JP 1-0 Joint Personnel Support
JP 1-0 Joint Personnel Support
JP 1-0 Joint Personnel Support
S W E' L L
• DE P
01 December 2020
1. Scope
2. Purpose
This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and performance
of the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations, and it provides considerations
for military interaction with governmental and nongovernmental agencies, multinational
forces, and other interorganizational partners. It provides military guidance for the exercise
of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders (JFCs), and
prescribes joint doctrine for operations and training. It provides military guidance for use
by the Armed Forces of the United States in preparing and executing their plans and orders.
It is not the intent of this publication to restrict the authority of the JFC from organizing
the force and executing the mission in a manner the JFC deems most appropriate to ensure
unity of effort in the accomplishment of objectives.
3. Application
a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to the Joint Staff, combatant
commands, subordinate unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate components of
these commands, the Services, the National Guard Bureau, and combat support agencies.
b. This doctrine constitutes official advice concerning the enclosed subject matter;
however, the judgment of the commander is paramount in all situations.
c. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the contents of Service
publications, this publication will take precedence unless the CJCS, normally in coordination
with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has provided more current and specific
guidance. Commanders of forces operating as part of a multinational (alliance or coalition)
military command should follow multinational doctrine and procedures ratified by the United
States. For doctrine and procedures not ratified by the United States, commanders should
evaluate and follow the multinational command’s doctrine and procedures, where applicable
and consistent with US law, regulations, and doctrine.
Vice Admiral, United States Navy
Director for Joint Force Development
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ii JP 1-0
DATED 31 MAY 2016
• Added language clarifying postal service support requirements and joint force
commander/Service component responsibilities as they pertain to operation length.
• Modified, added, and removed terms and definitions from the DOD Dictionary of
Military and Associated Terms.
Summary of Changes
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iv JP 1-0
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................. vii
Table of Contents
vi JP 1-0
• Discusses joint force command manpower and personnel directorate and Service
component responsibilities for manpower management, personnel management,
and personnel support.
• Describes considerations for joint personnel planning and the means by which
the manpower and personnel directorate of a joint staff envisions the desired
objective(s) in support of the commander’s mission requirements.
Executive Summary
Organization of the Joint The J-1 section of a joint force headquarters (JFHQ) may
Force Manpower and be organized with:
Personnel Directorate
A personnel readiness division which provides
plans, policy, and guidance on joint personnel issues.
A human capital division which provides policy
oversight on joint manpower and management of
joint forces and US contributions to multinational
military organizations.
A personnel services division which administers
internal military and civilian personnel programs of
the joint force.
viii JP 1-0
Executive Summary
Joint Force Command Manpower and Personnel. The J-1 is the principal staff
Manpower and Personnel directorate responsible for manpower management,
Directorate personnel management, and personnel support. Although
Responsibilities the Services have the primary responsibility for providing
personnel services support to their Service members, the J-
1 will track the efforts of Service components to stay abreast
of personnel activities and issues that could impact the joint
force. The J-1 develops joint plans, policy, and guidance on
manpower and personnel issues; coordinates manpower and
personnel support to facilitate the success of operations; and
maintains a dialogue with other staff directorates, Service
components, and outside military and civilian agencies,
while also keeping subordinate commanders informed of
personnel actions that affect their command and their
Service members.
Executive Summary
Other Command and The J-1 provides support and assistance to the office of
Component primary responsibility on the following matters:
RC call-up.
Stop-loss authority.
Evacuation and repatriation operations.
Personnel recovery operations.
Detainee operations.
x JP 1-0
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Flow of Forces Into the The J-1 planners with time-phased force and deployment
Theater data (TPFDD) or FMTS experience attend force flow
conferences or planning conferences to ensure personnel
support and services support requirements are properly
reflected in the TPFDD or FMTS database.
Joint Task Force JTFs may take many forms and sizes as they are employed
Headquarters Manning across the competition continuum. The specific
organization, staffing, and command relationships will
vary based on the mission assigned, the operational
environment, the makeup of the threat or nature of the
crisis (e.g., flood, earthquake), and the time available to
achieve the objectives.
xii JP 1-0
Executive Summary
Organization of a Joint The actual composition of the JTF J-1 will be dictated by
Task Force Manpower the overall organization of the joint force and the
and Personnel Directorate operations to be conducted. A typical JTF J-1 consists of
three divisions: human capital, personnel readiness, and
Sexual Assault Prevention Sexual assault is a criminal act that threatens mission
and Response Program readiness and unit cohesion. Combating sexual assault
relies on strong leadership. Commanders will establish
policies and procedures to implement the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Response Program and oversee
compliance in accordance with DOD Directive 6495.01,
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
Program, and DOD Instruction 6495.02, Sexual Assault
Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures.
Executive Summary
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xiv JP 1-0
“We will make targeted, disciplined increases in personnel and platforms to meet
key capability and capacity needs.”
2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America: Sharpening the
American Military’s Competitive Edge
1. General
a. Integrated personnel support is a combat multiplier for the joint force. Service
components and combat support agencies (CSAs) should meet personnel requirements in
a timely manner. The joint force commander (JFC) and the manpower and personnel
directorate of a joint staff (J-1) maintain visibility of personnel manning levels to anticipate
requirements and manpower for joint operations. The JFC and J-1 plan and execute
branches or sequels that meet joint objectives.
2. Authorities
Chapter I
(1) Communicates the strategic and operational objectives to the J-1 early in the
planning process and refines them as mission requirements change.
(2) Should understand personnel estimates and plans developed to support the
operation or campaign.
Further information on language and regional expertise can be found in Chairman Joint
Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3126.01, Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture
(LREC) Capability Identification, Planning, and Sourcing; and Appendix P, “Language
and Regional Expertise Management.”
The J-1 section of a joint force headquarters (JFHQ) may be organized as outlined in
Figure I-1.
I-2 JP 1-0
Principles of Personnel Support, Organization, and Function
Directorate for
Manpower and
Figure I-1. Notional Joint Force Manpower and Personnel Directorate Organizational Chart
across the staff, subordinate commands, other combatant commands (CCMDs), Services,
and the Joint Staff.
b. The J-1:
(1) Plans and assesses force structure, personnel sustainment, and support
concepts for each phase of operations.
(2) Advises staff members on personnel matters that may impact ongoing
operations and influence future joint planning.
Chapter I
I-4 JP 1-0
b. CJCS. The CJCS, in consultation with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, advises SecDef on manpower and personnel issues impacting the readiness of the
Armed Forces of the United States and the force structure required to support achievement
of national security objectives. Additionally, the CJCS advises SecDef on how major
manpower programs and policies of the Armed Forces of the United States conform to
strategic plans.
(1) Functions of the Secretaries of the Military Departments are outlined in the
United States Code (USC). These functions are to recruit, organize, supply, equip, train,
service, mobilize, demobilize, administer, and maintain the Services. The Services have a
Title 10, USC, responsibility to organize, train, equip, and account for their personnel.
(a) Provide a daily location recording for all deployed personnel assigned,
attached, or on temporary duty (TDY)/temporary additional duty (TAD) to deployed units.
(b) Report the data electronically to the Defense Manpower Data Center
(DMDC) (at the SECRET level and below) via the Service-specific system at least weekly.
(c) Establish the requirement for each deployed unit to establish, maintain,
and report daily accountability (or when changes in location occur) of all DOD personnel
assigned, attached, on TDY or TAD to the unit, along with their once-daily location record.
Chapter II
d. Services
(1) To perform the joint personnel visibility mission, Services should provide
personnel data to the DMDC daily and have the capability to accept or receive feedback
from the DMDC.
(2) Service deployment systems should use scanning technology to scan, read,
extract, and record the barcode data from the following media: a common access card
(CAC), a Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) card, a Synchronized
Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT)-generated letter of authorization (LOA),
a US passport, and a US state driver’s license.
(3) The Secretary of the Air Force is the executive agent (EA) for the DOD
Foreign Clearance Program. The movement of DOD personnel in and out of a combatant
commander’s (CCDR’s) area of responsibility (AOR), if designated, is captured in the
Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance Program.
e. DOD Agencies. DOD agencies formulate and publish policies and procedures
outlining the requirement for their deployed, deploying, and redeploying personnel to
adhere to CCDR guidance on entry/exit procedures. DOD agencies provide accurate
personnel visibility data through DMDC reporting codes to the CCMD and the DMDC per
DODI 1215.06, Uniform Reserve, Training, and Retirement Categories for the Reserve
a. CCDRs
(2) The CCDR establishes personnel policies to ensure proper and uniform
standards of military conduct.
(3) The CCDR utilizes the manpower, workforce, and individual augmentation
capabilities in the Fourth Estate Manpower Tracking System (FMTS) to provide visibility
of personnel assigned. The Joint Staff provides selected data elements to the DMDC on
an automated, daily basis.
(4) CCMDs require an interface for their unique personnel management and
accountability systems to establish their daily automated data feed to the DMDC on the
SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET).
II-2 JP 1-0
Roles and Responsibilities
(5) The Unified Command Plan tasks CCDRs to maintain security and provide
force protection for the command, including assigned or attached commands, forces, and
assets. For commanders with geographic AORs, this includes force protection
responsibilities for all US military, DOD civilians, and DOD-funded contractors physically
present in the command’s AOR (except DOD personnel for whom the chief of the US
diplomatic mission has the security responsibility by law or interagency agreement).
Establishing personnel visibility and accountability is a joint mission for all organizations
in the AOR.
(6) A CCDR has the authority to accomplish personnel support functions through
a single-Service manager during contingency operations. When a single-Service manager
is designated, the designated Service component organization will be performing a joint
mission, although the organization may not be joint. The single-Service manager will
receive policy guidance and direction from and operate under the operational oversight of
the command J-1.
(7) The CCDR uses existing Service deployment and accountability systems and
SPOT to maintain visibility of all personnel physically present in the AOR using the joint
personnel accountability reconciliation and reporting (JPARR) application or other CCDR-
specific systems and procedures as required. DODI 3020.41, Operational Contract
Support (OCS), includes guidance relative to accounting for contractor personnel in
support of contingencies outside the United States and its territories.
(8) The CCDR establishes the requirements (standards and expectations) for
subordinate joint force, joint task force (JTF), and Service component commanders to
establish and operate joint personnel processing centers (JPPCs) within their operational
(9) The CCDR establishes the AOR joint mission standards for personnel
entry/exit operations at all JPPCs and at each aerial port of debarkation (APOD)/aerial port
of embarkation (APOE)/seaport of debarkation (SPOD)/seaport of embarkation (SPOE).
Standards, at a minimum, will:
(10) The CCDR should make maximum use of unmanned and minimally manned
scanners to passively capture personnel movement.
Chapter II
(2) United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) uses one of the
Service’s deployment systems to provide data, on a daily basis, to the DMDC for the SOF
personnel who are physically located in an AOR. USSOCOM’s personnel system uses an
interface to push data to the DMDC on SIPRNET.
a. Manpower and Personnel. The J-1 is the principal staff directorate responsible
for manpower management, personnel management, and personnel support. Although the
Services have the primary responsibility for providing personnel services support to their
Service members, the J-1 will track the efforts of Service components to stay abreast of
personnel activities and issues that could impact the joint force. The J-1 develops joint
plans, policy, and guidance on manpower and personnel issues; coordinates manpower and
personnel support to facilitate the success of operations; and maintains a dialogue with
other staff directorates, Service components, and outside military and civilian agencies,
while also keeping subordinate commanders informed of personnel actions that affect their
command and their Service members. The J-1 maintains close coordination with
subordinate J-1s and Service component counterparts; the operations directorate of a joint
staff (J-3); and commanders of major deploying, deployed, and redeploying units to
provide an avenue to cross-check strength figures and monitor changes to the task
organization. Typically, the J-1, in coordination with the J-3 and the logistics directorate
of a joint staff (J-4), refines or clarifies reporting requirements at the beginning of an
operation or as it becomes necessary.
II-4 JP 1-0
Roles and Responsibilities
(b) The joint table of mobilization and distribution (JTMD), stating the
additional manpower and organization required to shift to wartime, mobilization, or
contingency operations.
For more information regarding the management of permanent manpower, see CJCSI
1001.01, Joint Manpower and Personnel Program.
(a) Policies and procedures for requesting the assignment of joint individual
augmentation (JIA) personnel to meet unfunded, temporary manpower requirements of a
CCMD or other USG entity while participating in operations directed or approved by the
President of the United States or SecDef are found in CJCSI 1301.01, Joint Individual
Augmentation Procedures. The assignment of individual augmentees is usually under
TDY (non-unit-related personnel) or TAD (non-unit-related personnel). These policies
and procedures are applicable to all CCMDs, Services, and DOD agencies.
(b) In general, the JIA process starts at the CCMD (i.e., after the CCMD fills
as many requirements as possible from its internal assets: assigned units, staff, Service
components, and contractors), to the Joint Staff J-1 [Manpower and Personnel], to the joint
force providers for sourcing determination, and then ordered by SecDef, IAW the global
force management (GFM) allocation process. Communication, timeliness, and tracking
are essential to the success of this process.
Chapter II
(b) JPPCs are established in the operational area per direction of the CCDR.
Their purpose is to facilitate the reception, accountability, visibility, and processing of
military, DOD civilians, CAAF, and individual augmentees upon their arrival in the
operational area.
II-6 JP 1-0
Roles and Responsibilities
(7) Civilian Employees. The CCDRs establish and communicate force and JIA
requirements for civilian support to joint operations via the GFM allocation process. The
CCDR with an assigned AOR shall include DOD expeditionary civilians in contingency
plans and operations and establish AOR admission requirements. CCDRs coordinate with
DOD components to ensure AOR/joint operations area (JOA) admission requirements and
other terms and conditions affecting the integration of CAAF into operation plans
(OPLANs) and operation orders are incorporated into applicable contracts. Additional
information may be found in Directive-Type Memorandum-17-004, Department of
Defense Expeditionary Civilian Workforce; DODI 6490.03, Deployment Health; CJCSI
1301.01, Joint Individual Augmentation Procedures; the current GFM guidance; and the
annual GFM planning order.
(8) Pay and Entitlements. Based on the unique aspects of each military
operation, the CCDR or subordinate JFC makes determinations/recommendations
concerning pay and entitlements. The Joint Staff J-1 will make recommendations on the
CCDR’s requests. Two key considerations are equity and timeliness.
(a) Equity. Pay and entitlements (e.g., imminent danger pay [IDP] and type
of TDY status) should be addressed by the J-1 during the planning process. Consistent
policies should be developed to prevent inequities among personnel from the various
(b) Timeliness. Pay and entitlements requests normally take time to enact,
so an early policy determination will ensure personnel receive proper and timely pay. For
example, an IDP entitlement is not retroactive and is not effective until a request for it is
approved by the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
(PDUSD[P&R]). Thus, personnel will not be considered for any IDP entitlements until a
request is approved.
For additional guidance on pay, allowances, and entitlements, see Appendix H, “Military
Pay, Allowances, and Entitlements.”
(a) The supported CCDR assigns the appropriate directorate, usually the J-
1, to coordinate postal support for any military operation. Those directorate elements
concerned with postal support are referred to as the joint forces postal staff. The designated
directorate will coordinate joint planning with the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA).
(b) The CCDR may designate a Service component command (SCC) to act
as single-Service manager in providing mail support to a deployed joint force. Planning
requires close coordination with the J-3 and J-4 to integrate the movement of mail into the
overall lift requirement and airflow.
Chapter II
(a) MWR programs are essential to readiness. They serve to relieve stress
as well as increase and maintain morale. Additionally, MWR programs can enhance force
protection when a joint force is operating in a hostile or uncertain environment by
providing activities for personnel in a secure area.
(b) MWR programs may include the programs shown in Figure II-1.
(c) The CCMD J-1 is responsible for external MWR support to a subordinate
joint force. A CCDR may designate one component command to provide external MWR
operational and sustainment support to a designated joint force, including CAFF.
(d) The J-1 coordinates MWR programs within its operational area and
executes its portion of the external MWR support program. Additional information may
be found in Appendix K, “Morale, Welfare, and Recreation.”
(a) Each Service casualty office provides the necessary guidance and
information for its Service. Thus, it can successfully manage its own casualty operations
and reporting requirements and provide timely and accurate notification to the next of kin
(NOK) of its Service members. Casualty operations and reporting and processing
procedures of deployed DOD civilians and CAAF who become casualties will be IAW
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Service policies.
(b) The J-1 casualty reporting requirements are based on CCDR guidance
and are typically focused on providing timely information to the CCDR and the subordinate
JFCs to make them aware of status of forces and events under their purview that may have
II-8 JP 1-0
Roles and Responsibilities
significant operational impact or media interest. The intent is not to duplicate Service
reporting procedures. J-1 casualty reporting typically utilizes the Personnel Casualty
Report of the Defense Casualty Information Processing System, the operational report
(OPREP) 3, event and/or incident report, or the JPERSTAT, depending on the intensity of
operations and the level of casualties. Additional information on casualty affairs may be
found in Appendix L, “Casualty Operations and Casualty Reporting.”
(a) The CCMD J-1 develops and promulgates guidance concerning awards
and decorations, consistent with executive orders and congressional legislation, as
amplified by DOD and Service awards policy.
a. Service components account for all personnel, including AC, RC, and DOD
civilians, and civilian contractors under their control. Accountability begins immediately
upon establishment of a command relationship for military personnel and upon arrival in
the AOR for performance by contractor personnel. Service components will be required
to collect personal data, using their Service deployment system’s scanning capability when
available, for personnel from other Services and personnel from other organizations who
arrive in theater through their APOD/SPOD.
b. In addition to recruiting, organizing, equipping, and training, the Services and their
components provide personnel support to their forces. The Services retain administrative
control and accountability responsibilities for their forces assigned and attached to
CCMDs. USSOCOM organizes, trains, certifies, and equips its forces but uses its
coordinating authority to interact with the Services concerning personnel management of
Chapter II
for all personnel arriving at an APOD/SPOD and for all personnel departing from an
APOE/SPOE should be accomplished.
The J-1 provides support and assistance to the office of primary responsibility (OPR)
on the following matters:
a. RC Call-Up
(1) The responsibility for execution of RC call-up rests with the Services.
However, while under certain circumstances, the initial request for RC call-up authority
may come from one or more of the Services. DOD policy stipulates that it is the CCDRs’
responsibility to inform the CJCS of the need for RC augmentation and to ensure those
requirements have been fully staffed with the Services (DODI 1235.12, Accessing the
Reserve Components [RC]). In practice, the supported CCDR establishes the overall force
requirements to conduct a joint operation, but the AC and/or RC mix is established when
the supporting CCDRs and the Services source those requirements. This information is
then passed to the supported CCDR, who consolidates it and informs the CJCS.
II-10 JP 1-0
Roles and Responsibilities
(2) Primary responsibility for incorporation of the RC into CCMDs’ plans and
orders should normally reside with the CCMD J-3 or plans directorate of a joint staff (in
the Joint Staff, the Joint Staff J-4 [Logistics] is the OPR for the 12 interdependent resource
areas that are included in military mobilization). The J-1 provides awareness of personnel
impact to the force and advises the JFC on RC personnel implications. Additionally, the
J-1 should work closely with the responsible directorate to ensure staff augmentation
requirements (such as security clearances) are appropriately incorporated in those plans.
Additional information on RC call-up may be found in Joint Publication (JP) 4-05, Joint
Mobilization Planning.
(1) Evacuations and repatriation operations are conducted by DOD to assist the
Department of State (DOS) in the movement of US citizens, DOD civilian personnel, and
designated HN and third-country nationals from threatened areas abroad to an appropriate
safe haven. Movements will generally correspond to protection and evacuation plans
established by DOS using terms like authorized departures and ordered departures. It is
important to note that diplomatic or other considerations may make the use of certain terms,
such as “noncombatant evacuation operation” (NEO) and “inadvisable” and require the use
of other terms instead. As used by DOS, a NEO is an ordered departure from a threatened
area abroad that is carried out with the assistance of DOD (typically in non-permissive
environment). DOS may declare a NEO based on the nature of the threat or the lack of
availability of alternative forms of transportation. During all types of evacuations, the J-1
will be instrumental in establishing personnel accountability and tracking of evacuees
through their Services components.
(2) During NEOs, the chief of mission, rather than a CCDR or a subordinate JFC,
is the senior USG authority for the evacuation and, as such, is ultimately responsible for
the successful completion of the NEO and the safety of the evacuees. The responsible
CCDR may create a JTF to conduct a NEO. The JTF J-1 may have the responsibility for
overseeing the employment and operation of the noncombatant evacuation operation
tracking system (NTS) in the DOS Evacuation Control Center.
(3) The J-1 is responsible for submitting JPERSTATs for the deployed force.
Utilization of the SITREP format is acceptable.
Chapter II
(4) DOS maintains and updates the F-77 Report of Potential Evacuees. The
report is an estimation of the number of private US citizens in a country. The report plays
a central role in DOS and DOD planning for and conducting evacuations. The reports can
be viewed on the DOS SIPRNET Website at
(5) All CCDRs with an assigned AOR are responsible for the preparation,
maintenance, exercise, and executions of plans for protection and evacuation from
threatened areas abroad IAW DOS/DOD memorandum of agreement, to include both their
departure from the overseas area and their reception at a safe haven. When reception at a
safe haven occurs on US soil, it is referred to as repatriation. Commander, United States
Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), and Commander, United States Indo-Pacific
Command (USINDOPACOM), are responsible for the repatriation process in their AORs.
(6) During a declared national emergency, the Department of Health and Human
Services is the lead federal agency for the repatriation mission.
(1) The DOD PR system provides a framework to report, locate, support, recover,
and reintegrate both military and civilian personnel who have become isolated from
friendly forces.
(2) The Joint Personnel Recovery Agency is the OPR for DOD-wide PR matters.
This agency provides operational support to CCDRs in planning and implementation of the
PR program.
(3) The J-1 role in PR includes accountability and reporting and to ensure Service
activities are timely and coordinated with the CCMD. The J-1 should be the principal staff
member to:
For additional information on PR and repatriation, see JP 3-50, Personnel Recovery. For
additional information on PR for CAAF, refer to DODI 3020.41, Operational Contract
Support (OCS).
e. Detainee Operations
II-12 JP 1-0
Roles and Responsibilities
(1) The Secretary of the Army is the designated DOD EA for the administration
of the DOD detainee program.
(2) The CJCS ensures the Joint Staff acts on policy, political, military, and other
issues involved in the execution of the DOD Detainee Affairs Program and provides
appropriate oversight to the CCDRs to ensure their detainee operations policies and
procedures are consistent with DODD 2310.01E, DOD Detainee Program.
(3) CCDRs plan, execute, and oversee detainee operations IAW DODD
2310.01E, DOD Detainee Program.
(4) Subordinate JFCs and component commanders are primarily responsible for
ensuring detainees are treated humanely at all times, that policies relating to detainee
operations are effectively implemented and monitored and measures are in place to ensure
compliance, and that personnel conducting detainee operations understand their respective
roles and responsibilities.
(5) The commander, detainee operations (CDO), is responsible for all detention
facility and interrogation operations within the designated operational area.
(6) The detention facility commander is the commander and/or chief responsible for
the execution of all detention facility operations.
(7) The National Detainee Reporting Center (NDRC) serves as the national
collection center for detainee information and is the central agency responsible for
maintaining information on all detainees within the assigned theater. The theater detainee
reporting center (TDRC) functions as the field operations agency for the NDRC. The
TDRC reports all detainee data directly to the NDRC.
(8) The joint interrogation and debriefing center commander is the officer
responsible to the CDO for all matters relating to interrogation, intelligence collection and
reporting, and interaction with other agencies involved in the intelligence and/or evidence
gathering process.
(10) The J-1, or designated staff element, coordinates personnel services and
MWR support for US military personnel supporting detainee operations. J-1 does not track
detainee statistics. The CDO coordinates all reporting requirements between
internment/resettlement battalions and the TDRC.
Chapter II
For additional guidance on personnel services support for detainees, see JP 3-63, Detainee
Although not applicable in all situations, the following issues should be considered
when planning personnel support to joint operations.
c. Uniform Policies. Policies governing uniform wear for deployed military and
civilian personnel are a Service responsibility; however, the CCDR may establish basic
uniform standards in the AOR, as appropriate. These standards might address issues that
impact or are directly related to the mission of the joint force. The CCDR, subordinate
JFC, or component commander may require that CAAF be issued and be prepared to wear
organizational clothing and individual equipment, to include chemical, biological,
radiological, and nuclear personal protective equipment and body armor, necessary to
ensure CAAF security and safety.
II-14 JP 1-0
Roles and Responsibilities
personnel from other Services. The J-1 monitors the timely completion and submission of
evaluation reports.
(3) Policies for obtaining no-fee or official passports are set forth in DODD
1000.21E, DOD Passport and Passport Agent Services.
(4) Contractors are required to comply with HN or destination national laws and
regulations regarding visa and passport requirements. US citizens and third-country
national contractors entering the AOR or JOA will have this information documented in
SPOT as required.
Chapter II
For more information on the process for accomplishing personnel accountability for a
disaster and the use of PARS, see DODI 3001.02, Personnel Accountability in Conjunction
With Natural or Manmade Disasters.
g. Multinational Operations
(3) US-led JTFs should expect to participate as part of an MNF in most future
military endeavors throughout the range of military operations. Such participation with
MNFs may be more complex than US unilateral organization, planning, and operations.
Complex matters (e.g., information sharing, communications system, intelligence,
personnel support, and logistic support) may be complicated further when planned and
executed in conjunction with MNFs.
h. Redeployment Operations
(1) As military forces prepare for redeployment, the focus of personnel support
by the J-1 includes managing the personnel flow to home station; drawing down,
reorganizing, and closing out the personnel services support structure in the AOR or JOA;
maintaining personnel accountability; and continuing to provide personnel support to those
forces remaining in the AOR or JOA. In some circumstances, special considerations such
as tracking cases of infection or contamination may also apply.
(2) Service components may be required to collect personal data, using their
Service system scanning capability when available, for personnel from other Services and
personnel from other organizations who depart the theater through their APOE/SPOE.
(4) Selected personnel data elements of force tracking data systems should
become an established automated feed to the DMDC to assist in CCMD personnel
II-16 JP 1-0
Napoleon I, 1769–1821
1. General
a. Joint personnel planning is the means by which the J-1 envisions the desired
objective(s) in support of the commander’s mission requirements. Planning establishes the
methods for understanding the situation and analyzing a mission; developing, analyzing,
and comparing courses of action (COAs); selecting the most favorable COA; and
producing the personnel annex for the command’s plans and orders. Successful planning
identifies and communicates the intent, expected requirements, and objectives to be
achieved in joint personnel support operations.
b. Effective planning for personnel support to joint operations can support the ability
of the JFC to accomplish the mission. The CCMD J-1 should be fully involved throughout
the joint planning process and collaborate with other staff directors in the preparation of
the commander’s estimate, plan development, and force flow conferencing. J-1s validate
and assess the requirements and sourcing of all staff augmentation on the HQ joint manning
document (JMD). The CCMD J-1 coordinates the early arrival in theater of necessary
personnel support capable organizations to enable required personnel support services and
personnel accountability functions.
2. Personnel Estimate
The personnel estimate collects and analyzes relevant information for developing
(within the time limits and available information) COAs and informing decision making
that supports and impacts the planning and execution of the mission. The CCMD J-1
assists the commander in reaching a decision by estimating whether a particular operation
or mission is supportable from a personnel perspective. The personnel estimate process is
applicable to any operational situation and to any level of command and is used in the joint
planning process. Information on preparation of the personnel estimate may be found in
Appendix A, “Personnel Estimate.”
Chapter III
general administration message to the Joint Staff to validate the JMD for joint sourcing of
the joint individual augmentee positions.
b. If a mission is delineated via SecDef orders, and the CCDR determines it requires
a JTF to execute, then the CCDR will designate one of the CCMD Service components or
an allocated unit to form the core of the JTF HQ. The staff of this core HQ should identify
its personnel requirements to execute the mission. These requirements are translated into
a JMD to achieve adequate manning levels with a proper mix of military and civilian
personnel with the correct skills to facilitate mission success.
(1) JTF Roles. The commander, joint task force (CJTF), in concert with the
establishing commander’s staff, develops and organizes a draft JTF JMD that will be
forwarded for validation and approval.
(a) This document provides the baseline for JTF HQ staffing and is used for
strength reporting, personnel accounting, awards eligibility determination, base support,
and a host of other services and functions. The staffing requirements associated with the
JTF HQ are organized based on specific mission requirements.
(b) During JMD development, the CJTF will evaluate current personnel
resources available to meet requirements. The CJTF should fill as many requirements as
possible from CJTF’s immediate available personnel assets consistent with mission
requirements and guidelines for forming a JTF. The CCMD J-1 will attempt to fill any
remaining vacancies in JMD billets from internal assets prior to Joint Staff J-1 validation
(IAW CJCSI 1301.01, Joint Individual Augmentation Procedures). Flexibility should be
built into the joint manning process, providing strategy alignment across the CCMDs and
(2) Establishing CCDR Roles. If the establishing CCDR decides to direct the
operation using the HQ staff versus a JTF, the establishing CCMD’s J-1 will coordinate
with the staff directorates to identify and validate required augmentation to the establishing
CCDR’s staff. Once that is determined, the establishing CCDR should provide this initial
draft JMD to the Service components to effect planning for sourcing their respective
portions. The JMD is a living document subject to refinement due to changing mission
requirements or other factors that increase or decrease personnel requirements. Prior to
completion of JMD validation, the establishing CCMD’s J-1 should consider feedback
received from Service components and Joint Staff J-1. The end product of this coordination
and CCDR approval will be a validated JMD. Refer to CJCSI 1301.01, Joint Individual
Augmentation Procedures, for further information.
III-2 JP 1-0
Joint Personnel Planning
d. The establishing CCMD’s J-1 maintains the JMD. Any subsequent additions,
deletions, or changes to the JTF JMD requires coordination with and validation by the Joint
Staff J-1.
f. Early, frequent, and inclusive coordination with the Services during JMD validation
and sourcing results in fewer requests for information from the joint force providers and
improved sourcing levels. As such, whenever practicable, theater Service component
manpower representatives should be included in the JMD WG.
Planning is the key to ensuring accurate personnel visibility data reporting. Services
and their components need awareness of the theater personnel visibility requirements prior
to execution. A well-developed personnel annex within the CCDR’s OPLAN is the best
method to widely disseminate theater requirements. When the concept of operations
(CONOPS) has been established, the J-1 provides input to the OPLAN in annex E
(Personnel), which outlines the plan for personnel support. The format for preparation of
an OPLAN personnel annex is included in CJCSM 3130.03, Planning and Execution
Formats and Guidance. Additional information is included in Appendix B, “Sample
Format for Annex E (Personnel) to Operations Plans.” Specifically, this plan incorporates
the provisions and functions outlined in Chapter II, “Roles and Responsibilities,” paragraph
3, “Joint Force Command Manpower and Personnel Directorate Responsibilities.”
Time-phasing of personnel support and personnel services support units during joint
operation planning is a critical planning consideration. There may be an early need for
such specialists as postal personnel management specialists, deployment system
management, personnel service support, linguists, legal, religious, finance, medical
personnel, and others. The J-1 (or the designated directorate) identifies these special skill
requirements to the CCDR during establishment of the theater command and support
structure to ensure these personnel support assets are present when needed. The J-1
planners with time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD) or FMTS experience
attend force flow conferences or planning conferences to ensure personnel support and
services support requirements are properly reflected in the TPFDD or FMTS database.
a. General
Chapter III
(1) A JTF is usually part of a larger national or international effort to prepare for
or react to a specific situation. In most situations, the JTF establishing authority will be a
(5) A JTF is disestablished by the establishing commander when the purpose for
which it was created has been achieved or when it is no longer required. The J-1 plays a
role in determining manpower requirements and sourcing personnel for the JTF HQ. See
JP 3-33, Joint Force Headquarters, for guidance on JFHQ establishment.
b. Composition of a JTF HQ
(1) JTFs may take many forms and sizes as they are employed across the
competition continuum. The specific organization, staffing, and command relationships
will vary based on the mission assigned, the operational environment, the makeup of the
threat or nature of the crisis (e.g., flood, earthquake), and the time available to achieve the
(b) In some cases, the CCDR may designate an existing JFHQ as the HQ
element and augment it with additional Service functional experts.
III-4 JP 1-0
Joint Personnel Planning
(3) JTFs may be established on a geographical area or functional basis when the
mission has a specific limited objective. Even as a US unilateral force, a JTF will usually
operate with interagency, international organization, NGO, and multinational partners,
which the CJTF and staff work with and through.
a. The JTF J-1 is principal staff assistant to the CJTF on manpower management,
personnel management, personnel readiness, and personnel services.
b. Organization and responsibilities of a JTF J-1 are included in JP 3-33, Joint Force
Headquarters. The actual composition of the JTF J-1 will be dictated by the overall
organization of the joint force and the operations to be conducted. A typical JTF J-1
consists of three divisions: human capital, personnel readiness, and personnel.
(1) Human capital division provides policy oversight on joint manpower and
management of joint forces and US contributions to multinational military organizations.
This includes monitoring JMD fills and requirements and coordinating changes to the JTF
JMD as conditions change.
(2) Personnel readiness division provides plans, policy, and guidance on joint
personnel issues, to include oversight of joint personnel operations. Personnel readiness
plans include development of the manpower mobilization requirements for inclusion in
plans and orders. Personnel readiness issues normally are addressed in the plans and
operations division of a J-1.
(3) Personnel services division accomplishes actions for the internal staff,
military members of the JTF, and DOD civilian employees of the JTF. It also includes
limited administrative requirements related to DOD CAAF.
8. Personnel Visibility
Chapter III
b. The joint personnel visibility mission does not infringe upon the Service’s Title 10,
USC, responsibility for personnel accountability. The Services report their joint personnel
status on their personnel who are physically located in a CCDR’s AOR. This data approach
leverages existing technology to produce a data validation JPERSTAT.
(1) The Contingency Tracking System (CTS) was developed by the DMDC to
comply with DODI 6490.03, Deployment Health. CTS deployment files are used to
identify personnel deployed in support of overseas contingency operations and provide
information for medical surveillance programs during and after deployments. The
deployments and activations data provide information to determine individual and family
member benefits.
(2) The DMDC has implemented the JPARR application consisting of a data
repository that consumes and reconciles data from existing Service deployment systems,
the CTS, and other authoritative sources (e.g., SPOT, JAMMS, Department of Defense
Civilian Personnel Database System, DBIDS, and FMTS). Service deployment systems
require the capability to consume JPARR feedback data to give them not only visibility of
duplicative and/or erroneous records but visibility of Service members purported to be in
a theater who were reported through another Service’s system or authoritative source. The
JPARR application also provides near real time personnel reporting and produces an
automated, SIPRNET, joint personnel strength report and establishes the baseline for
congressionally mandated monthly reports. Further, the JPARR application provides
DOD-wide access to personnel data as a net-centric service. JPARR data sources are listed
in Figure III-1.
d. The supported CCDR will establish and publish policies, procedures, and standards
to accomplish the personnel visibility mission in their AOR.
III-6 JP 1-0
Joint Personnel Planning
Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT) for deployed DOD-funded contractors
US Air Force Deliberate Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segment (DCAPES)
United States Strategic Command Personnel Location and Centralized Event System (PLACES)
United States Transportation Command Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System
Figure III-1. Joint Personnel Accountability Reconciliation and Reporting Data Sources
Chapter III
(o) Air Mobility Command operations (en route support units and contracted
(c) Intertheater travel (coming from another nation outside the AOR),
(d) Intratheater travel (travel between nations within the AOR), and
(3) Scanning will be conducted at all locations and the data will be fed either to
the Service’s deployment system on SIPRNET or to JAMMS on NIPRNET.
a. Sexual assault is a criminal act that threatens mission readiness and unit cohesion.
Combating sexual assault relies on strong leadership. Commanders will establish policies
and procedures to implement the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
Program and oversee compliance IAW DODD 6495.01, Sexual Assault Prevention and
Response (SAPR) Program, and DODI 6495.02, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
(SAPR) Program Procedures.
b. Per DODI 6495.02, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program
Procedures, installation commanders develop guidelines to provide continuous sexual
assault response capability. All sexual assault response coordinators (SARCs) have direct
and unimpeded contact and access to the installation commander and the immediate
commander of both the Service-member victim and the alleged Service-member offender.
III-8 JP 1-0
Joint Personnel Planning
The installation commander has direct contact with the SARC; this responsibility will not
be delegated.
For additional information and guidance, refer to DODD 6495.01, Sexual Assault
Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program; DODI 6495.02, Sexual Assault Prevention and
Response (SAPR) Program Procedures; and Service- and National Guard-specific
10. Assessment
b. Operation assessments help the commander and staff determine progress toward
mission accomplishment. Assessment results enhance the commander’s decision making,
enable more effective operations, and help the commander and the staff to keep pace with
a constantly evolving operational environment.
c. Integrating assessment during planning and execution can help commanders and
staffs to:
(4) Determine whether or not the desired effects have been created and whether
the objectives are being achieved.
Chapter III
Intentionally Blank
III-10 JP 1-0
1. General
a. Staff estimates are the foundation for the commander’s decision to select a COA.
The staff directorates analyze and refine each COA to determine its supportability. The
thoroughness of these staff estimates helps determine the success of the military operation.
b. Not every situation needs an extensive and lengthy planning effort. In some cases,
a commander can review the assigned task, receive oral briefings, make a quick decision,
and direct the writing of an OPLAN in message format. Given an uncomplicated task, this
could complete the process. However, most joint operations demand a thorough, well-
coordinated plan that necessitates a complex staff estimate process. Although written staff
estimates are not mandatory, most will be carefully prepared, coordinated, and fully
documented IAW JP 5-0, Joint Planning.
2. Responsibilities
The J-1 prepares the personnel estimate and recommending a COA, during joint
planning, from a personnel perspective.
3. Procedures
(1) Review the mission and situation—mission, enemy, terrain and weather,
troops, support available, and time available—from a personnel perspective.
Appendix A
(2) Consider terrorist threat and force protection (including contagions and other
hazards) in the operational area and appropriate briefings and actions taken to minimize
potential threat to personnel.
(3) Identify the decision criteria that relate to the personnel arena.
(4) Analyze these decision criteria with respect to each COA, identifying
advantages and disadvantages from a personnel point of view.
(6) Conclude whether the mission can be supported and which COA can best be
b. Use the format established by CJCSM 3122.01, Joint Operation Planning and
Execution System (JOPES), Volume I (Planning Policies and Procedures), for preparation
of the personnel estimate.
A-2 JP 1-0
Personnel Estimate
Place of Issue
Date-time Group
1. ( ) Mission. State the mission of the command as a whole, taken from the
commander's mission analysis, planning guidance, or other statements.
b. ( ) Enemy Forces
c. ( ) Friendly Forces
Appendix A
a. ( ) Analyze each COA from the personnel point of view. The detail in
which the analysis is made is determined by considering the level of
command, scope of contemplated operations, and urgency of need.
A-4 JP 1-0
Personnel Estimate
5. ( ) Conclusions
(Signed) __________________________J-1
APPENDIXES: (By letter and title). Use appendixes when the information
is in graphs or is of such detail and volume that inclusion in the body makes
the estimates too cumbersome. Appendixes should be lettered
sequentially as they occur throughout the estimate.
Appendix A
Intentionally Blank
A-6 JP 1-0
1. General
The following sets forth administrative instructions and format to govern the
development of annex E (Personnel) to OPLANs.
2. Procedures
e. The current format and guidance in CJCSM 3130.03, Planning and Execution
Formats and Guidance, must be followed in the preparation of the personnel annex.
Appendix B
Intentionally Blank
B-2 JP 1-0
The Joint Staff J-1, in coordination with the Joint Staff J-3 [Operations] and Joint Staff
J-5 [Strategy, Plans, and Policy], establishes the appropriate global JMD priorities using
the current national defense strategy, national military strategy, and GFM policies,
processes, and procedures. The CCMD and J-1 use CJCSI 1301.01, Individual
Augmentation Procedures, validation checklist and current GFMIG in planning and
executing operations. The following is a checklist of personnel-related activities:
a. Do the JMD requirements meet the criteria IAW CJCSI 1301.01, Individual
Augmentation Procedures?
(4) Can a unit and/or capability be directed to perform the proposed JMD
assigned mission?
(5) Has a joint personnel estimate been performed to establish accurate JMD
requirements (e.g., rank structure, proper skill alignment, staff functionality)?
(6) Has the supported CCDR exhausted assigned forces and Service components
sourcing the requested JMD?
(7) Has a valid and detailed justification been provided for each position?
(8) Has there been an updated execute order and or/mission statement?
(2) Are critical positions (critical joint duty assignment billets) identified?
(3) Are minimum grade, security clearances, and occupational skill requirements
(4) Are special experience requirements consistent with pay grade level and
military occupational designations?
Appendix C
(6) Are procedures established to identify positions available for civilians fill?
(8) In the event of an evacuation, are the positions for personnel comprising the
NTS teams shown on the JMD?
(2) Are casualty liaison teams formed and posted at each major military medical
treatment facility and mortuary affairs collection point?
2. Support Issues
C-2 JP 1-0
Joint Force Manpower and Personnel Directorate Checklist
(1) The opportunity to consult with a legal assistance judge advocate regarding
wills, powers of attorney, family law matters, and other legal issues.
(2) The opportunity to adjust pay allotments, adjust life insurance, establish direct
deposit, and other related actions.
(3) Making provisions to pay members while deployed? Are Service supporting
pay and personnel activities for both AC and RC personnel identified and included in the
(4) Providing passports and visas if required. J-1 personnel should consult the
DOD Foreign Clearance Guidance ( for passport and visa
requirements of not only destination nations but also the nations that travelers may be
required to pass through while en route to/from the destination nation.
c. Has consideration been given as to how personnel will be deployed (TDY, field
conditions) to ensure adequate compensation is provided and prevent unnecessary loss of
pay and allowances?
Appendix C
(7) MWR.
f. Are MWR programs and exchange activities for personnel planned and
g. Is military postal support adequately and equitably addressed in joint force and
component commands’ plans? Has a plan to provide postal services to detainees been
i. Are procedures in place within civilians’ parent organizations to apply the annual
premium pay limitation to employees’ salaries IAW Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations,
Section 550.106?
k. Are procedures in place for preparation of time cards for civilians at home station
or in the HQ?
l. Are policies on differential pay, danger pay, and restoration of annual leave
communicated to civilians? Are procedures in place to complete feedback and appraisals?
C-4 JP 1-0
Joint Force Manpower and Personnel Directorate Checklist
(4) Are procedures in place to ensure Service members who deploy to locations
outside the United States are cognizant of sexual assault issues, as well as DOD- and
Service-specific policies addressing sexual assault prevention, prosecution of offenders,
and the care of victims?
(5) Are sexual assault reporting procedures in place that ensure DOD personnel
are aware of restricted reporting and unrestricted reporting options and services available
in the AOR?
(6) Has a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week SAPR capability been established in the AOR?
(7) Are identifiable, trained, sexual assault first response personnel (i.e., sexual
SARCs, uniformed victim advocates [VAs], and health care providers) forward-deployed?
Is information available to all DOD personnel about the range of assistance options
available in the AOR and how to access them?
(8) Is space provided for normal office operations, to include private SARC, VA,
and/or health care providers’ consultation areas?
(9) Are adequate supplies of sexual assault forensic examination kits, as well as
personnel who are appropriately trained on protocols for use and prescribed chain of
custody procedures, available?
(10) Are policies and procedures in place to ensure unrestricted reports of sexual
assault incidents are referred to a commander with designation authority to take appropriate
(11) Are policies and procedures in place to address SAPR Program applicability
and services for US civilians and US CAAF?
3. Administrative Issues
a. Is there adequate J-1 staff to support 24-hour J-1 operations? (Note: The JFC
should consider creation of an HQ commandant or similar element to perform
administrative functions. If the J-1 is responsible for administrative functions, the staff
should be augmented accordingly.)
Appendix C
directorate of a joint staff (J-9) in concert with current combating trafficking in person
policies? Note: The J-1, J-3, and J-9 should coordinate civil-military issues.
e. Are J-1 supporting plans developed for the evacuation of noncombatant personnel?
g. Are all joint force components provided reporting formats and requirements?
j. Is draft JFC guidance for officer, enlisted, and DOD civilian fitness reports,
evaluations, and/or officer evaluation reports (OERs) published, coordinated with
component commanders, and issued to those responsible for evaluation of assigned Service
C-6 JP 1-0
1. General
2. Responsibilities
a. The CCDR’s J-1 coordinates with the Joint Staff J-1 for formal processing of a
request for SecDef declaration of a contingency operation under conditions when a
decision for Presidential Reserve Call-up has not been authorized.
b. The contingency decision should be made 30 or more days before the activation
whenever possible. This will ensure the additional benefits associated with service during
a contingency operation under a SecDef or Presidential Call-up are available in a timely
A contingency operation is defined by law, under Title 10, USC, Section 101. A
contingency operation means a military operation that is designated by SecDef as an
operation in which members of the Armed Forces of the United States are or may become
involved in military actions, operations, or hostilities against an enemy of the United States
or against an opposing military force or results in the call or order to, or retention on, active
duty of members of the uniformed Services under Sections 688, 12301(a), 12302, 12304,
12304a, 12305, or 12406 of Title 10, USC; Title 10, USC, Chapter 13; Title 14, USC,
Section 3713; or any other provision of law during a war or during a national emergency
declared by the President or Congress.
b. Accumulation of Leave. Military personnel may not normally retain more than
60 days of accumulated leave at the end of a fiscal year except as authorized by the relevant
subsections of Title 10, USC, Section 701. Refer to Appendix H, “Military Pay,
Allowances, and Entitlements,” for details regarding SLA. Special provisions apply to
members in a missing status (Title 10, USC, Section 701).
c. Payment for Unused Leave. Per Title 37, USC, Section 501, the government may
make payments for unused accrued leave. Consult the statute, servicing finance office,
and/or staff judge advocate for guidance on specific situations.
Appendix D
(1) Title 10, USC, Section 1145, among others, entitles the following members
of the Armed Forces of the United States (and their eligible family members) to 180 days
of transitional health care benefits:
D-2 JP 1-0
Declaration of Contingency Operations
j. Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Storage. Storage of POVs for Service members
sent TDY for more than 30 days to a contingency operation or humanitarian assistance or
other emergency operations may be authorized IAW the applicable provisions of The Joint
Travel Regulations (see Chapter 5, Part A, Section 6c).
Appendix D
Intentionally Blank
D-4 JP 1-0
1. General
When a natural/man-made disaster or catastrophic event occurs, the CJCS will provide
guidance regarding personnel accountability. When directed, CCDRs and the Services will
provide OPREPs for the CJCS and SecDef to gain and maintain situational awareness of
the operational environment within the disaster area.
2. Responsibilities
a. The CJCS will monitor the military support provided in response to a natural/man-
made disaster or catastrophic event and coordinate with the CCDR on the assignment of
operational forces and the standing up of a JTF HQ supporting the effort.
b. The CCDR and the Services will provide the CJCS SITREPs through operational
channels IAW CJCSM 3150.05, Joint Reporting System Situation Monitoring Manual.
e. The CCDR will verify the personnel numbers and locations of all forces assigned
to support recovery operations in their AOR.
f. Services will report all forces in the impacted area and personnel assigned to the
operational task force.
g. The CCMD J-1 will formulate the policy to accomplish joint personnel status
reporting, using the JPERSTAT, in their AOR and in their JOA.
Appendix E
(3) All specified DOD-affiliated personnel who work or reside within the
affected geographical area of a disaster, as defined by the CJCS, are required to positively
and personally check in (i.e., physically, telephonically, or electronically), at the first
available opportunity, with the appropriate authority or emergency call-in number
established by the DOD component.
(4) All DOD components will use PARS as the central repository when
accomplishing personnel accountability reporting upon the occurrence of a natural or man-
made disaster.
(1) Appoint a personnel accountability program manager who will serve as the
component subject matter expert on personnel accountability. The program manager will
complete and submit DD Form 2875 (System Authorization Access Request [SAAR]), by
e-mail, to the DMDC PARS program manager to request user account access to PARS.
(3) Establish procedures within the component to provide for the most
expeditious accountability of DOD-affiliated personnel in the event of a natural or man-
made disaster.
(4) Ensure all personnel are provided the necessary information and guidance to
check in upon the occurrence of a disaster.
E-2 JP 1-0
Natural Disaster and Catastrophic Event Actions
(8) Provide Military OneSource with 1-800 emergency call-in numbers for
posting. Emergency numbers will be kept current for immediate posting in the event of a
(9) Require all managers, supervisors, and employees over which they have
cognizance to understand and accomplish their personnel accountability roles and
responsibilities and to understand and emphasize the urgency in effecting these roles and
responsibilities in the event of a disaster and carry out annual exercises.
(10) Ensure all reportable casualties are reported according to DODI 1300.18,
Department of Defense (DOD) Personnel Casualty Matters, Polices, and Procedures, and
included in personnel accountability reports as required. The DOD components, other than
the Military Departments, generally do not have a formalized casualty reporting system.
See DODI 1300.18 for the necessary information.
(14) When reporting is directed, download the baseline population from PARS
and report updates to PARS at least daily, if applicable.
(16) Direct the component and Service lead exercise planner to coordinate with
the DMDC to enable a PARS report capability during an exercise.
Appendix E
(1) Notifies the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD[P&R]) each time DOD component reporting is implemented.
(4) Coordinates with the Director, DMDC, to establish the initial personnel
baseline for all required personnel categories.
(6) Coordinates with the DOD components to reconcile the PARS baseline, if
applicable, as required until all reportable personnel have been accounted for or until
directed to cease reporting.
(7) Establishes, in coordination with the DMDC, the specific reporting timelines
following the occurrence of a disaster.
(10) Coordinates with the Secretaries of the Military Departments and CCDRs
on personnel accounting actions and reports in conjunction with evacuations according to
DODD 3025.14, Evacuation of US Citizens and Designated Aliens from Threatened Areas
(1) Provides the initial baseline totals to the DOD components for all specified
personnel categories as detailed in DODI 3001.02, Personnel Accountability in
Conjunction With Natural or Manmade Disasters.
E-4 JP 1-0
Natural Disaster and Catastrophic Event Actions
(2) Coordinates with the DOD components to account to the reconciled DMDC
baseline as required until all reportable personnel have been accounted for or upon
notification by USD(P&R) memorandum that reporting is suspended.
(3) Serves as the single DOD POC for collecting and maintaining personnel
accountability information for the DOD components.
(a) Distributes PARS reports via the PARS Web application and by other
means upon request. Ensures all CCDRs are on distribution for the daily PARS reports.
(5) Assists the assigned Service liaison personnel in enhancing the quality of the
Service’s data provided to the DMDC Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
(6) Develops, in coordination with the DOD components, the necessary actions
to effect near real time reporting for personnel accounting purposes.
a. The FMTS supports the Joint Manpower and Personnel Program and is the system
of record for manpower and personnel data for the CJCS-controlled activities, the CCMDs,
US contributions to NATO organizations, and selected joint activities.
Appendix E
b. The personnel database hierarchy data in the FMTS is pushed to the DMDC, and
upon the occurrence of a natural or man-made disaster, the DMDC includes this data when
creating a PARS query for DOD-affiliated personnel in a specified geographical area using
the data.
6. Service Systems
E-6 JP 1-0
1. General
2. Responsibilities
The supported CCDR identifies requirements and submits requests for forces to
support the mission. The Joint Staff J-35 [Joint Force Coordinator] validates the requests,
as part of the allocation process, and assigns the validated requirements to the joint force
provider to develop a sourcing recommendation.
3. Rotation Planning
b. The nature of any operation necessitates a rotation policy which, consistent with
Service requirements, addresses both mission and individual needs. Morale and job
performance will improve when individuals know when they will rotate. This is true for
both individuals assigned to the joint force and those who are identified for future rotations.
e. Except when authorized under The Joint Travel Regulations or SecDef 365-day
rotation policy, TDY assignment at any one location will be limited to a period not to
exceed 179 days. However, when necessary, the J-1 participates in the decision process to
request extension of personnel beyond 179 days and is responsible for identifying the
supporting rationale and justification (to include the list of individuals by Service for
coordinating amendments to orders).
Appendix F
(3) A CCDR may elect to approve a blanket extension when units rather than a
small number of individuals are required for extension beyond 179 days.
a. The JFC will document the requirements to support the mission in the form of a
JMD. The supported CCDR will review and validate all JMD positions for accuracy and
necessity. SOF JMD requirements should be approved by the theater special operations
command prior to CCDR validation. Upon CCDR validation, the CCMD J-1 will forward
the applicable JMD billets, along with position descriptions, grade/skill/clearance
requirements, specific reporting instructions, and desired report date, to its Service
components to fill. Since the CCDR should attempt to fill all requirements internally, the
CCDR should also look to staff, contractors, or available MNFs, or request support from a
CSA prior to asking the Joint Staff for assistance. Billets which cannot be filled internal
to the CCDR will then be sent from the CCDR to the Joint Staff J-1 for prioritization and
validation of any unfilled positions. The supported CCDR should estimate the duration of
the position in the remarks of the JMD.
b. Upon receiving the validated JMD from the supported CCDR, the Joint Staff will
start the JMD prioritization and sourcing review process. The Joint Staff J-1 coordinates
the process after approving the JMD for sourcing. During the first phase of the process,
the JMD is sent to the Joint Staff J-35 for sourcing determination on the remaining unfilled
billets. The Joint Staff J-35 works with force providers to fill the remaining requirements.
Additional details on JIA sourcing procedures can be found in CJCSI 1301.01, Joint
Individual Augmentation Procedures; CJCSM 3130.06, Global Force Management
Allocation Policies and Procedures; and the GFMIG.
d. Should a force provider disagree with the supported CCDR ordered requirements,
they can reclama IAW the GFMIG and procedures listed in CJCSM 3130.06, Global Force
Management Allocation Policies and Procedures.
F-2 JP 1-0
Individual Augmentation Planning and Procedures
f. The supported CCDR reviews and revalidates JMD positions at least every 12
months IAW the GFMIG. If JMD positions are still required and validated, they will
continue to be filled as previously assigned. IAW the Global Force Management Board
(GFMB) timeline, the annual revalidation and prioritization of JMD requirements may
result in the reallocation of specific high-demand/low-density skills to meet the highest-
priority requirements. The Joint Staff prioritization process ranks JMDs I to X based on
the GFM (Joint Prioritization Manning Document) and GFMB concurrence.
5. Key Considerations
(1) The force providers should quickly and thoroughly identify their
requirements to provide enough time for joint individual augmentees to be identified and
prepared for deployment.
(2) The force providers should quickly ascertain capacity to provide commitment
to source JIA requirements.
e. Service Deployment Sites. Force providers will man, train, and equip their joint
individual augmentees to meet the specific requirements of the CCMD validated position.
Services require CAAF to use a specific deployment center for deployment and
Appendix F
F-4 JP 1-0
1. Reception Operations
a. A CCMD J-1 will formulate the AOR plan for establishing the necessary JPPCs to
accomplish the in-processing and out-processing of individual augmentees (military,
civilian, and contractor).
(2) JPPC operations may be required at all force entry points. This may require
setting up a JPPC “main” at the primary port of debarkation and satellite JPPC locations at
secondary entry points.
(3) The presence or credible threat of contagions or similar hazards may add a
layer of complexity to ensure segregation and/or spacing of augmentees and accompanying
(2) The JPPC serves as the liaison point for a sponsor to link up with an
c. Considerations when establishing a JPPC or theater system of more than one JPPC
should include the following:
Appendix G
(2) In-theater automated deployment tracking systems, which can interface with
JPARR (e.g., configuration of firewalls to allow consolidation of passengers’ [PAX’s]
arrival data from all JPPCs across theater).
(3) Ground transportation from arrival flight line to scanner locations, temporary
billeting, further in-theater connecting flights, and additional required locations such as HN
passport stamping and visa issuance.
(4) Space to load buses and baggage trucks, as well as conduct orderly offload
and personal baggage retrieval.
(5) In-place systems to meet HN-specific requirements such as visas for thru-
transit contractors, HN database checks, or mandatory customs procedures.
(9) Holding areas between air and ground transportation or between commercial
and tactical air transportation. This includes:
(b) Waiting areas during bar code scanning and initial in-theater briefings.
(c) Bed space for next-day or later follow-on flights or ground transportation.
(d) Waiting areas to bar code scan, customs bag-check, and post-manifest
holding prior to boarding follow-on in-theater aircraft or return-to-CONUS aircraft.
(10) Accounting for the magnitude of PAX flow in logistical planning of power;
fresh water; gray/black water removal; and all classes of supply and supply distribution
points, such as mess areas, as PAX wait for flight transfers. Include adequate latrine
G-2 JP 1-0
Joint Personnel Processing Center and Joint Personnel Training and Tracking Activities
facilities. Development of additional contracts such as bed linen provision, linen cleaning
services, dining facilities, and MWR.
(11) HN ground escort requirements per theater policy. Security for the JPPC if
not located on an existing military installation.
(12) In-place systems and documentation for PAX entry to military installations
where JPPCs are located such as identification cards and either orders for military and
government civilians or letters of instructions for contractors. Pre-assembled manifest lists
coordinated with installation security will ease gate entry for large groups.
(13) Proper vetting of HN bus drivers and other contracted third-country national
personnel working in JPPC operations.
c. All CAAF personnel are required to carry a barcoded LOA, issued through SPOT,
which allows them access to, travel within, and departure from the AOR outside the United
d. The LOA will identify USG-furnished support, facilities, services, and equipment
the contractor is entitled to receive (e.g., billeting, messing, medical, military exchanges,
MWR facilities).
e. Contractors not authorized to accompany the force under theater support contracts
or hired in theater by external support contractors are not required to process through the
Appendix G
c. The supported CCDR provides liaison officers to the JPTTA and provides the
supporting CCDR with the task, conditions, and standards to be taught to deploying
personnel. Training is based on the requirements of the supported CCDR.
5. Personnel Accountability
Force tracking is the process of gathering and maintaining information on the location,
status, and predicted movement of a unit while in transit to the specified operational area.
Personnel accountability is the process to identify, capture, and record the personal
identification information of an individual, usually though the use of a database.
G-4 JP 1-0
1. General
The CCMD J-1 has functional responsibility for coordinating pay policy. Proposed
changes to pay and entitlement policies are coordinated with J-4 and the force structure,
resource, and assessment directorate of the joint staff to correctly assess impact on these
support systems; therefore, it is essential that the CCDR and CCMD J-1 are familiar with
current joint pay and entitlements policy and plan for them appropriately. Thorough
consideration of pay and entitlements issues in the earliest stages of operational planning
ensures they will not later become major distractions for the CCDR.
2. Responsibilities
a. Joint Staff J-1. The Joint Staff J-1 advises the CJCS; Director, Joint Staff (DJS);
and CCMD J-1 staffs on pay and allowance matters. The J-1 represents the CCDR’s
interests on items forwarded to OSD for action. The J-1 coordinates and collaborates
internally and interfaces with OSD, the Services, and DOD agencies on policy questions
and determinations. The J-1 works with OSD; the Services; CCMD; CSAs; the Defense
Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Expeditionary Support Organization (ESO); and
the Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowances Committee to disseminate pay and
allowance information for joint operations.
b. CCMD J-1. The CCMD J-1 addresses pay, allowances, and entitlements during
the planning and early stages of operations and advises the subordinate JFC. The J-1
forwards the CCDR’s recommendations to initiate or terminate pay and allowances
associated with joint operations to the Joint Staff J-1.
3. Planning Considerations
The CCMD J-1 staff initiates the decision-making process for entitlements affected by
the operation as part of the planning process. Entitlements should be announced prior to
deployment to ensure consistent pay among the Service components. Planning should
address compensation issues applicable to the operation (see Figure H-1). Determination
of entitlements should be made available to Service components, supporting CCDRs, and
DFAS ESO via official military orders issued during planning (e.g., warning, alert, or
execute order). The following decisions should be addressed as soon as possible:
Appendix H
Basic Allowance Title 37, USC, Sections Current rate Reservists can be authorized BAH
for Housing (BAH) 403, 475, 1009(d) or OHA for deployments under 140
and Overseas days if the operation is declared a
Housing Allowance Department of Defense contingency.
(OHA) Financial Management
Regulation (DODFMR),
Volume 7A, Chapter 26
Basic Allowance Title 37, USC, Section Current rate See references.
for Subsistence (BAS) 402, 1009(d)
Hostile Fire Pay Title 37, USC, Sections Current rate Specific geographic area must be
(HFP) and/or 310 and 351 designated as IDP area. Effective
Imminent Danger Pay upon approval by the Office of the
Title 5, Code of Federal
(IDP) Regulations, Part 1600- Secretary of Defense.
Department of Defense
Instruction (DODI) 1340.09
Hardship Duty Title 37, USC, Current rate (see Specific geographic area must be
Section 305 reference for rates by designated as hardship duty pay
country/city as location areas by Assistant
DODFMR, Volume 7A, applicable) Secretary of Defense
Chapter 17 (Force Management Policy).
DODI 1340.26
Savings Programs Title 10, USC, Section 1035 Varies by program, see See references.
Title 5, Code of Federal references
Regulations, Part 1600-1690
DODFMR, Volume 7A,
Chapter 51
Cost-of-Living JTR, Chapters 8 and 9 Current rate as Reserve Component called to active
Allowance established by the Per duty from overseas location
Diem Travel and authorized Overseas Cost-of-Living
Transportation Allowance.
Allowance Committee for
permanent duty station
H-2 JP 1-0
Military Pay, Allowances, and Entitlements
Combat Zone Tax Title 26, USC, Section Federal tax exclusion Areas designated by executive order or
Exclusion - 112 of all enlisted and congressional legislation.
Qualified warrant officer basic
Hazardous Duty DODFMR, Volume 7A, pay
Area Chapter 44
Officer pay exclusion
limited to highest
enlisted basic pay rate
plus HFP/IDP pay if
Career Sea Pay Title 37, USC, Section Current rate Amount based on pay grade and years
305a of sea duty.
Family Separation Title 37, USC, Section $250/month Public Law 110-417 (Fiscal Year [FY]
Pay (FSA) 427 2009 National Defense Authorization
Act [NDAA]) authorized full FSA to both
DODFMR 7A, members of qualifying married military
Chapter 27 couples. See Title 37, USC, Section
427d for details.
Special Leave Title 10, USC, Sections Not applicable Public Law 110-181 (FY 2008 NDAA)
Accrual (SLA) 701–704 made several important changes to
DODI 1327.06
United Nations JTR, paras 7640, 9230, Not applicable See references.
Entitlements and/or and 10034 DODFMR
Leave para 231003.D.3
Career Leave Sell- DODFMR, Volume 7A, Paid at the same rate Allows members, at their option, to sell
Back Limit Chapter 35 as the member’s accrued leave time in excess of career
Exemption basic pay 60-day maximum or to take leave, or a
combination of the two.
Appendix H
a. TDY Options. The Joint Travel Regulations, Chapter 3, paragraph 032901, gives
the JFC responsibility for determining the appropriate type of TDY status of personnel
assigned to a joint force performing duty under similar conditions in the same operational
area. When practical, it is extremely important that the TDY option be determined and
announced prior to the beginning of an operation, as it needs to be reflected in travel orders.
Officers and enlisted personnel retain their previous level of basic allowance for
subsistence (BAS) but pay for meals. Officer and enlisted personnel do not receive per
diem on sea duty. Determinations of TDY status should specifically indicate if and how
the determination also applies to federal civilian employees who deploy to the operational
area. One of three statutes apply in priority order.
(1) Regular TDY. This is the preferred deployment status for operational
missions. Personnel are reimbursed for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses at the local
area rate. All officer and enlisted personnel retain their previous level of BAS under this
option. JFCs should arrange, whenever possible, for government or contracted messing
and quarters to be provided to members of the joint force. When meals and lodging are
provided, reimbursement for per diem is limited to the incidental expenses and is normally
paid after Service members return to their home stations.
(2) Essential Unit Messing. Units are directed by the JFC to utilize government
meals when it is essential to operational readiness, the conduct of operations, or effective
training. This applies only to units and operational detachments or elements, not to
individuals. Enlisted personnel retain previous levels of BAS but pay for meals at the
discounted meal rate via mandatory pay account collection. All deploying personnel
receive the daily incidental expense allowance, effective on the date authorized by the JFC.
(3) Field Duty. Designated by the JFC, this should only be used when directed
by The Joint Travel Regulations or it is determined the essential unit messing is not
appropriate. Personnel are directed to utilize government-provided meals. Officer and
enlisted personnel do not lose their BAS but pay for meals at the discounted meal rate via
mandatory pay account collection. No additional allowances are provided.
b. IDP. For specific details on IDP, refer to DODI 1340.09, Hazard Pay (HZP)
Program; DODI 1340.26, Assignment and Special Duty Pays; and DOD 7000.14-R,
Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7A, Chapter 10.
(1) CCDRs submit recommendations for area designations to the Joint Staff J-1.
The recommendation specifies the land area (an entire nation or part of a nation, specific
city), sea area (longitude and latitude of points marking the boundary), airspace, and coastal
waters affected as applicable. The area definition should be unclassified. The
recommendation should also include a detailed explanation of the threat pertinent to each
area (land, maritime, air) that justifies designation.
(2) On receipt of the recommendation, the Joint Staff, through the Defense
Intelligence Agency, generates a threat assessment and evaluates and coordinates the
H-4 JP 1-0
Military Pay, Allowances, and Entitlements
request with the Services. If approval is supportable, the Joint Staff endorses the CCDR’s
recommendation to PDUSD(P&R), who has final approval authority. Prior to approving
or disapproving the request, OSD coordinates with DOS, the OSD Comptroller, and the
OSD General Counsel.
(4) When in an area that is not authorized IDP, a one-time payment of hostile fire
pay (HFP) may be authorized. For example, if a Service member is wounded while on
patrol (in a nation not designated an IDP area), HFP is automatic based on the certification
of the commanding officer. HFP is payable at the same monthly rate as IDP.
a. Career Sea Pay (CSP). Payable to all members in pay grades E-1 through O-6,
except commissioned officers of the Army, Air Force, and Space Force with three or less
years of cumulative sea duty and enlisted members of the Air Force and Space Force in
pay grades below E-4. Members on sea duty do not lose their entitlement to BAS but must
pay for meals provided at the discounted meal rate via mandatory pay account collection.
Appendix H
d. SLA. Pursuant to Title 10, USC, Section 701(f)(1), certain Service members who
would otherwise lose accumulated leave in excess of 60 days at the end of a fiscal year (75
days from 1 October 2008 until 30 September 2015) may retain an accumulated total of up
to 120 days of leave. To be eligible to accumulate up to 120 days, Service members must
serve on active duty for a continuous period of at least 120 days in an area in which the
member is entitled to special pay under Title 37, USC, Section 310, or while assigned to a
deployable ship or mobile unit or other similar prescribed duty as determined by the
Military Department Secretary concerned or are performing duties designated by the
Military Department Secretary concerned as a qualifying duty.
(1) Leave may be carried over from two to four fiscal years in which the
qualifying continuous period of services terminates, depending on the circumstances. See
DODI 1327.06, Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, for details.
(2) In addition, pursuant to Title 10, USC, Section 70, certain other Service
members who serve on active duty in an assignment in support of a contingency operation
are permitted to retain any accumulated leave in excess of the number of days of leave
authorized to be accumulated under subsections Title 10, USC, Section 70, until the end of
the second fiscal year after the fiscal year in which said service on active duty is terminated.
(3) Personnel assigned to unit, HQ, and supporting staffs who are prohibited from
taking leave because of their involvement in supporting a qualifying operational mission
may also qualify for SLA. One-time SLA sell-back, to be sold at any time, is authorized
for enlisted Service members for leave accumulated in excess of 120 days. Under this
provision, an enlisted Service member may sell-back up to 30 days of SLA only once (this
does not apply to officers). Such a sell-back counts toward the active duty Service
member’s cap of 60 days over a career.
e. United Nations (UN) Entitlements and Leave. It is DOD policy that, normally,
US personnel in units detailed to the UN will not contract with or receive direct payment
from the UN; exceptions must be approved by SecDef. US personnel detailed or assigned
to the UN for peace operations may use UN leave. When taking time off in the geographic
area of the UN force commander’s or chief military observer’s authority, the personnel
may take UN pass or leave as approved by the appropriate UN official and US leave will
not be charged. When US personnel desire to take leave outside the geographic area of the
UN force commander’s or chief military observer’s authority, the individual must take US
leave or pass approved by the US chain of command in conjunction with an approved UN
leave or pass.
H-6 JP 1-0
Military Pay, Allowances, and Entitlements
The J-1 and financial management authorities should coordinate limitations on local
payments and check cashing to ensure equitable treatment of all deployed Service
members. US command authorities, HNs, UN authorities, or other authority may impose
limitations on the amounts of cash payments deployed personnel may receive and on the
amounts of currency they may carry when leaving an operational area. A determination
also needs to be made of the type of currency, US or foreign, to be paid to US forces.
Appendix H
Intentionally Blank
H-8 JP 1-0
1. General
a. Postal operations and services have a significant effect on morale. Similarly, large
postal volumes can have an impact on logistics operations. Postal service is common to
all Services and is therefore conducted as a joint operation.
b. JFC’s have expectations for timely postal delivery and unrestricted services.
Although assigned as a personnel support planning function, postal planning encompasses
significant logistic functions. Planning for diverse logistic issues like dedicated air
transportation, contracted ground transportation, early deployment of postal personnel
palletization crews, container moving and lifting equipment, specialized postal equipment,
and sufficient in-theater postal facilities is critical for supporting a JFC. Coordination and
communication with logistic and personnel planners is necessary for successful postal
operations planning and mission accomplishment.
2. Responsibilities
The Military Postal Service (MPS) provides postal services to the active duty and
civilian components of the Armed Forces of the United States. The MPS is regulated by
both USPS and DOD regulations. Requests to expand services beyond those limits cannot
be made arbitrarily. Questions, concerns, or conflicts should be directed to:
Executive Director
Military Postal Service Agency
2530 Crystal Drive Suite 13101
Arlington VA 22202-3965
a. DOD. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment provides
policy guidance and direction concerning the use of the MPS by DOD components, other
USG departments and agencies, and NGOs through the Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Sustainment. The Secretary of the Army is the DOD EA for the MPS.
(2) Provides legal services on MPS-related issues before the USPS, the Postal
Regulatory Commission, and other federal regulatory organizations.
(3) Maintains and operates the Inter-Service Postal Training Activity for the
training of the Services’ postal personnel.
(4) Maintains and funds the MPSA in the National Capital Region, including
subordinate joint military postal activities (JMPAs) collocated at USPS activities in the
United States. The MPSA manages the MPS worldwide IAW DOD policies and will not
Appendix J
(5) Designates a general officer (or equivalent civilian grade) to be the Executive
Director, MPSA.
(a) The Executive Director, MPSA, operates under the authority, direction,
and control of the DOD EA for the MPS to achieve the effective and efficient oversight of
the MPS throughout DOD, the integration of postal transportation and distribution
procedures worldwide, the implementation of uniform worldwide postal practices and
procedures, and the management and operation of the MPSA.
(c) The MPSA distributes MPS policy and provides guidance to enhance the
efficient and effective management of the MPS. MPSA and/or JMPA responsibilities are
listed in DODD 5101.11E, DOD Executive Agent for the Military Postal Service (MPS)
and Official Mail Program (OMP); DODI 4525.09, Military Postal Service (MPS); and
DOD 4525.6-M, Department of Defense Postal Manual.
c. CCMD. The CCDRs with applicable AOR responsibilities control theater postal
personnel and resources and establish the priority of mail movement from APODs/SPODs
and onward to the operational areas IAW DOD 4525.6-M, Department of Defense Postal
Manual. The theater postal transportation manager will coordinate transportation routes
with the transportation manager at the MPSA and JMPA. The transportation manager,
MPSA, will select mail transportation routes within the guidelines of USPS and DOD
transportation statutes. Any requirements or issues with the level of service to and from
the primary hubs in the CCDR’s AOR are elevated to the USPS HQ through the MPSA.
The CCDR’s postal staff retains responsibility for theater postal operations.
d. CCMD Joint Postal Cell (JPC). The JPC will implement postal operations in the
operational area IAW CCMD guidance and USPS and DOD regulations. The CCMD
postal staff performs the following tasks:
J-2 JP 1-0
Postal Operations
(d) Requests free mail privileges IAW Title 39, USC, Sections 3401, and
DODI 4525.09, Military Postal Service (MPS), when appropriate.
(f) Ensures individual SCC postal managers develop and maintain casualty
mail procedures and directory services information.
(g) Provides MPS postal net alerts (PNAs), SITREPs, and transit time
(h) Acts as the POC for all operational area MPS-related queries,
congressional and Inspector General inquiries, and Service complaints.
(j) Prepares for expedited voting ballot support and holiday mail surge
execution to minimize impacts to customers.
(4) The CCDR may designate an individual SCC with the responsibility for MPS
support within the operational area. More than one designee may be appointed for distinct
geographical operational areas or for distinct operational responsibilities, such as land,
maritime, or air. Responsibilities for MPS operations are outlined in the DOD 4525.6-M,
Department of Defense Postal Manual.
Appendix J
The SPM, with approval of the responsible CCMD directorate, has the authority to adjust
planning factors and execution of the postal mission based on the operational environment
or enable SCCs to resume limited or full control of their postal resources. This enables
integration and distribution of limited resources whenever mail volume exceeds processing
capacity. SPM responsibilities are as follows (when inactivated, the CCMD postal staff
assumes the roles and responsibilities):
(1) Coordinates joint MPS procedures in the operational area and designates
specific roles to the SCCs.
(3) Ensures postal personnel, postal units, and postal infrastructure requirements
are integrated into the time-phased force and deployment list (TPFDL) in time to support
the early flow of mail into the operational area. Planners should ensure inclusion of postal
planning when conducting plan development and TPFDL refinement to ensure integration
of postal issues include identifying any potential transportation, personnel, facilities, and
equipment shortfalls. Postal issues should be addressed during scheduled planning
conferences, to include the TPFDL refinement, logistics, and transportation conferences.
(4) Coordinates with the CCMD postal staff to establish the start of postal service.
Postal service should be initiated as soon as possible after necessary personnel and assets
have arrived in the operational area and legal authority to establish the MPS has been
obtained. Although the commander may determine that other forces have priority of
transportation, this is normally not later than C+30 or 30 days after forces begin JRSOI
(a) When considering activation of contingency zip codes and military post
office (MPO) addresses, commanders must consider operational and procedural time
constraints when initiating requests for mail service. Operationally, JRSOI of postal
equipment and personnel can take several weeks to complete. During JRSOI, units are in
various stages of movement and mail delivery is not possible. Once postal personnel and
assets have arrived in the operational area, the procedures involved in opening an MPO are
as follows:
2. The MPSA assigns a zip code based on available zip codes for a
geographical region.
J-4 JP 1-0
Postal Operations
(b) Once postal assets arrive and post offices are established, mail can begin
to flow. The entire process from JRSOI of postal units to start of mail flow could exceed
30 days to complete. Commanders should factor in the JROSI, legal requirements, and zip
code request process when requesting an MPO. Commanders may upgrade postal priorities
based on a changing operational environment.
(5) Requests activation and deactivation of zip codes. The SPM is the sole
authority for requesting, opening, or closing contingency MPO’s.
(7) On or after C-day 30, or prior to C-day 30 if JRSOI operations are continuous,
initiates and/or processes request for free mail. The CCMD postal staff submits the request
through the CCDR, who evaluates justification for compliance with Title 39, USC, Section
3401, and DODI 4525.09, Military Postal Service (MPS), and forwards the request to the
(8) Processes and maintains any agreements or requests for exception to policy
for support to international military commands, other USG departments and agencies, and
NGOs and forwards through the CCMD postal staff to the MPSA.
(9) Ensures regular, standardized reporting procedures are implemented for all
MPS activities, per guidance from the MPSA. Provides regular consolidated reports on
transportation and mail movement operations, terminal operations, mail volume, and
backlogs, if applicable, to the CCMD postal staff, SCC postal managers, and the
(10) Coordinates and advises on all postal contracting efforts by the SCCs,
providing regular reports to the CCMD postal staff for review.
(11) Conducts staff assistance visits and inspections at all AOR military postal
activities. Assembles joint service teams when appropriate to enhance efficiency.
(12) In the United States, ensures installations establish a postal box for units
supporting DSCA operations. The JTF J-1 (or designated directorate) coordinates delivery
of mail to personnel deployed within the JOA.
Appendix J
force and not require any duties, fees, or other remuneration for this service. During a
forcible entry operation, an HNA/SOFA is not required.
b. For significant operations or when designated, the CCMD postal staff should
establish a JPC or SPM for the joint force operational area.
c. The SCC designated the responsibility for air transportation and sorting will usually
be the Air Force component commander. The SCC designated the responsibility for land
transportation and sorting will usually be the Army component commander. The SCC
designated the responsibility for maritime transportation and sorting will usually be the
Navy component commander.
d. The mail terminals should be large enough to facilitate mail volume equal to 1.75
pounds per MPS patron per day.
e. SCCs responsible for postal operations will provide trained postal personnel for
joint MPS activities such as mail terminals. Commanders determine the flow of postal
personnel into theater to ensure the MPS is in place prior to the start of mail flow. The
sourcing of trained personnel should be based on service population (on a pro-rata basis),
postal services required, and geographic location of the supported units. Note: Population
for Navy afloat units with organic postal operations and embarked Marine Corps personnel
should not be considered for MPO and postal finance office calculations.
(1) Minimum of two trained postal clerks are required at deployed locations.
(2) MPOs should plan for one trained postal clerk per 500 supported personnel
during initial operations (30 days), one additional clerk per 500 for sustainment operations
up to 10,000 personnel, and one clerk per each additional 1,000 personnel thereafter. There
should be a minimum of one customer service window per 2000 personnel served.
(3) Mail terminals should have one trained clerk per 1,500 personnel supported.
f. Postal activities use a pro-rata service postal clerk assignment allocation process to
ensure fair workload representation based on the personnel served. The predominant
component population for an MPO service area should provide the postal leadership for
that activity. Note: Personnel onboard Navy afloat units (including embarked personnel)
served by organic postal operations are excluded from the calculations above.
J-6 JP 1-0
Postal Operations
flow of mail into the operational area. Services should ensure their logistic details or
Service-specific pre-pack inventories are periodically reviewed and updated. Pre-
positioned material should be embarked to support mail terminal operations, and Service
postal personnel should acquire, receive, and set up the pre-positioned material necessary
to conduct postal operations in theater.
h. In general, the predominant component within the operational area will command
the postal facility that serves its personnel. Facilities that perform a joint role will be the
responsibility of the functional component commander.
a. During the initial buildup of a contingency postal facility, military postal personnel
may live within the postal facility as long as a secured door separates the living quarters
and the MPO. Commanders ensure postal personnel are not permitted to have unescorted
access to mail after normal duty hours. The only exception would be security personnel
performing that specific duty.
b. The CCMD postal staff or SPM, if designated, approves all facility design
proposals prior to engineering design completion and fund allocation. Basic facility
designs or locally acquired existing buildings should adhere to or meet basic construction
and security requirements outlined in the DODI 4525.09, Military Postal Service (MPS),
and DOD 4525.6-M, Department of Defense Postal Manual. Initial contingency
operations may require some temporary security waivers (approved by the theater-
designated postal manager, physical security manager, and local resource manager) until
the resources are available (e.g., alarm systems).
c. Commanders plan for and obtain rolling stock (vehicles) to adequately meet short-
and long-term MPS requirements.
Postal operations have been conducted from the back of a military truck to a fully
operational MMT. Refer to DOD 4525.6-M, Department of Defense Postal Manual, and
DODI 4525.09, Military Postal Service (MPS), for specific requirements for establishing
postal facilities.
Appendix J
a. Operations expected to last less than 60 days typically will not be supported by
postal service. However, the JFC has the discretion to adjust this time frame according to
mission requirements. Service components may continue to provide organic unit service
and may expand service to support the entire joint force, if warranted and feasible.
(1) Restrict all postal services for contingency zip codes for the first 30 days.
(2) Allow LCM at 30-day point if JRSOI of postal equipment and personnel is
complete and request to open an MPO has been submitted to the MPSA Operations
Division and returned approved.
J-8 JP 1-0
Postal Operations
c. All size and weight restrictions based on operations should be removed after 90
days. To reduce the amount of frustrated mail, addresses should not be distributed until
after postal units, equipment, and infrastructure are in place.
e. Full postal services, such as postal money orders or registered mail service, may
not be offered in the initial or subsequent phases of the operation due to the required
infrastructure, transportation requirements, security, and training associated with these
services. However, with improvements of infrastructure, postal services can be provided
that are as close as possible to what is received in the United States but IAW HN
a. Postal activities may screen outgoing parcels. The CCDR or Service component
commanders may impose additional and/or more-detailed screening requirements as
needed. The suspicious mail program will not be used as a means for local commanders
to screen for and try to identify contraband mailings.
b. The SPM publicizes non-mailable article (NMA) prohibitions at the local MPS and
CCMD level.
The SPM submits and ensures mail routing instructions are entered into the Automated
Mail Postal System (AMPS). The MPSA reviews, edits, and approves mail routing
instructions via AMPS.
The SPM will coordinate with the CCMD postal staff to establish the start of postal
service. Postal service will start once legal authority has been granted and postal personnel,
equipment, and postal supplies are in place to start and maintain the flow of mail after
forces begin JRSOI operations.
Appendix J
b. The CCMD postal staff manages AOR postal procedures and coordinates
contracted postal services criteria in the theater with the SCCs. The CCMD postal staff
provides specific requirements within the AOR to the contracting command to ensure
compliance with the specified statement of work/performance and provisions within the
actual contract.
a. Free mail is authorized by Title 39 USC, Section 3401. Free mail is a privilege
intended to provide a means of communications for Service members where there is a lack
of infrastructure in place.
c. Free mail is limited by Title 39, USC, Section 3401, to personal letter or sound
recorded correspondence (to include videotapes) and must be addressed to a place within the
delivery limits of the USPS and mailed from an MPO. Examples of sound and video
recorded correspondence include all media forms, such as digital memory cards, compact
discs, and digital video discs. Free mail privileges do not apply to DSCA operations within
the United States. Free mail is normally allowed at locations with arduous circumstances
where postal infrastructure is not in place to support basic communication between the
deployed Service member and their friends and loved ones in the United States. Free mail is
a temporary means to establish this communication link and should be terminated when
postal infrastructure is in place but no longer than one year. Free mail requests follow the
procedures outlined in DODI 4525.09, Military Postal Service (MPS).
f. The MPSA forwards the request with its recommendation to SecDef through the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics) (DASD[Log]).
J-10 JP 1-0
Postal Operations
g. DASD(Log) coordinates with the DOD General Counsel to confirm that the request
complies with the law and coordinates with USD(P&R), for concurrence. Concurrently,
they notify the Postmaster General, USPS, on SecDef’s intention to authorize free mail in
the area requested.
i. Free mail is terminated by the CCMD via memorandum to the MPSA when postal
infrastructure is in place to support Service members or completion of the operation,
whichever comes first but not longer than 12 months. CCDRs review and revalidate free
mail areas periodically to ensure free mail service is still appropriate. CCDRs submit any
validation reports to the MPSA as needed. The MPSA submits a consolidated free mail
report to DASD(Log) annually by 1 October, denoting free mail authorized areas. The
MPSA prompts CCMDs of the one-year termination date for a free mail authorization and
terminates free mail at the one-year date IAW DODI 4525.09, Military Postal Service
a. Foreign military units serving alongside Armed Forces of the United States, upon
the request for their government, may be authorized to move closed mail bags to and from
their nation through MPS channels. This mail is transported at the requesting nation’s
expense. Mail for foreign forces is subject to the same restrictions as those that apply to
US forces. Additional individual national restrictions may apply, including postage for the
b. Requests for foreign military postal support may be received from a variety of
sources (e.g., diplomatic, foreign nation postal administration, foreign nation military);
however, the first military organization that receives the request forwards the request to the
CCMD postal staff for coordination with the MPSA, applicable military commands, and
other departments and agencies.
c. Foreign forces have options other than requesting MPSA support, which include
using their own military postal system, international mail, direct air freight, or their nation’s
diplomatic pouch systems.
Appendix J
(2) The CCDR coordinates the draft implementing arrangement with the MPSA.
(3) The MPSA coordinates with the USPS, OSD, Services, and DFAS, as
necessary, and informs the requesting CCDR of approval to proceed.
(4) The CCDR obtains the requesting nation’s ministry of defense signature and
the CCMD J-4’s signature on the implementing arrangement.
(5) When implemented through the CCMD country team, the mail and
reimbursement process includes the following steps:
(a) When the foreign nation hands the closed bag of mail to the receiving
MPO, the receiving MPO completes the standard form for reimbursement (included in the
implementing arrangement template) and submits it to the component postal manager along
with a copy of the Postal Service Form 2942-A, Military Mail-AV7 Delivery List, or other
transportation bill of lading document. The mail is routed and sent to the destination MPO
for hand-off to the foreign nation military. This is done for both prograde and retrograde
mail whenever a closed bag is handed to the MPO from the foreign military. The
reimbursement form requires signatures from both parties.
(c) DFAS bills the foreign government using established processes, receives
the payment, and transfers the payment to the entity submitting the reimbursement
document using the fund cite annotated on the reimbursement form.
(1) The CCMD postal staff evaluates the foreign government request in
collaboration with legal counsel and drafts an MOU/MOA, including reimbursement
process that will be forwarded to the MPSA.
(2) The MPSA obtains OSD approval and coordinates implementation with
applicable agencies (e.g., the USPS, Customs, DFAS) and notifies the CCMD postal staff
upon completion.
(3) The CCMD postal staff contacts the senior US military liaison officer to
ensure the nation agrees to pay transportation costs for its military mail. Billing procedures
are established in the MOU/MOA prior to implementation.
J-12 JP 1-0
Postal Operations
(5) Upon approval by the foreign nation, the CCMD joint forces postal staff
coordinates start-up dates with the MPSA. The MPSA verifies the foreign government
billing procedures prior to start of postal support.
The UN is recognized as a formal postal administration. It has its own frank, as well
as UN stamps, which are honored by the USPS. Postal service during UN operations is as
a. The UN may provide mail service from the UN mission area to the nations of
individual personnel of military contingents. This service includes both personal and
official mail, which is franked with the UN impression. This service does not apply from
nations to contingents.
c. Only first-class letters and post cards weighing 10 grams or 1/3 of an ounce or less
will be accepted as mail from members of a contingent. Individual members are entitled
to dispatch up to five letters per week, including UN aerogrammes, which are provided at
UN expense. UN aerogrammes constitute the bulk of personal correspondence. Individual
contingents are allocated five aerogrammes per week. No enclosures are permitted in
e. When significant US forces are deployed under the auspices of the UN, postal
support for US Service members is normally a US responsibility.
f. When the United States initiates military operations unilaterally, organic MPS
support is established. When US operations are transferred to UN control, MPS support
will normally be continued for US forces.
g. CCMD’s may provide formal support to UN forces for LCM per the above.
The CCMD postal staff establishes plans and procedures to efficiently process the
surge of holiday mail that begins in November and continues until mid-January. The
MPSA and USPS publish recommended mailing dates for mail to arrive in the AOR by
Appendix J
a. The CCMD’s postal staff determines reporting requirements for all SCC-controlled
postal activities providing support for operations. Reporting requirements should include
the accountability and serviceability of postal equipment and supplies.
b. Postal activities transmit PNA’s (postal offenses and incidents) per DODI 4525.09,
Military Postal Service (MPS), whenever mail transportation is disrupted or impacted
significantly, to include security incidents and combat-related delays or losses.
c. For prolonged operations, postal activities should be visited and inspected at least
annually by the SCC postal managers, CCMD postal staff, and/or SPM/JPC (if activated),
prior to a postal unit rotation, or upon leadership change, to ensure policy and procedural
compliance and to provide additional training as needed.
If approved by the CCDR, the CCMD postal staff will establish postal support for
detainees in the AOR. The CDO is responsible for all detention facility and interrogation
operations in the JOA and coordinates with CCMD postal staff for guidance relating to
postal support for detainees.
The CCMD postal staff establishes plans and procedures to efficiently process ballots
and balloting materials when voting occurs. The MPSA publishes information via AMPS
on specifics of the voting action plan.
J-14 JP 1-0
1. General
b. From a joint perspective, MWR programs may include, but are not limited to, the
following: fitness programs and recreation facilities, exchange and resale services,
entertainment services (to include military band operations), food and beverage sales, book
and video services, newspapers, access to telephones and other communication media, and
rest and recuperation (R&R) programs.
c. Family well-being impacts Service members’ focus on the mission and is thus very
important to sustained readiness. The family well-being of deployed US Service members
is a Service responsibility. In the event of civil support operations, family assistance
centers and/or emergency family assistance centers may be established to support families
affected by man-made or natural disasters.
d. Based on the duration and scope of DSCA operations in the United States, the base
support installation may be directed to provide MWR activities for the supporting forces.
(1) The key to successful exchange support is careful planning in the joint
planning process. Plans should identify required exchange activities and supporting
resources (to include Army and Air Force Exchange Service [AAFES], Navy Exchange
Service, and Marine Corps Exchange lift requirements) and be included in the TPFDD.
Funding for transportation of personnel, merchandise, facilities, fuel, and support
equipment is provided by supported SCCs. Component commanders are also responsible
for providing support to exchange activities such as communications, finance support,
security, and fire protection.
(2) There are four types of exchange activities, all of which may be organized in
support of a single military operation.
Appendix K
(3) Requests for exchange support from AAFES are forwarded to:
(4) Requests for Marine Corps Exchange support are forwarded to the major
command of the deployed unit, or to:
(5) Deployed Navy and Marine forces aboard US Navy ships are supported by
ship-board retail activities, vending operations, laundry, and dry cleaning facilities. If
required, Navy ships store operations may be established ashore in the operational area.
For other than expeditionary forces, requests should be forwarded to:
(6) Requests for Coast Guard Exchange System support should be forwarded to:
Commanding Officer
Coast Guard Community Services
Command Battlefield Technology Center 1
510 Independence Parkway, Suite 500,
Chesapeake, VA 23320
K-2 JP 1-0
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
(1) Initial support is a Service responsibility and will be provided IAW the
Service policy for initial deployments.
(2) Fitness and recreation may be considered the heart of the MWR program for
joint operations. US military units arrange for, or deploy with, a basic load of MWR
equipment included in their organic fitness and recreation kits and an organizational MWR
specialist and/or generalist, if assigned.
(3) The JFC operates fitness and recreation programs/facilities during initial
deployment. At a minimum, units should be prepared to conduct unit-level sports
programs, provide table games for self-directed or group activities, provide recreational
reading materials, provide opportunities for individual fitness needs, and be prepared to
operate activities that sell exchange retail merchandise.
(4) American Red Cross (ARC) services are closely related morale activities
requiring joint oversight and support.
(a) The ARC provides services to active duty military, members of the RC,
DOD and USCG civilians, and their families worldwide to assist them in preventing,
preparing for, and coping with emergency situations and providing emergency
notifications to deployed Service members.
(c) The Secretary of the Army is the designated DOD EA to provide the ARC
with the necessary deployment support. Army Community Services coordinates the
deployment, on-site support, and redeployment for ARC personnel. Costs of
transportation, training, and uniforms (except for those paid for by the Red Cross) will be
borne initially by the Army. The Army may request reimbursement from the other Services
for deploying ARC employees supporting their units and personnel.
(1) For joint force deployments of extended duration, additional support in the
form of Service-level MWR kits or commensurate equipment and supplies are provided
through Service-level channels or procured locally as available to support deployed forces.
Appendix K
These kits may contain strength and aerobic conditioning fitness equipment, sports
equipment, reading materials, video and board games, multimedia equipment and Internet
services to support e-mail communication, and game tables (e.g., pool, ping-pong, and
(2) If warranted, and based on the scope and duration of the deployment, TFEs
will be established. Imprest fund activities may still be required in forward-deployed areas.
(1) As the operation progresses, the CCDR should expand the MWR program.
Commercial telephone services, Internet services and connectivity, direct operation
exchanges (to include food, beverage, and other exchange concessions), special
entertainment events, recreation facilities, and education and library services beyond
recreational reading may be organized and established. Entertainment bands with military
members should be used to entertain personnel, especially in remote or less-secure
operational areas where civilian entertainers cannot be used.
(2) The J-1 organizes component command support and identifies external
requirements to sustain and improve MWR operations on site. A WG comprised of Service
component representatives may be established to accomplish these tasks.
(b) Based on conditions in the operational area and the length of deployment,
the JFC may request that the CCDR establish a supporting R&R program. Upon OSD
approval of the request, the CCDR will develop an R&R program IAW DODI 1327.06,
Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, and relevant civilian guidance and may
designate a component command the responsibility for implementation.
(c) OSD approval of the CCDR’s program is required if one or more of the
following conditions apply:
(4) Armed Forces Entertainment (AFE) Program. The purpose of the AFE
program is to provide free, quality, live, professional entertainment to Armed Forces of the
United States personnel and their family members stationed overseas. Priority is given to
remote and isolated locations, ships at sea, and contingency operations. The program is
K-4 JP 1-0
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
designed to lift the spirits and morale of troops and maintain their readiness and
effectiveness while serving in defense of our nation. While raising the morale of troops
stationed overseas, the AFE program provides entertainers with an appreciation of the
hardships troops endure and helps them serve as a vital link between those at home and
those providing our national security.
(a) The Secretary of the Air Force, as the EA for coordinating overseas
entertainment within DOD, administers the AFE program within the Directorate of
Services under the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services as the
AFE office. IAW DODI 1330.13, Armed Forces Entertainment Program, AFE is
authorized direct communication with the United Service Organizations concerning the
entertainment of Armed Forces of the United States overseas.
Appendix K
(e) The JFC’s concept and/or plan for MWR support should be consistent
with the CCDR’s guidance. The supported CCDR may designate a component commander
the responsibility for administering MWR support. The MWR designee will be responsible
for the following:
e. The following guidelines apply to all levels of joint contingency operations beyond
initial deployment.
(1) The JFC establishes equitable MWR support policies for execution.
(2) The responsibility for MWR operations should include MWR support and
control of all Service-provided MWR resources based on JFC guidance.
(3) In areas occupied by a single Service, that Service provides MWR support to
its own units.
(4) In areas with a majority of one Service and minor elements of another, the
predominant Service will usually be responsible to provide MWR support to the other
Service elements.
(5) In areas where major elements of more than one Service are located, the JFC
designee will establish MWR services.
K-6 JP 1-0
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
funds. In all other cases, NAF generated by MWR activities may be used to supplement
MWR programs through advanced funding or on a reimbursable basis under the MWR
utilization, support, and accountability or uniform funding and management practice, as
appropriate. See DOD Financial Management Regulation, Volume 13, Chapter 5. While
NAF, such as unit funds, may be expended in conjunction with contingency operations,
use of other NAF may not be desirable because there is currently no legal authority for
reimbursement of NAF accounts.
g. Military bands are an important tool available to the JFC to entertain personnel
conducting operations. MWR personnel should actively include military bands in their
entertainment programs, especially in remote or less-secure areas where civilian
entertainers cannot be utilized. The CCMD J-1, or designee, is responsible for ensuring
MWR and military band activities are synchronized. The CCMD J-1 designates the senior
US military bandmaster to perform additional duties as a staff band officer to coordinate
military band activities and assist with the synchronization of military band operations and
MWR entertainment programs.
Appendix K
Intentionally Blank
K-8 JP 1-0
1. General
a. Casualty Operations. Casualty operations are a Title 10, USC, responsibility of the
respective Services. Each Service casualty office provides adequate guidance and
information for its respective Service to facilitate appropriate management of casualty
operations requirements and provide timely and accurate NOK notification for its Service
members. Service casualty procedures remain relatively consistent across the competition
continuum. Casualty processing procedures of deployed DOD civilians and CAAF who
become casualties will be the same as required for military personnel (see Figure L-1).
b. Casualty Reporting. The J-1 casualty reporting requirements are based on CCDR
guidance to make the chain of command aware of status of forces and events under their
purview. The intent is not to duplicate Service reporting procedures. The J-1 casualty
reporting process utilizes the OPREP 3 or other operational reporting means directed by
the CCDR to expeditiously convey information to chain-of-command leadership, to
include the President and SecDef. Whatever communication channels are used, handlers
of personal data associated with casualties must safeguard it closely to prevent inadvertent
release of information to the public ahead of official notification of NOK. DOD policy is
that no casualty information will be released to the media or the general public until 24
hours after the NOK has been notified. In the event of a multiple-loss incident, the start
time for the release to the media (24-hour period) will commence upon the notification of
the last family member.
c. For casualty tracking, care is taken to avoid double counting. By-name visibility
at the J-1 level ensures casualty numbers are accurate, especially with regard to “return to
duty” and “died of wounds received in action.”
d. Casualty liaison teams should be appointed, either as a joint team under J-1
cognizance or overseen by a Service component with a joint mission, at each major medical
treatment facility and mortuary affairs collection point. Communications should be
established between the J-1 and the other Service components to relay updates. Due to the
joint nature of such functions, training should be provided by the J-1. Casualty operations
planners should account for equipment, transportation, and billeting of the teams.
2. Responsibilities
Appendix L
NOK Service Casualty
New Notified of Office
Casualty Status ____________ CCDR
Change Change in Status
Yes ?
(1) ASAP, not later than 24 HQ MO Office OSD
hours after incident
(2) Within 4 hours of CCDR
awareness Senior Lead
OSD/MOC Reporting
(3) Actual notification times vary
(4) ASAP after NOK notification
(5) >24 hours after last NOK (5)
* Changes in status require NOK notification prior to public release. This precludes the release of new
information pertaining to existing cases.
ASAP as soon as possible NOK next of kin
CCDR combatant commander OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
HQ MO headquarters, media operations SOC special operations command
J-1 manpower and personnel directorate
of a joint staff critical path
JFC joint force commander directive
MOC media operations center informal
L-2 JP 1-0
Casualty Operations and Casualty Reporting
a. Prior planning is essential for efficient casualty operations and reporting. When
casualties occur, information must reach the right people as quickly as possible. The J-1
should possess appropriate Service directives and maintain POCs at Service casualty
centers in the event they must assist their components. Procedural mistakes in casualty
reporting could potentially lead to NOK notification through the media rather than through
appropriate Service channels. Because NOK notification is a Service component
responsibility, each Service component trains its rear detachment commanders on the
casualty notification process. Military chaplains should advise commanders on religious
support for the notification process and should be a member of the notification team (if
available) but should not be detailed as the casualty notification officer.
Appendix L
L-4 JP 1-0
“The result of decorations works two ways. It makes the men who get them proud
and determined to get more, and it makes the men who have not received them
jealous and determined to get some in order to even up. It is the greatest thing
we have for building a fighting heart.”
1. General
a. DODI 1348.33, DOD Military Decorations and Awards Program, and DODM
1348.33, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards, Volumes 1-4, provide specific
instructions regarding requesting and processing military decorations and awards. This
section provides a synopsis of the information contained therein as it applies to joint
operations. Refer to DODM 1348.33 for amplifying and specific information regarding
award submission procedures and eligibility determination.
(b) The “V” device is authorized for the JSCM, if the citation is approved
for valor (heroism) in a designated combat area. Military Department Secretaries retain
authority to recognize heroic or valorous acts performed by members of their Services by
award of the Army, Air Force, and Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medals; Air Medal;
Soldier’s Medal; Navy Marine Corps Medal; Airman’s Medal; Purple Heart; Bronze Star;
Distinguished Flying Cross; Silver Star; Distinguished Services Cross, Navy Cross, and/or
Air Force Cross; and Medal of Honor. That authority is retained by the Military
Department Secretary regardless of the activity to which a Service member is assigned.
(2) Unit awards recognize an entire unit’s meritorious service, heroism, or valor.
The Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA), the only existing DOD unit award, recognizes
the accomplishments of joint activities.
Appendix M
(a) The Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal is an award for members of the
Armed Forces of the United States who participate in significant numbers within a
prescribed area of operations in a designated US military operation during which they
encounter foreign armed opposition or the imminent threat of hostilities.
(c) The Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal is presented to DOD civilians
involved in direct support of the Armed Forces of the United States and who meet the
specific criteria pertaining to the duration of the support in a specifically designated
military operation for which a military award has been approved.
(1) It is the policy of DOD that awards from foreign governments be accepted
only in recognition of active combat service or for outstanding or unusually meritorious
(2) Activities normally undertaken by the Armed Forces of the United States in
support of an ally during peacetime are not considered sufficient to merit foreign individual
or unit decorations.
(3) US military personnel are prohibited from requesting or encouraging the offer
of an award or decoration from a foreign government.
(4) Acceptance of foreign awards and unit awards is per DOD regulations;
acceptance of foreign unit awards is per Service regulations.
M-2 JP 1-0
Awards and Decorations
(1) DOD policy provides for the recognition of individual acts of heroism and
achievement by Service members of friendly foreign nations when those acts have been of
significant benefit to the United States or have contributed significantly to the successful
prosecution of a military campaign by the Armed Forces of the United States.
(a) Personal US decorations, such as the Legion of Merit (in four degrees),
Meritorious Service Medal, and a Military Department’s Commendation Medal or
Achievement Medal, may be submitted to the respective Service for approval.
(b) Awards for heroic and valorous acts and for meritorious service in direct
support of combat operations are authorized for foreign military personnel in ranks
comparable to the grade of O-6 and below as delineated by the respective Service
2. Responsibilities
a. The CJCS:
(1) Makes recommendations to SecDef on requests for award of the DDSM and
the Medal of Honor.
b. The DJS:
(1) Adjudicates requests for award of the DSSM, humanitarian service medal
(HSM), and JMUA.
(2) Adjudicates requests for personal DOD decoration exceptions to policy and
makes recommendations to PDUSD(P&R) for all changes to the DOD awards policy.
c. CCDRs:
(1) Adjudicate award of the DSSM, DMSM, JSCM, and JSAM. (Approval
authority for the JSCM may be delegated in writing to JFCs in the grade of O-7 or above.
Approval authority for the JSAM may be delegated in writing to an officer in the grade of
O-6 or above occupying an established joint command or staff position.)
(2) Submit JMUA and HSM recommendations to the DJS for joint units and
activities under their command and disapprove inappropriate requests for JMUAs.
Appendix M
(6) Forward offers of the Foreign Legion of Merit to SecDef for adjudication;
forward offers of foreign unit, service, or campaign medals to the CJCS for processing by
d. Subordinate JFCs:
(2) Forward offers of personal foreign decorations through the CCMD to the
Secretary of the individual Service member’s parent Military Department for adjudication.
e. The J-1:
(1) Initiates requests for award of the JMUA and HSM as appropriate.
(2) Determines eligibility for individual DOD decorations, the HSM, and the
JMUA for individuals assigned to the joint force (makes recommendations for individual
exceptions to policy as appropriate).
M-4 JP 1-0
Awards and Decorations
a. The expeditious submission of requests for individual, unit, and campaign awards
is key to ensuring timely recognition. The following are examples of actions that have
contributed to delays in award adjudication during past operations.
(1) Withholding recommendations for valorous and heroic awards pending the
outcome of requests for delegation of awarding authority to JFCs. Military Department
Secretaries have rejected all such requests in the past.
(3) Submitting awards for joint decorations for units and personnel that are not
permanently assigned but, rather, operationally assigned.
Appendix M
Intentionally Blank
M-6 JP 1-0
1. General
Service regulations for performance evaluations vary. Individual Services may have
specific software that generates performance evaluation reports. The CCMD J-1 provides
guidance for the subordinate J-1 on using specific software programs to generate
evaluations. Reporting officials should document any joint matters duties in officers’
evaluation reports. Performance is evaluated consistently across all personnel, regardless
of ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexuality. The following guidance ensures all deployed
personnel receive evaluation reports per appropriate Service reporting requirements.
IAW Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluations Systems,
AF [Air Force] Form 77 (Letter of Evaluation) is optional for deployed Air Force and Space
Force officers and enlisted personnel, with the exception of deployed commanders who
may require a letter of evaluation (LOE), IAW AFI 36-2406. However, to ensure
deployment experience is documented, all Air Force and Space Force personnel deployed
with at least 60 days of supervision may receive an LOE by deployed first-line supervisors.
If a unit deploys, an LOE is not required if the member’s first-line supervisor also deploys
and remains the first-line supervisor. For 365-day extended deployments, if an annual
evaluation becomes due while deployed and the deployed rater has had at least 120 days
supervision, the evaluation is prepared by the deployed rater. Refer to AFI 36-2406, for
further information, especially as it pertains to contingency and wartime provisions.
3. Army
IAW Army Regulation (AR) 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System, Army officers and
enlisted personnel deployed for more than 90 days receive an evaluation report such as
Department of the Army (DA) Form 67-10-1A (Officer Evaluation Report Support Form)
for officers and DA Form 2166-8 (NCO Evaluation Report) for enlisted, by home station
supervisors, effective the day prior to deployment. Upon completion of deployment, the
first-line supervisor prepares an evaluation report where the soldier was deployed. When
deployed as a unit, no report is required unless a change or event occurs to cause a
requirement for one. AR 690-400, Chapter 4302 Total Army Performance Evaluation
System, is the authority for DA civilian government employees.
4. Navy
Appendix N
of the subordinate joint force signs fitness reports on officers, unless written approval to
delegate reporting senior authority is granted by Navy Personnel Command. The
commander of the subordinate joint force may delegate reporting senior authority for
enlisted reports with the following limitations:
(2) Reports on pay grade E-5 to E-9 must be signed by an O-4/general service
(GS) 12 or above.
b. When deployed as a unit, no report is required if the reporting senior also deploys.
For Department of the Navy civilian government employees, refer to the Defense Civilian
Personnel Data System Portal at:
5. Marine Corps
IAW Marine Corps Order 1610.7, Performance Evaluation System, Marines ordered
to temporary duty (TD) for 31 days or longer will receive a TD report from the reporting
senior at the parent command. This report will cover from the end date of the Marine’s
last report to the day prior to deployment. Upon completion of deployment, the reporting
senior at the command to which the Marine is assigned TD submits a “from temporary
duty” (FD) report. The FD report is observed and covers the period from the end date of
the TD report to the day before detaching to return to the parent command. Early
termination of TD requires an FD report with reason for termination identified in section
I. Submit a not observed report only when the early termination absolutely prevents
meaningful appraisal and is not a relief for cause. Relief for cause requires the appropriate
processing and review. Reports on Marines in a TD status lasting 31 days or longer are
submitted for grade change, change of reporting senior, directed by the Commandant of
the Marine Corps, and annual reports. Annual reports are submitted during periods of TD
lasting six months or longer. When deployed as a unit, no report is required. Department
of the Navy Implementation Guidance 430-01 serves as the authority for Department of
the Navy civilian government employees assigned to the Marine Corps.
6. Coast Guard
N-2 JP 1-0
Performance Reporting and Tracking
chain. The concurrent OER is normally written upon the detachment of the TDY officer
and covers only the period of TDY. The concurrent OER rating chain has the option to
complete the concurrent OER on either the one-page concurrent OER form or the regular
three-page OER form (both within the Coast Guard (CG)-5310 series form). Since the
concurrent OER form has only a two-person rating chain, it is recommended, but not
required, that the reporting officer be a USCG military officer or member of the Coast
Guard Senior Executive Service, since no reviewer comments can be submitted. If using
the three-page OER form, and the reporting officer is a non-USCG officer, a USCG officer
reviews the OER to provide mandatory reviewer comments.
b. EERs for regular active duty members are completed by the member’s permanent
unit. IAW COMDTINST M1000.2, Enlisted Accessions, Evaluations, and Advancements,
the TDY unit should provide written supporting documentation for input to the member’s next
regular EER when a member completes TDY for any length of time. Information on EERs
is available at This Website also contains
a link to copies of the CG-3788 evaluation forms, which may be printed and used as a work
sheet for the TDY unit to submit to the enlisted members’ permanent command as input.
c. For reservists performing TDY at a unit other than their permanent unit for active
duty due to mobilization or short-term active duty for operational support (ADOS), it is the
responsibility of the unit where the evaluee is performing active duty to complete and
submit the evaluee’s regular employee review when the evaluee has spent the last 92 days
or more of the review period at that unit. The permanent unit provides supporting
documentation for the evaluation. In cases where the evaluee has spent less than 92 days
of the review period performing TDY at a unit other than their permanent unit for active
duty due to mobilization or short-term ADOS, it is the responsibility of that unit to provide
the evaluee’s permanent unit with supporting documentation to use in completing the
regular employee review.
7. Evaluation Period
TDY/TAD reporting dates are normally used as the basis for evaluation report start
dates. Exception: when a member fails to report at the required time, the actual reporting
date is used for evaluation purposes.
8. Evaluation Processing
Reports that do not require review, approval, or signature from the CCDR may be
written, completed, and sent to the respective Service HQ by the subordinate joint force.
Reports that require review, approval, or signature from the CCDR are be sent to the
CCMD J-1 as a final copy, free of errors. The CCMD J-1 reviews the proposed report for
accuracy and format prior to delivering the report to the required CCMD office. Copies of
signed reports are provided to the individual reported on and are maintained by the
reporting senior/senior rater IAW Service regulations. The subordinate joint force J-1 may
maintain copies of all performance reports only if permitted by Service regulations.
Appendix N
b. Deputy CJTF and JTF Service component commanders are normally rated by the
c. The CJTF, through the JTF J-1, establishes rating schemes and chains for all other
JTF personnel, with the exception of unit-deployed personnel. Rating schemes remain
within the JTF and follow the CCDR’s guidance and applicable Service directives.
d. Reports for foreign officers are based on policies applicable to the nationality and
branch of service.
N-4 JP 1-0
1. General
Planners ensure DOD civilian government employees and US contractor personnel are
considered in every aspect of joint planning, consistent with their civilian status under the
law of war. This includes evaluating the appropriate manpower mix (military, government,
or contractor) necessary to accomplish the mission, considering trade-offs in risk, cost, and
capability. Moreover, contracted support should be reviewed carefully by all stakeholders
(including manpower authorities) to ensure compliance with restrictions on contracting
inherently governmental functions that are imposed by US law, regulation, and policy, as
well as restrictions that may be applicable based on international law and international
agreements regarding the use of contractor personnel. The level of support of contractors
and DOD civilians should be reviewed in light of sensitivities associated with placing
civilians in positions that might be viewed as performing inherently military functions.
2. Responsibilities
a. A CCDR’s J-1 is the principal agent for coordinating and integrating manpower
plans and procedures for civilian support to joint operations.
c. The CCDR ensures civilian requirements are included during operation planning.
CCDRs will identify positions that may be filled by civilians. They also issue specific
guidance relative to the deployment of DOD civilian government employees and contractor
personnel into the AOR.
3. Planning Considerations
Appendix O
(5) Weapons certifications and firearms safety (if authorized and eligible to carry
a weapon).
(7) PR training.
O-2 JP 1-0
Civilian Personnel Management
For more information on mortuary affairs, see JP 4-0, Joint Logistics, and DODD 1300.22,
Mortuary Affairs Policy.
Appendix O
i. Awards. Awards for DOD civilians are processed through their assigned Service
personnel offices in coordination with the J-1. DOD civilian employees in support of joint
operations may be eligible to receive monetary and Service-specific honorary awards.
DOD civilian employees assigned to joint organizations may be eligible for civilian
awards. Monetary and Service-specific awards are processed through assigned Service
personnel offices in coordination with the J-1.
(1) DOD Civilians. DOD civilians deployed for military operations are provided
the same support and services provided their military counterparts. CCDRs provide
lodging, meals, security, postal support, and medical and dental care, except when
specifically precluded by statute. DOD civilians are entitled to use exchange, commissary,
and morale and welfare facilities while deployed. DOD civilians may be issued weapons
for their personal defense and are not authorized to possess or carry personally owned
firearms or ammunition. The issuance of weapons to civilian employees is contingent upon
the approval of the CCDR and subject to CCDR guidance. Acceptance of weapons by
civilian employees is voluntary, and in the case of CAAF, must also be approved by the
employee’s company. Upon acceptance, civilian employees will adhere to military
O-4 JP 1-0
Civilian Personnel Management
Appendix O
Intentionally Blank
O-6 JP 1-0
1. Background
Language, regional expertise, and cultural awareness skills are vital enablers of joint
operations. This is particularly true when military activities require immediate and
persistent contact with foreign nationals, members of foreign armed forces, and their
governments. Since language and regional experts play a critical role in day-to-day
operations, they are considered high-value targets by the enemy; therefore, care is taken
when considering force protection and operations security (OPSEC). Language and
regional expertise skills can save lives and ensure mission accomplishment throughout the
competition continuum. These skills support in-depth understanding of the HN’s cultural,
social, economic, political, religious, and gender-based characteristics.
2. General
Planners ensure language and regional expertise requirements are considered in every
aspect of planning and day-to-day manning needs in support of military operations. This
step includes evaluating the appropriate manpower mix (military, government, or
contractor) necessary to accomplish the mission, considering trade-offs in risk, cost, and
capability. Moreover, contracted support for language and regional expertise shortfalls
should be reviewed carefully by all stakeholders (including manpower authorities) to
ensure compliance with restrictions on contracting inherently governmental functions that
are imposed by US law, regulation, and policy, as well as restrictions that may be applicable
based on international law and international agreements regarding the use of contractor
personnel. The gender of interpreters should be considered in regions where gender
segregation impedes open communication between joint force elements and HN
3. Responsibilities
b. CCDRs ensure language, cultural, and regional expertise requirements are included
during all phases of planning IAW DODD 5160.41E, Defense Language, Regional
Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Program; CJCSI 3126.01, Language, Regional Expertise,
and Culture (LREC) Capability Identification, Planning, and Sourcing; DODI 5160.70,
Management of the Defense Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Program.
They also issue specific guidance relative to the deployment of language and regional
expertise resources into an AOR.
Appendix P
c. CCMD senior language authorities identify, consolidate, track, and manage all
foreign language expertise requirements for their geographic regions (less SOF). The
USSOCOM senior language authority identifies, consolidates, tracks, and manages all SOF
foreign language and regional expertise requirements on behalf of all of the CCMDs.
CCMDs will periodically report foreign language and regional proficiency requirements
IAW CJCSI 3126.01, Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Capability
Identification, Planning, and Sourcing.
d. Joint Staff J-35, as the primary joint force coordinator, provides a joint sourcing
solution recommendation for conventional force requirements to the GFMB IAW CJCSI
3126.01, Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Capability Identification,
Planning, and Sourcing.
f. Heads of DOD agencies and non-DOD agencies deploying language and regional
expertise resources in support of an operation coordinate all support requirements for their
personnel with the JFC and meet JOA/AOR admissions requirements as established by the
CCDR and IAW DOD Foreign Clearance Guide (; DODD
1400.31, DOD Civilian Work Force Contingency and Emergency Planning and Execution;
DODI 1400.32, DOD Civilian Work Force Contingency and Emergency Planning
Guidelines and Procedures; and DODI 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for Determining
Workforce Mix. They will also conduct periodic reviews and reports of their language and
regional expertise programs IAW DODD 5160.41E, Defense Language, Regional
Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Program; DODD 1315.17 Military Department Foreign
Area Officer (FAO) Programs; CJCSI 3126.01, Language, Regional Expertise, and
Culture (LREC) Capability Identification, Planning, and Sourcing; and DODI 5160.70,
Management of the Defense Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Program.
g. The Secretary of the Army serves as the EA for all contract language and regional
experts for DOD components, except personal services contracts established by in-theater
personnel, intelligence, and counterintelligence or USSOCOM IAW DODD 5160.41E,
Defense Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Program.
4. Planning Considerations
P-2 JP 1-0
Language and Regional Expertise Management
5. Clothing, Equipping, and Training Civilian and Contract Language and Regional
CCDRs identify clothing, individual equipment, and training required for all language
and regional expertise resources, to include all military, civilian, and CAAF deploying to
the operational area.
b. Generally, contractors are required to provide all life, mission, medical, logistics,
and administrative support to employees to perform the contract. When necessary, and as
determined by the CCDR guidance, CAAF may be issued military individual protective
equipment (e.g., chemical defensive gear, body armor, personal protective equipment)
subject to DOD policy, regulations, and contract terms. See DODI 3020.41, Operational
Contract Support (OCS), for more details.
c. Training requirements for civilians and CAAF include the law of war, standards of
conduct, UCMJ, antiterrorism, force protection, cultural and geographic orientation, and
all safety-related training provided military personnel.
Appendix P
Intentionally Blank
P-4 JP 1-0
1. General
Appendix Q
that the JFC monitor the status of personnel supporting UN operations in the area and/or
JOA, as the JFC may be tasked to provide administrative support not provided by the UN.
Q-2 JP 1-0
Personnel Support to Multinational Operations
Appendix Q
Intentionally Blank
Q-4 JP 1-0
1. General
a. Title 5, USC.
h. Mail Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
i. Executive Order 11157, Regulations Relating to Incentive Pay, Special Pay, and
d. DODD 1400.31, DOD Civilian Work Force Contingency and Emergency Planning
and Execution.
Appendix R
j. DODD 5101.11E, DOD Executive Agent for the Military Postal Service (MPS) and
Official Mail Program (OMP).
n. DODI 1000.13, Identification (ID) Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services,
Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals.
p. DODI 1215.06, Uniform Reserve, Training, and Retirement Categories for the
Reserve Components.
R-2 JP 1-0
aa. DODI 1400.32, DOD Civilian Work Force Contingency and Emergency Planning
Guidelines and Procedures.
hh. DODI 5160.70, Management of the Defense Language, Regional Expertise, and
Culture (LREC) Program.
jj. DODI 6495.02, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program
kk. DODM 1348.33, Volume 1, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards: Medal
of Honor (MOH).
ll. DODM 1348.33, Volume 2, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards: DOD
Service Awards – Campaign, Expeditionary, and Service Medals.
nn. DODM 1348.33, Volume 4, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards: DOD
Joint Decorations and Awards.
Appendix R
R-4 JP 1-0
4. Service Publications
c. Pay and Personnel Center Instruction M1000.2B, Personnel and Pay Procedures
Appendix R
Intentionally Blank
R-6 JP 1-0
1. User Comments
Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication using the
Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at:
and e-mail it to: These comments should address
content (accuracy, usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.
2. Authorship
a. The lead agent and Joint Staff doctrine sponsor for this publication is the Director
for Manpower and Personnel (J-1).
b. The following staff, in conjunction with the joint doctrine development community,
made a valuable contribution to the revision of this joint publication: lead agent and Joint
Staff doctrine sponsor, Maj Sean Conway, Joint Staff J-1; Ms. Deb Austin and Mr. Glenn
Palmer, Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Analysis Branch; and Mr. Larry Seman, Joint Staff
J-7, Joint Doctrine Branch.
3. Supersession
4. Change Recommendations
b. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the CJCS that would change
source document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a
proposed change to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Services and other
organizations are requested to notify the Joint Staff J-7 when changes to source documents
reflected in this publication are initiated.
5. Lessons Learned
The Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) primary objective is to enhance joint force
readiness and effectiveness by contributing to improvements in doctrine, organization,
training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. The Joint
Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) is the DOD system of record for lessons
learned and facilitates the collection, tracking, management, sharing, collaborative
resolution, and dissemination of lessons learned to improve the development and readiness
of the joint force. The JLLP integrates with joint doctrine through the joint doctrine
development process by providing lessons and lessons learned derived from operations,
Appendix S
events, and exercises. As these inputs are incorporated into joint doctrine, they become
institutionalized for future use, a major goal of the JLLP. Lessons and lessons learned are
routinely sought and incorporated into draft JPs throughout formal staffing of the
development process. The JLLIS Web site can be found at
6. Distribution of Publications
a. Joint Staff J-7 will not print copies of JPs for distribution. Electronic versions are
available on JDEIS Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+) at
(NIPRNET) and (SIPRNET), and on the JEL at (NIPRNET).
b. Only approved JPs are releasable outside the combatant commands, Services, and
Joint Staff. Defense attachés may request classified JPs by sending written requests to
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)/IE-3, 200 MacDill Blvd., Joint Base Anacostia-
Bolling, Washington, DC 20340-5100. For approval of release to foreign partner nations,
contact the Joint Staff Doctrine Sponsor. Foreign partner nations are not authorized to
further disseminate this joint publication.
S-2 JP 1-0
EA executive agent
EEO equal employment opportunity
EER enlisted employee review
ESO Expeditionary Support Organization (DFAS)
GL-2 JP 1-0
GL-4 JP 1-0
VA victim advocate
WG working group
contingency zip code. A temporary unique postal code assigned by the Military Postal
Service Agency to assist in routing and sorting mail to a contingency post office for
the tactical use of the Armed Forces of the United States on a temporary basis.
(Approved for the replacement of “contingency ZIP code” and its definition in the
DOD Dictionary.)
critical joint duty assignment billet. An essential position for an officer trained in and
oriented towards joint matters. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
data element. 1. A basic unit of information built on standard structures having a unique
meaning and distinct units or values. 2. In electronic recordkeeping, a combination of
characters or bytes referring to one separate item of information. (Approved for
incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
foreign national. Any person other than a United States citizen, United States permanent or
temporary legal resident alien, or person in United States custody. (DOD Dictionary.
Source: JP 1-0)
free mail. Personal correspondence, from a member of the Armed Forces of the United
States or designated civilian, that weighs less than 16 ounces, to include audio and
video recorded media, mailed without postage from a Secretary of Defense-approved
zone. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
imprest fund. None. (Approved for removal from the DOD Dictionary.)
joint manpower program. The policies, processes, and systems used in the determination
and prioritization within and among joint Service manpower requirements. Also
called JMP. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
GL-6 JP 1-0
joint personnel training and tracking activity. The continental United States center
established to facilitate the reception, accountability, processing, training, and onward
movement of individual augmentees preparing for overseas movement to support a
joint military operation. Also called JPTTA. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 1-0)
joint table of distribution. A manpower document that identifies the positions and
enumerates the spaces that have been approved for each organizational element of a
joint activity for a specific fiscal year (authorization year) and those accepted for the
four subsequent fiscal years (program years). Also called JTD. (Approved for
incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
key position. A civilian position, public or private (designated by the employer and
approved by the Secretary concerned), that cannot be vacated during war or national
emergency. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 1-0)
manpower management. The means of manpower control to ensure the most efficient
and economical use of available manpower. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 1-0)
Military Postal Service. The command, organization, personnel, and facilities established
to provide a means for the delivery of mail to and from the Department of Defense,
members of the Armed Forces of the United States, and other authorized agencies and
individuals. Also called MPS. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
Military Postal Service Agency. None. (Approved for removal from the DOD Dictionary.)
military post office. A branch of a designated United States-based post office established
by United States Postal Service authority and operated by one of the Services. Also
called MPO. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 1-0)
morale, welfare, and recreation. The merging of multiple unconnected disciplines into
programs that improve unit readiness; promote fitness; build unit morale and cohesion;
enhance quality of life; and provide recreational, social, and other support services.
Also called MWR. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
personnel accountability. The process to identify, capture, and record the personal
identification information of an individual usually through the use of a database.
(Approved for incorporation into DOD Dictionary.)
repatriation. 1. The procedure whereby American citizens and their families are officially
processed back into the United States subsequent to an evacuation. (JP 3-68) 2. The
release and return of enemy prisoners of war to their own country in accordance with
the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. (DOD
Dictionary. Source: JP 1-0)
rest and recuperation. None. (Approved for removal from the DOD Dictionary.)
restricted reporting. Reporting option that allows sexual assault victims to confidentially
disclose the assault to specified individuals and receive medical treatment and
counseling without triggering an official investigation. (Approved for incorporation
into the DOD Dictionary.)
sexual assault forensic examination kit. The medical and forensic examination kit used
to ensure controlled procedures and safekeeping of any bodily specimens in a sexual
assault case. Also called SAFE kit. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 1-0)
GL-8 JP 1-0
uniformed services. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space
Force, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Services.
(Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)
unit identification code. None. (Approved for removal from the DOD Dictionary.)
Intentionally Blank
GL-10 JP 1-0
JP 1
All joint publications are organized into a comprehensive hierarchy as shown in the chart above. Joint
Publication (JP) 1-0 is in the Personnel series of joint doctrine publications. The diagram below
illustrates an overview of the development process:
Approval Development