in diversity; A- Advocacy for sustainable development; L- Leadership by example; I-innovation; T -
Transparency; Y - Youth Empowerment
Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators, research-oriented learners, and
value laden individuals.
College Goals and A. To meet the demands for competent professional teachers for basic education programs in the Philippines and in other countries.
Program Objectives B. To develop teachers who have the skills and competencies to teach, undertake research and provide community services across the different learning areas in
basic education.
Course Code/ Number PATH-FIT 3
Course Description Dance and Sports is a course that will provide physical activities for the purpose of optimizing health and fitness through various dances and sports. The course
provides the fundamental skills and techniques that is needed in dance and sports. The learners will be able to choose from a menu of course offerings in dance,
sports and outdoor and adventure activities. Through skills training, exercise drills, game play and independent or self-directed PAs, fitness levels will be enhanced.
In conjunction with this fitness levels, PA participation and dietary/eating patterns are evaluated to monitor one’s progress and achievement of personal fitness
dietary goals.
Credit Units 2 UNITS
Course Prerequisites PATHFIT 1 and PATHFIT 2
Program Outcomes:
Active and Healthy Living
1. Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) in accordance to national and global recommendations on physical activities for
2. Adapt movement competencies to independent physical activity pursuits that are health-enhancing and personally rewarding.
3. Monitor progress and evaluate achievement of personal fitness and dietary goals.
4. Practice empathy, fair play; show respect for differing abilities (i.e., diversity) through interpersonal communication skills and emotional regulation
during PA participation.
5. For sports, apply basic tactics (e.g. defense, offense, transition) in game situations.
Advocacy and Action
1. Devise, apply and assess a range of strategies (i.e., exercise program design; goal setting; periodic evaluation) to improve one’s physical activity
performances and those of others.
2. Enhance and advocate for one’s personal and others’ fitness, safety and wellness through physical activity participation and/or leadership.
3. Promote practical and creative interventions that will create community connection and contribute to the health and wellness of the school
community and its periphery.
Course Outcomes List three to five major outcomes that you expect students to strive for:
C.O.1. Conclude the content knowledge and understanding and its cultural, historical, and theoretical context of the chosen dance and sports through written
outputs and performance task.
C.O.2. Execute fundamental skills, movement and techniques of the chosen dance and sports.
C.O.3. Demonstrate sense of community, fair-play, cultural sensitivity, diversity and respect through school-based performances and exhibitions.
Course Format This course will make use of lectures, class discussion, execution and demonstration, practicum exams through virtual, or modular class, to achieve its course
outcomes. Students are expected to participate fully and obtain an overall rating of at least 75% to pass.
For consultation hour: ______________________
Time Course Course Content/ Subject Teaching and Learning Resource Textbooks/
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Tasks
Frame Outcomes Matter/ Topic Activities Materials References
a. Formulate feedback on Unit 1: Lecture and Discussion Graded Google
the PSU Mission, Vision, Interactive Discussion Recitation Classroom *References are
Quality Policy and Core Part I: Overview of Palawan Question and Answer Group Journal GMail attached at the
Values; State University Recitation PAR-Q FB Messenger back*
b. Recognize the Program 1.1 PSU Vision, PSU Mission, PSU Group Activity Assessment Microsoft Word
Syllabus, Program Quality Policy and PSU Core o Think, Pair and Share Form Notepad
Outcomes, Course Values o Group Share Laptop
Outcomes and Course Part II: Introduction to o Agree or Disagree PAR-Q Forms
*2 hours* Policy; and PATHFIT 3 (Dance and Powerpoint
c. Interpret Physical Sports) Presentation
Readiness Assessment 1.1 Program Syllabus, Program Module
related to fitness Outcomes, Course Outcomes Lecture
standards. and Course Policy Material
1.2 Physical Activity Readiness Syllabus
Assessment for Dance and
Performance Task 60%
Written Outputs 40%
TOTAL 100%
The final grades will correspond to the weighted average scores shown below:
Final Average Final Grade
98 ≤ x < 100 1.00
95 ≤ x < 97 1.25
92 ≤ x < 94 1.50
89 ≤ x ≤ 91 1.75
86 ≤ x < 88 2.00
83 ≤ x < 85 2.25
80 ≤ x < 82 2.50
77< x < 79 2.75
75 ≤ x <76 3.00
74 and below 5.00
a. Attendance
According to CHED policy, total number of absences by the students should not be more than 20% of the total number of meetings or 9 hours for a three-unit course (6 meetings). Students
incurring more than 9 hours of unexcused absences automatically gets a failing grade regardless of class standing. The attendance of students will be strictly enforced. Students who will lack
total number of hours as required (360) hours will automatically get an incomplete grade.
c. Major Examination
Mid-Term and final examination will be administered as scheduled. No special exam will be given unless with a valid reason, subject for approval of the Chairman of the College of Criminal
Justice Education. Furthermore, students of this course are required to participate actively in the events/activities organized for this course.
d. Language of Instruction
Lectures, discussion and documentation will be in English. Written and spoken work may receive a lower mark if it is, in the opinion of the instructor, deficient in English.
For this course, the Honor Code is that there will be no plagiarizing on written work and no cheating on exams. Proper citation must be given to authors whose works were used in the
process of developing instructional materials/class-produced learning materials in this course. If a student is caught cheating on an exam by his Professor or substitute Professor, he or she will be
given zero mark for the exam. If a student is caught cheating twice on the same course, the student will be referred to the Director of Student Affairs and be given a failing grade.
Grave misconduct other than cheating will make likewise be given a failing grade. Disrespect to your teacher or to others in the classroom will not be tolerated in the least. Argument is great
but bullying, fighting, mocking and demeaning the teacher or other students will not be allowed. Come to class on time, there can be mitigating circumstances from time to time but if it comes
chronic behavior, you may lose points or credit in the class.
f. Consultation Schedule
Consultation schedule with the professor will be made as necessary. It is recommended that the student first set an appointment to confirm the Professor’s availability.
3. Ancheta, A.T.(copyright, 2021) Physical Education for Rhythm and Dance (p 3) Printed by LMA Printing Press, Inc.445 Tamsui Avenue, Bayan Luma Imus, Cavite 4103
4. Aquino, F.R. (1996)Manila, Philippines Philippine Folk dances Volume Five (pp 1-2) (10-14)
5. Gabao, Larry A. of Philippine Normal School, Dance With Me, copyright 2000
6. Introduction: Dance as Social Life and Cultural Practice : accessed June 25, 2020
7. Macola, M.J. (2019) The Unsung Dance of Pala’wan Tribe in Sitio Pintingan, Barangay Isumbo, Sofronio Española Palawan. Basis to Develop an Instructional Material for Dance Literature. (pp 41-52)
Palawan State University P.E. Instruction.
8. Olasiman, J.O. (2016) 3rd National Folk dance Workshop Dakak Park and Beach Resort, Dapitan City. (pp1-5) Former Assistant Director of Palawan State University Sining Palawan Dance Troupe and
P. E. Instructor.
Electronic Websites
1. Dance Facts. History of Dance. Retrieved Accessed 10 August 2021.
2. Everyday Minerals. (2016). History of Dance. Retrieved Accessed 17 August 2020.
3. Ladaran T.B. (2020, July 27). Classification of Dance P.E 2 Physical Education.
4. Norbert Dela Cruz III. Retrieved Accessed 30 August 2020
5. PSU-DPE YouTube Channel (
6. Villano, A. (2019). 5 women who pioneered Filipino Folk and Modern Dance. Retrieved Accessed 17 August