Mission Report Mar 2011
Mission Report Mar 2011
Mission Report Mar 2011
Worship attendance:
• Sunday – 58 (7th); 75 (14th); 68 (21st); 53 (28th)
Recent conversions/identifications/restorations:
• Baptized – Jazmín Penayo. She is a close friend of our sister,
Gina Vera, who had invited her to attend services. Through her
various studies and involvement with the church these past few
months, she decided to answer the Gospel call! Praise our Lord!
• Baptized – Kevin Arzamendia has essentially been growing up in
and around the church because many of his family are faithful
members. He recently became worried about the state of his soul
and after many studies, determined he needed to be baptized!
• Identified – Vicente Martinez Family. We wrote about this unique
family in our last report. After several studies regarding baptism
and salvation, it became clear that Vicente had studied himself and
his wife into scriptural baptism and, therefore, into the church for all
the right reasons. With that conclusion, the men of the
congregation decided the only thing left to do was to welcome our new Kevin Arzamendia surrounded by his
brother with open arms! What an incredible thing to witness! brothers: Perry, Ramon, and Spencer
Contacts made and resulting studies:
• Campaign Contacts: We made several new contacts through our
mission campaign. Please pray that these will grow into conversions.
• Please continue to pray for our weekly Bible study contacts:
Viviana Castro, Dr. Pablo Avalos, Ramon “Sixto” Vega, Elin Caceras,
Britez Family, and Pablo Rochol.
• Carolina Achucarro – her mother has been in and out of the hospital for
many months, now. We stopped by her room to offer a little comfort and
to pray with them.
• We had dinner with Pedro and Pochi Vera and served as translators
for some visiting American guests, Gary and Teresa Wilson.
Evangelistic efforts:
• “How do we best utilize a group of Americans who are limited in their
Spanish skills but want to come help the church in Asunción?”
o That was the question we wrestled with for quite some time until
we came up with an idea: advertising. To place an ad in the paper
or TV is too expensive and often doesn't produce many results. But
what about a “flyer campaign”? So, we developed a flyer with an
interesting subject to grab attention, posted a phone number and a
website with more information, all designed to introduce people to
the church. It worked like a charm!
o The flyers provided a platform to teach members to get out into the
community and an opportunity to talk with their neighbors. Thanks
be to the Lord, we were able to speak with many about the church!
• We still hold several weekly Bible studies with various students and
visitors who are interested in knowing God's word.
Personal study:
• I have been developing several studies from Ephesians for
the congregation.
• I have also been developing several studies for home
Bible studies on various fundamental topics. The studies
have been going quite well!
• I have been reading “It's Still Greek to Me” by David Black
• Andrea has been studying “Your First 40 Days” with Dona
Adorno to help her in her new Christian walk.
Family activities:
• There hasn't been much time to do anything together this
month, but one thing we have learned, we LOVE doing this
work together! It is a true blessing!
• Daily Bible reading together.
• I wanted to share these words that Andrea posted on Facebook:
“Thank you God for so many blessings... For the FHU team & all
their hard work, for their safe return back to school very early this
morning, for everyone who has been & continues to pray for the
fruit of our labor, for the progress that I have personally made,
and most especially, for always giving us EXACTLY what we
need...EXACTLY when we need it!!! I am so blessed to be a part
of all that is happening here!!!”
Margaret Street church of Christ (Sponsoring Congregation)
6745 Margaret Street Milton, FL 32570
Clay Bond Family Chet Brown Family Virginia Guess Family Randall Hunter Family